Chinese Optics Letters
Zhizhan Xu
Volume: 10 Issue 9
24 Article(s)
Qiushi Huang, Haochuan Li, Jingtao Zhu, Xiaoqiang Wang, Zhanshan Wang, Lingyan Chen, and Yongjian Tang

To develop high quality dispersion optics in the X-ray region, the sliced multilayer transmission grating is examined. Dynamical diffraction theory is used to calculate the diffraction property of this volume grating. A WSi2/Si multilayer with a d-spacing of 14.3 nm and bi-layer number of 300 is deposited on a superpolished silicon substrate by direct current magnetron sputtering technology. To make the transmission grating, the multilayer is sliced and thinned in the cross-section direction to a depth of 23–25 \mu m. The diffraction efficiency of the grating is measured at E = 8.05 keV, and the 1st-order efficiency is 19%. The sliced multilayer grating with large aspect ratio and nanometer period can be used for high efficiency and high dispersion optics in the X-ray region.

May. 16, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 090501 (2012)
  • Liangjin Ge, Xudi Wang, Huoyao Chen, Keqiang Qiu, and Shaojun Fu

    We present a replication process, named reversal soft ultraviolet (UV) nanoimprint, to fabricate a high-aspect-ratio flexible subwavelength grating (SWG) on a polyurethane acrylate (PUA). This nanopatterning technique consists of casting, reversal UV imprint, and dry release. The UV curing process of PUA to avoid pattern collapse is investigated. Revalpha film acts as the supporting and sacrificial layer during the whole process due to its special surface energy property. The free-standing PUA structures with a period of 200 nm and a depth of 350 nm can be automatically released from the Revalpha film by heating. The PUA resist is well suited to replicate fine patterns of the mold with high aspect ratio and large area precisely and uniformly for low surface energy and low viscosity. The measured transmittance is compared with the calculation results based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis in the wavelength region ranging from 500 to 800 nm. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical calculations.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 090502 (2012)
  • Qi Liu, and Qin Wang

    A simple and compact refractive index sensor is demonstrated by tapering a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) in-line interferometer. The PCF is spliced between two single-mode fibers and tapered via hydrofluoric acid etching. Its sensitivity in liquid is more than an order of magnitude larger than the untapered one. By optimizing the etching process, we can fabricate more uniformly and thinly tapered PCF interferometers with higher sensitivity in the future.

    Jul. 05, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 090601 (2012)
  • Yueying Zhan, Min Zhang, Lei Liu, Mingtao Liu, Zhuo Liu, and Xue Chen

    A scheme that utilizes the 4-level pulse-amplitude-modulated (4PAM) signal as the re-modulated signal of colorless optical network units (ONUs) based on reflection semiconductor optical amplifiers (RSOAs) is proposed. The system with 10-Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) downstream and 5-Gb/s 4PAM upstream signals is theoretically analyzed and experimentally verified. Simulation and experimental results reveal that the 4PAM re-modulated signal yields better performance than the NRZ signal in the upstream. A receiver power penalty of 1.6 dB is also improved by the 4PAM signal at back-to-back (BtB) transmission, whereas another receiver power penalty of 1.5 dB improved after 30-km single mode fiber transmission, where 4PAM signals are used as upstream signal.

    Aug. 16, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 090602 (2012)
  • Haihua Cui, Wenhe Liao, Ning Dai, and Xiaosheng Cheng

    Based on the homography between a multi-source image and three-dimensional (3D) measurement points, this letter proposes a novel 3D registration and integration method based on scale-invariant feature matching. The matching relationships of two-dimensional (2D) texture gray images and two-and-a-half-dimensional (2.5D) range images are constructed using the scale-invariant feature transform algorithms. Then, at least three non-collinear 3D measurement points corresponding to image feature points are used to achieve a registration relationship accurately. According to the index of overlapping images and the local 3D border search method, multi-view registration data are rapidly and accurately integrated. Experimental results on real models demonstrate that the algorithm is robust and effective.

