A general expression of the scintillation index is proposed for optical wave propagating in turbulent atmosphere under arbitrary fluctuation conditions. The expression depends on extreme behaviors of the scintillation indices under both weak and strong fluctuations. The maximum scintillation index in the onset region and the corresponding Rytov index can be evaluated from the general expression. Plane and spherical waves in the cases of zero and non-zero turbulence inner scale are given as examples for illustration of the general behaviors of scintillation indices.
A 100-Gb/s high-speed optical transmitter is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Based on frequency-quadrupling technique, two sub-channels with a fixed 50-GHz spacing are obtained from one laser source. Using return-to-zero differential quadrature phase-shift keying (RZ-DQPSK) modulation format and polarization multiplexing (PolMux), only low-speed electronic devices of 12.5 GHz are needed for the 100-Gb/s transmitter. This eliminates the need of ultrahigh-speed optoelectronic devices and thus greatly reduces the cost. The experimental results show that this transmitter can achieve good performance in dispersion tolerance of a 25-km single mode fiber (SMF).
The stable multicast flow aggregation (MFA) problem in internet protocol (IP) over optical network under the dynamical scenario is studied. Given an optical network topology, there is a set of head ends and access routers attached to the optical network, in which each head end can provide a set of programs (IP multicasting flows) and each access router requests a set of programs, we find a set of stable light-trees to accommodate the optimally aggregated multicast IP flows if the requests of access routers changed dynamically. We introduce a program correlation matrix to describe the preference of end users’ requests. As the original MFA problem is NP-complete, a heuristic approach, named most correlated program first (MCPF), is presented and compared with the extended least tree first (ELTF) algorithm which is topology-aware. Simulation results show that MCPF can achieve better performance than ELTF in terms of stability with negligible increment of network resource usage.
Existing manifold learning algorithms use Euclidean distance to measure the proximity of data points. However, in high-dimensional space, Minkowski metrics are no longer stable because the ratio of distance of nearest and farthest neighbors to a given query is almost unit. It will degrade the performance of manifold learning algorithms when applied to dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data. We introduce a new distance function named shrinkage-divergence-proximity (SDP) to manifold learning, which is meaningful in any high-dimensional space. An improved locally linear embedding (LLE) algorithm named SDP-LLE is proposed in light of the theoretical result. Experiments are conducted on a hyperspectral data set and an image segmentation data set. Experimental results show that the proposed method can efficiently reduce the dimensionality while getting higher classification accuracy.
We have designed and demonstrated a simple, wide field-of-view (FOV=60\circ) foveated imaging system utilizing a deformable mirror. The deformable mirror is used to dynamically correct the off-axis aberrations that limit the useful FOV of the system. The system mimics the operation of human eye through creating an image with variable spatial resolution and can be made significantly smaller and more compact than a conventional wide FOV system. Experiments show that this system can be used in many areas where size, weight, and data transmission bandwidth are critical.
A new screen-spot imaging method based on optical measurement is proposed, which is applicable to the close-range measurement of aircraft's three-dimensional (3D) attitude parameters. Laser tracker is used to finish the global calibrations of the high-speed cameras and the fixed screens on test site, as well as to establish media-coordinate-frames among various coordinate systems. The laser cooperation object mounted on the aircraft surface projects laser beams on the screens and the high-speed cameras synchronously record the light-spots' position changing with aircraft attitude. The recorded image sequences are used to compute the aircraft attitude parameters. Based on the matrix analysis, the error sources of the measurement accuracy are analyzed, and the maximum relative error of this mathematical model is estimated. The experimental result shows that this method effectively makes the change of aircraft position distinguishable, and the error of this method is no more than 3' while the rotation angles of three axes are within a certain range.
Real-time measurement of the fast axis angle of a quarter-wave plate based on simultaneous phase shifting technique is presented. The simultaneous phase shifting function is realized by an orthogonal grating, a diaphragm, an analyzer array, and a 4-quadrant detector. The intensities of the light beams from the four analyzers with different azimuths are measured simultaneously. The fast axis angle of the quarter-wave plate is obtained through the four light intensity values. In this method, rotating elements are not required, so real-time measurement is achieved.
