The image illustrates the principle of the high-performance transfer of the spatio-temporal structured light from near-infrared to blue-violet wavelengths through nonlinear wave mixing in atomic vapor. It has the potential to drive significant advancements in high-dimensional quantum communication and super-resolution imaging. See Sandan Wang et al., pp. 2559.
The architecture and component technology of a low power, high capacity, short reach optical interconnect are detailed. Measurements from high-performance 300 mm silicon photonics components that comprise the system are shown, along with a quantum-dot mode-locked laser 20-channel comb source with free space wall plug efficiencies up to 17%, advanced packaging techniques for 3D silicon photonic-electronic integration, and schematics for integrated electronics that control the photonic integrated circuits. Techniques for operating such a system in the presence of changing ambient temperature are addressed. Experiments on a 1 Tbps design are conducted with an optical link experiment indicating sub-picojoule/bit energy consumption at scale.
We give an introduction to the feature issue composed of eight articles on Advancing Integrated Photonics.
Photonics Research Editor-in-Chief Lan Yang introduces the new interview article series.
The demand for real-time feedback and miniaturization of sensing elements is a crucial issue in the treating vascular diseases with minimally invasive interventions. Here, Fabry–Perot microcavities fabricated via direct laser writing using a two-photon polymerization technique on fiber tips are proposed, designed, simulated, and experimentally demonstrated as a miniature triaxial force sensor for monitoring real-time interactions between the tip of a guidewire and human blood vessels and tissues during minimally invasive surgeries. The sensor contains four fiber tip-based Fabry–Perot cavities, which can be seamlessly integrated into medical guidewires and achieves three-axis force decoupling through symmetrically arranged flexible structures. The results showed that the proposed sensor achieved a cross-sectional diameter of 890 μm and a high sensitivity of about 85.16 nm/N within a range of 0 to 0.5 N with a resolution of hundreds of micro-Newtons. The proposed triaxial force sensor exhibits high resolution, good biocompatibility, and electromagnetic compatibility, which can be utilized as an efficient monitoring tool integrated into minimally invasive surgical intervention devices for biomedical applications.
We propose and demonstrate a superfine multiresonant fiber grating sensor characterized by superior spectral resolution and enhanced sensing capabilities. This sensor can be easily constructed by inserting a tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) probe into a silica capillary filled with a refractive index (RI) matching oil. As the fiber cladding, the RI-matching oil, and the capillary all have the same RI, the cladding modes excited by the TFBG can extend into the RI-matching oil and capillary, facilitating surface sensing outside the capillary. Our study shows that the number of cladding modes increases, and the resonance spectrum becomes denser as the outer diameter of the capillary gets larger. As a result, the detection accuracy of RI based on mode cutoff wavelength identification can be improved. Particularly, with a capillary diameter of 1 mm, the heightened spectral density enhances refractometric accuracy by nearly an order of magnitude compared to the intrinsic TFBG. The superfine multiresonant fiber grating sensor proposed here is flexible in configuration and easy to fabricate, providing a new strategy for developing new fiber sensing devices.
Traditional optical communication systems employ bulky laser arrays that lack coherence and are prone to severe frequency drift. Dissipative Kerr soliton microcombs offer numerous evenly spaced optical carriers with a high optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and coherence in chip-scale packages, potentially addressing the limitations of traditional wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) sources. However, soliton microcombs exhibit inhomogeneous OSNR and linewidth distributions across the spectra, leading to variable communication performance under uniform modulation schemes. Here, we demonstrate, for the first time, to our knowledge, the application of adaptive modulation and bandwidth allocation strategies in optical frequency comb (OFC) communication systems to optimize modulation schemes based on OSNR, linewidth, and channel bandwidth, thereby maximizing capacity. Experimental verification demonstrates that the method enhances spectral efficiency from 1.6 to 2.31 bit ⋅ s-1 ⋅ Hz-1, signifying a 44.58% augmentation. Using a single-soliton microcomb as the light source, we achieve a maximum communication capacity of 10.68 Tbps after 40 km of transmission in the C-band, with the maximum single-channel capacity reaching 432 Gbps. The projected combined transmission capacity for the C- and L-bands could surpass 20 Tbps. The proposed strategies demonstrate promising potential of utilizing soliton microcombs as future light sources in next-generation optical communication.
