Using the distributed light-sensing wind speed monitoring system installed on the transmission line,the impactof squall line wind and typhoon on the transmission line are captured by analyzing the wind speed time-space distribution characteristics and change trends,and the trajectory of the transmission line channel is realized. The squall line wind moves from the large end to the trumpet end of the line,affecting the duration of less than two hours,while the typhoon transits the line with a length of 30 km and is in the eye of the typhoon with a clear structure. In the eye area,the wind force suddenly increases,and the early warning is discriminated through the corresponding early warning mechanism. The measured cases show that the wind speed monitoring technology based on distributed light sensing can effectively monitor the impact of strong winds on transmission lines in real time,and provide first-hand data support for the power department to formulate corresponding operation and maintenance measures according to its scope and degree. It provides an important data source for meteorological departments to study gale activities.
Super-resolution localization imaging breaks the diffraction limit and enables optical imaging with a spatial resolutionof20 to50nanometers. However,traditionalsuper-resolutionimaging cannotanalysethespectralinformationof thefluorescentmolecules. We developedspectroscopicphotonlocalizationmicroscopy(SPLM),whichcansimultaneously analyse the spatial and spectral information of single fluorescent molecule. Using SPLM,we demonstrated simultaneous multi-molecular super-resolution imaging,where the number of fluorescence labels can have largely overlapping emission spectra with only minute differences. Besides,for the optical coherent tomography(OCT), a commonly used optical diagnosistechnology,wedevelopedvisible-lightOCT orvis-OCTto remedythelimitationthatthetraditionalOCTcannot usedforoxygenmetabolicimagingandweareapplyingvis-OCTtoinvestigateblindingdiseases.
Metamaterialsandmetasurfaces(METAs)exhibitunusualproperties notoccurringinnaturalmaterials,leading to great potential in wide fields such as integrated optics,invisibility,super-resolution imaging and sensing,and optical communications etc.,and hence attract tremendous academic interests currently. Progresses brought by METAs are three timeshonored oneoftheannualscienceandtechnologybreakthroughsoftheworldby Science.Inthispaper,weintroduce the construction structure,properties,and applications of METAs,as well as our recent works on designing and demonstrating,differentgratingmetasurfacesforshapingwavefront,smartcontrollingFanoresonance,andfar-fieldsuper-resolutionimaging,numericallyandinpartexperimentally.
At present,most of the materials in the electrical field are polymer composite materials. Conventional mechanical and physical detection methods often fail to meet the requirements for testing internal defects. From practical considerations,destructive experimental methods cannot be used for testing,so non-destructive testing methods must be carried out. There are many non-destructive testing techniques widely used in the internal structural defects of composite materials,including radiographic inspection,ultrasonic inspection,infrared thermal wave imaging inspection,optical holography technology,etc. The first three are the most widely used,but there are also many restrictions in the field of electricalmaterials.Anewmethodbasedonfrequency-modulatedcontinuousterahertzwaveisusedtodetectvariousdefects ofelectricalmaterials.Asaresult,somedefectshavebeensuccessfullytestednon-destructively.Consideringthattheenergy oftheterahertz waveislowandithasstrongpenetratingpower tonon-polarmaterials,thisdetectionmethodmakesupfor someshortcomingsofnon-destructivetestingtechnologysuch asfastdecay orhighenergy,whichhaspositivesignificance inthefield.
AdatasynchronousacquisitionschemeoflightfielduniformitymeasurementbasedonFPGAisproposed.Inthe measurement of the uniformity of large-area light field,the probe step scanning method needs to scan the large-area light field,soitisnecessarytocollectboththelightenergyvalueanditscoordinatevalueofthelightfield.Theenergyvalueand three-dimensionalcoordinatesofthelightfieldmeasurement pointsaresynchronouslycollectedbydesigning asynchronous acquisition circuit in this scheme,and the one-to-one correspondence of the data is ensured. So that the synchronous automaticacquisitionof thelightpulse energyandthree-dimensionalcoordinatesisrealized. By theconstructionof the test platform,thesynchronousacquisitionschemeoflightfielduniformitymeasurementistested.Theexperimentalresultsshow thatthesynchronousacquisitionschemeisfeasibleandpractical.
