A scheme for creating an arbitrary coherent superposition of two atomic states in serial multi-\Lambda-type system is proposed. This technique with the application of a control field is based on the existence of two degenerate dark states and their interaction. The mixing of the dark states can be controlled by changing the relative delay time of the control pulse. One can get any desired superposition by changing the delay time of the control pulse.
A new calibration method of detectors can be realized by using correlated photons generated in spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) effect of nonlinear crystal. An absolute calibration system of detector quantum efficiency is performed. And its principle and experimental setup are introduced. A continuous-wave (CW) ultraviolet (351 nm), diode-pumped, frequency-doubled, and solid-state laser is used to pump BBO crystal. The quantum efficiencies of the photomultiplier at 633, 702, and 789 nm are measured respectively. The coincidence peaks are observed using coincidence circuit. Some measurement factors including the filter bandwidth of trigger channel, the detector position alignment and polarization of the pump light are analyzed. The uncertainties of this calibration method are also analyzed, and the relative uncertainties of total calibration are less than 5.8%. The accuracy of this method could be improved in the future.
We derived the theoretical results of soliton interactions in optical fiber with super-Gaussian sliding-frequency filters. The results demonstrate that the interactions between optical fiber solitons can be effectively suppressed by super-Gaussian sliding-frequency filters. And the results also show that the super-Gaussian filter with sliding is more effective in suppressing soliton interactions than that without sliding.
A novel type of sampled fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) written in polarization-maintaining fiber (PMF) is proposed. The reflection spectrum, time delay, and group velocity dispersion (GVD) of the gratings are analyzed. In addition, the reflection spectrum is optimized by apodization. The scheme of multi-wavelength output based on the gratings is proposed, which could be used as a multi-wavelength polarization filter in the density wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) system.
To assess the penalty due to nonlinear effect in C+L band long-haul optical amplified transmission link, a new parameter of modified nonlinear phase shift (\phi~~(D) is proposed, which is the accumulated nonlinear phase shift weighted by a normalized group velocity dispersion (GVD). Based on the numerical simulation result of broadband long-haul hybrid Raman/erbium-doped fiber amplified transmission line, it is validated that \phi~~(D) is more reasonable and suitable than the previous proposed nonlinear phase shift (\phi~~(NL) for broadband applications.
Attacks to biometric data are the primary danger to the self-security of biometrics. To improve the iris feature template data security, a data hiding approach based on bit streams is proposed, in which an iris feature template is embedded into a face image. The proposed approach is applicable to present dominant techniques of iris recognition. With the low computation cost and the zero decoding-error-rate, this data hiding approach, embedding target biometric data into other biometric data for improving the security of target data in identity recognition, data storage and transmission, can deceive attackers more effectively. Furthermore, it does not degrade the iris recognition performances. Experimental results prove that the proposed approach can be used to protect iris feature templates and enhance the security of the iris recognition system itself.
Objective image quality measure, which is a fundamental and challenging job in image processing, evaluates the image quality consistently with human perception automatically. On the assumption that any image distortion could be modeled as the difference between the directional projection-based maps of reference and distortion images, we propose a new objective quality assessment method based on directional projection for full reference model. Experimental results show that the proposed metrics are well consistent with the subjective quality score.
Content-based image retrieval has been an active area of research for more than ten years. Gabor schemes and support vector machine (SVM) method have been proven effective in image representation and classification. In this paper, we propose a retrieval scheme based on Gabor filters and SVMs for hepatic computed tomography (CT) images query. In our experiments, a batch of hepatic CT images containing several types of CT findings are used for the retrieval test. Precision comparison between our scheme and existing methods is presented.
We propose a novel methodology based on the projector-camera (ProCam) system to address the photometric compensation issue for the projection display on the patterned screen.The patterned screen is treated as the combination of a perfect white screen and a color modulator.The perfect white screen is used to automatically and accurately characterize the ProCam system offline using the polynomial model, and the parameters of the color modulator can be efficiently recovered by employing only two gray images based on the linear reflectance model.The experimental results show that the color artifacts of the display image can be greatly improved with this methodology, which demonstrates its feasibility and validity in the photometric compensation.
We design a novel X-ray image detector by lens coupling a Gd2O2S:Tb intensifying screen with a high performance low-light-level (L3, which often means luminescence less than 10^(-3) Lux) image intensifier. Different coupling effects on imaging performance between zoom lens and fix-focus lens are analyzed theoretically. In experiment, for designing a detector of 15-inch visual field, the system coupled by zoom lens is of 12.25-lp/cm resolution, while the one with fix-focus lens is 10 lp/cm. The superiority of zoom lens is validated. It is concluded that zoom lens preserves the image information better than fix-focus lens and improves the imaging system’s performance in this design, which is referential to the design of other optical imaging systems.
It is difficult to realize real-time measurement of exterior attitude by the traditional systems based on the area image sensor which have conflict between speed and accuracy. The subsystem for three-dimensional (3D) coordinate reconstruction of point target (S3DCRPT) which is composed of three one-dimensional (1D) cameras based on linear charge-coupled device (CCD) can determine the distant light spots’ spatial position. The attitude angle of the measured object is determined by the spatial solution while the coordinate reconstruction is separately carried on by the S3DCRPT with some point cooperation targets (PCTs) on the measured object. A new optical system is designed to solve the interference problem with one-to-one relationship between the PCTs and the S3DCRPT optical subsystems, which improves the measurement accuracy and saves space. The mathematical model of the attitude measurement is established, and partial and global calibrations are realized for the multi-camera attitude measurement system. The test results show the feasibility of the exterior attitude measurement based on linear CCD.
