We propose a method for configuring the distribution of amplitude, phase, and polarization in the focal region of vector beams. The polarization and phase of incident beam is spatially tailored so that it can produce a focal field that has elaborately prescribed shapes. Our work focuses on the design of a special focus structure with two oval rings, wherein a phase gradient and polarization gradient exist in the inner and outer rings, respectively. The incident light yielding the desired focal field is determined based on an iterative scheme involving vectorial diffraction calculations and fast Fourier transforms. Simulations and experiments demonstrate the generation of a focal field with phase and polarization gradients, which may find applications in optical manipulation.
We present a liquid refractive index (RI) sensor based on step-index multimode polymer optical fiber with a micro-hole drilled by the femtosecond laser. The experimental results show that in the RI operation range of 1.333–1.473, the sensor has a good linear loss (dB) response to the liquid RI in the micro-holes and a high sensitivity of 18 dB/RIU approximately. The experimental results are explained with the mode of the refraction loss caused by the hole–core interface and connection loss caused by the gap of the holes. The sensor has many advantages including high sensitivity and low cost.
Optical spatial modulation (OSM) is a multiple-transmitter technique that can provide higher data rates with low system complexity as compared with single-input single-output systems. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is widely implemented to achieve better spectral efficiency in wireless channels. Asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM (O-OFDM) and DC-biased O-OFDM are two well-known O-OFDM techniques suitable for intensity-modulation direct-detection optical systems. In this work, sample indexed spatial OFDM (SIS-OFDM) is proposed to combine OSM and O-OFDM in a novel way and achieve significant performance gain. By assigning time-domain samples of the O-OFDM transmit symbol to different transmitters, SIS-OFDM achieves much better spectral efficiency and reduces computational complexity at the transmitter as compared with previous work that combines OSM with O-OFDM in the frequency domain. We also consider the impact of optical source biasing on overall performance, and the relative performance of imaging receiver (ImR) versus non-imaging receiver (NImR) design for our proposed SIS-OFDM technique. Results indicate that for an Ntx × Nrx multiple-input multiple-output configuration where Ntx = Nrx = 4, SIS-OFDM using ImR can achieve up to 135 dB of signal-to-noise ratio gain over comparable system using a NImR. Also, using Nsc number of O-OFDM subcarriers provides up to Nsc × log2(Ntx) additional bits per symbol of spectral efficiency over techniques that combine OSM and O-OFDM in the frequency domain.
We propose a return-to-zero on-off keying (RZ-OOK) to non-return-to-zero (NRZ) OOK conversion scheme based on a single custom-designed fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The custom-made FBG is designed and syn-thesized using discrete layer-peeling algorithm. It is shown that such a FBG can replace the combination of interferometer and the cascaded filter that are invariably employed together in the reported schemes for -RZ-OOK to NRZ-OOK format conversion. Simulation results show that the input 20-Gb/s RZ-OOK signals with different duty cycles can be converted into NRZ-OOK signals with high Q-factor.
We study the theoretical and experimental effects of hole quantity and inter–inter-hole spacing on insertion loss for using femtosecond laser to make bend-sensitive multi-hole plastic optical fiber (POF), and also analyze the mechanism of bending loss in multi-hole POF. A force sensor based on bending loss of the multi-hole POF is fabricated. The measurement ranges from 0 to 65 N, and the maximum output change exceeds 15.51 dB with good linearity and repeatability, and the sensitivity is 0.24 dB/N.
Broadband mid-infrared (IR) supercontinuum laser is generated in standard single-mode fiber-28 directly pumped by a 2054 nm nanosecond Q-switched Tm,Ho:YVO4 laser. The average output powers of 0.53 W in the ~1.95–2.5 μm spectral band and 0.65 W in the ~1.97–2.45 μm spectral band are achieved at pulse rate frequencies of 7 and 10 kHz, and the corresponding optic-to-optic conversion efficiencies are 34.6% and 42.4% by considering the coupling efficiency. The output spectra have extremely high flatness in the range 2060–2400 and 2060–2360 nm with negligible intensity variation (<2%), respectively. The output pulse shape is not split, and pulse width is reduced from 29 to ~15.4 ns. The beam quality factor M2 is 1.06, measured using traveling knife-edge method, and the laser beam spot is also monitored by an IR vidicon camera.
