High Power Laser Science and Engineering
Colin Danson, Jianqiang Zhu

The OMEGA EP Laser System showing the booster amplifiers in the foreground and target chamber in the distance.

Volume: 8 Issue 1
10 Article(s)
Ning Ma, Meng Chen, Ce Yang, Shang Lu, Xie Zhang, and Xinbiao Du

We report high-energy, high-efficiency second harmonic generation in a near-infrared all-solid-state burst-mode picosecond laser at a repetition rate of 1 kHz with four pulses per burst using a type-I noncritical phase-matching lithium triborate crystal. The pulses in each burst have the same time delay (${\sim}1~\text{ns}$), the same pulse duration (${\sim}100~\text{ps}$) and different relative amplitudes that can be adjusted separately. A mode-locked beam from a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror is pulse-stretched, split into seed pulses and injected into a Nd:YAG regenerative amplifier. After the beam is reshaped by aspheric lenses, a two-stage master oscillator power amplifier and 4f imaging systems are applied to obtain a high power of ${\sim}100~\text{W}$. The 532 nm green laser has a maximum conversion efficiency of 68%, an average power of up to 50 W and a beam quality factor $M^{2}$ of 3.5.

Feb. 19, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e1 (2020)
  • X. H. Yang, C. Ren, H. Xu, Y. Y. Ma, and F. Q. Shao

    Ultraintense laser-driven relativistic electrons provide a way of heating matter to high energy density states related to many applications. However, the transport of relativistic electrons in solid targets has not been understood well yet, especially in dielectric targets. We present the first detailed two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of relativistic electron transport in a silicon target by including the field ionization and collisional ionization processes. An ionization wave is found propagating in the insulator, with a velocity dependent on laser intensity and slower than the relativistic electron velocity. Widely spread electric fields in front of the sheath fields are observed due to the collective effect of free electrons and ions. The electric fields are much weaker than the threshold electric field of field ionization. Two-stream instability behind the ionization front arises for the cases with laser intensity greater than $5\times 10^{19}~\text{W}/\text{cm}^{2}$ that produce high relativistic electron current densities.

    Feb. 19, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e2 (2020)
  • Xuanke Zeng, Shuiqin Zheng, Yi Cai, Hongyu Wang, Xiaowei Lu, Honggeng Wang, Jingzhen Li, Weixin Xie, and Shixiang Xu

    A tunable ultrafast intensity-rotating optical field is generated by overlapping a pair of 20 Hz, 800 nm chirped pulses with a Michelson interferometer (MI). Its rotating rate can be up to 10 trillion radians per second ($\text{Trad}/\text{s}$), which can be flexibly tuned with a mirror in the MI. Besides, its fold rotational symmetry structure is also changeable by controlling the difference from the topological charges of the pulse pair. Experimentally, we have successfully developed a two-petal lattice with a tunable rotating speed from $3.9~\text{Trad}/\text{s}$ up to $11.9~\text{Trad}/\text{s}$, which is confirmed by our single-shot ultrafast frame imager based on noncollinear optical-parametric amplification with its highest frame rate of 15 trillion frames per second (Tfps). This work is carried out at a low repetition rate. Therefore, it can be applied at relativistic, even ultrarelativistic, intensities, which usually operate in low repetition rate ultrashort and ultraintense laser systems. We believe that it may have application in laser-plasma-based accelerators, strong terahertz radiations and celestial phenomena.

    Feb. 19, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e3 (2020)
  • Zongxin Zhang, Fenxiang Wu, Jiabing Hu, Xiaojun Yang, Jiayan Gui, Penghua Ji, Xingyan Liu, Cheng Wang, Yanqi Liu, Xiaoming Lu, Yi Xu, Yuxin Leng, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu

