We are showing a significant enhancement in the temporal contrast by reducing the coherent noise of the 10 PW laser system at the Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics facility. The temporal contrast was improved by four orders of magnitude at 10 picoseconds and by more than one order of magnitude at 50 picoseconds before the main peak. This improvement of the picosecond contrast is critical for the experiments using thin solid targets.
Isolated multi-MeV $\gamma$ -rays with attosecond duration, high collimation and beam angular momentum (BAM) may find many interesting applications in nuclear physics, astrophysics, etc. Here, we propose a scheme to generate such $\gamma$ -rays via nonlinear Thomson scattering of a rotating relativistic electron sheet driven by a few-cycle twisted laser pulse interacting with a micro-droplet target. Our model clarifies the laser intensity threshold and carrier-envelope phase effect on the generation of the isolated electron sheet. Three-dimensional numerical simulations demonstrate the $\gamma$ -ray emission with 320 attoseconds duration and peak brilliance of $9.3\times 10^{24}$ photons s ${}^{-1}$ mrad ${}^{-2}$ mm ${}^{-2}$ per 0.1 $\%$ bandwidth at 4.3 MeV. The $\gamma$ -ray beam carries a large BAM of $2.8 \times 10^{16}\mathrm{\hslash}$ , which arises from the efficient BAM transfer from the rotating electron sheet, subsequently leading to a unique angular distribution. This work should promote the experimental investigation of nonlinear Thomson scattering of rotating electron sheets in large laser facilities.
Next generation high-power laser facilities are expected to generate hundreds-of-MeV proton beams and operate at multi-Hz repetition rates, presenting opportunities for medical, industrial and scientific applications requiring bright pulses of energetic ions. Characterizing the spectro-spatial profile of these ions at high repetition rates in the harsh radiation environments created by laser–plasma interactions remains challenging but is paramount for further source development. To address this, we present a compact scintillating fiber imaging spectrometer based on the tomographic reconstruction of proton energy deposition in a layered fiber array. Modeling indicates that spatial resolution of approximately 1 mm and energy resolution of less than 10% at proton energies of more than 20 MeV are readily achievable with existing 100 μm diameter fibers. Measurements with a prototype beam-profile monitor using 500 μm fibers demonstrate active readouts with invulnerability to electromagnetic pulses, and less than 100 Gy sensitivity. The performance of the full instrument concept is explored with Monte Carlo simulations, accurately reconstructing a proton beam with a multiple-component spectro-spatial profile.
We demonstrated a method to improve the output performance of a Ti:sapphire laser in the long-wavelength low-gain region with an efficient stimulated Raman scattering process. By shifting the wavelength of the high-gain-band Ti:sapphire laser to the long-wavelength low-gain region, high-performance Stokes operation was achieved in the original long-wavelength low-gain region of the Ti:sapphire laser. With the fundamental wavelength tuning from 870 to 930 nm, first-order Stokes output exceeding 2.5 W was obtained at 930–1000 nm, which was significantly higher than that directly generated by the Ti:sapphire laser, accompanied by better beam quality, shorter pulse duration and narrower linewidth. Under the pump power of 42.1 W, a maximum first-order Stokes power of 3.24 W was obtained at 960 nm, with a conversion efficiency of 7.7%. Furthermore, self-mode-locked modulations of first- and second-order Stokes generation were observed in Ti:sapphire intracavity solid Raman lasers for the first time.
Proton acceleration in a near-critical-density gas driven by a light spring (LS) pulse with a helical structure in its intensity profile is investigated using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. Compared with other pulse modes with the same laser power, such as the Gaussian pulse or the donut Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) pulse, the LS structure significantly enhances the peak intensity and drives a stronger longitudinal acceleration field and transverse focusing field. Both the high intensity and helical structure of the LS pulse contribute to the formation of a bubble-like structure with a fine electron column on the axis, which is critical for stable proton acceleration. Therefore, it is very promising to obtain ultra-high-energy protons using LS pulses with a relatively lower power. For example, by using LS pulses with the same power of 4.81 PW, the proton in the gas can be accelerated up to 8.7 GeV, and the witness proton can be accelerated to 10.6 GeV from 0.11 GeV, which shows the overwhelming advantage over the Gaussian and LG pulse cases.
