Radiotherapy is one of the conventional treatments of tumor. However, radiation-induced metastasis usually re-sults in the poor clinical outcome of radiotherapy. Tumor angiogenesis is tightly related to its metastasis and the combined administration of anti-angiogenetic drugs with radiotherapy e.ectively improves the prognosis of tumor radiotherapy, there-fore, studies on radiation-related angiogenesis are of practical signi.cance. The purpose of this review is to summarize the re-cent research progress on tumor angiogenesis related to radiotherapy and to provide a considerable reference for developing medicine targeting on angiogenesis and improving the clinical outcome of radiotherapy.
Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) are a group of non-coding RNA that consist of more than 200 nucleotides. A re-view of the literature indicates that a large amount of lncRNA expression changes abnormally during the development of lung cancer. These lncRNA mainly affect the pathophysiological process of lung cancer by regulating the proliferation, apoptosis, migration, and autophagy of lung cancer cells. Recently, research on anti-lung cancer of traditional Chinese medicine targeting lncRNA is increasing. This article mainly reviews the abnormal expression of lncRNA and its mechanism of lncRNA action and summarizes the research progress of lung cancer treatment through traditional Chinese medicine with lncRNA as therapeutic tar-get, be expecting to provide new methods and new ideas for the treatment and research of lung cancer.
Voltage-gated sodium channel NaV1.9 is preferentially expressed in peripheral nociceptors and plays an impor-tant role in the generation and propagation of electrical signals in nerves. Animal models and genetic studies have shown that it plays a major role in in.ammatory pain, neuropathic pain and cold allodynia. Therefore, NaV1.9 is a potential target for an-algesics. Here, we review recent studies that reveal the relationship between NaV1.9 and pain. NaV1.9’s expression location, physiological characteristics, animal models, genetic validation in humans and pharmacological study, and the development of targeted analgesics were discussed, to provide reference for the further research of the role of NaV1.9 in pain.
Verruca planae is a benign skin papilloma caused by human papilloma virus, most patients with verruca planae in face, double upper limbs and other exposed parts, with a certain loss of beauty, seriously affect the patient’s beauty and con.dence. The traditional methods for the treatment of.at wart are cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, etc, whereas the recur-rence rate is higher. In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the treatment of verruca planae gradu-ally increased, including invasive and non-invasive, whereas there is no uniform standard for the treatment of verruca planae. Di.erent patients has di.erent cosmetic requirements and.nancial capability about disease-curing, however dermatologists are restricted by technology and equipment, and this leads to the status of the good and bad are intermingled in the treatment of flat wart. This review mainly summarize the drugs and photoelectric technology therapy of verruca planae often used in recent years to guide the choice of.at wart treatment, aiming to reduce the adverse reaction after the treatment of.at wart, shorten the treatment time, and reduce the physiological and psychological burden of patients.
In order to explore an intelligent, non-destructive method for detecting the boundary of melanoma. In this study, a.ber optic spectrometer (FOS) system combined an integrated structure with an automatic software was developed and em-ployed for distinguishing the skin pigmentation. After collecting scattering spectrum from sample, a correlation test will be performed with standard spectrum. The system will automatically give a judgment based on the correlation coe.cient. The feasibility of the FOS system for rapid and intelligent detecting the pigmentation was.rst tested by an ex vivo experiment. A tricolor agar phantom stained by red, green and blue inks could be identified by the FOS system with 96% accuracy. Further-more, a melanoma mouse model induced by subcutaneous injection of ink was examined by the FOS system in vivo. There were signi.cant di.erences in spectrum between the ink-injection region and the normal region. Comparison with the stan-dard spectrum of injected ink, the correlation coefficient of the ink injection area was 0.83±0.07, while the normal tissue was 0.18±0.05. The boundary of the ink pigmentation area in the skin could be clearly identi.ed from the correlation coe.-cient map. Both the ex vivo and in vivo experiment demonstrated the FOS system could identify pigmentation with high sen-sitivity and speci.city, and indicated its great potential to be used in the clinical diagnosis of melanoma.