Computer-generated holography (CGH) based on neural networks has been actively investigated in recent years, and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are frequently adopted. A convolutional kernel captures local dependencies between neighboring pixels. However, in CGH, each pixel on the hologram influences all the image pixels on the observation plane, thus requiring a network capable of learning long-distance dependencies. To tackle this problem, we propose a CGH model called Holomer. Its single-layer perceptual field is 43 times larger than that of a widely used 3×3 convolutional kernel, thanks to the embedding-based feature dimensionality reduction and multi-head sliding-window self-attention mechanisms. In addition, we propose a metric to measure the networks’ learning ability of the inverse diffraction process. In the simulation, our method demonstrated noteworthy performance on the DIV2K dataset at a resolution of 1920×1024, achieving a PSNR and an SSIM of 35.59 dB and 0.93, respectively. The optical experiments reveal that our results have excellent image details and no observable background speckle noise. This work paves the path of high-quality hologram generation.
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) gradually plays an important role in deep tissue imaging. However, current SMLM methods primarily rely on fiducial marks, neglecting aberrations introduced by thick samples, thereby resulting in decreased image quality in deep tissues. Here, we introduce vectorial in situ point spread function (PSF) retrieval (VISPR), a method that retrieves a precise PSF model considering both system- and sample-induced aberrations under SMLM conditions. By employing the theory of vectorial PSF model and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) phase retrieval, VISPR is capable of reconstructing an accurate in situ 3D PSF model achieving the theoretically minimum uncertainty and accurately reflecting three-dimensional information of single molecules. This capability enables accurate 3D super-resolution reconstruction in deep regions away from the coverslips. Additionally, VISPR demonstrates applicability in low signal-to-noise ratio scenarios and compatibility with various SMLM microscope modalities. From both simulations and experiments, we verified the superiority and effectiveness of VISPR. We anticipate that VISPR will become a pivotal tool for advancing deep tissue SMLM imaging.
Conventional low dynamic range (LDR) imaging devices fail to preserve much information for further vision tasks because of the saturation effect. Thus, high dynamic range (HDR) imaging is an important imaging technology in extreme illuminance conditions, which enables a wide range of applications, including photography, autonomous driving, and robotics. Mainstream approaches require multi-shot methods because the conventional camera can only control the exposure globally. Although they perform well on static HDR imaging, they face a challenge with real-time HDR imaging for motional scenes because of the artifact and time latency caused by multi-shot and post-processing. To this end, we propose a framework, termed POE-VP, which achieves single-shot HDR imaging via a pixel-wise optical encoder driven by video prediction. We use highlighted motional license plate recognition as a downstream vision task to demonstrate the performance of POE-VP. From the results of simulation and real scene experiments, we validate that POE-VP outperforms conventional LDR cameras by more than 5 times in recognition accuracy and by more than 200% in information entropy. The dynamic range could reach 120 dB, and the captured data size is verified to be lower than mainstream multi-shot methods by 67%. The running time of POE-VP is also validated to satisfy the needs of high-speed HDR imaging.
Fluorescence microscopy is crucial in various fields such as biology, medicine, and life sciences. Fluorescence self-interference holographic microscopy has great potential in bio-imaging owing to its unique wavefront coding characteristics; thus, it can be employed as three-dimensional (3D) scanning-free super-resolution microscopy. However, the available approaches are limited to low optical efficiency, complex optical setups, and single imaging functions. The geometric phase lens can efficiently manipulate the optical field’s amplitude, phase, and polarization. Inspired by geometric phase and self-interference holography, a self-interference fluorescent holographic microscope-based geometric phase lens is proposed. This system allows for wide-field, 3D fluorescence holographic imaging, and edge-enhancement from the reconstruction of only one complex-valued hologram. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in imaging biological samples, with improved resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, its simplicity and convenience make it easily compatible with existing optical microscope setups, making it a powerful tool for observing biological samples and detecting industrial defects.