We report a high-power ultra-narrow fiber-coupled diode laser using a Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter (FADOF) as an external cavity element. An external cavity suitable for both the fiber-coupled package and FADOF configuration has been proposed. Using a 87Rb-based FADOF as the frequency-selective element, we realized a 103 W continuous laser output with a uniform circular beam. The center wavelength was precisely locked at the D2 line of the Rb resonance, and the bandwidth was narrowed from 1.8 nm (free-running, full width at half maximum (FWHM)) to 0.013 nm (6.9 GHz, FWHM). The side mode suppression ratio reached 31 dB. Such diode lasers with precise wavelength and high spectral brightness have critical applications in many fields, such as high-energy gas laser pumping, spin-exchange optical pumping, Raman spectroscopy and nonlinear optics.
This study demonstrates a kilowatt-level, spectrum-programmable, multi-wavelength fiber laser (MWFL) with wavelength, interval and intensity tunability. The central wavelength tuning range is 1060–1095 nm and the tunable number is controllable from 1 to 5. The wavelength interval can be tuned from 6 to 32 nm and the intensity of each channel can be adjusted independently. Maximum output power up to approximately 1100 W has been achieved by master oscillator power amplifier structures. We also investigate the wavelength evolution experimentally considering the difference of gain competition, which may give a primary reference for kW-level high-power MWFL spectral manipulation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest output power ever reported for a programmable MWFL. Benefiting from its high power and flexible spectral manipulability, the proposed MWFL has great potential in versatile applications such as nonlinear frequency conversion and spectroscopy.
A high-energy pulsed vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) solid-state laser at 177 nm with high peak power by the sixth harmonic of a neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) amplifier in a KBe2BO3F2 prism-coupled device was demonstrated. The ultraviolet (UV) pump laser is a 352 ps pulsed, spatial top-hat super-Gaussian beam at 355 nm. A high energy of a 7.12 mJ VUV laser at 177 nm is obtained with a pulse width of 255 ps, indicating a peak power of 28 MW, and the conversion efficiency is 9.42% from 355 to 177 nm. The measured results fitted well with the theoretical prediction. It is the highest pulse energy and highest peak power ever reported in the VUV range for any solid-state lasers. The high-energy, high-peak-power, and high-spatial-uniformity VUV laser is of great interest for ultra-fine machining and particle-size measurements using UV in-line Fraunhofer holography diagnostics.
Fiber Bragg grating-based Raman oscillators are capable of achieving targeted frequency conversion and brightness enhancement through the provision of gain via stimulated Raman scattering across a broad gain spectrum. This capability renders them an exemplary solution for the acquisition of high-brightness, specialized-wavelength lasers. Nonetheless, the output power of all-fiber Raman oscillators is typically limited to several hundred watts, primarily due to limitations in injectable pump power and the influence of higher-order Raman effects, which is inadequate for certain application demands. In this study, we introduce an innovative approach by employing a graded-index fiber with a core diameter of up to 150 μm as the Raman gain medium. This strategy not only enhances the injectable pump power but also mitigates higher-order Raman effects. Consequently, we have successfully attained an output power of 1780 W for the all-fiber Raman laser at 1130 nm, representing the highest output power in Raman fiber oscillators with any configuration reported to date.
Large-aperture gratings have significant applications in inertial confinement fusion, immersion lithography manufacturing and astronomical observation. Currently, it is challenging and expensive to manufacture sizable monolithic gratings. Therefore, tiled multiple small-aperture gratings are preferred. In this study, the impact of seam phase discontinuity on the modulation of the laser beam field was explored based on the measurement results of the Shenguang-II laser large-aperture multi-exposure-tiled grating. An innovative method for accurately calculating the phase jump of multi-exposure-tiled grating seams was proposed. An intensive electromagnetic field analysis was performed by applying rigorous coupled-wave analysis to a reasonably constructed micrometer-level periodic grating seam structure, and the phase jump appearing in millimeter-scale seams of large-aperture tiled gratings was obtained accurately.