An optical microfiber phase modulator (OMPM) directly driven with low-power light is presented. Phase modulation response of OMPM is theoretically analyzed. A 10-mm optical microfiber (OM), tapered from conventional single-mode fiber, is inserted in one arm of a Michelson fiber interferometer. To drive the OMPM, 980-nm wavelength light with sinusoidal intensity modulation is injected into the interferometer. The OMPM response properties are measured and p-phase modulation amplitude can be obtained with only 7.5-mW average power light at 1-kHz modulation frequency. The OMPMs shown in this study have advantages of simple structure, potential compact size, and low-power-driven light.
A monostatic strip-map mode interferometric synthetic aperture ladar (SAL) is reported. Using a chirped laser of about 5 mW at 1550 nm wavelength as the illumination source and two cross-track receiving apertures with a baseline of 1.6 mm, the ladar can generate both well-focused two-dimensional SAL images without adopting phase error removing techniques and three-dimensional images by interferometric SAL techniques. Detailed results are illustrated for retro-reflective or diffusive targets at a distance of 2.4 m.
In a two-stage optical parametric amplifier based on KTiOAO4 crystals, we apply beam-overlapping technique to nanosecond signal pulse amplification, which results in high conversion efficiency and good beam quality. A signal pulse energy of 66 mJ at 1.572 μm wavelength is generated with 220 mJ of pump pulse input. A maxi-mum gain of 66 and a maximum pump depletion of as high as 44% are determined. The spectral linewidth of the amplified signal pulse is around 50 MHz, and the beam quality factor of M.2 is less than 2.3.
We report the fabrication of widely tunable ridge waveguide distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with InGaAsP butt-joint as grating material. The shape of the butt–joint interface is found to have significant effect on the properties of the lasers. It is shown that irregular mode jumps during wavelength tuning can be avoided by a V-shaped butt–joint interface. From the fabricated device, 23 channels with 0.8 nm spacing and greater than 35 dB side mode suppression ratios are obtained. The different tuning characteristics of the ridge waveguide and the previously reported buried ridge stripe DBR lasers are discussed. Combined with the wide tuning range and the simple structure, the ridge waveguide DBR lasers are promising for use in wavelength division multiplexing passive optical networks (WDM-PONs).
A model of steady-state rate equations including amplified spontaneous emission for long-wavelength ytterbi-um-doped fiber laser is set up, which provides design principle for a practical laser system. We demonstrate a diode-pumped all-fiber Yb-doped fiber laser at 1150 nm with an output power of 33.6 W, the optical efficiency is 60%.
We propose a Q-switched Er-doped fiber laser (EDFL) with a threshold pumping power as low as 7.4 mW, and demonstrate using graphene polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) thin film as a passive saturable absorber (SA). The SA is fabricated from graphene flakes, which is synthesized by electrochemical exfoliation of graphite at room temperature in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate aqueous solution. The flakes are mixed with PVA solution to produce a thin film, which is then sandwiched between two ferrules to form a SA and integrated in the EDFL ring cavity to generate a stable Q-switched pulse train. The pulse train operates at 1560 nm with a threshold pump power of 7.4 mW. At maximum 1480 nm pump power of 33.0 mW, the EDFL generates an optical pulse train with a repetition rate of 27.0 kHz and pulse width of 3.56 μs. The maximum pulse energy of 39.4 nJ is obtained at a pump power of 14.9 mW. This laser can be used as a simple and low-cost light source for metrology, environmental sensing, and biomedical diagnostics.
