The high-energy/high-intensity laser facility PHELIX of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany, has been in operation since 2008. Here, we review the current system performance, which is the result of continuous development and further improvement. Through its versatile frontend architecture, PHELIX can be operated in both long- and short-pulse modes, corresponding to ns-pulses with up to 1 kJ pulse energy and sub-ps, 200 J pulses, respectively. In the short-pulse mode, the excellent temporal contrast and the control over the wavefront make PHELIX an ideal driver for secondary sources of high-energy ions, neutrons, electrons and X-rays. The long-pulse mode is mainly used for plasma heating, which can then be probed by the heavy-ion beam of the linear accelerator of GSI. In addition, PHELIX can now be used to generate X-rays for studying exotic states of matter created by heavy-ion heating using the ion beam of the heavy-ion synchrotron of GSI.
This paper presents a comprehensive technical overview of the Linac Coherent Light Source II (LCLS-II) photoinjector laser system, its first and foremost component. The LCLS-II photoinjector laser system serves as an upgrade to the original LCLS at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. This advanced laser system generates high-quality laser beams for the LCLS-II, contributing to the instrument’s unprecedented brightness, precision and flexibility. Our discussion extends to the various subsystems that comprise the photoinjector, including the photocathode laser, laser heater and beam transport systems. Lastly, we draw attention to the ongoing research and development infrastructure underway to enhance the functionality and efficiency of the LCLS-II, and similar X-ray free-electron laser facilities around the world, thereby contributing to the future of laser technology and its applications.
In this study, we investigated the influence of fiber parameters on stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) and identified a unique pattern of SRS evolution in the counter tandem pumping configuration. Our findings revealed that the SRS threshold in counter-pumping is predominantly determined by the length of the output delivery fiber rather than the gain fiber. By employing the counter tandem pumping scheme and optimizing the fiber parameters, a 10 kW fiber laser was achieved with beam quality M2 of 1.92. No mode instability or severe SRS limitation was observed. To our knowledge, this study achieved the highest beam quality in over 10 kW fiber lasers based on conventional double-clad Yb-doped fiber.
To overcome Yb lasing, a kilowatt-level 1535 nm fiber laser is utilized to in-band pump an Er:Yb co-doped fiber (EYDF) amplifier. The output power of a 301 W narrow-linewidth EYDF amplifier operating at 1585 nm, with 3 dB bandwidth of 150 pm and ${M}^2$ < 1.4, is experimentally demonstrated. To the best of our knowledge, it is the highest output power achieved in L-band narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers with good beam quality. Theoretically, a new ion transition behavior among energy levels for in-band pumping EYDF is uncovered, and a spatial-mode-resolved nonlinearity-assisted theoretical model is developed to understand its internal dynamics. Numerical simulations reveal that the reduction in slope efficiency is significantly related to excited-state absorption (ESA). ESA has a nonlinear hindering effect on power scaling. It can drastically lower the pump absorption and slope efficiency with increasing pump power for in-band pumped EYDF amplifiers. Meanwhile, optimized approaches are proposed to improve its power to the kilowatt level via in-band pumping.
We report on a high-efficiency, high-power tandem Ho:YAG single-crystal fiber (SCF) laser in-band pumped by a Tm-doped fiber laser at 1907 nm. In addition to the uniform heat distribution resulting from the large surface-to-volume ratio of this fiber-like thin-crystal rod, the long gain region provided by the tandem layout of two SCFs enables high lasing efficiency and power handling capability. More than 100 W output power is achieved at 2.1 μm, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 70.5% and an optical-to-optical efficiency of 67.6%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest output power and efficiency ever reported from SCF lasers in the 2-μm spectral range.