A multifunctional optical diagnostic system, which includes an interferometer, a refractometer and a multi-frame shadowgraph, has been developed at the Shenguang-II upgrade laser facility to characterize underdense plasmas in experiments of the double-cone ignition scheme of inertial confinement fusion. The system employs a 266 nm laser as the probe to minimize the refraction effect and allows for flexible switching among three modes of the interferometer, refractometer and multi-frame shadowgraph. The multifunctional module comprises a pair of beam splitters that attenuate the laser, shield stray light and configure the multi-frame and interferometric modules. By adjusting the distance and angle between the beam splitters, the system can be easily adjusted and switched between the modes. Diagnostic results demonstrate that the interferometer can reconstruct electron density below 1019 cm–3, while the refractometer can diagnose density approximately up to 1020 cm–3. The multi-frame shadowgraph is used to qualitatively characterize the temporal evolution of plasmas in the cases in which the interferometer and refractometer become ineffective.
A scheme for generating high-flux angularly uniform proton beams with high laser-to-proton energy conversion efficiency is proposed. Three laser beams are focused on a microwire array attached to a solid-density hemispheric target. The laser-driven hot electrons from the front of the microwire hemisphere generate a hot-electron sheath in the hollow behind it, so that the protons on its back are accelerated by target normal sheath acceleration. The accelerated protons are of high flux, as well as angularly and energetically uniform. The scheme should be useful for applications involving warm dense matter, such as isochoric heating and modification of materials, as well as for proton therapy and inertial confinement fusion.
We demonstrate the post-compression of the GW-level femtosecond pulse in a solid-state multi-pass cell (MPC) by the pre-chirp management method. When the laser pulse is positively pre-chirped, the 200 μJ 170 fs input pulse is compressed to 163 μJ 44 fs at the output, corresponding to a transmission of 81% and a pulse shortening factor of 3.86. When the laser pulse is negatively pre-chirped, the spectral evolution, as the pulse propagates in the MPC, is characterized and, eventually, the pulse duration is compressed to 51 fs, corresponding to a pulse shortening factor of 3.3. After the driving laser goes through the pre-chirp managed MPC device, the power stability and beam quality are almost preserved. The experimental results offer a viable path toward the post-compression of high-peak-power laser pulses.
Achieving complex pulses with high-power lasers necessitates rigorous testing of specially designed optical components. The qualification of these components using complementary devices to access both the high-resolution and the large-aperture properties, followed by validation using propagation simulations, is proposed here. In particular, the topology of a large-aperture staircase-like Fresnel phase plate used to generate vortex pulses is qualified using a non-contact optical profiler and a large-aperture wavefront measurement setup based on a Shack–Hartmann sensor. The resulting topography is further used for simulating the focus of laser beams after passing through the phase plate. Step height distribution effects on the doughnut-shaped focus are identified, and avoiding the indicated pitfall in the design of the phase plate provides at least a 10-fold reduction of the irradiance modulation on the circumference of the focus in the super-Gaussian case.
Stimulated Raman scattering is a third-order nonlinear optical effect that is not only effective for wavelength converting laser output, but also for single longitudinal-mode output due to the absence of spatial hole burning. Diamond is a prominent Raman-active medium that has significant potential for linewidth narrowing and wavelength converting lasers at high power levels due to its high thermal conductivity, long Raman frequency shift and wide spectral transmission range. In this work we utilize diamond in a resonantly mode-matched external cavity to achieve cascaded Raman conversion of a 1064 nm laser. By fine-tuning the length of this external cavity, we can obtain narrow linewidth emission at 1240 and 1485 nm. When operating at maximum power, the measured linewidths were more than twofold narrower than the linewidth of the fundamental field. In addition, the noise levels of the Stokes fields are lower than that of the fundamental field throughout the entire noise frequency range, and the intrinsic linewidth of the second Stokes field, which is expressed at the hertz level (~3.6 Hz), is decreased by approximately three orders of magnitude compared to that of the pump. This work represents the first measurement and analysis of the linewidth and noise characteristics of cascaded diamond Raman lasers and, significantly, offers a new means by which high-power, narrow linewidth laser output can be produced from wavelength-converted laser systems.
Mamyshev oscillators (MOs) exhibit the potential for generating high average power and ultrashort pulses. Herein, we construct an MO using flexible double-cladding ytterbium-fiber with a fusion-spliced-combiner pumped scheme. Consistent with the most reported research results, the offset filter separation significantly affects the pulse characteristics (spectrum, pulse duration, etc.). Notably, in comparison with red-shifting, blue-shifting the peak spectral emission of the grating filter relative to a constant central wavelength of the bandpass filter substantially enhances the laser output characteristics. This phenomenon, which has not been previously reported, results in an average power up to 2.23 W and a pulse duration as short as 49 fs. To our knowledge, this is the highest average power achieved in sub-50 fs pulse duration in the nonlinear polarization rotation-assisted mode-locked MO laser architecture. The presented technique offers unique scientific proof for developing ultrafast laser sources with higher average power and shorter pulse duration.
