Chinese Optics Letters
Zhizhan Xu
Volume: 6 Issue 9
23 Article(s)
Pu Zhou, Zejin Liu, Xiaojun Xu, Xiaolin Wang, Xiao Li, and Zilun Chen

Propagation of coherent combined laser beams in turbulent atmosphere is numerically studied based on the extended Huygens-Fresnel principle. By choosing beam propagation factor (BPF) and beam quality factor (BQ) to characterize the far-field irradiance distribution properties, the influence of turbulence on far-field coherent combined beam quality is studied in detail. The investigation reveals that with the coherence length decreasing, the irradiance distribution pattern evolves from typical non-Gaussian shape with multiple side-lobes into Gaussian shape which is seen in the incoherent combining case. In weak turbulent atmosphere, the far-field beam quality suffers less when the laser array gets more compact and operates at a longer wavelength. In strong turbulent atmosphere, the far-field beam quality degrades into the incoherent combining case without any relationship with the fill factor and laser wavelength.

Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 625 (2008)
  • Gang Wang, Hongxiang Wang, and Yuefeng Ji

    An optical burst switching (OBS) network platform is established with a ring topology of three nodes. A congestion alleviated scheme using advanced token protocol and wavelength tunable receivers is demonstrated to optimize the network platform. Experimental results testify that this scheme can resist collision at the level of 0.1% congestion rate.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 628 (2008)
  • Wentao Zhang, Yuliang Liu, and Fang Li

    A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) hydrophone with high sensitivity was demonstrated. This hydrophone used a rubber diaphragm and a copper hard core as the sensing element. To compensate the hydrostatic pressure, a capillary tube was fixed at the end of the hydrophone. Theoretical analysis of the acoustic pressure sensitivity was given in this letter. Experiments were carried out to test the frequency response of the hydrophone. The result shows that when the Young's modulus of the diaphragm is higher, a flatter frequency response will be obtained.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 631 (2008)
  • Zhengqing Pan, Qing Ye, Haiwen Cai, Ronghui Qu, and Zujie Fang

    A novel scheme was proposed to generate a millimeter-wave (MMW) optical pulse by combining pulse repetition rate multiplication (PRRM) technology and temporal Talbot effect (TTE). A cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) lattice was used for PRRM, and a linearly chirped fiber grating (LCFG) was used as TTE. The basic principle was analyzed by using a Gaussian input short pulse and its characteristics were discussed by numerical simulation. It is shown that the proposed scheme is feasible for MMW signal generation and has potential merits for practical application of radio over fiber (ROF) technology.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 634 (2008)
  • Biao Chen, and Qiong Jiang

    In two-dimensional (2D) time-spreading/wavelength-hopping optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) systems, employing less coherent broadband optical pulse sources allows lower electrical operating rate and better system performance. An optical gate based scheme for generating weakly coherent (approximately incoherent) broadband optical pulses was proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In this scheme, the terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer, together with a coherent narrowband control pulse source, turns an incoherent broadband continuous-wave (CW) light source into the required pulse source.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 638 (2008)
  • Archan Kumar, and Sourangshu Mukhopadhyay

    By means of the weakly guiding approximation, the mode spot sizes Wx and Wy of the fundamental mode along the semimajor (x-direction) and semiminor (y-direction) axes of the fiber core in elliptical core two-mode fiber are discussed. The variation of their ratio value Wx/Wy with the operation wavelength \lambda and the length ratio a/b between the semimajor axis and the semiminor axis of the fiber core is analyzed. Based on this analysis, the distribution figures of two-lobe interferential mode patterns are evaluated and simulated quantitatively for different phase difference changes between LPLP01 and LP11 modes. The two-lobe interferential mode patterns have the same profile and distribute symmetrically when the phase difference equals \pi. Their central distance S becomes larger when Wx/Wy augments gradually. Furthermore, the equation about the central distance S of the two-lobe interferential mode patterns is given when the operation wavelength varies between 0.65 and 1.31 \mum, which is important to applications shuch as sensors and coupling devices between different fibers.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 640 (2008)
  • Faramarz E., and Mohammad D.

    Erbium-doped holey fiber with hexagonal lattice was modeled by using effective index method. In order to calculate the equivalent step index of the periodic structure of the cladding holey optical fiber, all-vectorial fundamental space filling mode approach was utilized. By using EH11 mode, we have numerically solved the rate equations of a three-level pumping scheme for a fiber laser. The obtained results have shown a good agreement with the other experimental results, recently. The results have predicted amplifiers with gain efficiencies as high as 10 dB/mW.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 644 (2008)
  • Guannan Chen, Kuntao Yang, Rong Chen, and Zhiming Xie