Power scaling in conventional broad-area (BA) lasers often leads to the operation of higher-order lateral modes, resulting in a multiple-lobe far-field profile with large divergence. Here, we report an advanced sawtooth waveguide (ASW) structure integrated onto a wide ridge waveguide. It strategically enhances the loss difference between higher-order modes and the fundamental mode, thereby facilitating high-power narrow-beam emission. Both optical simulations and experimental results illustrate the significant increase in additional scattering loss of the higher-order modes. The optimized ASW lasers achieve an impressive output power of 1.1 W at 4.6 A at room temperature, accompanied by a minimal full width at half maximum lateral divergence angle of 4.91°. Notably, the far-field divergence is reduced from 19.61° to 11.39° at the saturation current, showcasing a remarkable 42% improvement compared to conventional BA lasers. Moreover, the current dependence of divergence has been effectively improved by 38%, further confirming the consistent and effective lateral mode control capability offered by our design.
Double-cone ignition [Zhang et al., Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 378, 20200015 (2020)] was proposed recently as a novel path for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion using high-power lasers. In this scheme, plasma jets with both high density and high velocity are required for collisions. Here we report preliminary experimental results obtained at the Shenguang-II upgrade laser facility, employing a CHCl shell in a gold cone irradiated with a two-ramp laser pulse. The CHCl shell was pre-compressed by the first laser ramp to a density of 3.75 g/cm3 along the isentropic path. Subsequently, the target was further compressed and accelerated by the second laser ramp in the cone. According to the simulations, the plasma jet reached a density of up to 15 g/cm3, while measurements indicated a velocity of 126.8 ± 17.1 km/s. The good agreements between experimental data and simulations are documented.
In this paper, we have experimentally demonstrated a high-power and high-brightness narrow-linewidth fiber amplifier seeded by an optimized fiber oscillator. In order to improve the temporal stability, the fiber oscillator consists of a composite fiber Bragg grating-based cavity with an external feedback structure. By optimizing the forward and backward pumping ratio, the nonlinear effects and stimulated Raman scattering-induced mode distortion of the fiber amplifier are suppressed comprehensively, accompanied with the simultaneous improvement of beam quality and output power. The laser brightness is enhanced further by raising the threshold of transverse mode instability by approximately 1.0 kW by coiling the gain fiber with a novel curvature shape. Finally, a 6 kW narrow-linewidth laser is achieved with beam quality (M2) of approximately 1.4. The laser brightness doubled compared to the results before optimization. To the best of our knowledge, it is the highest brightness narrow-linewidth fiber laser based on a one-stage master oscillator power amplification structure.
We demonstrate efficient and economical all-solid-state post-compression based on dual-stage periodically placed thin fused silica plates driven by a more than 100 W ytterbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet Innoslab amplifier seeded by a fiber frontend. Not only is a more than eight-fold pulse compression with 94% transmission achieved, but also the pulse quality and spatial mode are improved, which can be attributed to the compensation for the residual high-order dispersion and the spatial mode self-cleaning effect during the nonlinear process. It enables a high-power ultrafast laser source with 64 fs pulse duration, 96 W average power at 175 kHz repetition rates and good spatiotemporal quality. These results highlight that this all-solid-state post-compression can overcome the bandwidth limitation of Yb-based lasers with exceptional efficiency and mitigate the spatiotemporal degradation originating from the Innoslab amplifier and fiber frontend, which provides an efficient and economical complement for the Innoslab laser system and facilitates this robust and compact combination as a promising scheme for high-quality higher-power few-cycle laser generation.
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) has been widely used as a microstructure characterization technology. In this work, a fully connected dense forward network is applied to inversely retrieve the mean particle size and particle distribution from SAXS data of samples dynamically compressed with high-power lasers and probed with X-ray free electron lasers. The trained network allows automatic acquisition of microstructure information, performing well in predictions on single-species nanoparticles on the theoretical model and in situ experimental data. We evaluate our network by comparing it with other methods, revealing its reliability and efficiency in dynamic experiments, which is of great value for in situ characterization of materials under high-power laser-driven dynamic compression.