An optical spectrometer system based on 60 channels of fibers has been designed and employed to diagnose light emissions from laser–plasma interactions. The 60 fiber collectors cover an integrated solid angle of $\pi$ , enabling the measurement of global energy losses in a symmetrical configuration. A detecting spectral range from ultraviolet to near-infrared, with angular distribution, allows for the understanding of the physical mechanisms involving various plasma modes. Experimental measurements of scattered lights from a conical implosion driven by high-energy nanosecond laser beams at the Shenguang-II Upgrade facility have been demonstrated, serving as reliable diagnostics to characterize laser absorption and energy losses from laser–plasma instabilities. This compact diagnostic system can provide comprehensive insights into laser energy coupling in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion research, which are essential for studying the driving asymmetry and improving the implosion efficiencies.
An analytical expression for the focal intensity of a laser pulse was obtained for an asymmetric out-of-plane compressor with gratings of arbitrary surface shape. The focal intensity is most strongly affected by the linear angular chirp caused by the spatial shift of different frequencies on the second and third gratings. The chirp can be eliminated by simply rotating the fourth grating by an optimal angle, which significantly reduces the requirements for the grating quality. It is shown that the decrease in the focal intensity depends on the product of the grating surface root mean square and pulse spectrum bandwidth. With low-quality gratings, spectrum narrowing would not reduce focal intensity; contrariwise, it may even slightly increase it.
The longitudinal fields of a tightly focused Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) laser can be used to accelerate electron pulse trains when it is reflected from a solid plasma. However, the normal transverse mode of laser beams in high-power laser systems is approximately Gaussian. A routine and reliable way to obtain high-intensity LG lasers in experiments remains a major challenge. One approach involves utilizing a solid plasma with a ‘light fan’ structure to reflect the Gaussian laser and obtain a relativistic intense LG laser. In this work, we propose a way to combine the mode transformation of a relativistic laser and the process of electron injection and acceleration. It demonstrates that by integrating a nanowire structure at the center of the ‘light fan’, electrons can be efficiently injected and accelerated during the twisted laser generation process. Using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, it is shown that a circularly polarized Gaussian beam with ${a}_0=20$ can efficiently inject electrons into the laser beam in interaction with the solid plasma. The electrons injected close to the laser axis are driven by a longitudinal electric field to gain longitudinal momentum, forming bunches with a low energy spread and a small divergence angle. The most energetic bunch exhibits an energy of 310 MeV, with a spread of 6%. The bunch charge is 57 pC, the duration is 400 as and the divergence angle is less than 50 mrad. By employing Gaussian beams, our proposed approach has the potential to reduce experimental complexity in the demonstrations of twisted laser-driven electron acceleration.
This paper introduces a novel fiber-based picosecond burst-mode laser system capable of operating at high power and high repetition rates. A pulse-circulating fiber ring was developed as a burst generator, achieving an intra-burst repetition rate of 469 MHz without the need for a high-repetition-rate seed source. This design also allows for flexible adjustment of the number of sub-pulses, burst repetition rate and burst shape. In addition, a master oscillator power amplifier was employed to analyze the amplification characteristics of bursts. The system demonstrated a maximum average power of 606 W, with a measured sub-pulse duration of 62 ps and the highest sub-pulse peak power of 980 kW. To the best of our knowledge, this marks the highest average power obtained in burst-mode ultrafast lasers. Such a laser system holds potential for applications in precision manufacturing, high-speed imaging, high-precision ranging and other diverse domains.