    A new method based on gray-natural logarithm ratio bilateral filtering is presented for image smoothing in this work. A new gray-natural logarithm ratio range filter kernel, leading to adaptive magnitude from image gray distinction information, is pointed out for the bilateral filtering. The new method can not only well restrain noise but also keep much more weak edges and details of an image, and preserve the original color transition of color images. Experimental results show the effectiveness for image denoising with our method.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 648 (2008)
  • Famao Ye, Shaoping Xu, and Yuhong Xiong

    Image registration is the precondition and foundation in the fusion of multi-source image data. A two-step approach based on artificial immune system and chamfer matching to register images from different types of sensors is presented. In the first step, it extracts the large edges and takes chamfer distance between the input image and the reference image as similarity measure and uses artificial immune network algorithm to speed up the searching of the initial transformation parameters. In the second step, an area-based method is utilized to refine the initial transformation and enhance the registration accuracy. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is a promising method for registration of multi-sensor images.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 651 (2008)
  • Randi Fu, Feng Shao, Gangyi Jiang, and Mei Yu

    Color inconsistency is an urgent problem to be solved in free viewpoint television. In this letter, a new color correction method is proposed by using disparity vector information. At first, we separate foreground and background from the scene with a method of mean-removed disparity estimation. Then the correction parameters are estimated by adopting linear fitting for foreground and background regions, respectively. Next, with expectation-maximization algorithm, we integrate correction parameters of foreground and background to get the final corrected image. Finally, video tracking technique is performed to correct multi-view video. Experimental results show that the proposed method is quite effective.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 654 (2008)
  • Yunxin Wang, Tiegen Liu, and Junfeng Jiang

    A novel hand vein recognition algorithm is developed based on multi-resolution wavelet analysis. The texture feature of hand vein can be extracted by three-level wavelet decomposition. Furthermore, K-nearest neighbor (KNN) with support vector machines (SVM) and minimum distance classifier (MDC) are employed for feature matching. Finally, the experiments are respectively performed in identification and verification modes using Tianjin University (TJU) hand vein image database constructed by our group. The results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 657 (2008)
  • Xinghua Zhang, Baosheng Zhao, Zhenhua Miao, Wei Li, Xiangping Zhu, Yong’an Liu, and Wei Zou

    Single photon counting imaging technology has been widely used in space environment detection, astronomy observation, nuclear physics, and ultraweak bioluminescence. However, the distortion of the single photon counting image will badly affect the measurement results. Therefore, the correction of distortion for single photon counting image is very significant. Ultraviolet single photon imaging system with wedge and strip anode is introduced and the influence factor leading to image distortion is analyzed. To correct original distorted image, three different image correction methods, namely, the physical correction, the global correction, and the local correction, are applied. In addition, two parameters, i.e., the position index and the linearity index, are defined to evaluate the performance of the three methods. The results suggest that the correction methods can improve the quality of the initial image without losing gray information of each counting light spot. And the local correction can provide the best visual inspections and performance evaluation among the three methods.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 661 (2008)
  • Dug Young Kim

    A new three-dimensional (3D) optical fluorescent tomographic imaging scheme is proposed with structured illumination and spatial Fourier-domain decomposition methods for the first time. In this spatial Fourier-decomposition optical fluorescence tomography (SF-OFT), the intensity of focused excitation light from an objective lens is modulated to be a cosine function along the optical axis of the system. For a given position in a two-dimensional (2D) raster scanning process, the spatial frequency of the cosine function along the optical axis sweeps in a proper range while a series of fluorescence intensity are detected accordingly. By making an inverse discrete cosine transformation of these recorded intensity profiles, the distribution of fluorescent markers along the optical axis of a focused laser beam is obtained. A 3D optical fluorescent tomography can be achieved with this proposed SF-OFT technique with a simple 2D raster scanning process.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 665 (2008)
  • Jingmin Dai, Chunsuo Xin, and Xiaowa He

    A new technique is developed to measure the longitudinal thermal expansion coefficient of C/C composite material at high temperature. The measuring principle and components of the apparatus are described in detail. The calculation method is derived from the temperature dependence of the thermal expansion coefficient. The apparatus mainly consists of a high temperature environmental chamber, a power circuit of heating, two high-speed pyrometers, and a laser scanning system. A long solid specimen is resistively heated to a steady high-temperature state by a steady electrical current. The temperature profile of the specimen surface is not uniform because of the thermal conduction and radiation. The temperature profile and the total expansion are measured with a high-speed scanning pyrometer and a laser slit scanning measuring system, respectively. The thermal expansion coefficient in a wide temperature range (1000-3800 K) of the specimen can therefore be obtained. The perfect consistency between the present and previous results justifies the validity of this technique.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 669 (2008)
  • Kun Yang, Aijun Zeng, Xiangzhao Wang, Feng Tang, and Hua Wang