This paper systematically investigated the impact mechanisms of proton irradiation, atomic oxygen irradiation and space debris collision, both individually and in combination, on the laser damage threshold and damage evolution characteristics of HfO2/SiO2 triple-band high-reflection films and fused silica substrates using a simulated near-Earth space radiation experimental system. For the high-reflection film samples, the damage thresholds decreased by 15.38%, 13.12% and 46.80% after proton, atomic oxygen and simulated space debris (penetration) irradiation, respectively. The coupling irradiation of the first two factors resulted in a decrease of 26.93%, while the combined effect of all the three factors led to a reduction of 63.19%. Similarly, the fused silica substrates exhibited the same pattern of laser damage performance degradation. Notably, the study employed high-precision fixed-point in situ measurement techniques to track in detail the microstructural changes, surface roughness and optical-thermal absorption intensity before and after proton and atomic oxygen irradiation at the same location, thus providing a more accurate and comprehensive analysis of the damage mechanisms. In addition, simulations were conducted to quantitatively analyze the transmission trajectories and concentration distribution lines of protons and atomic oxygen incident at specific angles into the target material. The research findings contribute to elucidating the laser damage performance degradation mechanism of transmissive elements in near-Earth space environments and provide technical support for the development of high-damage-threshold optical components resistant to space radiation.
The measurement of X-ray continuous emission from laser-driven plasma was achieved through multiple monochromatic imaging utilizing a multilayer mirror array. This methodology was exemplified by the development of an eight-channel X-ray imaging system, capable of operating in the energy range of several keV with a spatial resolution of approximately 3 μm. By integrating this system with a streak camera, the temperature and trajectory of imploding capsules were successfully measured at the kJ-class Shenguang III prototype laser facility. This approach provides a synchronous diagnostic method for the spatial, temporal and spectral analysis of laser-driven plasma, characterized by its high efficiency and resolution.
A novel method, combining an asymmetric four-grating compressor (AFGC) with pulse post-compression, is numerically demonstrated to improve the spatial uniformity of laser beams and hence to suppress small-scale self-focusing (SSSF) during the beam propagation in nonlinear materials of high peak power lasers. The spatial uniformity of laser beams is an important factor in performing post-compression, due to the spatial intensity modulation, or hot spots will be aggravated during the nonlinear propagation and then seriously damage the subsequent optical components. Three-dimensional numerical simulations of post-compression are implemented based on a femtosecond laser with a standard compressor and an AFGC, respectively. The simulated results indicate that post-compression with the AFGC can efficiently suppress the SSSF and also shorten the laser pulses from 30 fs to sub-10 fs. This work can provide a promising route to overcome the challenge of SSSF and will be meaningful to promote the practical application of the post-compression technique in high peak power lasers.
In the double-cone ignition scheme of inertial confinement fusion, the head-on collision of two compressed fuel jets from the cone-tips forms an isochoric plasma, which is then heated suddenly by a MeV relativistic electron beam produced by ultra-intense picosecond laser pulses. This fast-heating process was studied experimentally at the Shenguang II upgrade laser facility. By observing temporal-resolved X-ray emission and the spatial-resolved X-ray spectrum, the colliding process and heating process are carefully studied. The colliding plasma was imaged to have dimensions of approximately 86 μm in the implosion direction and approximately 120 μm in the heating direction. By comparing the simulated plasma X-ray spectrum with experimental data, the electron temperature of the heated plasma was found to rapidly increase to 600 ± 50 eV, almost doubling the temperature achieved before the heating laser incidence.
A novel electro-optic deflector based on a quadratic electro-optical potassium lithium tantalate niobate (KLTN) crystal operating slightly above the ferroelectric phase transition is presented. The new deflection scheme was based on the electric field gradient generation along the vertical axis caused by the trapezoidal geometry of the crystal. A deflection angle of 6.5 mrad was attained for a low voltage of 680 V. The deflector was used as an electro-optic modulator for implementing active Q-switching in a thulium-doped yttrium lithium fluoride (Tm:YLF) laser (1880 nm). The laser was operated at three different repetition rates of 0.4, 0.5 and 0.7 kHz, and reached high energies per pulse up to 6.9 mJ.