The autocorrelation function of electronic wave packet of hydrogen atom in a strong electric field below the zero-field ionization threshold is investigated in the formalism of semiclassical theory. It is found that the autocorrelation depends on the applied laser pulse significantly. In the case of narrow laser pulse, the reviving peaks in the autocorrelation can be attributed to the closed orbits of electrons, which are related to the classical dynamics of the system. But this correspondence is wiped out with increasing the laser width because of the interference among the adjacent reviving peaks.
A new theoretical method with generality is proposed to study the statistical properties of the speckle phase. The general expression of the standard deviation of the speckle phase about the first-order statistics is derived according to the relation between the phase and the complex speckle amplitude. The statistical properties of the speckle phase have been studied in the diffraction fields with this new theoretical method.
In this letter, a guided-mode resonance (GMR) filter with the same material for both the grating layer and the waveguide layer is designed, and its optical properties are investigated. The GMR filter owns almost 100% reflection at the resonance wavelength of 800 nm with the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 20 nm, and its sideband reflection from 700 to 1000 nm is less than 5%. As the resonance wavelength is influenced by more than one parameter during the fabrication process, GMR filter with the same resonance wavelength can be obtained by adjusting other parameters or even one parameter to deviate from the design value.
We experimentally demonstrate 10-Gb/s format conversion from non-return-to-zero (NRZ) to alternate-mark-inversion (AMI) using the linear filtering effect of silicon microring resonator. Our discussion and analysis in simulation further show that a 10-Gb/s AMI signal with good quality can be obtained by a resonator with a notch depth larger than 25 dB when the 3-dB bandwidth is 0.4 nm.
We propose a novel transmitter and receiver for differential quadrature phase-shift keying (DQPSK) format. The impact of the first-order polarization mode dispersion (PMD) on systems using DQPSK with 100-Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) or return-to-zero (RZ) format is investigated. Through computing the eye openings of DQPSK formats under different PMD conditions, it is found that NRZ DQPSK, as compared with RZ DQPSK, incurs smaller eye opening due to PMD. Carrier-suppressed return-to-zero (CSRZ) DQPSK format has better tolerance than RZ DQPSK format to PMD for a given bit rate.
With the development of optical space communications, a global space-based optical backbone network is currently proposed by using broadband laser inter-satellite links (ISLs) which enable routing traffic through the space. Satellite optical networking techniques based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) ISLs can transit significantly high data rates signals. In this letter, a new function of wavelength excursion due to Doppler-effect is developed for the ISLs, considering the conception of pointing ahead mechanism. The characteristic of wavelength excursion induced by Doppler-effect is examined in one of low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation networks named the next-generation LEO system (NeLS) with WDM ISLs assumed, and the influence on its communications caused by wavelength excursion is analyzed.
In order to increase the multiplexing density of the fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) for a low cost per-sensor, based on the analysis of the spectrum shadow distortion (SSD), a novel successive demultiplexing scheme for FBG sensors has been developed. It is based on the optical code division multiple access (CDMA) balanced demodulation. A high-density multiplexing-demultiplexing system for FBG sensors has been designed, and corresponding simulation carried out has demonstrated that the FBG sensors’ reflective signals can still be obtained accurately and respectively, even if FBG sensors’ operating bandwidths heavily overlap. The SSD has been greatly mitigated.
A new micro-vibration sensor based on single-mode fiber ring laser is put forward. The Mach-Zehnder interferometric (MZI) detection technique is presented for interrogating laser frequency shift due to the measurand (piezoelectric transducer (PZT) is used to simulate the micro-vibration) induced laser cavity strain from both single- and multi-mode lasers. In the experiment, compared with multi-mode laser sensors, the single-mode laser sensor is proved to be a sensor with high resolution. When the PZT is driven by the analog signal (0.03 rad near 2 kHz), the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of output signal from the single-mode laser sensor is close to 55 dB and the sensitivity of the sensor is about 5\times10^{-5} rad/Hz^{1/2}.