Tightly focused proton beams generated from helical coil targets have been shown to be highly collimated across small distances, and display characteristic spectral bunching. We show, for the first time, proton spectra from such targets at high resolution via a Thomson parabola spectrometer. The proton spectral peaks reach energies above 50 MeV, with cutoffs approaching 70 MeV and particle numbers greater than 10 ${}^{10}$ . The spectral bunch width has also been measured as low as approximately 8.5 MeV (17% energy spread). The proton beam pointing and divergence measured at metre-scale distances are found to be stable with the average pointing stability below 10 mrad, and average half-angle beam divergences of approximately 6 mrad. Evidence of the influence of the final turn of the coil on beam pointing over long distances is also presented, corroborated by particle tracing simulations, indicating the scope for further improvement and control of the beam pointing with modifying target parameters.
Rapid advancements in high-energy ultrafast lasers and free electron lasers have made it possible to obtain extreme physical conditions in the laboratory, which lays the foundation for investigating the interaction between light and matter and probing ultrafast dynamic processes. High temporal resolution is a prerequisite for realizing the value of these large-scale facilities. Here, we propose a new method that has the potential to enable the various subsystems of large scientific facilities to work together well, and the measurement accuracy and synchronization precision of timing jitter are greatly improved by combining a balanced optical cross-correlator (BOC) with near-field interferometry technology. Initially, we compressed a 0.8 ps laser pulse to 95 fs, which not only improved the measurement accuracy by 3.6 times but also increased the BOC synchronization precision from 8.3 fs root-mean-square (RMS) to 1.12 fs RMS. Subsequently, we successfully compensated the phase drift between the laser pulses to 189 as RMS by using the BOC for pre-correction and near-field interferometry technology for fine compensation. This method realizes the measurement and correction of the timing jitter of ps-level lasers with as-level accuracy, and has the potential to promote ultrafast dynamics detection and pump–probe experiments.
External seeded free-electron lasers (FELs) have exhibited substantial progress in diverse applications over the last decade. However, the frequency up-conversion efficiency in single-stage seeded FELs, particularly in high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG), remains constrained to a modest level. This limitation restricts its capability to conduct experiments within the ‘water window’. This paper presents a novel method for generating coherent X-ray FEL pulses in the water window region based on the HGHG scheme with multi-stage harmonic cascade. Without any additional modifications to the HGHG configuration, simulation results demonstrate the generation of intense 3 nm coherent FEL radiation using an external ultraviolet seed laser. This indicates an increase of the harmonic conversion number to approximately 90. A preliminary experiment is performed to evaluate the feasibility of this method. The proposed approach could potentially serve as an efficient method to broaden the wavelength coverage accessible to both existing and planned seeded X-ray FEL facilities.
For the pulse shaping system of the SG-II-up facility, we propose a U-shaped convolutional neural network that integrates multi-scale feature extraction capabilities, an attention mechanism and long short-term memory units, which effectively facilitates real-time denoising of diverse shaping pulses. We train the model using simulated datasets and evaluate it on both the simulated and experimental temporal waveforms. During the evaluation of simulated waveforms, we achieve high-precision denoising, resulting in great performance for temporal waveforms with frequency modulation-to-amplitude modulation conversion (FM-to-AM) exceeding 50%, exceedingly high contrast of over 300:1 and multi-step structures. The errors are less than 1% for both root mean square error and contrast, and there is a remarkable improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio by over 50%. During the evaluation of experimental waveforms, the model can obtain different denoised waveforms with contrast greater than 200:1. The stability of the model is verified using temporal waveforms with identical pulse widths and contrast, ensuring that while achieving smooth temporal profiles, the intricate details of the signals are preserved. The results demonstrate that the denoising model, trained utilizing the simulation dataset, is capable of efficiently processing complex temporal waveforms in real-time for experiments and mitigating the influence of electronic noise and FM-to-AM on the time–power curve.
Laser systems based on coherent beam combination (CBC) that rely on tiled pupil architecture intrinsically carry digital capabilities independently applicable to all three essential characteristics of a laser pulse: amplitude, phase and polarization. Those capabilities allow the far-field energy distribution to be flexibly tailored in real time. Operation in the femtosecond regime at high repetition rates gives access to a wide range of applications requiring both high peak and average powers. We address the task of independent peak versus average power adjustment needed for applications seeking to decouple nonlinear phenomena associated with GW peak power from the thermal load inherent to kW average power operation. The technical solutions proposed are presented in the framework of the Ecole Polytechnique XCAN CBC laser platform (61 independent channels) with an emphasis on thermal management measures implemented to ensure its nominal operation.