Quantitative phase imaging (QPI) has emerged as a promising label-free imaging technique with growing importance in biomedical research, optical metrology, materials science, and other fields. Partially coherent illumination provides resolution twice that of the coherent diffraction limit, along with improved robustness and signal-to-noise ratio, making it an increasingly significant area of study in QPI. Partially coherent QPI, represented by differential phase contrast (DPC), linearizes the phase-to-intensity transfer process under the weak object approximation (WOA). However, the nonlinear errors caused by WOA in DPC can lead to phase underestimation. Additionally, DPC requires strict matching of the illumination numerical aperture (NA) to ensure the complete transmission of low-frequency information. This necessitates precise alignment of the optical system and limits the flexible use of objective and illumination. In this study, the applicability of the WOA under different coherence parameters is explored, and a method to defy WOA by reducing the illumination NA is proposed. The proposed method uses the transport-of-intensity equation through an additional defocused intensity image to recover the lost low-frequency information due to illumination mismatch, without requiring any iterative procedure. This method overcomes the limitations of DPC being unable to recover large phase objects and does not require the strict illumination matching conditions. The accurate quantitative morphological characterization of customized artifact and microlens arrays that do not satisfy WOA under non-matched-illumination conditions demonstrated the precise quantitative capability of the proposed method and its excellent performance in the field of measurement. Meanwhile, the phase retrieval of tongue slices and oral epithelial cells demonstrated its application potential in the biomedical field. The ability to accurately recover phase under a concise and implementable optical setup makes it a promising solution for widespread application in various label-free imaging domains.
Optical frequency ratio measurement between optical atomic clocks is essential to precision measurement as well as the redefinition of the second. Currently, the statistical noise in frequency ratio measurement of most ion clocks is limited by the frequency instability of ion clocks. In this work, we reduce the statistical noise in the frequency ratio measurement between a transportable Ca+ optical clock and a Sr optical lattice clock down to 2.2×10-15/τ. The local oscillator of the Ca+ optical clock is frequency-synthesized from the Sr optical lattice clock, enabling a longer probe time for Ca+ clock transition. Compared to previous measurement using independent local oscillators, we achieve 10-fold reduction in comparison campaign duration.
Integrated photonic computing has emerged as a promising approach to overcome the limitations of electronic processors in the post-Moore era. However, present integrated photonic computing systems face challenges in achieving high-precision calculations, consequently limiting their potential applications, and their heavy reliance on analog-to-digital (AD) and digital-to-analog (DA) conversion interfaces undermines their performance. Here we propose an innovative photonic computing architecture featuring scalable calculation precision and, to our knowledge, a novel photonic conversion interface. By leveraging the residue number system (RNS) theory, the high-precision calculation is decomposed into multiple low-precision modular arithmetic operations executed through optical phase manipulation. Those operations directly interact with the digital system via our proposed optical digital-to-phase converter (ODPC) and phase-to-digital converter (OPDC). Through experimental demonstrations, we showcase a calculation precision of 9 bits and verify the feasibility of the ODPC/OPDC photonic interface. This approach paves the path towards liberating photonic computing from the constraints imposed by limited precision and AD/DA converters.
This interview article features Professor Yidong Huang, a pioneering scientist and exceptional community leader in optoelectronics, whose contributions extend beyond academia into entrepreneurship and leadership. As part of a new series launched by Photonics Research, this interview aims to highlight the journeys and achievements of prominent women in optics and photonics. Through insightful reflections, Professor Huang discusses her scientific journey, including the challenges she encountered, her proudest achievements, and her vision for the future of optoelectronics. She also shares advice for young researchers, strategies for maintaining work–life balance, and experiences with technology transfer from academia to industry.
Leveraging its superior waveguide properties, silicon-nitride (Si3N4) photonics is emerging to expand the applications of photonic integrated circuits to optical systems where bulk optics and fibers today still dominate. In order to fully leverage its advantages, heterogeneous integration of III-V gain elements on Si3N4 is one of the most critical steps. In this paper, we demonstrate a III-V-on-Si3N4 widely tunable narrow-linewidth laser based on micro-transfer printing. Detailed design considerations of the tolerant III-V-to-Si3N4 vertical coupler, Si3N4-based micro-ring resonators (MRRs), and micro-heaters are discussed. By introducing the dispersion of Si3N4 waveguide in the design, the proposed Vernier MRRs enable an extended tuning range over multiple Vernier periods. The laser shows a wavelength tuning range of 54 nm in C and L bands with intrinsic linewidth less than 25 kHz. Within the tuning range, the side mode suppression ratio is larger than 40 dB and the output power in the Si3N4 waveguide reaches 6.3 mW. The integration process allows for the fabrication and quality control of both the Si3N4 circuits and III-V devices in its own foundry, which greatly enhances the integration yield and paves the way for large-scale integration.
