Schematic of the electrically pumped micro-ring laser
Non-Hermitian characteristics accompany any photonic device incorporating spatial domains of gain and loss. In this work, a one-dimensional beam-forming array playing the role of the active part is disturbed from the scattering losses produced by an obstacle in its vicinity. It is found that the placement of the radiating elements leading to perfect beam shaping is practically not affected by the presence of that jammer. A trial-and-error inverse technique of identifying the features of the obstacle is presented based on the difference between the beam target pattern and the actual one. Such a difference is an analytic function of the position, size, and texture of the object, empowering the designer to find the feeding fields for the lasers giving a perfect beam forming. In this way, an optimal beam-shaping equilibrium is re-established by effectively cloaking the object and nullifying its jamming effect.
Over the past decade, parity-time (PT)-symmetric Hamiltonians have been experimentally realized in classical, optical settings with balanced gain and loss, or in quantum systems with localized loss. In both realizations, the PT-symmetry-breaking transition occurs at the exceptional point of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, where its eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors both coincide. Here, we show that in lossy systems, the PT transition is a phenomenon that broadly occurs without an attendant exceptional point, and is driven by the potential asymmetry between the neutral and the lossy regions. With experimentally realizable quantum models in mind, we investigate dimer and trimer waveguide configurations with one lossy waveguide. We validate the tight-binding model results by using the beam-propagation-method analysis. Our results pave a robust way toward studying the interplay between passive PT transitions and quantum effects in dissipative photonic configurations.
Bismuth nanosheets (Bi-NSs) were successfully prepared and employed as saturable absorbers to generate a diode-pumped dual-wavelength Er3+:SrF2 laser in the mid-infrared region. Q-switched pulses with a maximum output power of 0.226 W were obtained at an absorbed pump power of 1.97 W. A repetition rate of 56.20 kHz and a minimum pulse duration of 980 ns were achieved. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first application of Bi-NSs in a mid-infrared all-solid-state laser. The results prove that Bi-NSs may be applied as an optical modulator in mid-infrared photonic devices or as a mode-locker and Q-switcher.
A mode-locked laser based on a Tm:CNNGG disordered crystal as an active medium and a single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber is demonstrated, operating at a central wavelength of 2018 nm. Transform-limited 84 fs pulses are generated with an average output power of 22 mW at a repetition rate of ~90 MHz. A maximum output power of 98 mW is obtained at a slightly longer pulse duration of 114 fs.
Safe detection of an arbitrarily shaped platform is critical for survivability, rescue, or navigation safety in a remote region. Metasurfaces afford great potential due to their strong electromagnetic (EM) wave control. However, studies have mainly focused on the physics and design of metasurfaces on planar plates, which does not satisfy the current requirements of aerodynamics and aesthetics. Herein, we propose a sophisticated strategy to design a metasurface that can wrap over arbitrarily shaped objects with moderate curvature on which optical aberrations are commonly introduced. By designing each meta-atom on the basis of the required position and phase compensation, exact EM wavefronts are restored. For verification, several conformal metasurfaces were designed and numerically studied on metallic cylinders at the microwave spectrum. A proof-of-concept device is fabricated and is experimentally characterized. The results demonstrate the availability of the desirable dual-beam superscatterer with strong backscattering enhancement toward two directions, thus indicating that the distortions induced by an arbitrary platform can be efficiently corrected. Our method affords an efficient alternative for designing high-performance multifunctional optoelectronic devices equipped on a moderately curved platform.
In this work, we report the modeling and the experimental demonstration of intermodal spontaneous as well as stimulated four-wave mixing (FWM) in silicon waveguides. In intermodal FWM, the phase-matching condition is achieved by exploiting the different dispersion profiles of the optical modes in a multimode waveguide. Since both the energy and the wave vectors have to be conserved in the FWM process, this leads to a wide tunability of the generated photon wavelength, allowing us to achieve a large spectral conversion. We measured several waveguides that differ by their widths and demonstrate large signal generation spanning from the pump wavelength (1550 nm) down to 1202 nm. A suited setup evidences that the different waves propagated indeed on different order modes, which supports the modeling. Despite observing a reduced efficiency with respect to intramodal FWM due to the decreased modal overlap, we were able to show a maximum spectral distance between the signal and idler of 979.6 nm with a 1550 nm pump. Our measurements suggest the intermodal FWM is a viable means for large wavelength conversion and heralded photon sources.