    A method for rapid measuring retardation of a quarter-wave plate based on simultaneous phase shifting technique is presented. The simultaneous phase shifting function is realized by an orthogonal grating, a diaphragm, an analyzer array, and a 4-quadrant detector. The intensities of the light beams from the four analyzers with different azimuths are measured simultaneously. The retardation of the quarter-wave plate is obtained through the four light intensity values. In this method, the major axis position of the quarter-wave plate need not be determined in advance. In addition, the measured result is free of the intensity fluctuation of light source. The feasibility of the method is verified by the experiments.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 673 (2008)
  • Shuangyi Yan, Jianguo Zhang, and Wei Zhao

    A 40-GHz wavelength tunable mode-locked fiber ring laser based on cross-gain modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is presented. Pulse trains with a pulse width of 10.5 ps at 40-GHz repetition frequency are obtained. The laser operates with almost 40-nm tuning range. The relationship between the key laser parameters and the output pulse characteristics is analyzed experimentally.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 676 (2008)
  • Xutao Sun, Jiqiao Liu, Jun Zhou, and Weibiao Chen

    The master laser of an injection-seeded laser for Doppler wind lidar is frequency stabilized to a Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity using Pound-Drever-Hall technique. The FP cavity is specially designed to gain high temperature stability with Zerodur cavity and spacer. A computer based controller is used to sample and process the error signal. After the master laser is locked, the relative frequency drift is +-25 kHz in 1 s, and +-5 kHz in 1 h, which can satisfy the need of Doppler wind lidar.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 679 (2008)
  • Junjiang Hu, Jingxin Yang, Wei Chen, and Changhe Zhou

    Experimental investigation was performed with a 1064-nm, 10-ns Nd:YAG laser to determine the effects of the surface hydrogen acid etching on laser damage, compared with damage of conventionally polished surface. The investigation was helpful for us to understand the negative effects of Nd-doped phosphate glass surface and subsurface damage (SSD) on laser induced damage threshold (LIDT). A set of samples was polished, and then chemically etched in a cool buffered 10%HF + 20%H2SO4 solution at different times. Another set of samples was ground and etched in the hot-buffered solution, and then polished. All the samples were irradiated with Nd: YAG laser and characterized by optical microscopy. Results of LIDT were obtained according to International standard ISO/DIS 11254-1.2. Chemical treatment can remove the contaminants in the polished re-deposition layer and the SSD for improving the laser damage resistance of Nd-doped phosphate glass surfaces. The method of using hot solution was more effective than that of using cool solution.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 681 (2008)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    We study the co-existing four-wave mixing (FWM) process with two dressing fields and the six-wave mixing (SWM) process with one dressing field in a five-level system with carefully arranged laser beams. We also show two kinds of doubly dressing mechanisms in the FWM process. FWM and SWM signals propagating along the same direction compete with each other. With the properly controlled dressing fields, the FWM signals can be suppressed, while the SWM signals have been enhanced.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 685 (2008)
  • Xusheng Zhou, Ni Cui, Jifeng Zu, and Shangqing Gong

    We investigate intersubband Rabi flopping in modulation-doped semiconductor quantum wells with and without the propagation effects, respectively. It is shown that propagation effects have a larger impact on Rabi flopping than the nonlinearities rooted from electron-electron interactions in multiple quantum wells. By using ultrashort \pi pulses, an almost complete population inversion exists if the propagation effects are not considered; while no complete population inversion occurs in the presence of propagation effects. Furthermore, the magnitude of the impact of propagation effects may be controlled by varying the carrier density.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 689 (2008)
  • Kuladeep Roy, Abhijit Sinha, and Sourangshu Mukhopadhyay

    Over the last few decades, several all-optical circuits have been proposed to meet the need of high-speed data processing. In some information processing architectures, the role of various analog and digital data comparisons is very important. In this letter, we proposed a multi-bit data comparison scheme. The scheme is based on the switching property of optical nonlinear material. Ultrafast operational speed larger than gigahertz can be expected from this all-optical scheme.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 693 (2008)
  • Jicai Deng, Zhanling Lu, and Binglin Zhang

    The field emission digital display tube with a nano-crystalline graphite cold cathode is designed and fabricated. Under the control of the driving circuits, a dynamic digital display with uniform luminance distribution is realized. The luminance of the character segments is 190 cd/m2 at the operating voltage of 900 V. And the stable emission is attained with a fluctuation of about 3% at an average segment current of 75 \muA. The results demonstrate that nano-crystalline graphite film is a promising material for cold cathode.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 697 (2008)
  • Zaijun Xi, Xiaohan Yu, and Tiqiao Xiao

    The propagation behaviour of terahertz (THz) pulses at an edge is characterized. The phenomenon that the amplitude oscillates periodically in the frequency spectrum is similar to Young's interference, if the absorption effect is neglected. The oscillation cycle is shorter for a thicker sample. THz pulses at an edge are analyzed by the broadband Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral. The experimental results are in agreement with the simulation results approximately. The simulation errors are also analyzed.

    Jul. 24, 2019
  • Vol. 6 Issue 9 700 (2008)
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