    In this paper, we report the recent progress on the $1~\text{PW}/0.1~\text{Hz}$ laser beamline of Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility (SULF). The SULF-1 PW laser beamline is based on the double chirped pulse amplification (CPA) scheme, which can generate laser pulses of 50.8 J at 0.1 Hz after the final amplifier; the shot-to-shot energy fluctuation of the amplified pulse is as low as 1.2% (std). After compression, the pulse duration of 29.6 fs is achieved, which can support a maximal peak power of 1 PW. The contrast ratio at $-80~\text{ps}$ before main pulse is measured to be $2.5\times 10^{-11}$. The focused peak intensity is improved by optimizing the angular dispersion in the grating compressor. The maximal focused peak intensity can reach $2.7\times 10^{19}~\text{W}/\text{cm}^{2}$ even with an $f/26.5$ off-axis parabolic mirror. The horizontal and vertical angular pointing fluctuations in 1 h are measured to be 1.89 and $2.45~\unicode[STIX]{x03BC}\text{rad}$, respectively. The moderate repetition rate and the good stability are desirable characteristics for laser–matter interactions. The SULF-1 PW laser beamline is now in the phase of commissioning, and preliminary experiments of particle acceleration and secondary radiation under 300–400 TW/0.1 Hz laser condition have been implemented. The progress on the experiments and the daily stable operation of the laser demonstrate the availability of the SULF-1 PW beamline.

    Feb. 19, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e4 (2020)
  • Duanyang Chen, Bin Wang, Hu Wang, Xiangyu Zhu, Ziyuan Xu, Yuanan Zhao, Shenghao Wang, Kaizao Ni, Lili Zheng, Hui Zhang, Hongji Qi, and Jianda Shao

    To reduce the seed length while maintaining the advantages of the cuboid KDP-type crystal, a long-seed KDP crystal with size $471~\text{mm}\times 480~\text{mm}\times 400~\text{mm}$ is rapidly grown. With almost the same high cutting efficiency to obtain third harmonic generation oriented samples, this long-seed KDP-type crystal can be grown with a shorter seed than that of the cuboid KDP-type crystal. The full width at half maximum of the high-resolution X-ray diffraction of the (200) crystalline face is 28.8 arc seconds, indicating that the long-seed KDP crystal has good crystalline quality. In the wavelength range of 377–1022 nm, the transmittance of the long-seed KDP crystal is higher than 90%. The fluence for the 50% probability of laser-induced damage (LID) is $18.5~\text{J}/\text{cm}^{2}$ (3 ns, 355 nm). Several test points survive when the laser fluence exceeds $30~\text{J}/\text{cm}^{2}$ (3 ns, 355 nm), indicating the good LID performance of the long-seed KDP crystal. At present, the growth of a long-seed DKDP crystal is under way.

    Feb. 20, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e6 (2020)
  • Stylianos Passalidis, Oliver C. Ettlinger, George S. Hicks, Nicholas P. Dover, Zulfikar Najmudin, Emmanouil P. Benis, Evaggelos Kaselouris, Nektarios A. Papadogiannis, Michael Tatarakis, and Vasilis Dimitriou

    We study the optimization of collisionless shock acceleration of ions based on hydrodynamic modelling and simulations of collisional shock waves in gaseous targets. The models correspond to the specifications required for experiments with the $\text{CO}_{2}$ laser at the Accelerator Test Facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Vulcan Petawatt system at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. In both cases, a laser prepulse is simulated to interact with hydrogen gas jet targets. It is demonstrated that by controlling the pulse energy, the deposition position and the backing pressure, a blast wave suitable for generating nearly monoenergetic ion beams can be formed. Depending on the energy absorbed and the deposition position, an optimal temporal window can be determined for the acceleration considering both the necessary overdense state of plasma and the required short scale lengths for monoenergetic ion beam production.

    Mar. 27, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e7 (2020)
  • M. J. Guardalben, M. Barczys, B. E. Kruschwitz, M. Spilatro, L. J. Waxer, and E. M. Hill

    The development of laser performance models having real-time prediction capability for the OMEGA EP laser system has been essential in meeting requests from its user community for increasingly complex pulse shapes that span a wide range of energies. The laser operations model PSOPS provides rapid and accurate predictions of OMEGA EP laser-system performance in both forward and backward directions, a user-friendly interface and rapid optimization capability between shots. We describe the model’s features and show how PSOPS has allowed real-time optimization of the laser-system configuration in order to satisfy the demands of rapidly evolving experimental campaign needs. We also discuss several enhancements to laser-system performance accuracy and flexibility enabled by PSOPS.