The high-power quantum cascade laser (QCL) frequency comb capable of room temperature operation is of great interest to high-precision measurement and low-noise molecular spectroscopy. While a significant amount of research is devoted to the longwave spectral range, shortwave 3–5 μm QCL combs are still relatively underdeveloped due to the excessive material dispersion. In this work, we propose a monolithic integrated multimode waveguide scheme for effective dispersion engineering and high-power-efficiency operation. Over watt-level output power at room temperature with a wall plug efficiency of 7% and robust dispersion reduction is achieved from a quantum cascade laser frequency comb at a wavelength approximately 4.6 μm. Narrow beatnote linewidth less than 1 kHz and clear dual-comb multiheterodyne comb lines manifest the coherent phase relation among the comb modes which is crucial to fast molecular spectroscopy. This monolithic dispersion engineered waveguide design is also compatible to an efficient active–passive optical coupling scheme and would open up a new research playground for ring comb and on-chip dual-comb spectroscopy.
We investigate the chiral emission from non-chiral molecules coupled to metasurfaces with a unit cell formed by dimers of detuned and displaced Si nanodisks. The detuning and displacement lead to the formation of narrow modes, known as quasi-bound states in the continuum (Q-BICs), with different electric and magnetic characteristics. The dispersion and character of the modes are explained by using the guided-mode expansion method and finite-element simulations. The coupling between these modes leads to an extrinsic chiral response with large circular dichroism for defined energies and wavevectors. When the lattice constant of the metasurface is changed, the dispersion of the extrinsic chiral Q-BICs can be tuned and the emission properties of a thin film of dye molecules on top of the metasurface are modified. In particular, we observe strongly directional and circularly polarized emission from the achiral dye molecules with a degree of circular polarization reaching 0.8 at the wavelengths defined by the dispersion of the Q-BICs. These results could enable the realization of compact light sources with a large degree of circular polarization for applications in displays, optical recording, or optical communication.
The sensitivity of guided mode resonance (GMR) sensors is significantly enhanced under oblique incidence. Here in this work, we developed a simplified theoretical model to provide analytical solutions and reveal the mechanism of sensitivity enhancement. We found that the sensitivity under oblique incidence consists of two contributions, the grating sensitivity and waveguide sensitivity, while under normal incidence, only waveguide sensitivity exists. When the two contributions are constructively superposed, as in the case of positive first order diffraction of the grating, the total sensitivity is enhanced. On the other hand, when the two parts are destructively superposed, as in the case of negative first order diffraction, the total sensitivity decreases. The findings are further supported by FDTD numerical calculations and proof-of-concept experiments.
The trans-spectral manipulation of spatio-temporal structured light, characterized by dynamic inhomogeneous trajectories and a unique nature in the space–time domain, opens myriad possibilities for high-dimensional optical communication in the ultraviolet band. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the high-performance transfer of the spatio-temporal optical Ferris wheel beam from near-infrared to blue–violet wavelengths. Owing to the energy conservation and momentum conservation mechanism, the 420 nm output signal beam accurately retains the spatio-temporal characteristics of the 776 nm input probe optical Ferris wheel beam, facilitated by the 780 nm Gaussian pump beam. The identical multi-petal intensity profiles confirm the successful transfer of spatial characteristics from the input probe to the output signal beams. The fully synchronized rotation velocities and directions of the probe and signal beams demonstrate the precise transfer of temporal characteristics, achieving approximately 98% conversion accuracy. This work enables efficient information transfer across different wavelength bands and offers a promising approach for achieving high-dimensional quantum communication.
