Chinese Optics Letters
Zhizhan Xu
Volume: 5 Issue 10
20 Article(s)
Guilin Liu, Huafeng Yang, Changhui Rao, Yudong Zhang, and Wenhan Jiang

In adaptive optics (AO) system, the phase compensation capability is limited greatly by the actuator number of the deformable mirror (DM). The actuator number of DM is mainly restricted by the manufacture techniques. The spatial correction capability of AO system can be improved by two or more combinational-DMs (CDMs) with conjugation relationship. The CDM AO system for wavefront correction is built, which consists of two 32-element DMs. The experimental results are in agreement with the numerical simulation results. It is indicated that the CDM AO system provides better correction performance than the single 32-element DM AO system.

Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 559 (2007)
  • Xiaoyan Yang, and Deming Liu

    We investigate the sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors through planar metallic film closely coupled to nanogratings. The effects of the thickness of metallic film and grating period on the refractive index sensitivity of the device are analyzed in detail. The refractive index sensitivity of nanograting-based SPR sensors is predicted to be about 540 nm per refractive index unit (RIU) using optimized structural parameters. Furthermore, the grating period can be used as a parameter to adjust the wavelength of resonance reflection. Our study on SPR sensors through planar metallic film closely coupled to nanogratings demonstrates the potential for significant improvement in refractive index sensitivity, since it shows much greater flexibility in terms of tuning the optical parameters of the device.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 563 (2007)
  • Jingsheng Yang, Liuyan Han, Hanyi Zhang, and Yili Guo

    We have studied a function-lock strategy for all-optical logic gate (AOLG) utilizing the cross-polarization modulation (CPM) effect in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). By monitoring the power of logic light, the strategy realized controllable methods to capture OR and NOR functions and switch between them. The strategy has been successfully applied in experiment with 10-Gb/s not-return-to-zero (NRZ) signals, which has a high success-rate above 95% and ensures the high extinction ratio of result light above 11.4 dB. Every step in the strategy has definite numeric evaluation, which provides the potential of automatic implementation.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 566 (2007)
  • Xiaobo Qu, Jingwen Yan, Guofu Xie, Ziqian Zhu, and Bengang Chen

    A novel image fusion algorithm based on bandelet transform is proposed. Bandelet transform can take advantage of the geometrical regularity of image structure and represent sharp image transitions such as edges efficiently in image fusion. For reconstructing the fused image, the maximum rule is used to select source images' geometric flow and bandelet coefficients. Experimental results indicate that the bandelet-based fusion algorithm represents the edge and detailed information well and outperforms the wavelet-based and Laplacian pyramid-based fusion algorithms, especially when the abundant texture and edges are contained in the source images.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 569 (2007)
  • Yueping Kong, and Ping Zeng

    Based on the principle of spatial pyramid for signal, a multi-scale transform of two-dimensional (2D) interpolating pyramid is constructed by the nonlinear median operator. The transform properties of error diffuse halftoning noise on multiple scales are investigated and analyzed through experiments. According to these properties, a robust inverse halftoning method is proposed. The halftoning image is firstly preprocessed by a Gaussian low-pass filter, and decomposed by the one-scale transform. Then a Wiener filter is employed to the detailed coefficients. Finally an inverse image is reconstructed. Experimental results show that the proposed transform has the advantage of separating the halftoning noise and image detail over linear multi-resolution transform. The presented inverse halftoning method performs some excellent abilities on sharp edge, high peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and small memory requirement.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 573 (2007)
  • Ziyang Zhang, Min Qiu, Ulf Andersson, and Limin Tong

