A novel tri-layer Si-based micro-cantilever thermal infrared (IR) detector with carbon nanotube (CNT) film is fabricated. It is based on the characteristic that the composite micro-cantilever bends in response to incident IR thermal radiation due to the bi-material effect. The bending of micro-cantilever is piezoresistively detected. Furthermore, a new IR absorbing layer material --- CNTs --- is coated in order to enhance IR radiation absorbing characteristic. the micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) sensor could be compatible with integrated circuit technology.
Polarization mode dispersion (PMD) mitigation is performed using an optical 3R (re-amplification, re-shaping, re-timing) regenerator based on electro-absorption modulator (EAM) with wavelength conversion. System performance without and with 3R regeneration was separately studied by eye analysis and bit-error rate (BER) measurements. The signal quality was significantly improved by 3R regeneration under serious first order PMD (up to 40% of the bit interval) combined with second order PMD (up to about 520 ps2). The PMD mitigation margin of the proposed method is also investigated by measuring the sensitivity at BER 10^(-10). Further studies indicate that 3R regenerators have the potential to combat with the effects of PMD combined with polarization dependent loss (PDL) and polarization hole-burning (PHB).
Statistical distributing and magnitude of the first and second-order polarization mode dispersion (PMD) vectors are evaluated and the timing displacements of its effects on dispersion-managed soliton (DMS) are also given with help of coarse-step approach, such as Jones matrix (JME) and coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations (CNLSE). The results showed that the coarse-step approach can not only simulate the statistical characteristics of PMD, but also compute the nonlinear pulse characteristic of timing and energy jitters evolution affected by PMD. The presented results are very useful to simplify the measurement of second-order PMD and instructively reveal the degree of PMD effects in DMS systems.
The bipolar phase-shift-keying (BPSK) optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) are inserted into the optical packet format of bit-serial label. The ultra-fast separation of the label and payload is performed through the auto-correlation pulses indicating the time position at which the optical switch changes the state. The insertion of the new label can also be realized by detecting the auto-correlation pulse at the line rate. Especially, the scheme can be adapted to the asynchronous separation and insertion and realize the variable-length packet switching. The results of simulation verify the feasibility of the scheme.
A new distributed optical fiber sensor system for long-distance oil pipeline leakage and external damage detection is presented. A smart and sensitive optical fiber cable is buried beneath the soil running along the oil pipeline, which is sensitive to soakage of oil products and mechanical deformation and vibration caused by leaking, tampering, and mechanical impacting. The region of additional attenuation can be located based on the optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR), and the types of external disturbances can be identified according to the characteristics of transmitted optical power. The Golay codes are utilized to improve the range-resolution performance of the OTDR sub-system and offer a method to characterize the transmitted optical power in a wide range of frequency spectrum. Theoretic analysis and simulation experiment have shown that the application of Golay codes can overcome the shortcomings of the prototype based on the conventional single-pulse OTDR.
A technique for coherent imaging based on spatial frequency heterodyning is described. Three images corresponding to three physical measurements are recorded. For the first measurement, a scene is simply illuminated with a coherent beam and for measurements 2 and 3, the scene is projected with cosine and sine fringes, respectively. Due to spatial frequency heterodyning, upper and lower side band information falls in the pass band of the imager. These bands are separated and correct phases and positions are assigned to these bands in the spatial frequency domain. An extension of bandwidth is achieved in the frequency domain and the inverse frequency domain data then give a high resolution coherent image.
An additive discussion for the validity of using the weighted information entropy to evaluate the complex degree of infrared (IR) backgrounds is given. Since small targets can be temporarily lost in actual infrared video sequences, an adaptive binarization threshold for small targets detection is presented. Experimental results show the robustness of our method.
A fuzzy bidirectional flow is presented, which performs a fuzzy backward (inverse) diffusion along the gradient direction to the isophote lines (edges), while does a certain forward diffusion along the tangent direction on the contrary. Controlled by the image gradient magnitude, the fuzzy membership function guarantees image textures with a natural transition between two different areas. To preserve image features, the nonlinear diffusion coefficients are locally adjusted according to the directional derivatives of the image.
A novel X-ray imaging system (NXRIS) and the design principles are given in this paper. Different from the existing digital X-ray imaging systems, the X-ray image intensifying system of NXRIS is a non-vacuum system composed of the intensifying screen and the brightness intensifier, and the brightness intensifier is named low light level image intensifier applied in military affairs. This structure makes NXRIS of big visual field (15 inch, even to larger) and low cost. When designing NXRIS, the spectral compatibility of the component devices and the relation between the visual field and the spatial resolution of the component devices are analyzed. The images produced by NXRIS are given and the image performance is good enough to be applied to security checking, non-destructive testing, and industry detection.