The basic idea of the finite element beam propagation method (FE-BPM) is described. It is applied to calculate the fundamental mode of a channel plasmonic polariton (CPP) waveguide to confirm its validity. Both the field distribution and the effective index of the fundamental mode are given by the method. The convergence speed shows the advantage and stability of this method. Then a plasmonic waveguide with a dielectric strip deposited on a metal substrate is investigated, and the group velocity is negative for the fundamental mode of this kind of waveguide. The numerical result shows that the power flow direction is reverse to that of phase velocity.
Localized modes in one-dimensional (1D) media with uniaxial scatterers that are assumed to be order in spatial location but disorder in spatial orientation of their optical axis are investigated. Based on the holistic effect model in random laser, i.e., the random laser is due to the interaction of the complex localized modes in active random media with local aperiodic quasi-structure with appropriate pump light, a physical model on this type of random media is found. Its disorder degree is defined by D=no/ne. Then, the typical transmission spectrum through the random media and the light field intensity distribution corresponding to the defect modes in photonic band-gap are calculated numerically by means of the transfer matrix method, and the condition that the localized mode appears is discussed. Results show that the medium disorder plays an important role in determining the lightwave state. The localized state appears when the medium disorder is strong enough, and a new mechanism creating random laser phenomenon is brought forward.
A pyrotechnically pumped Nd glass laser is demonstrated by the use of pyrotechnic flashlamps composed of several chemical materials arranged in a stable plane concave resonator cavity. The flashlamp was made of chemical mixture with oxidant, fuel, and binder. The emission spectrum of pyrotechnic flame covered most of the absorption bands of Nd3+ in phosphate glass. Under 4.56-g chemical mixture pumping, long pulse output power of about 5.5 W was achieved.
We report on hundred watts range ytterbium-doped all-fiber laser assembly based on the master oscillator power amplifier structure. It consisted of an oscillator and an amplifier with all-fiber components. And fiber fusion splice made the laser be an integrated fiber system. It generated up to 175.5 W of continuous-wave (CW) output power at 1085 nm with more than 75% extraction efficiency in the amplifier when the total coupled pump power into the double clad fiber was 270 W.
Watt-level short fiber lasers side-pumped through fiber-to-waveguide couplers are demonstrated. The fiber lasers are fabricated from Nd-doped phosphate glass with large numerical aperture of 0.2 and rectangular cross section of 1.5\times0.5 (mm). Single transverse mode output is achieved by the gain-guiding effect. Average power of 1 W is generated from a 4.0-cm-long fiber laser with a slope efficiency of 10%.
A novel method for generating quadruple-frequency millimeter-wave (MMW) by using an actively mode-locked fiber ring laser is proposed and demonstrated. In this approach, the optical Mach-Zehnder intensity modulator (MZM) is biased to suppress the odd-order optical sidebands, the fiber laser operates in the second-order rational harmonic mode, and a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) notch filter is used to block the optical carrier. When the MZM is driven by a fixed radio-frequency (RF) source of 10 GHz, a stable MMW signal of 40 GHz with the phase noise better than -76 dBc/Hz at 1-kHz offset is generated.
High-efficiency continuous-wave (CW) Tm:YLF laser by the dual-end-pumping configuration is presented. Under the total input pump power of 24.0 W, the highest output power reaches 9.8 W in the wavelength range of 1910-1926 nm by use of 10% output coupling, corresponding to optical conversion efficiency of 40.9% and slope efficiency of 51.4%. The free-running laser spectrum of Tm:YLF is measured.
The lasing characteristics of composite Tm:YAG rod with undoped ends at room temperature are reported. The maximum output power at 2.015 \mum is 6.97 W and the slope efficiency is 41.45%. Focusing point and output coupler are changed to find the optimization condition. The relationship between operation temperature and output power is discussed. Comparison between Tm:YAG and composite Tm:YAG testifies the superiority of composite crystal.
A new equation to measure the refractive index of extraordinary ray in uniaxial crystal with the optic axis at an arbitrary orientation has been given in this letter, and the term in this equation makes the measurements to be relatively easy. The theoretical study shows that the accuracy achieved in the experiments attains to the order of magnitude in 10^{ 3}.