In order to realize the accurate measurement of Goos-Hanchen displacement,a displacement measurement system based on one-dimensional PSD is designed. According to the principle and characteristics of PSD,the following signal processing circuit is designed. STC89C52 collects the position signal output by PSD through 12 bit AD chip TLC2578,andthentransmitsittoLCD1602throughprocessing,andthentransmitsitthroughUSBinterface,anddisplays the displacement value in two ways. The measurement is completed. The experimental results show that the measurement accuracyofthesysteminthe centerisverygood,andthemeasurement accuracyoftheedgeislow,themeasurementerror is within ±10 μm. The system can be used not only in the measurement of Goos-Hanchen displacement,but also in other experimentsofmicrodisplacementmeasurement.
In this paper,in view of the problems that radar cannot clearly identify targets in the current coastal defense field,andtheoptoelectronicequipmentisgreatlyaffectedbyclimaticconditions,andtheabilitytodetecttargetsisweak,it is proposed to useradarand optoelectronic equipment inthe field of coastaldefense monitoring,andto coordinatethekey technologiessuchasthedetectionworkflow,adaptivesearchtargetsafterphotoelectricguidanceandaccuratecalibrationof target positions are studied in depth,and the respective technicaladvantages ofradar andoptoelectronics are used to make up for the mutual application defects. The radar and optoelectronics in the field of coastal defense monitoring are realized. With functions such as collaborative detection,the technology overall increases the detection probability of radar or photoelectric single-typeequipmentby anaverageof1.2times,andthepositioningaccuracyislessthan40 meters,which greatlyenhancesChina'sabilitytocontrolandmonitortheoffshoreconditionsandsuspiciousvessels.
In optical communication system,high-order modulation technology can realize higher system capacity and higher spectral efficiency with lower rate,PAM4 format provides an effective solution for high-speed Ethernet. A PAM4 transmission scheme is described,andan experimentalscheme forthe transmission of 5 Gbit/s PAM4signalis realizedby usingthedual-channelcouplingmethodofcommercial2.5GHzopticalcomponents.Anoff-lineDSPschemeisdesigned to optimize the data of experimental results. The experiment results show good eye diagrams,which indicates that the proposedschemecanimprovethetransmissionefficiencyofthesystemwhenappliedtoshortdistanceinterconnection.
The entangled orbital angular momentum(OAM)three photons propagating in non-Kolmogorov turbulence atmosphereareinvestigated.Thispaperfocusontheinfluencesofthebeamparametersandtheturbulenceparametersonthe entanglementevolutionofOAMphotons.TheresultsindicatethattheOAMentanglementislessaffectedbyturbulencewith ahighergeneralizedexponent,largerturbulenceinnerscaleorasmallerturbulenceouterscaleandlargerstructureconstant. Theseresultswillbeusefulinfutureinvestigationsofopticalwavepropagationthroughatmosphericturbulence.
Based on the theory of evanescent wave,a muliti-core all fiber device is investigated with kinds of fibers by fused biconical taper technics,which can be used for laser beam combination. The insertion loss of the fiber device is smaller,and the fiber coreparallelism is better. The devices of 19 and 37 fibers have been successfully manufactured. The insertion loss of the device is less than 1 dB. The new fiber device provides fiber amplification network an integrated fiber bundlearray,thatimprovesthespaceutilizationandisconvenientfortheapplicationofthelargescalefiberenvironment.
Inthispaper,the3Dreconstructionofscenebasedonmonocularmultiviewimage,thekeyframesareextracted fromtheaerialimagesbyusingvariousinformationsuch asaircraftandcamera,andthenthekeyframesareextracted,the featurepointpairarematchedbyusingtheratioofnearestneighbor tonextneighbor.Atthesametime,inordertoimprove thematchingrobustness,theKCLDalgorithmisusedto eliminatethemismatchedpointpairs.Then,therotationtransition matrix between the two views is calculated by matching point pairs,so as to further calculate the position and oriention informationoftheviewinthe globalcoordinatesystem.Accordingtothe positionandorientationinformationof theview, the 3D sparse point between matching point pairs is calculated by triangulation,and then the optimal reprojection matrix obtained by using the bundling optimization strategy instead of iterative optimization,and the sparse point cloud is optimized.Finally,onthebasisofthesparsepointcloud,the3Dmultiperspectivestereovisionalgorithmbasedonpatchis usedfordensereconstruction,andthetextureispastedtoobtainvisualization.