    May. 16, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091001 (2012)
  • Yi Yan, Jianfeng Sun, Xiaofeng Jin, Yu Zhou, Yanan Zhi, and Liren Liu

    Synthetic aperture imaging ladar (SAIL) technique belongs fully coherent processing in both the time domain and space domain and has a rather high implement difficulty. To solve this problem, the concept of circular incoherently SAIL is introduced. A speckle version image of a two-dimensional (2D) letter 'E' target is reconstructed from E-field projection data detected by a circular incoherently SAIL system. The experimental system is constructed by three subsystems using chirped-pulse laser as the light source and heterodyne detection to get the range information of the target. The reconstruction of the image and the noise effect are also discussed in detail.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091101 (2012)
  • Ren Zhu, Juntao Wang, Jun Zhou, Jiqiao Liu, and Weibiao Chen

    A single-frequency pulsed all-fiber laser with a master oscillator power amplifier configuration is presented. While maintaining the properties of single mode, linear polarization, and narrow linewidth, a single-pulse energy of 260 μJ and over 500-W peak power is experimentally demonstrated at 1 kHz by employing tensile strain gradient and pulse-shape control methods. In addition, approximately 55 dB of optical signal to noise ratio is also achieved.

    Jul. 05, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091402 (2012)
  • Liping Duo, Guofu Li, Haijun Yu, Jian Wang, Yuqi Jin, and Fengting Sang

    A pulsed chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) using atomic iodine generated by volumetric discharge of CH3I is developed and tested. COIL with a gain length of 60 cm is energized by a square pipe-array jet singlet oxygen generator with basic hydrogen peroxide pumping circulations and operated at subsonic gas flow. Maximum output energy of 4.3 J, pulse duration of 50 μs, specific energy extraction from the active medium of 2.0 J/L, and the maximum chemical efficiency of 12.5% are achieved at a chlorine flow rate of 55 mmole/s.

    Jul. 05, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091403 (2012)
  • Yongzhen Huang, Jiandong Lin, Qifeng Yao, Xiaomeng Lv, Yuede Yang, Jinlong Xiao, and Yun Du

    AlGaInAs/InP coupled-circular microlasers with radius of 10- and 2-μm width middle bus waveguide are fabricated by photolithography and inductively coupled plasma etching techniques. Room-temperature continuous-wave single-mode operation is realized with an output power of 0.17 mW and a side-mode suppression ratio of 23 dB at 45 mA. A longitudinal mode interval of 11 nm is obtained from the lasing spectra, and mode Q factor of 6.2×103 is estimated from 3-dB width of a minor peak near the threshold current. The mode characteristics are simulated by finite-difference time-domain technique for coupled-circular resonators. The results show that, in addition to the coupled modes, high-radial-order whispering gallery modes with travelling wave behaviors can also have high Q factors in the coupled-circular resonators with a middle bus waveguide.

    Jul. 05, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091404 (2012)
  • Zhenglan Bian, Chongde Huang, Dijun Chen, Jiaobo Peng, Min Gao, Zuoren Dong, Jiqiao Liu, Haiwen Cai, Ronghui Qu, and Shangqing Gong

    We demonstrate a tunable wavelength-locked seed laser source with high-frequency stability to realize the precise measurements of global atmospheric wind field. An Nd:YAG laser at 1 064 nm is used as the master laser (ML). Its frequency is locked to a confocal Fabry-Perot interferometer by using the Pound-Drever-Hall method, which ensures the peak-to-peak value of its frequency drifts less than 180 kHz over 2 h. Another Nd:YAG laser at 1 064 nm, as the slave laser, is offset-locked to the above ML using optical phase locked loop, retaining virtually the same absolute frequency stability as the ML. The tunable ranges of the frequency differences between two lasers are up to 3 GHz, and the tuning step length was an arbitrary integral multiple of 200 kHz. The researched seed laser source is compact and robust, which can well satisfy the requirement of the Doppler wind lidar.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091405 (2012)
  • Chengzheng Guo, Deyuan Shen, Jingyu Long, and Fei Wang

    Efficient, high-power, and widely tunable Tm-doped fiber lasers cladding-pumped by diode lasers at 791 nm are demonstrated by use of an external cavity containing a diffraction grating. A maximum output power of 62 W is obtained at 2 004 nm for 140 W of launched pump power, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 48% with respect to launched pump power. The operating wavelength is tunable over 200 nm (1 895 to 2 109 nm), with >52 W of output power over a tuning range of 140 nm (1 926 to 2 070 nm). Prospects for further improvement in output power, lasing efficiency, and tuning range are considered.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091406 (2012)
  • Peng Guo, Cheng Zhang, Juhao Li, Weijian Yang, Devang Parekh, Connie J., Weiwei Hu, Anshi Xu, and Zhangyuan Chen

    We demonstrate the long distance transmission of single-carrier frequency division multiple address signals by directly-modulated optically injection-locked vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser. Transmission distance as long as 50 km is achieved at 5 Gb/s (2.5 Gb/s for each user) through data pattern inversion and higher frequency response gain under optical injection locking.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091407 (2012)
  • Yanjun Cao, Kegui Xia, Yao Yao, Ken-ichi Ueda, and Jianlang Li

    We demonstrate a linearly-polarized, ytterbium-doped fiber laser that uses an uncoated, undoped ceramic YAG plate as the output coupler, and the corresponding polarization extinction ratio of laser beam increases with incident pump power and then saturates at larger pump power. For comparison, the output coupler of the fiber laser is replaced by 10% reflectivity plane mirror, while the feature of the polarization of laser output is kept unchanged. The results show that the origin of the pump-dependent and self-started polarization is associated with the intensity-dependent nonlinear birefringence in the gain fiber.