Accurate calibrations of stiffness and position are crucial to the quantitative measurement with optical tweezers. In this paper, we present a new calibration scheme for optical tweezers including stiffness and position calibrations. In our system, acousto-optic deflectors (AODs) are used as laser beam manipulating component. The AODs are controlled by a field programmable gate array (FPGA) connected to a computer using universal serial bus (USB) communication mode. Our results agree well with the present theory and other experimental results.
A microscope image formation model based on scalar diffraction and Fourier optics has been developed, which takes a slant angle between the optical axis and the observed surface into account. The theoretical investigations of the imaging of line structures using this model show that reflection type microscopes are much stronger influenced by the slant angle than transmission type microscopes. In addition, the slant angle changes the image contrast and the image shape of a line structure, especially its edge. The larger the slant angle, the stronger the decrease of the image contrast, and the less steep the edge slope in both types of microscopes. Furthermore, the larger the numerical aperture of the objective, the less the effect of the slant angle on the line image shape.
Propagation of a few-cycle laser pulses in a dense V-type three-level atomic medium is investigated based on full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations by taking the near dipole-dipole (NDD) interaction into account. We find that the ratio, \gamma, of the transition dipole moments has strong influence on the time evolution and split of the pulse: when \gamma<=1, the NDD interaction delays propagation and split of the pulse, and this phenomenon is more obvious when the value of \gamma is smaller; when \gamma=2^{1/2}, the NDD interaction accelerates propagation and split of the pulse.
Two dark solitons are considered in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with an external magnetic trap, and effects of the trap potential on their dynamics are investigated by the numerical simulation. The results show that the dark solitons attract, collide and repel periodically in two components as time changes, the time period depends strictly on the initial condition and the potential, and there are obvious self-trapping effects on the two dark solitons.
The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of 4H-SiC metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) ultraviolet photodetector with different finger widths and spacings, different carrier concentrations and thicknesses of n-type epitaxial layer are simulated. The simulation results indicate that the dark current and the photocurrent both increase when the finger width increases. But the effect of finger width on the dark current is more significant. On the other hand, the effect of finger spacing on the photocurrent is more significant. When the finger spacing increases, the photocurrent decreases and the dark current is almost changeless. In addition, it is found that the smaller the carrier concentration of n-type epitaxial layer is, the smaller the dark current and the larger the photocurrent will be. It is also found that I-V characteristics of MSM detector also depend on the epitaxial layer thickness. The dark current of detector is smaller and the photocurrent is larger when the epitaxial layer thickness is about 3 \mum.
Finite element method and ultrafast thermoelasticity model are combined to simulate the microbump formation irradiated by a femtosecond laser. It has been shown that the effect of microbump formation is related to the characteristic of incident femtosecond laser and the thermoelasticity properties of the film. The numerical results exhibit good agreements with the experimental results in both the shape and height of the conical microbump structure, which verify the effectiveness of the ultrafast thermoelasticity model in experiments. It should be helpful for selecting appropriate materials for nanotexturing of thin films by ultrafast lasers.
A wide variety of X-ray and extreme ultraviolet diagnostics are being developed to study on Yang accelerator. An elliptically bent crystal spectrometer is designed with a focal length of 1350 mm. A mica crystal with an interplanar spacing of 1.984 nm bent onto an elliptical substrate with eccentricity of 0.9485 is used. The crystal analyzer covers the Bragg angle range from 0.86 to 1.0 nm. The mica crystal can efficiently reflect radiation in multiple orders, covering the entire spectral range from 0.1 to 1.73 nm except for a gap from 0.86 to 1.0 nm. The application experiment is performed on Yang accelerator using the bent mica crystal analyzer. Spectra of neon-puff Z-pinch plasmas are recorded with a X-ray film, showing the H-like and the He-like lines of neon. Each spectrum has been identified and used for the wavelength calibration, and most of the line radiation is contained in the He-\alpha and the L-alpha lines. The experimental results have demonstrated that the spectral resolution approximates 379.