Infrared dim target has small imaging area,less available features and target detection is highly susceptible to backgroundclutter.Therefore,howtodetectdim targetaccuratelyincomplex scenesbecomesatechnicaldifficulty. Inthis paper,basedonthepowerfulfeatureextractionabilityofconvolutionalneuralnetworks,asingleframeinfraredsmalltarget extractionnetworks isdesigned based onfully convolutional neuralnetworks to extractthesmall targetposition accurately. Based on the sequence correlation,the energy accumulation in the space-time domain enhances the intensity of the dim target. Filter out the isolated noise through the adaptive filter and finally infrared dim target is extracted accurately. Experimentalresultsshowthatcomparedwithtraditionalalgorithms,thisalgorithmhasthehighestsignal-to-noiseratioand signal-to-noise ratio gain,which is higher than 1 than the current practical Tophat algorithm,which proves that the proposedalgorithmhashigherextractionaccuracyandlowerfalsealarmrate.
Traditional adjusting methods can not meet image quality requirements of middle and high-end lens. Fine adjustment based on centering instrument is popular because this method can bring high image quality for lens. Akind of design of precision reflective centering instrument is introduced in this paper,including the design theory and its technologies,such as collimating objective,reference turntable,lifting platform and equipment display and control. The designexamples areintroduced,includingcollimatingobjective,precisionrotor,electriclifttableand displayandcontrol module. The coaxiality of each lens reaches 2 μm. The experiments show that using this method of this paper can design a nicecenteringinstrument,andthecenteringinstrumentcanbeappliedintheadjustmentofhigh-endlenswhichrequirehigh imagequality.Inaddition,assemblyefficiencycanbeimproved,too.
Accordingtothedefectdetectionofhigh-reflection mirrorusedinsquarelasergyro,thephenomenonthatthere is a blind area in the detection of micrometer-level scratch-shaped defects when using a laser light source is analyzed. In practical use,the defect detection is the same as the incident angle of the light source when the gyro is used,a laser light source is incident on the high-reflection mirror at an angle of 45°,scattered light from defects is imaged on CCD through microscopic imaging light path,the imaging situation of micrometer-level scratch-shaped defects is discussed based on experimental data. A novel laser lighting method is proposed,the light source is designed as a full light curtain lighting mode without dead angle within 180°. The detection blind area of a single laser source illumination is overcome. The measurement error caused by the motion control is avoided. The image processing steps are simplified. The detection efficiencyandaccuracyareimproved.
In order to solve the technical problem of the sensitivity of the flame trigger drops sharply under strong background light,master-auxiliary detector flame trigger technology is put forward in this paper. At first,several factors which influence the sensitivity of flame detection are analyzed. The definition of sensitivity which is suitable for flame trigger in engineering practice is described and the mathematical expression of detection sensitivity of flame trigger is established. According to the influence of flame trigger sensitivity based on background light,master-auxiliary detector circuit is devised. The masterdetector is used to detect the target fire light signal,the auxiliarydetector device is used to detect the brightness of the background light,it also provides the basis for the master detector to realize the gain of signal processing circuit and the adjustment of lens incoming light. The master-auxiliary flame trigger is verified by experiments. The result shows that the master-auxiliary flame trigger can effectively detect the radiation light of firecrackers beyond 85m,anditssensitivityfullymeetstherequirementsofthelong-distancetestoffirelighttriggerinweapontest.
XUSolarconcentratingphotovoltaictechnologyhastheadvantagesofhighconcentration ratio,suchaslessbattery material consumption, high photoelectric conversion efficiency. In this paper, the working principle of the solar concentrating photovoltaic and the latest research progress of the photovoltaic concentrators in recent years are presented. The concentrating theory,design methods and performance characteristics of the different photovoltaic concentrators are analyzed and summarized. By using the secondary concentrator and the optical waveguide,the higher concentration ratio and moreuniformfluxdistribution isobtained. Thephotoelectric conversion efficiencyisimproved. Thepolymer materials isusedintheconcentrator,sothatthecostofthelensandwaveguidecanbereduced.Themethodsofmoldingandinjection moldingareusedinprocessingoftheconcentrator.Itisnotonlytobeneficialtoreducethecostoftheconcentrator,achieve mass production,but also is better to control the production quality. With the reduction of the cost of photovoltaic concentrator,theimprovementoftheconcentratingperformanceandthedevelopmentofmultijunctionsolarcells,thesolar concentratingphotovoltaictechnologywillbewidelyused.