The method of generating equal-amplitude spectral lines by multi-frequency phase modulation is used in stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) suppression. The spectra of three, five, seven, and eleven equal-amplitude spectral lines are obtained in experiment with flatnesses less than 0.3 dB. Theoretical research on SBS suppression shows that the threshold power after modulation is in reverse proportion to the maximum square of amplitude moduli of fundamental frequency and the nth harmonic wave. The threshold powers of three, five, seven, and eleven equal-amplitude spectral lines are improved by 5.21, 8.36, 9.39, and 10.76 dB, respectively.
A novel three-component hybrid-integrated optical accelerometer based on LiNbO3 photoelastic waveguide is presented. The photoelasitcity of LiNbO3 due to three-dimensional stress states is obtained analytically. We analyze the level of sensitivity to cross-axis accelerations which is a very important parameter for three-component accelerometer. Theoretically, the designed three-component hybrid-integrated optical accelerometer has a transverse sensitivity ratio (TSR) of zero. The sensor has a high natural frequency of 3.5 kHz and a linear broad working frequency.
An optical frequency comb phase-locked on an iodine frequency stabilized diode laser at 634 nm is constructed to transfer the accuracy and stability from the optical domain to the radio frequency domain. An external-cavity diode laser is frequency-stabilized on the Doppler-free absorption signals of the hyperfine transition R(80)8-4 using the third-harmonic detection technique. The instability of the ultra-stable optical oscillator is determined to be 7\times10^{-12} by a cesium atomic clock via the optical frequency comb’s mass frequency dividing technique.
Limited by the precision of optical machining and assembling, the optical axes of lasers in an array cannot be strictly parallel to each other, which will result in the beam quality degradation of the combined beam. The tolerance on tilt error for coherent combining of fiber lasers is studied in detail. The complex amplitude distribution in the far field for the Gaussian beam with tilt angle is obtained by a novel coordinate transform method. Effect of tilt error on coherent combining is modelled analytically. Beam propagation factor is used to evaluate the effect of coherent combining. Numerical results show that for ring-distributed fiber laser array with central wavelength \lambda and geometry size D, if the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the tilt error is smaller than 0.72\lambda/D, the energy encircled in the diffraction-limited bucket can be ensured to be more than 50% of the value when there is no tilt error. The results are helpful to the designing and manufacturing of fiber array for coherent combining.
A compact, all-solid-state, narrow-linewidth, pulsed 455-nm blue laser based on Ti:sapphire crystal is developed. Pumped by a 10-Hz, frequency-doubled all-solid-state Nd:YAG laser and injection-seeded by an external cavity laser diode, the narrow-linewidth 910-nm laser with pulse width of 20 ns is obtained from a Ti:sapphire laser. 3.43-mJ blue laser can be obtained from the laser system by frequency-doubling with BBO crystal. This research is very useful to determine the roadmap of developing the practical, high power blue laser. This kind of laser will have potential application for underwater communication.
We present a novel design of a compact, stable, and easy-adjustable semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) system. This SOA system is capable of providing up to 560-mW laser power at the wavelength of 852 nm. For the continuous-wave (CW) seeding laser, the amplification gain can reach 18 dB. We add amplitude modulation onto the CW laser and measure the modulation amplification between seeding and output laser. The amplification gain remains constant within the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 MHz. The whole system could work in ultra-stable condition: for CW seeding laser, the fluctuation of output power is less than 0.33% in several hours.