    Aug. 16, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091408 (2012)
  • Gang Bi, Li Wang, Wei Xiong, Kosi Ueno, Hiroaki Misawa, and Jianrong Qiu

    We experimentally verify that surface plasmon (SP) enhances the photoluminescence (PL) of visible light from Tb3+-doped 60SiO2-20Al2O3-20CaF2:0.3Tb3+, 20Yb3+ glass ceramics by using electron beam lithography to fabricate silver nanoparticles on the surface of the glass ceramics. Numerical calculation for the SP enhancement spectroscopy is achieved by using the finite-difference time-domain algorithm. A PL enhancement of Tb3+ by as much as 1.6 times is observed. The PL enhancement is mainly due to the coupling of excitation from 7F6 to 5D4 transition dipole of Tb3+ ion with SP mode induced from the silver nanoparticles.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 092401 (2012)
  • Guoying Zhao, Ying Tian, Huiyan Fan, Junjie Zhang, and Lili Hu

    An Er3+-doped lead-free bismuth germanate glass is synthesized. Its 2.7-\mu m emission property is analyzed, and the efficient 2.7-\mu m emission from the glass is observed under 980-nm laser diode excitation. The prepared glass possesses high spontaneous transition probability (64.8 s 1) and a large calculated emission cross section (6.61 \times 10^{ 21} cm2) corresponding to the 4I11/2 -> 4I13/2 transition. The multiphonon relaxation rate for the excited state 4I11/2 is only 236 s 1. Therefore, the excellent spectroscopic properties and outstanding thermal stability suggest that this glass is a suitable host for developing solid-state lasers operating in the mid-infrared.

    May. 16, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091601 (2012)
  • Qing Yi, Taiju Tsuboi, Shengming Zhou, Yosuke Nakai, Hui Lin, and Hao Teng

    A transparent and emitting ceramic of Y2O3 doped with 6% Tm3+ ions is fabricated by vacuum sintering with ZrO2. Absorption, photoluminescence (PL), and PL excitation (PLE) spectra are investigated in a spectral range of 200 to 2 100 nm at various temperatures between 296 and 12 K. Intense emission band appears at 450 to 465 nm in the visible range. Near-infrared emission bands are observed at 1 200 to 1 300 nm and 1 400 to 1 550 nm, with intense peaks at 1 270, 1 450, and 1 523 nm. The luminescence mechanisms and potential applications of the emissions are discussed with the help of Judd-Ofelt theory and PLE spectra.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091602 (2012)
  • Xiaowei Zhang, Tao Lin, Xiaofan Jiang1, Jianfeng Liu, Ling Xu, and Kunji Chen

    Er3+ ions embedded in silica thin films co-doped by SnO2 nanocrystals are fabricated by sol-gel and spin coating methods. Uniformly distributed 4-nm SnO2 nanocrystals are fabricated, and the nanocrystals showed tetragonal rutile crystalline structures confirmed by transmission electron microscope and X-ray diffraction measurements. A strong characteristic emission located at 1.54 μm from the Er3+ ions is identified, and the influences of Sn doping concentrations on photoluminescence properties are systematically evaluated. The emission at 1.54 μm from Er3+ ions is enhanced by more than three orders of magnitude, which can be attributed to the effective energy transfer from the defect states of SnO2 nanocrystals to nearby Er3+ ions, as revealed by the selective excitation experiments.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091603 (2012)
  • Ke Di, Xudong Yu, Fengyu Cheng, and Jing Zhang

    We experimentally investigate the optical cavity for various coupled regimes with an injected squeezed vacuum state. We measure the quantum fluctuation spectra of the reflected field of an optical cavity using the homodyne detection and present the spectral dependence on the absorption and dispersion properties of the cavity in the under-coupled, critically-coupled, and over-coupled regimes. The spectra lineshape is phase sensitive with the phase shift induced by the cavity. Moreover, we find that the over-coupled optical cavity has obvious advantage in the manipulation of quantum fluctuation.