We introduce a versatile high-repetition-rate solid tape target system suitable for relativistic laser-plasma driven secondary sources. We demonstrate the operation and stability monitoring based on a petawatt laser focused at 1 Hz. Experiments were carried out at the VEGA-3 laser system of the Centro de Láseres Pulsados facility where results for different tape materials and thicknesses are presented. Experimental proton spectra were recorded by a Thomson parabola spectrometer and a time-of-flight detector. In addition, non-invasive detectors, such as a target charging monitor and ionization chamber detectors, were tested as metrology for the stability of the source. Degradation of the proton signal at high-repetition-rate operation was observed and it was solved by online optimization of the relative focus position of the target and laser beam parameters. We report the use of the tape target for bursts of 1000 shots at 1 Hz with mean cut-off energies of about 10 MeV in optimized interaction conditions.
In this paper, we prove that the third near-infrared (NIR-III) window high-power laser with wavelength in the range of 1600–1800 nm can be obtained by the coherent Raman fiber amplification technique through theoretical and experimental study. Detailed numerical simulation reveals that the nonlinear dynamics of the Raman fiber amplification in the polarization-maintaining double-clad erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber is similar to that of the Mamyshev oscillator. Through the spectral filtering effect induced by finite Raman gain, we can obtain a high-quality Raman pulse. According to the theoretical results, we design a simple Raman fiber amplification laser and finally obtain a high-quality watt-level NIR-III window laser pulse in which the central wavelength is about 1650 nm and the pulse width can reach 85 fs. The experimental results correspond to the simulation results. Such nonlinear effect is universal in all kinds of fibers, and we think this technology can provide a great contribution to the development of ultrafast fiber lasers.
We present results of frequency tripling experiments performed at the Hilase facility on a cryogenically gas cooled multi-slab ytterbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser system, Bivoj/DiPOLE. The laser produces high-energy ns pulses at 10 Hz repetition rate, which are frequency doubled using a type-I phase-matched lithium triborate (LBO) crystal and consequently frequency summed using a type-II phase-matched LBO crystal. We demonstrated a stable frequency conversion to 343 nm at 50 J energy and 10 Hz repetition rate with conversion efficiency of 53%.
Nonlinear compression experiments based on multiple solid thin plates are conducted in an ultra-high peak power Ti:sapphire laser system. The incident laser pulse, with an energy of 80 mJ and a pulse width of 30.2 fs, is compressed to 10.1 fs by a thin-plate based nonlinear compression. Significant small-scale self-focusing is observed as ring structures appear in the near-field of the output pulse at high energy. Numerical simulations based on the experimental setup provide a good explanation for the observed phenomena, offering quantitative predictions of the spectrum, pulse width, dispersion and near- and far-field distributions of the compressed laser pulse.
Understanding the physics of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) emission and nozzle damage is critical for the long-term operation of laser experiments with gas targets, particularly at facilities looking to produce stable sources of radiation at high repetition rates. We present a theoretical model of plasma formation and electrostatic charging when high-power lasers are focused inside gases. The model can be used to estimate the amplitude of gigahertz EMPs produced by the laser and the extent of damage to the gas jet nozzle. Looking at a range of laser and target properties relevant to existing high-power laser systems, we find that EMP fields of tens to hundreds of kV/m can be generated several metres from the gas jet. Model predictions are compared with measurements of EMPs, plasma formation and nozzle damage from two experiments on the VEGA-3 laser and one experiment on the Vulcan Petawatt laser.
The flexible delivery of single-frequency lasers is far more challenging than that of conventional lasers due to the onset of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). Here we present the successful delivery of 100 W single-frequency laser power through 100 m of anti-resonant hollow-core fiber (AR-HCF) in an all-fiber configuration, with the absence of SBS. By employing a custom-designed AR-HCF with a mode-field diameter matching that of a large-mode-area panda fiber, the system achieves high coupling efficiency without the need for free-space components or fiber post-processing. The AR-HCF attains a transmission efficiency of 92%, delivering an output power of 100.3 W with a beam quality factor (M2) of 1.22. The absence of SBS is confirmed through monitoring backward light, which shows no increase in intensity. This all-fiber architecture ensures high stability, compactness and efficiency, potentially expanding the application scope of single-frequency lasers in high-precision metrology, optical communication, light detection and ranging systems, gravitational wave detection and other advanced applications.