In order to enhance the e.ect of photosensitizer photodynamic therapy on leukemia, the photocatalytic inactiva-tion e.ects of composite nanoparticles FA-CS@Fe-TiO2 on HL60 cells were studied. The composite nanoparticles FA-CS@ Fe-TiO2 were formed by the modi.cation of tumor-targeting molecule folic acid (FA), plus Fe-TiO2 was wrapped by chitosan nanoparticles (CS-NP). FA-CS@Fe-TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by sol-gel method, two-step method, and surface modi-.cation method, and analyzed by X-ray di.raction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Fourier infrared spec-troscopy. The CCK-8 method and active oxygen content analysis method were used to analyze the mechanism of FA-CS@Fe-TiO2 photocatalytic inactivation of HL60 cells. Cell test results showed that under non-light conditions, chitosan (CS) itself had no obvious inhibitory e.ect on cell growth, and it had a certain promotion e.ect on cells at low mass concentrations of 5 μg/mL. Compared to Fe-TiO2 and FA-CS@Fe-TiO2 nanomaterials, the toxicity of CS@Fe-TiO2 was signi.cantly reduced, and even at a high quality concentration of 160 μg/mL, the relative survival of HL60 with CS@Fe-TiO2 (3:2) can still be as high as 85%, which indicates that the coating of chitosan can improve the biocompatibility of the composite nanoparticles. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) tests have shown that folic acid modi.cation can signi.cantly increase the uptake of composite nanoparticles by HL60 cells and enhance its inactivation e.ciency to HL60 cells. The highest PDT inactivation e.ect of FA-CS@Fe-TiO2 nanoparticles was 78.75%. It provides a reference for the clinical application of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of leukemia tumor cells.
A multiplex PCR assay was established for rapid and accurate detection of three potato pathogens, Phytoph-thora infestans, Rhizoctonia solani and Alternaria solani. According to the published gene sequences of these three patho-gens in GenBank, we designed 3 pairs of specific primers. The main factors influencing the multiplex PCR efficiency, such as annealing temperature and primer concentration, were optimized. The results showed that our proposed multiplex PCR as-say provided high sensitivity and extraordinary speci.city. The detection limit was estimated to be approximately 40.0 fg/μL. With its high e.ciency, low cost and rapidity, the multiplex PCR assay has great potential application in the early prevention, diagnosis and control of potato diseases.
Haematococcus pluvialis caleosin has the function of stabilizing oil bodies. In order to investigate its physical and chemical characteristics and functions, the full-length cDNA sequence of cleosin gene of H. pluvialis was obtained by the method of combining homologous cloning and RACE amplification technology, and by the bioinformatics analysis, HaeClo gene expression analysis was conducted. The analysis showed that HaeClo was 1 088 bp in length, encoding a total of 262 amino acids, and the theoretical isoelectric point of 7.73. BLAST homology comparison revealed that the amino acid sequence of HaeClo had 66% and 61% similarity to caleosin derived from Gonium pectorale and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, re-spectively, which was a typical caleosin family member. The analysis of multiple alignment and phylogenetic tree showed that caleosin derived from higher plants and lower plants may come from a common ancestor. Under di.erent stress conditions, the expression level of the HaeClo gene reached the highest value on the third day of culture. At this time, the expression level of the high blue light+1/4 nitrogen treatment group reached the peak, and the expression level of the high white light+1/4 nitro-gen treatment group was the second. And the target protein was successfully expressed in E. coli. In this study, the gene se-quence encoding caleosin in H. pluvialis was obtained.rstly, and subjected to bioinformatics analysis, expression analysis of H. pluvialis under di.erent stress conditions of high light and nitrogen de.ciency, and further study of HaeClo gene expres-sion in H. pluvialis,which laid the foundation for the expression and function of caleosin in H. pluvialis.
To develop the.ne and reliable molecular markers in Arabidopsis thaliana, this work analyzed the whole ge-nome sequence of Columbia and Landsberg erecta with comparative genomics. From total 10 449 insertion/deletion (IN-DEL) DNA fragments that have no less than six bases, we screened 2 321 INDEL molecular markers. For each marker, at least one pair of primers (a total of 4 764) were designed. Based on this, we randomly selected 20.rst-pass mapping molecular markers that are relatively evenly distributed in.ve chromosomes of Arabidopsis thaliana. When using these molecu-lar markers, we were able to obtain stable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and agarose gel electrophoresis results under uni-form reaction system and ampli.cation conditions. This study will facilitate researchers to.nd suitable molecular markers, and under the common instrument conditions and lower experimental costs, to quickly locate the mutant gene and improve the e.ciency of gene map-based cloning.
In order to provide practical reference for the further development and utilization of carp eggs and aquatic prod-ucts, the vitellophane phosvitin (Pv) of carp egg yolk was isolated and puri.ed by salt solution method and its physicochemi-cal properties were investigated. The results showed that the Pv crude extract of carp egg yolk could be divided into three components (P1,P2 and P3), and the Pv bands of P2 and P3 were Pv, with the molecular weight of P2 and P3 being 34.0 kD and 16.0 kD respectively. The molecular weights of the puri.ed Pv subunit were 15.0, 17.7, 20.0, 33.0, 96.0 and 98.0 kD, respectively. The nitrogen and phosphorus content of Pv were 11.74% and 4.28% respectively, and the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus content was 6.07. The Pv yield of carp egg yolk was 0.40%, and the absorption peak appeared at 201.0 nm and 257.8 nm. The content of phosphorus and serine in the egg yolk of carp Pv was lower than that of egg yolk. The results showed that there was Pv in carp egg yolk, and the content of benzoyl acid in Pv of carp egg yolk was more than that of egg yolk. This result provided a theoretical basis for further research on the intensive processing of carp egg yolk.