Nonlinear effects in microresonators are efficient building blocks for all-optical computing and telecom systems. With the latest advances in microfabrication, coupled microresonators are used in a rapidly growing number of applications. In this work, we investigate the coupling between twin-resonators in the presence of Kerr nonlinearity. We use an experimental setup with controllable coupling between two high-Q resonators and discuss the effects caused by the simultaneous presence of linear and nonlinear coupling between the optical fields. Linear-coupling-induced mode splitting is observed at low input powers, with the controllable coupling leading to a tunable mode splitting. At high input powers, the hybridized resonances show spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) effects, in which the optical power is unevenly distributed between the resonators. Our experimental results are supported by a detailed theoretical model of nonlinear twin-resonators. With the recent interest in coupled resonator systems for neuromorphic computing, quantum systems, and optical frequency comb generation, our work provides important insights into the behavior of these systems at high circulating powers.
Schiff bases derived from the condensation of primary amines with aldehydes, such as para-phenylenediamine with salicylaldehyde, exhibit unique optical and structural properties ideal for photonic applications. This study synthesizes such a Schiff base, revealing its properties through detailed HNMR1, FTIR, and XRD characterizations. The compound forms a robust π-conjugated structure, showing a fluorescence emission peak at 560 nm and significant absorbance at 380 nm. A spin-coated laser cavity displayed a critical lasing threshold at 1 MW·cm-2, which could be optimized down to 0.6 kW·cm-2. Moreover, the compounds’ acceptor-donor-acceptor configuration raised outstanding nonlinear optical properties, including a substantial two-photon absorption cross-section of 2×10-11 cm ⋅ W-1·GM, enhancing its utility in high-resolution two-photon imaging and advanced photonic applications. Other nonlinear optical characteristics determined during these studies are the saturable absorption-induced nonlinear absorption coefficient (-2×10-11 cm ⋅ W-1), saturation intensity (2.5×1011 W·cm-2), and Kerr-induced nonlinear refractive index (5×10-16 cm2 ⋅ W-1). The combined linear and nonlinear optical properties, supported by sustained emission and minimal photobleaching under intense re-excitation, establish the para-phenylenediamine Schiff base and derivatives as promising materials for high-brightness, photostable organic light emitters, and solid-state lasers.
Infrared (IR) electrochromic devices, capable of dynamically controlling thermal radiation, hold promising applications in adaptive camouflage. However, the strong microwave reflective properties inherent in the device’s electrodes present a significant challenge, rendering them susceptible to radar detection and weakening their camouflage effect. Inspired by the remarkable electromagnetic control capabilities of metamaterials, the integration of frequency selective surfaces into IR electrochromic devices is proposed to address this multispectral compatibility challenge. The designed integrated metadevices simultaneously exhibit large and reversible IR emissivity tunability (Δε≥0.55 at 3–5 μm, Δε≥0.5 at 7.5–13 μm) and wideband microwave absorption (reflection loss ≤-10 dB at 8.5–18 GHz). Furthermore, the monolithic integrated design of the shared barium fluoride substrate offers a simple device architecture, while careful design considerations mitigate coupling between IR electrochromism and microwave wideband absorption. This work introduces opportunities for the development of multispectral adaptive camouflage systems, offering potential advancements in concealment technology.
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) hold significant promise in manipulating electromagnetic fields and reducing losses in optical structures, leading to advancements in fundamental research and practical applications. Despite their observation in various optical systems, the behavior of BIC in whispering-gallery-modes (WGMs) optical microcavities, essential components of photonic integrated chips, has yet to be thoroughly explored. In this study, we propose and experimentally identify a robust mechanism for generating quasi-BIC in a single deformed microcavity. By introducing boundary deformations, we construct stable unidirectional radiation channels as leaking continuum shared by different resonant modes and experimentally verify their external strong mode coupling. This results in drastically suppressed leaking loss of one originally long-lived resonance, manifested as more than a threefold enhancement of its quality (Q) factor, while the other short-lived resonance becomes more lossy, demonstrating the formation of Friedrich–Wintgen quasi-BICs as corroborated by the theoretical model and experimental data. This research will provide a practical approach to enhance the Q-factor of optical microcavities, opening up potential applications in the area of deformed microcavities, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, and integrated photonics.