Both the nature of avalanche ionization (AI) and the role of multi-photon ionization (MPI) in the studies of laser-induced damage have remained controversial up to now. According to the model proposed by Stuart et al., we study the role of MPI and AI in laser-induced damage in two dielectric films, fused silica (FS) and barium aluminum borosilicate (BBS), irradiated by 780-nm laser pulse with the pulse width range of 0.01-5 ps. The effects of MPI and initial electron density on seed electron generation are numerically analyzed. For FS, laser-induced damage is dominated by AI for the entire pulse width regime due to the wider band-gap. While for BBS, MPI becomes the leading power in damage for the pulse width \tau less than about 0.03 ps. MPI may result in a sharp rise of threshold fluence Fth on \tau, and AI may lead to a mild increase or even a constant value of Fth on \tau. MPI serves the production of seed electrons for AI when the electron density for AI is approached or exceeded before the end of MPI. This also means that the effect of initial electron can be neglected when MPI dominates the seed electron generation. The threshold fluence Fth decreases with the increasing initial electron density when the latter exceeds a certain critical value.
Evolution of surface morphology and optical characteristics of 1.3-\mum In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and photoluminescence (PL). After deposition of 16 monolayers (ML) of In0.5Ga0.5As, QDs are formed and elongated along the [110] direction when using sub-ML depositions, while large size InGaAs QDs with better uniformity are formed when using ML or super-ML depositions. It is also found that the larger size QDs show enhanced PL efficiency without optical nonlinearity, which is in contrast to the elongated QDs.
Yb-Er codoped Na2O-Al2O3-P2O5-xSiO2 glasses containing 0-20 mol% SiO2 were prepared successfully. The addition of SiO2 to the phosphate glass not only lengthens the bond between P^{5+} and non-bridging oxygen but also reduces the number of P=O bond. In contrast with silicate glass in which there is only four-fold coordinated Si^{4+}, most probably there coexist [SiO4 tetrahedron and [SiO6] octahedron in our glasses. Within the range of 0-20 mol% SiO2 addition, the stimulated emission cross-section of Er^{3+} ion only decreases no more than 10%. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters of Er^{3+}, \Omega~~{2} does not change greatly, but \Omega~~{4} and \Omega~~{6} decrease obviously with increasing SiO2 addition, because the bond between Er^{3+} and O^{2-} is more strongly covalently bonded.
Raman spectroscopy has strong potential for providing non-invasion diagnosis of cancers. In this paper, micro-Raman spectroscopy is used to diagnose one most common liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The statistical analyzes, including t-test, principal component analysis (PCA), and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), are performed on the Raman spectra of malignant and normal hepatocytes. The t-test-LDA results show that the 786- and 1004-cm^{-1} bands of the malignant and normal hepatocytes are significantly different, and PCA-LDA results show an overall accuracy of 100% for the Raman spectroscopic identification of normal and malignant hepatocytes in our experiment.
Monte Carlo algorithm and Stokes-Mueller formalism are used to simulate the propagation behavior of polarized light in turbid media. The influence of single scattering and multiple scattering on backscattered Mueller matrix in turbid media is discussed. Single and double scattering photons form the major part of backscattered polarization patterns, while multiple scattering photons present more likely as background. Further quantitative analyses show that single scattering approximation and double scattering approximation are quite accurate when discussing the polarization patterns near the incident point.
2 Nonvolatile two-color holographic recording gated by incoherent ultraviolet (UV) light centered at 365 nm is investigated in near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals. The influence of thermal treatment on the two-color recording is studied. The results show that thermal reduction tends to improve the two-color recording performance, whereas thermal oxidation degrades the two-color recording. With an incoherent 0.2-W/cm2 UV gating light and a 0.25-W/cm2 semiconductor recording laser at 780 nm, a two-color recording sensitivity of 4\times10^{-3} cm/J and a recording dynamic range characterized by M/# of 0.12 are achieved in a 2.2-mm thermally reduced near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystal. We attribute the improvement to the prolonged lifetime of small polarons and the increased absorption at the gating wavelength due to thermal reduction.
Interferometric optical testing using computer-generated hologram (CGH) can give highly accurate measurement of aspheric surfaces has been proved. After the system is designed, a phase function is obtained according to the CGH’s surface plane. For the requirement of accuracy, an optimization algorithm that transfers the phase function into a certain mask pattern file is presented in this letter, based on the relationship between the pattern error of CGH and the output wavefront accuracy. Then the writing machine is able to fabricate such a mask with this kind of file. With that mask, an improved procedure on fabrication of phase type CGH is also presented. Interferometric test results of an aspheric surface show that the whole test system obtains the demanded accuracy.