We synthesize continuous solid solutions with monophasic zircon-type structure of vanadates of formula YxBi0.95-xVO4:0.05Dy3+ (x = 0–0.95) using a combined method of co-precipitation and hydrothermal synthesis. The X-ray diffractometer patterns confirm the formation of a solid solution of YxBi0.95-xVO4:0.05Dy3+, and the results show that all the samples have monophasic zircon-type structure. The absorption spectra of the prepared phosphors show a blue-shift of the fundamental absorption band edge with increasing Y3+ content. An intense tunable characteristic emission of Dy3+ is observed with the increasing ratio of Y/Bi. Finally, the mechanism of luminescence of Dy3+ in the YxBi0.95-xVO4:0.05Dy3+ (x = 0–0.95) solid solution is analyzed and discussed.
The electronic and optical properties, including band structure, density of states (DOS), absorption rate, refractive index, and dielectric function, of anatase TiO2 codoped with N and first transition elements are investigated using the plane wave pseudopotential method based on the density functional theory. The calculation results show that TiO2 codoping with N and first transition elements (Sc, V, Cr, Mn, and Fe) lead to significant reduction of conduction band relative to the Fermi level, reduction of band gap width, formation of new donor, and acceptor impurity levels below the conduction band and above the valence band, and cause some redshifts of optical absorption band edge with the amount of redshift decrease in the following order: N–Fe > N–Cr > N–Mn. Further, the synergistic effect of shallow donor and acceptor levels enhances light excitation for effective separation of electron–hole pairs and enhancement of light absorption ability, thereby increasing the TiO2 photocatalytic properties. This study reveals that the visible-light absorption ability of the codoped anatase TiO2 decreases in the order of N–Fe > N–Cr > N–Mn > N–Sc > N–V > N, and does not monotonically follow the dopant atomic number. Especially, in N–Cr codoped TiO2, the 4s atomic orbit of Cr is not completely filled, which hybridized with the p electronic orbit most probably acts as photo-generated electron trap centers resulting in higher photocatalytic activity than that of N–Mn codoped TiO2.
We study the performance of GaN-based p–i–n ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors (PDs) with a 60 nm thin p-type contact layer grown on patterned sapphire substrate (PSS). The PDs on PSS exhibit a low dark current of ~2 pA under a bias of -5 V, a large UV/visible rejection ratio of ~7×103, and a high-quantum efficiency of ~40% at 365 nm under zero bias. The average quantum efficiency of the PDs still remains above 20% in the deep-UV region from 280 to 360 nm. In addition, the noise characteristics of the PDs are also discussed, and the corresponding specific detectivities limited by the thermal noise and the low-frequency 1/f noise are calculated.
We design and fabricate compact, low loss, and high port-count optical power splitters of 1 × 128 and2 × 128 using silica-based planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology on 6 inch quartz substrate. PLC tech-nology is mainly based on plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, photolithography, and etching. The measured results show that the insertion loss, uniformity, and wavelength-dependent loss of 1 × 128 and 2 × 128 optical power splitters are less than 23, 1.43, and 0.92 dB and 23.3, 1.8, and 1.3 dB, respectively, in the wavelength range from 1.26 to 1.65 mm. The polarization-dependent losses are less than 0.16 and 0.2 dB, respectively, in the wavelengths of 1.31, 1.49, and 1.55 mm.
Highly conducting ZnO:Al (AZO) films are normally prepared through substrate heating and post-annealing in reducing atmosphere, which is deleterious to maintain the high transparency of films and the overall so-lar cell performance. Here we fabricate AZO films through one-step sputtering at room temperature using oxygen-deficient targets prepared via double crucible method. The best-performed AZO film achieves a low resistivity of 4.4 × 10-4 . cm, a high haze factor of 35.0%, and optimizes the efficiency of Cu (In, Ga)Se2 solar cell with a high value of 14.15%. This letter demonstrates that oxygen deficiency can induce high surface texture, conductivity, and boost solar cell performance.