    Coupling between subwavelength-diameter silica wires and silicon-based waveguides is studied using the parallel three-dimensional (3D) finite-different time-domain method. Conventional butt-coupling to a silica-substrated silicon wire waveguide gives above 40% transmission at the wavelength range from 1300 to 1750 nm with good robustness against axial misalignments. Slow light can be generated by counter-directional coupling between a silica wire and a two-dimensional (2D) silicon photonic crystal slab waveguide. Through dispersion-band engineering, 82% transmission is achieved over a coupling distance of 50 lattice constants. The group velocity is estimated as 1/35 of the light speed in vacuum.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 577 (2007)
  • Hongrong Dong, Jianxun Gao, Xianghua Kong, Minmin Cai, and Lin Shi

    B2O3-P2O5-SiO2 (BPS) three-dimensional (3D) high-organized polystyrene (PS) opals and inverse opals with large domain were fabricated and characterized. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) shows three or four small "windows", indicating that a very well interconnection between PS spheres of opal. The ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectra indicate that the photonic band gaps (PBGs) are about 710 and 604 nm for 320- and 270-nm spheres respectively. While according to Bragg's equation, the simulation results should be 762 and 643 nm, which mean that 52 and 39 nm were shifted to blue region, respectively.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 580 (2007)
  • Lang Lin, Zhenqiang Chen, Ge Zhang, Rugang Wang, Zhen Li, and Jingzhao Li

    The diode-pumped Nd:KYW laser operated in the free-running mode at 1072 nm is demonstrated at room temperature. The laser output power of 102.6 mW with 12.07% optical-to-optical conversion efficiency and 13.16% slope efficiency is obtained. The laser threshold is about 110 mW. Such a low threshold is in agreement with the theoretical prediction.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 582 (2007)
  • Yupeng Duan, Tao Lin, Cuiluan Wang, Feng Chong, and Xiaoyu Ma

    1689-nm diode lasers used in medical apparatus have been fabricated and characterized. The lasers had pnpn InP current confinement structure, and the active region consisted of 5 pairs of InGaAs quantum wells and InGaAsP barriers. Stripe width and cavity length of the laser were 1.8 and 300 microns, respectively. After being cavity coated and transistor outline (TO) packaged, the lasers showed high performance in practice. The threshold current was about 13+-4 mA, the operation current and the lasing spectrum were about 58+-6 mA and 1689+-6 nm at 6-mW output power, respectively. Moreover, the maximum output power of the lasers was above 20 mW.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 585 (2007)
  • Xiaomin Jin, Bei Zhang, Liang Chen, Tao Dai, and Guoyi Zhang

    We investigate the transverse mode pattern in GaN quantum-well (QW) laser diode (LD) by numerical calculation. We optimize the current GaN LD structure by varying the n-GaN layer thickness. The n-type GaN layer is an important factor to determine the optical mode. Finally, we discuss the lasing performance of the GaN LD based on the transverse optical modes.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 588 (2007)
  • Bangning Mao, Bailiang Pan, Yubo Wang, Li Chen, and Limin Wang

    A sealed-off CuBr vapour laser with the maximal average output laser power of 20 W was fabricated and investigated. The corresponding efficiency is 1.2% and the specific average output laser power is 123 mW/cm3 in an active volume of 163 cm3. The lifetime of the laser is more than 300 hours operating at 12-15 W.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 591 (2007)
  • Chang'an Li, Lina Xu, and Ning Gu

    By using mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTS) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), electroless silver plating is developed for the metallization of near-field optical fiber probes. This method has the advantages of controllability, no pinholes, convenience, low cost, and smooth tip surface. The metallized probes are characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS).

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 594 (2007)
  • Xiaoling Song, Zhigang Li, Pengfei Zhang, Gang Li, Yuchi Zhang, Junmin Wang, and Tiancai Zhang

    We report the continuous wave (CW) second harmonic generation (SHG) with a periodically poled KTiOPO4 (PPKTP) pumped by a diode laser at 852.356 nm, which is exactly resonant on the cesium D2 transition. An output power of 54.4 mW of blue light at 426 nm was obtained at the pump power of 136.4 mW. The conversion efficiency is about 40%. The best matching temperature is 318.3 K. This CW blue light can be used for atomic physics, especially for the generation of nonclassical light at the transition of cesium atom through optical parametric oscillator (OPO).