Field enhancement effect of metal probe in evanescent field, induced by using a multi-layers structure for exciting surface plasmon resonance (SPR), is analyzed numerically by utilizing two-dimensional (2D) TM-wave finite difference time-domain (FDTD) method. In this letter, we used a fundamental mode Gaussian beam to induce evanescent field, and calculated the electric intensity. The results show that compared with the nonmetal probe, the metal probe has a larger field enhancement effect, and its scattering wave induced by field enhancement has a bigger decay coefficient. The field enhancement effect should conclude that the metal probe has an important application in nanolithography.
In the Born-Markov approximation and two-level approximation, and using the Bloch-Redfield equation, the decoherence property of superconducting quantum circuit with a flux qubit is investigated. The influence on decoherence of the mutual inductance coupling between the circuit components is complicated. The mutual inductance coupling between different loops will decrease the decoherence time. However, the mutual inductance coupling of the same loop, in a certain interval, will increase the decoherence time. Therefore, we can control the decoherence time by changing the mutual inductance parameters such as the strength and direction of coupling.
We propose a new repeat-until-success (RUS) measurement-based scheme to implement quantum controlled phase gates according to the effect of dipole-induced-transparency (DIT) in a cavity and single-photon interference at a 50:50 beam-splitter. In our scheme, the DIT effect can appropriately attach a photon to the state of the dipoles according to their initial state, and in this way, a suitably encoded dipole-photon state is thus prepared. The measurement of the photon after it passing through a 50:50 beam-splitter can project the encoded matter-photon state to either a desired phase gate operation for the matter qubits or to their initial states. The recurrence of the initial state permits us to implement the desired entangling gate in a RUS way.
Three-dimensional (3D) excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy is applied to characterize the coal oil. The results show that the 3D fluorescence spectra of coal oil in aqueous solution mainly have one broad peak. This peak is identified at the excitation/emission wavelengths of 270/290 nm. The relation between the fluorescence intensity and the concentration of coal oil is also studied. When the concentration lies between 2-2000 ppm, the relation between the fluorescence intensity and the concentration of coal oil is well linear. The nature of solvents significantly affects the EEM fluorescence of coal oil.
Two automatic measurement methods of bidirectional reflection distribution function (BRDF) are presented based on absolute and relative definition. Measurement principle and scheme of the methods are analyzed. A real-time measurement device is developed, the measurement spectral range of which is from ultraviolet to near infrared with 2.4-nm wavelength resolution, and the angular range is [EQUATION] in azimuth angle and [EQUATION] in zenith angle with [EQUATION] angle resolution. Absolute measurements of BRDF on tinfoil and ceramic tile are performed and the test materials present apparent specular reflection characteristics. The theoretical error in the experiment is about 6.05%. The BRDF measurement results are closely related to the precision of measurement platform, the sensitivity of measurement instrument, and the stability of illuminating light source.
A new high spectral resolution crystal spectrometer is designed to measure very low emissive X-ray spectra of laser-produced plasma in [EQUATION] nm range. A large open aperture ([EQUATION] (mm)) mica (002) spherically bent crystal with curvature radius [EQUATION] mm is used as dispersive and focusing element. The imaging plate is employed to obtain high spectral resolution with effective area of [EQUATION] (mm). The long designed path of the X-ray spectrometer beam is 980 mm from the source to the detector via the crystal. Experiment is carried out at a 20-J laser facility. X-ray spectra in an absolute intensity scale is obtained from Al laser-produced plasmas created by laser energy of 6.78 J. Samples of spectra obtained with spectral resolution of up to [EQUATION] are presented. The results clearly show that the device is good to diagnose laser high-density plasmas.