We demonstrate a method for further reducing the cavity linewidth by the application of a small longitudinal magnetic field on the Rb cell. Because of the magnetic field multiple electromagnetically induced transparencies (EITs) are observed. The center EIT linewidth is measured as a function of the magnetic field. By utilizing the center EIT we narrow the cavity linewidth to 2 MHz which is half of the cavity linewidth without magnetic field.
High-sensitivity and broad bandwidth photo-detector devices are important for both fundamental studies and high-technology applications. Here, by using three-dimensional (3D) finite-difference time-domain simulation, we design an optimized 3D multilayer gold nano-antenna to enhance the nearinfrared (NIR) absorption of germanium nanoparticles. The key ingredient is the simultaneous presence of multiple plasmonic resonance modes with strong light-harvesting effect that encompass a broad bandwidth of germanium absorption band. The simulation results show more than two orders of magnitude enhanced absorption efficiency of germanium around 1550 nm. The design opens up a promising way to build high-sensitivity and broad bandwidth NIR photo-detectors.
We propose and analyze a long-range dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton (SPP) waveguide based on graded-index ridge over server millimeter distances. Then the influence of the dielectric thickness and the ridge refractive index on propagation length and mode width is discussed and simulated with the finite ele-ment method. The result shows that the SPP can propagate as long as 3.42 mm, as well as the mode width keeping as 1.64 mm, a better one compared with the fixed refractive index. Considering its nanoscale dimen-sion and outstanding performance, the structure is easily realized when connected with electrodes.
A new criterion for target detection and identification is proposed to realize metal/dielectric identification and recognition based on Mueller matrix analysis. By using randomly rough surfaces as targets, numerical calculations are used to prove the robustness and accuracy of the criterion. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to successfully explain the criterion by theoretical analysis. We believe the work provides an important reference for polarization imaging in laser radar and remote sensing, and so on.
In inertial confinement fusion, the laser–plasma interaction (LPI) happens when the high-energy laser irradi-ates on the target where the scattered light share generated from the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) effect is difficult to suppress. We propose a method using fence pulses (FPs) to suppress the backward SRS by inhibiting the growth of the intensity of electron plasma waves. Based on our simulation, the FPs can weaken SRS effect in the LPI effectively.
We study ionic structure of KNO3–NaNO2 melts under air atmosphere by using Raman spectroscopy. Molar fraction of NO3- and NO2- is obtained and thermal stability of this kind of melts system is then analyzed. The results show that when the temperature is increased to a certain value, equilibrium between the decom-position of NO3- and the oxidation of NO2- exists in KNO3–NaNO2 melts. When temperature is higher than 644 K, the molar fraction of NO3- decreases a little with temperature increasing for the melts in which the initial fraction of KNO3 is 90 wt%, but for the melts in which the initial fraction of KNO3 is 10–80 wt%, the molar fraction of NO3- increases with temperature, and the increasing rate is slower for a higher initial frac-tion of KNO3. Molar fraction of NO3- increment increases linearly with initial fraction of NaNO2. The sample in which the initial fractions of NaNO2 are 11.3 and 14.5 wt% under air atmosphere shows the best thermal stability at 762 and 880 K, respectively.
A four-channel Kirkpatrick–Baez microscope working at multiple energy bands is developed for multiframe X-ray imaging diagnostics at the Shenguang-II laser facility. The response to the multiple energy bands is realized by coating the double-periodic multilayers on the reflected surfaces of the microscope. Because of the limited size of the microstrips in the X-ray framing camera, the image separation is controlled by the conical angle of the reference cores during microscope assembly. This study describes the optical and multilayer design, assembly, and alignment of the developed microscope. The microscope achieves a spatial resolution of 4–5 mm in the laboratory and 10–20 mm at Shenguang-II laser facility within a 300 mm field of view. The versatile nature of the developed microscope enables the multiple microscopes currently installed in the laser facility to be replaced with a single, multipurpose microscope.