Resveratrol (Res) is a promising molecule for.ghting cancer. However, the potential of the drug is immensely hindered by several limiting factors, including poor water solubility, limited chemical stability, and low bioavailability. In or-der to solve the above problems, we report a facile synthesis of a Res-loaded folate-terminated PEG-liposome (FA-PEG-Lip) coated mesoporous carbon nanotube (MCN) nanosystem (FA-PEG-Lip@MCN/Res) by simply sonicating Res and MCN in FA-PEG-Lip suspensions. The as-obtained FA-PEG-Lip@MCN/Res exhibits a nanoscale size [width: (80±10) nm, length: (600±100) nm], a negative surface potential (-10.2 mV), an excellent drug loading (131.59 mg/g MCN), good monodisper-sity and near infrared (NIR) laser stimulation-response release. Owing to folate receptor-mediated targeted delivery, the FA-PEG-Lip@MCN/Res nanosystem can deliver loaded Res to human breast cancer MCF-7 cells with high speci.city. The cell toxicity viability shows that unloaded FA-PEG-Lip@MCN has no cytotoxicity, confirming its suitability as a drug vehicle. In addition, a systematic in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that, under NIR laser irradiation, the FA-PEG-Lip@ MCN/Res nanosystem exhibits highly e.cient chemotherapy/photothermal synergistic therapy. All in all, the FA-PEG-Lip@ MCN/Res nanosystem can simultaneously improve Res water solubility, enhance Res stability, extend plasma half-life of Res in mice, folate receptor targeting, NIR laser stimulation-response release, and synergistic tumor therapy, which may greatly promote the application of Res in clinical practice.
In order to study the effects of three different soil conditioners and their compatibilities on rice growth physi-ology and cadmium absorption, a random block design was used and a total of 4 treatments were set up: CK (conventional fertilization), T1 (conventional fertilization + cytokinin producing bacteria agent), T2 (conventional fertilization + cytokinin producing bacteria agent + Miscanthus lutarioriparius biochar), T3 (conventional fertilization + cytokinin producing bac-teria agent + Miscanthus lutarioriparius biochar + active silicon). Therefore, we can study the e.ects of microbial biochar soil conditioners on the growth physiology and cadmium uptake of rice variety Huanghuazhan in cadmium-contaminated soil. The results showed that the net photosynthetic rate of.ag leaves at the heading stage of rice treated with T1,T2 and T3 was higher than that of CK, of which the net photosynthetic rate of T3 reached 17.67 μmol/(m2?s); catalase activity and su-peroxide dismutase activity and root vitality were significantly higher than the control. The relative yield of each treatment is significantly different from that of CK, and the order of size is T3>T2>T1>CK. The relative yield of each treatment was signi.cantly di.erent from that of CK, and the order of magnitude was T3>T2>T1>CK. Compared with that of CK, the in-creased yield percentage of T1,T2 and T3 treatments was in the range of 20.07% to 27.94% at mature stage. The cadmium content of rice stem and grain were in the order of CK>T1>T2>T3. The grain of T3 was as low as 0.20 mg/kg to grow soil of 1.84 mg/kg cadmium content. In conclusion, microbial and birchar soil conditioners could enhance the capacity of rice physiological resistance, root activity and bacterial diversity, improve the photosynthesis at heading stage, increase the plant height and relative yield at mature stage, reduce the grain cadmium content and cadmium translocation coe.cient from stem to grain, therefore improve the grain quality. Moreover, the application effect of multi-component solid soil conditioner is better than that of single soil conditioner. The results of these studies can provide a certain theoretical basis for the research on the application technology of safe production of rice in cadmium-contaminated areas.
In order to obtain phthalic acid esters (PAEs) biodegradation strain, a bacterial strain capable of growing with PAEs as the sole carbon source and energy was selected from contaminated soil and named as SD2. The 16S rDNA obtained by PCR ampli.cation and the construction of molecular phylogeny trees can be identi.ed as Tsukamurella sp. The degrada-tion of DBP under different temperature, pH value, and rotational speed conditions was investigated. The degradation abil-ity of the strain to DBP was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that the optimum degradation condition of SD2 is temperature of 30℃, pH value of 9 and rotational speed of 150 r/min. Under this optimum condition, SD2 can completely degrade 500 mg/L DBP within 72 h. The intermediate metabolites, butylmethyl phthalate and phthalic acid, were detected by GC-MS during the degradation of DBP, and phthalic acid could be further completely degrad-ed into CO2 and H2O. To our knowledge, this is the.rst report about the biodegradation of PAEs by genus Tsukamurella.