Programmable metasurfaces capable of manipulating electromagnetic (EM) waves in real time provide new opportunities for various exciting applications. However, most previous programmable metasurfaces only work in a single polarization mode and their elements are controlled in a whole or one-dimensional way, which limits functionality and adaptability to complex environments. Here, an anisotropic programmable metasurface with individually controllable elements is proposed to realize real-time and independent dual-polarized EM control in the two-dimension direction. The anisotropic metasurface element is designed using the ingenious cross-over resonant structure integrated with two sets of varactors to achieve 2-bit phase modulation in the respective polarization direction. As a demonstration, an anisotropic programmable metasurface prototype with 21×20 such elements is simulated, fabricated, and measured. Real-time beam scanning and vortex wave generation are verified respectively under two different polarized wave incidences, which indicates that the realized anisotropic programmable metasurface can achieve totally distinct functionalities for two orthogonal polarizations. Our work could push programmable metasurfaces one step closer towards more advanced information devices and complicated applications in communication and imaging.
Parity-time-symmetric (PT-symmetric) metasurfaces exhibit a plethora of fascinating exceptional-point-induced phenomena, including unidirectional negative refraction and electromagnetic impurity-immunity. However, practical realization of these effects is often impeded by the high demand for gain metasurfaces (gain tangent ∼102). Here, we propose a solution to this challenge by constructing a low-gain generalized PT-symmetric system. This is achieved by transforming the high-gain metasurface into a bulky slab and then realizing it utilizing zero-index materials doped with low-gain dopants. Within this generalized PT-symmetric system, the required gain tangent of the dopants is only ∼10-1 for the emergence of a coalesced exceptional point, where the remarkable property of electromagnetic impurity-immunity effect—perfect wave transmission regardless of impurities—appears. Furthermore, we observe a further decrease in demand for gain materials in an asymmetric environment. To validate this approach, a microwave implementation is demonstrated in full-wave simulations. This work provides a feasible strategy for substantially reducing requirements on gain materials in PT-symmetric systems, thereby enabling advanced electromagnetic wave control.
Research on parity-time (PT) symmetry and exceptional points in non-Hermitian laser systems has been extensively conducted. However, in practical electrically injected PT-symmetric lasers, the frequency detuning and linewidth enhancement factor of the laser can influence the symmetry breaking of the system in another dimension. We find that the previous exceptional point now transforms into a dynamic phase transition region, where the states are temporally unstable, indicating the occurrence of multimode oscillation. The relative phase and field amplitude ratio in this region also exhibit many novel phenomena indicating its instability. This region can be manipulated by adjusting the coupling strength between adjacent waveguides and the pumping intensity in the loss waveguide. Experimentally, we characterize the near-field, far-field, and spectrum of several structures, and the results validate our theoretical model. This work elucidates the dynamic process and phase transition process of electrically injected PT-symmetric lasers, providing support for the practical application of PT-symmetric lasers.
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a new technique, to our knowledge, to precisely measure the orbital angular momentum (OAM) spectrum of the fractional helical beam in a single shot. This is realized using a single-path interferometer scheme combined with space division multiplexing and polarization phase-shifting. Such a combination enables the single-shot recording of multiple phase-shifted interferograms, which leads to extracting the phase profile of the incident fractional helical beam. Furthermore, by adopting an orthogonal projection method, this measured phase is utilized to evaluate the corresponding OAM spectrum. To test the efficacy, a set of simulations and experiments for different fractional helical beams is demonstrated. The proposed method shows enormous potential to characterize the OAM spectrum in real time.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) has been proven to be theoretically unconditionally secure. However, any theoretical security proof relies on certain assumptions. In QKD, the assumption in the theoretical proof is that the security of the protocol is considered under the asymptotic case where Alice and Bob exchange an infinite number of signals. In the continuous-variable QKD (CV-QKD), the finite-size effect imposes higher requirements on block size and excess noise control. However, the local local oscillator (LLO) CV-QKD system cannot be considered time-invariant under long blocks, especially in cases of environmental disturbances. Thus, we propose an LLO CV-QKD scheme with time-variant parameter estimation and compensation. We first establish an LLO CV-QKD theoretical model under the temporal modes of continuous-mode states. Then, a robust method is used to compensate for arbitrary frequency shift and arbitrary phase drift in CV-QKD systems with longer blocks, which cannot be achieved under traditional time-invariant parameter estimation. Besides, the digital signal processing method predicated on high-speed reference pilots can achieve a time complexity of O(1). In the experiment, the frequency shift is up to 89.05 MHz/s and phase drift is up to 3.036 Mrad/s using a piezoelectric transducer (PZT) to simulate the turbulences in the practical channel. With a signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of -51.67 dB, we achieve a secret key rate (SKR) of 0.29 Mbits/s with an attenuation of 16 dB or a standard fiber of 80 km. This work paves the way for future long-distance field-test experiments in the finite-size regime.