Optical couplers are important components in photonic integrated circuits. The multi-mode interference (MMI) coupler is a good candidate because of its bandwidth, polarization properties, and manufacturing tolerances. A MMI coupler with the exponentially tapered multi-mode waveguide is proposed in order to reduce the scale of the MMI device. Compared with parabolically tapered structure which has been successfully used in the MMI devices, this structure can further reduce the length of devices. Simulation results by the beam propagation method for MMI couplers are given. The effectiveness of this structure for reducing MMI device length is proved.
DC discharge characteristics of NF3/He have been investigated experimentally under different experimental conditions, for example, different electrode materials, separations, flow rates of the gas NF3 or He, and series resistances. The optimum discharge parameters and the fluorine atom yield from the DC discharge of NF3/He as function of load power are studied experimentally.
The output characteristics of Yb3+-doped fiber laser at different temperatures are investigated. When temperature is increased from 13 to 95 Celsius degree, the center wavelength of laser changes from 1084.9 to 1096.3 nm, the output laser power decreases from 0.95 to 0.58 W, and the slope efficiency drops from 30.7% to 25.5%.
A high power cryogenic cooling Tm-doped (2%) GdVO4 laser double-end-pumped by fiber-coupled-diode with the center wavelength of 804.5 nm at 21 Celsius degree is reported. The highest continuous-wave (CW) power of 2.35 W at 1903 nm is attained at pump power of 24 W. The slope efficiency is 12.5% and the threshold is 3.2 W. Single- and double-end-pumped types are investigated.
The laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection system for 5-um microspheres delivered on microfluidic chip is presented employing confocal optical scheme. The parameters of the optical system are specifically optimized for single microsphere detection. With the excitation laser spot size of 4.6 um and optical sectioning power of 27 um, the lowest concentration detection limit is 0.45 nmol/L, corresponding to only 122 molecules in probe volume. The microsphere detection is carried on successfully with the maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 55.7, which provides good detection sensitivity.
The 1.3-um polarization-insensitive superluminescent diodes (SLDs) with weak tensile strained multiple-quantum-well (MQW) and complex strained MQW were demonstrated theoretically based on the simulation of energy band structure and gain spectra at different injected carrier densities. Compared with the weak tensile strained MQW, the complex strained MQW gets higher modal gain and better modal gain matching between TE and TM modes, and the polarization sensitivity of TE and TM optical spectra can remain less than 1.0 dB over a bandwidth of 200 nm.
A new one-step four-quadrant spatial phase-shifting Fourier transform digital holography is presented for recording of cosine transform coefficients, because cosine transform is a real-even symmetric Fourier transform. This approach implements four quadrant spatial phase shifting at a time using a special phase mask, which is located in the reference arm, and the phase distributions of its four-quadrants are 0, 'pi'/2, 'pi', and 3'pi'/2 respectively. The theoretical analysis and computer simulation results show that cosine transform coefficients of real-valued image can be calculated by capturing single four-quadrant spatial phase-shifting Fourier transform digital hologram.
The total (elastic plus inelastic) cross sections for positron scattering from N2 and CO2 over the incident energy range from 30 to 3000eV are calculated using the additivity rule model at Hartree-Fock level. A complex optical model potential modified by incorporating the concept of bonded atom, which takes into account the overlapping effect of electron clouds between two atoms in a molecule, is employed to calculate the total cross section of positron-molecule scattering. The calculated total cross sections are in good agreement with those reported by experiments and other theories over a wide energy range.
The relationships of the resonant wavelength of optical fiber surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors to the modulation layer refractive index, thickness and the refractive index of the bulk medium are obtained by using theoretical calculation model of optical fiber SPR sensors under certain conditions, which indicates that resonant wavelength of the sensors is approximately linear with modulation layer thickness. Based on the linear relationship, multiple SPR sensors with different resonant wavelengths can be fabricated in a single optical fiber named as distributed optical fiber surface plasmon resonance sensors (DOFSPRSs). Experimental results are presented, showing that it is practical to fabricate more than one SPR sensors in a single optical fiber.
A phase-stepping interferometric photoelasticity method is proposed to determine whole-filed sum of principal stresses. The four phase steps are introduced by rotating quarter-wave plate and analyzer at definite optical arrangements. Light intensities and phase-stepping formula for the proposed method are derived using Jones calculus. Simulations of a circular disk under diametral compression demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.