    May. 16, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091901 (2012)
  • Hassan Kaatuzian, and Hamed Ahmadi

    A novel ultrahigh-speed all-optical demultiplexer (DMUX) with polarization-shift-keying (PolSK) modulation input signals is proposed. This design is based on four-wave mixing (FWM) in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). For analyzing each amplifier, we use finite-difference method (FDM) based on solution of the traveling wave coupled equations. Using numerical simulation, the all-optical DMUX is theoretically realized at 40 Gb/s. We also study the relation between optical confinement factor and thickness of active layer of the SOA section successfully, and investigate the increasing effect of confinement factor on the DMUX optical output power. With this work, the confinement factor is increased from 0.3 to 0.48, and as a result, the output power approximately twice ofits initial value is achieved. Moreover, the effects of polarization dependence of SOA on the output performance of all-optical DMUX for PolSK signal are theoretically investigated in detail.

    Aug. 03, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091902 (2012)
  • Qiong Liu, Qing Ye, Zhengqing Pan, Haiwen Cai, Ronghui Qu, and Zujie Fang

    We design and demonstrate an all-optical temporal differentiator based on a simple Moire fiber grating operated in reflection. The simulation results prove that a single Moire fiber grating with only one \pi-phase shifted point can act as the first-order temporal differentiator and that a Moire fiber grating incorporating two symmetrical -phase shifted points can act as the second-order temporal differentiator. A practical Moire fiber grating is fabricated, thereby proving that such a grating can act as the first-order temporal differentiator. Our results verify the feasibility, flexibility, and accuracy of the proposed method.

    Jul. 05, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 092301 (2012)
  • Yunfei Yan, Chuantao Zheng, Xiaoqiang Sun, Fei Wang, and Daming Zhang

    A polymer/silica hybrid 2 \times 2 multimode-interference Mach–Zehnder interferometer thermo-optic (TO) switch is designed and fabricated. Instead of polymer, silica is used as under-cladding to accelerate heat release because of its large thermal conductivity. The developed switch exhibits low power consumption of 6.2 mW, low crosstalk of about –28 dB, and short response time. The rise and fall times of 103 and 91 \mu s for this hybrid switch are shortened by 40.8% and 52.4%, respectively, compared with those of the fabricated TO switch (174 and 191 \mu s) using polymer as both upper- and under-claddings.

    May. 16, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 092501 (2012)
  • Hongzhen Jiang, Jianlin Zhao, and Jianglei Di

    We propose a new correction method for the splicing dislocation of sub-holograms in synthetic aperture digital holography. By adjusting the splicing distances between sub-holograms during the numerical reconstruction process using the convolution approach, the influence of non-paraxial aberration for the quality of the synthetic reconstructed image is avoided and synthetic reconstructed images corresponding to different splicing distances are obtained. Then, the accurate splicing distance between sub-holograms is determined by evaluating the quality of the corresponding synthetic reconstructed images. Accurate correction for the splicing dislocation of sub-holograms is achieved and high-quality reconstructed images without nonparaxial aberration are obtained.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 090901 (2012)
  • Wei Xiong, Yin Zhang, Zhaoyuan Ma, and Xuzong Chen

    A method that uses radio frequency (RF) spectroscopy to evaluate the alignment of an optical lattice is proposed and demonstrated. A one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice is applied along the long axis of a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a magnetic trap. The RF spectra of condensates with and without the optical lattice are analyzed, measured, and compared with the condition in which the lattice is misaligned with the BEC. The proposed method greatly optimizes the optical alignments of the lattices.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 090201 (2012)
  • Ruifang Fang, Aijun Zeng, Longhai Liu, Linglin Zhu, and Huijie Huang

    A real-time measurement method for the retardation of an eighth-wave plate is proposed. The collimated laser beam is split using a Glan Taylor polarizer with two side escape windows. The reflected sub-beam is detected using a detector, whereas the transmitted sub-beam passes through the quarter-wave plate and the eighth-wave plate of interest. Then, it is reflected by the mirror and passes reversely through the eighth- and quarter-wave plates. Finally, it is analyzed using the Glan Taylor polarizer and detected using another detector. With two detection signals, the retardation is resolved and found to be independent of the fast-axis direction, initial intensity, and circuit parameters. In the experiment, a crystal quartz sample is measured at different fast-axis angles. The standard deviation of the retardation is 0.9o. The usefulness of the method is verified.

    Jul. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 9 091201 (2012)
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