The 2 μm wavelength band emerges as a promising candidate for the next communication window to enhance the transmission capacity of data. A high-responsivity and high-speed photodetector operating at 2 μm is crucial for the 2-μm-wavelength-band communication system. Here, we present an on-chip waveguide-coupled germanium photodetector with remarkably high responsivity and data-receiving rate, employing subbandgap light absorption and avalanche multiplication. The device is designed with an ingenious and simple asymmetric lateral p-i-n junction structure and fabricated through a standard CMOS process by a commercial factory. It has a responsivity of 3.64 A/W and a maximum bandwidth of 50 GHz at 2 μm wavelength. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, an optical receiving rate of up to 112 Gbps is demonstrated at 2 μm, verifying its feasibility in a high-speed 2-μm-band communication system. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed device stands out as the fastest photodiode with the highest responsivity among all group III-V and group IV photodetectors working in the 2 μm wavelength band.
In recent years, integrated optical processing units (IOPUs) have demonstrated advantages in energy efficiency and computational speed for neural network inference applications. However, limited by optical integration technology, the practicality and versatility of IOPU face serious challenges. In this work, a scalable parallel photonic processing unit (SPPU) for various neural network accelerations based on high-speed phase modulation is proposed and implemented on a silicon-on-insulator platform, which supports parallel processing and can switch between multiple computational paradigms simply and without latency to infer different neural network structures, enabling to maximize the utility of on-chip components. The SPPU adopts a scalable and process-friendly architecture design, with a preeminent photonic-core energy efficiency of 0.83 TOPS/W, two to ten times higher than existing integrated solutions. In the proof-of-concept experiment, a convolutional neural network (CNN), a residual CNN, and a recurrent neural network (RNN) are all implemented on our photonic processor to handle multiple tasks of handwritten digit classification, signal modulation format recognition, and review emotion recognition. The SPPU achieves multi-task parallel processing capability, serving as a promising and attractive research route to maximize the utility of on-chip components under the constraints of integrated technology, which helps to make IOPU more practical and universal.
Conversion from free-space waves to surface plasmons has been well studied as a key aspect of plasmonics. In particular, efficient coupling and propagation of surface plasmons via phase gradient metasurfaces are of great current research interest. Hereby, we demonstrate a terahertz metacoupler based on a bilayer bright–dark mode coupling structure attaining near-perfect conversion efficiency (exceeding 95%) without considering absorption loss of the materials and maintaining a high conversion level even when the area of the excitation region changes. To validate our design, a fabricated metacoupler was assessed by scanning near-field terahertz microscopy. Our findings could pave the way for developing high-performance plasmonic devices encompassing ultra-thin and compact functional devices for a diverse range of applications, especially within the realm of high-speed terahertz communications.
This review describes recent theoretical and experimental advances in the area of multimode solitons, focusing primarily on multimode fibers. We begin by introducing the basic concepts such as the spatial modes supported by a multimode fiber and the coupled mode equations for describing the different group delays and nonlinear properties of these modes. We review several analytic approaches used to understand the formation of multimode solitons, including those based on the 3D+1 spatiotemporal nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) and its approximate 1D+1 representation that has been found to be highly efficient for studying the self-imaging phenomena in graded-index multimode fibers. An innovative Gaussian quadrature approach is used for faster numerical simulations of the 3D+1 NLSE. The impact of linear mode coupling is discussed in a separate section using a generalized Jones formalism because of its relevance to space-division multiplexed optical communication systems. The last section is devoted to the relevant experimental studies involving multimode solitons.