OPTICS & OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY, Volume. 18, Issue 5, 34(2020)
ImplementingPAM4TechnologybyEmploying 2.5GHzOpticalComponents
In optical communication system,high-order modulation technology can realize higher system capacity and higher spectral efficiency with lower rate,PAM4 format provides an effective solution for high-speed Ethernet. A PAM4 transmission scheme is described,andan experimentalscheme forthe transmission of 5 Gbit/s PAM4signalis realizedby usingthedual-channelcouplingmethodofcommercial2.5GHzopticalcomponents.Anoff-lineDSPschemeisdesigned to optimize the data of experimental results. The experiment results show good eye diagrams,which indicates that the proposedschemecanimprovethetransmissionefficiencyofthesystemwhenappliedtoshortdistanceinterconnection.
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WANGZhi-hao, WANGZhi, HERen-xin, LIZhi-yong, KUANGYing-xin, LIULei, WUChong-qing. ImplementingPAM4TechnologybyEmploying 2.5GHzOpticalComponents[J]. OPTICS & OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 18(5): 34
Received: Apr. 14, 2020
Accepted: --
Published Online: Jan. 14, 2021
The Author Email: WANGZhi-hao (16121685@bjtu.edu.cn)