We present a resolution testing system of ultraviolet (UV) imager.In this system, an UV Czerny-Turner monochromator with a small f-number is designed to get more energy as an UV radiation source, and its stray light is rejected effectively by light traps.And UV diffuser is employed in order to get uniform light distribution on the resolving power test target.We also design a novel UV collimator which makes infinite UV testing targets.It can reduce the difficulty of optical design and the machining cost, and utilize UV energy at maximum extent.This facility has been applied in the imaging quality evaluation of the UV instrument, and the results accord with the theoretical analysis.
A new computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method for the simulation of fast-axial-flow CO[EQUATION] laser is developed. The model which is solved by CFD software uses a set of dynamic differential equations to describe the dynamic process in one discharge tube. The velocity, temperature, pressure and turbulence energy distributions in discharge passage are presented. There is a good agreement between the theoretical prediction and the experimental results. This result indicates that the parameters of the laser have significant effect on the flow distribution in the discharge passage. It is helpful to optimize the output of high power CO[EQUATION] laser by mastering its kinetic characteristics.
Two vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are mutually coupled through a partially transparent mirror (PTM) placed in the pathway. The PTM plays the role of external mirror, which controls the feedback strength and coupling strength. We numerically simulate this system by establishing a visible SIMULINK model. The results demonstrate that the anticipation synchronization is achieved and it can tolerate some extent frequency detuning. Moreover, the system shows similar chaos-pass filtering effect on unidirectionally coupled system even both VCSELs are modulated. This system allows simultaneously bidirectional secure message transmission on public channels.
We report a continuous-wave (CW) 2.1-\mum Ho:YAG laser operating at room temperature pumped by a diode-pumped 1.94-\mum Tm:YAP laser. The maximum output power of 1.5 W is obtained from Ho:YAG laser, corresponding to Tm-to-Ho slope efficiency of 17.9% and diode-to-Ho conversion efficiency of 5.6%.
We demonstrate a scalable architecture for coherent combining of pulsed fiber lasers. A new method for generating synchronous pulsed fiber lasers by direct phase modulation is proposed and investigated. It is shown that phase modulated mutually coupled laser array can be a steady synchronous pulsed fiber laser source. The synchronous pulsed fiber lasers are coherently combined with an invariable phase difference of \pa in adjacent lasers. Neither active phase control nor polarization control is taken in our experiment.
Dependence of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) from Calf thymus DNA on anions is investigated. With the silver colloid, the bands at 732, 960 and 1333 cm-1 for adenine (A), 1466 cm-1 for deoxyribose, and 1652 cm-1 for the C=O group of thymine (T) are observably enhanced. With the presence of the Cl- or SO^(2-)~~(4) anions, the bands at 732 and 1326/1329 cm-1 for the symmetric stretching and skeletal vibrational modes of adenine (A) are dramatically enhanced, and the enhancement effect with the SO^(2-)~~(4) ion is more than that with the Cl~~ ion. The experimental results show that the DNA molecule can be adsorbed on the silver colloid particles through the C6N and N7 of adenine (A), the C=O of thymine (T) and deoxyribose. Moreover, the formed hydrogen bonding of the Cl~~ or SO^(2-)~~(4) ions to the C6NH2 group of adenine (A) can induce larger C6N electronegativity, which is favor for the C6N/N7 cooperative adsorption on the (Ag)^(+)~~(n) colloid particles.
A new method of Monte Carlo simulation is developed to simulate the photon migration path in a scattering medium after an ultrashort-pulse laser beam comes into the medium. The most probable trajectory of photons at an instant can be obtained with this method. How the photon migration paths are affected by the optical parameters of the scattering medium is analyzed. It is also concluded that the absorption coefficient has no effect on the most probable trajectory of photons.
To exploit the parallelism of optics in data processing, a suitable number system and an efficient encoding/decoding scheme for handling the data are very essential. In the field of optical computing and parallel information processing, several number systems like binary, quaternary, octal, hexadecimal, etc. have been used for different arithmetic and algebraic operations. Here, we have proposed an all-optical conversion scheme from its binary to its other 2n radix based form with the help of terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD) based tree-net architecture.
With a novel light-weight and absolutely calibrated ultraviolet (UV) spectrometer, UV skylight radiances and O3 slant column densities are measured by balloon-borne limb measurements in Xinjiang area, China. UV skylight radiances measured at the height of 31 km are compared with the results from Modtran in the wavelength range from 290 to 420 nm. O3 slant column densities are derived from radiance spectra in the Huggins bands (320-335 nm) using differential optical absorption spectroscopy method. And the parameter exhibits a good correlation with the same value simulated by radiative transfer model (Tracy). The O3 profile simultaneously measured by an O3 sonde is used as input in Tracy calculations. The O3 sonde is launched on the same balloon.
The reflection and transmittance of s- and p-polarized lights should be treated separately at nonzero angle incidence. By choosing two special film materials whose refractive indices meet the Brewster condition in a given incident angle, the reflection of p-polarized light can be eliminated. When the two materials are fabricated into multilayer stacks, the reflection of s-polarized light can be largely increased while the reflection of p-polarized light keeps low. According to this principle, a film polarizer with bandwidth of 198 nm or even more is designed.