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 596 (2007)
  • Lei Ma, Yundong Zhang, Nana Wang, and Ping Yuan

    The nonlinear optical properties of polyaniline composite materials (PANI/Au) were studied using the single-beam Z-scan technique. These molecules exhibited a strong reverse saturable absorption and an interesting optical limiting performance with a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser pulses at 532 nm.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 599 (2007)
  • Chun-Jung Lin, and Gong-Ru Lin

    Enhanced near-infrared (NIR) electroluminescence (EL) of a metal-oxide-semiconductor light emitting device (MOSLED) made on CO2 laser-annealed SiOx film is demonstrated. An EL power of near 50 nW from CO2 laser rapid-thermal-annealing (RTA) MOSLED under a biased voltage of 85 V and a current density of 2.3 mA/cm2 is preliminarily reported.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 601 (2007)
  • Min Zhao, Zhanshan Wang, Yan Ma, Bin Ma, and Fosheng Li

    A grating structure with period of half of the laser wavelength generated by focusing Cr atoms with nearly resonant laser standing wave atom lens was simulated using a quantum-mechanical model. The influence of thermal atomic source on atom focusing, including the statistical distribution of the longitudinal velocity and the beam divergence, was discussed. The background and full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of atomic density peaks with vz in Maxwell distribution and vx0 in Gaussian distribution increase significantly compared with ideal atoms. Collimating atoms with laser cooling is necessary to decrease the peak broadening.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 602 (2007)
  • Xincheng Ren, and Lixin Guo

    The optical wave scattering from the slightly rough surface of three-layer medium is studied. The formulaes of the scattering coefficients for different polarizations are derived using the small perturbation method. A Gaussian rough surface is presented for describing rough surface of layered medium, the influence of the permittivity of layered medium, the mean layer thickness of intermediate medium, the surface roughness parameters and the incident wavelength on the bistatic scattering coefficient of HH polarization are obtained and discussed by numerical implementation.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 605 (2007)
  • Liping Su, Weijiang Zhao, Xiaoyong Hu, Deming Ren, and Xizhan Liu

    The optical system for detecting wake profiles based on laser backscattering by bubbles at 180 degrees is reported, in which the monostatic optical geometry is adopted and the power density estimation is used to process bubble scattering signal. The profiles of wakes produced by a two-blade propeller with a diameter of 46 mm at 6000 and 8000 rpm are measured using this system. It is shown that the wake region can be identified, the wake with different shapes can be distinguished, and the fine structure within wakes can be detected. Also, the repeatability of the results is tested experimentally. Results show the feasibility of this system in wake profile detection.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 609 (2007)
  • Tiange Lan, Yonghua Fang, Wei Xiong, and Chao Kong

    A fast automatic algorithm is proposed for baseline correction of infrared (IR) spectral signals. It is devised based on iterative curve fitting where orthogonal polynomials are used. The algorithm can process both emission and absorption spectra automatically without human intervention. Orthogonal polynomials are used for curve fitting to reduce computation time. Both emission and absorption spectra are obtained and the results demonstrate the feasibility and practicability of this algorithm.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 613 (2007)
  • Yusheng Lian, Xiuze Wang, and Wei Meng

    The chromaticities of the Chinese color system dataset are applied to eight color appearance models (CAMs). Models used are: CIELAB, Hunt, Nayatani, RLAB, LLAB, ZLAB, CIECAM97s, CIECAM02. Three color appearance attributes (lightness, chroma, and hue) are discussed for their uniformity, in terms of the constant perceptual nature of the Chinese color system dataset. The results show that no particular model can excel at all metrics. Comparison can lead to the conclusion that Chinese color system appearance scales can be predicted only slightly poorer than Munsell appearance scales using the eight CAMs.

    Oct. 11, 2007
  • Vol. 5 Issue 10 617 (2007)
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