Microring lasers feature ultralow thresholds and inherent wavelength-division multiplexing functionalities, offering an attractive approach to miniaturizing photonics in a compact area. Here, we present static and dynamic properties of microring quantum dot lasers grown directly on exact (001) GaP/Si. Effectively, a single-mode operation was observed at 1.3 μm with modes at spectrally distant locations. High temperature stability with T0~103 K has been achieved with a low threshold of 3 mA for microrings with an outer ring radius of 15 μm and a ring waveguide width of 4 μm. Small signal modulation responses were measured for the first time for the microrings directly grown on silicon, and a 3 dB bandwidth of 6.5 GHz was achieved for a larger ring with an outer ring radius of 50 μm and a ring waveguide width of 4 μm. The directly modulated microring laser, monolithically integrated on a silicon substrate, can incur minimal real estate cost while offering full photonic functionality.
Power scaling in a broad area quantum cascade laser (QCL) tends to deteriorate beam quality with the emission of a multiple-lobe far-field pattern. In this paper, we demonstrate a coupled ridge waveguide QCL array consisting of five elements with chirped geometry. In-phase mode operation is secured by managing supermode loss with properly designed geometries of ridges. A single-lobe lateral far-field with a near diffraction limited beam pattern was obtained in the whole current dynamic range. The devices were fabricated with the wet and dry etching method. The regrowth technique of the InP:Fe insulation layer and InP:Si waveguide layer was employed. Such a structure has the potential to optimize the beam quality of the recently reported high-power broad-area QCL with a reduced cascade number.
In this work, we show how fiber-based terahertz systems can be robustly configured for accurate terahertz ellipsometry. To this end, we explain how our algorithms can be successfully applied to achieve accurate spectroscopic ellipsometry with a high tolerance on the imperfect polarizer extinction ratio and pulse shift errors. Highly accurate characterization of transparent, absorptive, and conductive samples comprehensively demonstrates the versatility of our algorithms. The improved accuracy we achieve is a fundamental breakthrough for reflection-based measurements and overcomes the hurdle of phase uncertainty.
Periodic surface structures were fabricated by irradiating lithium niobate (LN) crystals with femtosecond laser pulses at sample temperatures ranging from 28°C to 800°C. Carrier density and conductivity of the samples were increased via heating LN, which inhibited coulomb explosion to obtain a uniform periodic surface structure. The periodic surface structures cover an area of 8 mm×8 mm and have an average spacing of 174±5 nm. Meanwhile, the absorption of the processed sample is about 70% in the spectral range of 400–1000 nm, which is one order of magnitude higher than that of pure LN. Fabrication of periodic surface structures on heating LN with femtosecond laser pulses provides a possibility to generate nanogratings or nanostructures on wide-bandgap transparent crystals.
Taking advantage of the dispersive Fourier transformation technique, the decaying evolution processes of double-pulse mode-locking in a single-walled carbon-nanotube-based Er-doped fiber laser are observed in detail for the first time to our knowledge. The decaying dynamics of the double-pulse mode-locking state is analyzed in the spectral and temporal domains. We reveal that the two pulses in one cluster disappear either simultaneously or one by one during the decaying processes of double-pulse mode-locking states. In addition, the spectral evolution patterns of the special double-pulse states (i.e., bound states) are extremely distinct at different decline rates of the pump power.
Digital alloy In0.52Al0.48As avalanche photodiodes exhibit lower excess noise than those fabricated from random alloys. This paper compares the temperature dependence, from 203 to 323 K, of the impact ionization characteristics of In0.52Al0.48As and Al0.74Ga0.26As digital and random alloys. These results provide insight into the low excess noise exhibited by some digital alloy materials, and these materials can even obtain lower excess noise at low temperature.