    Mar. 27, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e8 (2020)
  • Wei Wang, Di Sun, Xiao Du, Jie Guo, and Xiaoyan Liang

    A simple, compact, double-pass pumped Nd:YVO4 thin disk laser is demonstrated. Its continuous-wave performance with different Nd doping concentrations and thicknesses is investigated experimentally. The maximum output power of 17.7 W is achieved by employing a 0.5 at.% doped sample, corresponding to an optical-to-optical efficiency of 46% with respect to the absorbed pump power. In addition, a numerical analysis and an experimental study of the temperature distribution, and thermal lens effect of the Nd:YVO4 thin disk, are presented considering the influence of the energy transfer upconversion effect and the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity tensor. The simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental results.

    Apr. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 01000e10 (2020)
  • John Pasley, Georgia Andrianaki, Andreas Baroutsos, Dimitri Batani, Emmanouil P. Benis, Andrea Ciardi, Donna Cook, Vasilios Dimitriou, Brendan Dromey, Ioannis Fitilis, Giancarlo Gatti, Anastasios Grigoriadis, Marine Huault, Jose Antonio Pérez Hernández, Evaggelos Kaselouris, Ondrej Klimo, Michel Koenig, George Koundourakis, Milan Kucharik, Jiri Limpouch, Richard Liska, Carlos Salgado Lopez, Sophia Malko, Susana Olmos-Miguelá?ez, Yannis Orphanos, Valeria Ospina, Nektarios A. Papadogiannis, Stelios Petrakis, Jan Psikal, Maria Serena Rivetta, María-José Rodríguez-Conde, Jo?o Jorge Santos, Milan Sinor, Alexandros Skoulakis, Ioannis Tazes, Laura Tejada Pascual, Calliope Tsitou, Pavel Vachal, Luca Volpe, Jiri Vyskocil, Steven White, Mark Yeung, Ghassan Zerouli, and Michael Tatarakis

    The second and final year of the Erasmus Plus programme ‘Innovative Education and Training in high power laser plasmas’, otherwise known as PowerLaPs, is described. The PowerLaPs programme employs an innovative paradigm in that it is a multi-centre programme, where teaching takes place in five separate institutes with a range of different aims and styles of delivery. The ‘in-class’ time is limited to 4 weeks a year, and the programme spans 2 years. PowerLaPs aims to train students from across Europe in theoretical, applied and laboratory skills relevant to the pursuit of research in laser plasma interaction physics and inertial confinement fusion. Lectures are intermingled with laboratory sessions and continuous assessment activities. The programme, which is led by workers from the Hellenic Mediterranean University and supported by co-workers from the Queen’s University Belfast, the University of Bordeaux, the Czech Technical University in Prague, Ecole Polytechnique, the University of Ioannina, the University of Salamanca and the University of York, has just finished its second and final year. Six Learning Teaching Training activities have been held at the Queen’s University Belfast, the University of Bordeaux, the Czech Technical University, the University of Salamanca and the Institute of Plasma Physics and Lasers of the Hellenic Mediterranean University. The last of these institutes hosted two 2-week-long Intensive Programmes, while the activities at the other four universities were each 5 days in length. In addition, a ‘Multiplier Event’ was held at the University of Ioannina, which will be briefly described. In this second year, the work has concentrated on training in both experimental diagnostics and simulation techniques appropriate to the study of plasma physics, high power laser matter interactions and high energy density physics. The nature of the programme will be described in detail, and some metrics relating to the activities carried out will be presented. In particular, this paper will focus on the overall assessment of the programme.

    Apr. 01, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e5 (2020)
  • John Pasley, Georgia Andrianaki, Jon Imanol Api?aniz, Andreas Baroutsos, Dimitri Batani, Emmanouil P. Benis, Andrea Ciardi, Donna Cook, Massimo de Marco, Vasilios Dimitriou, Brendan Dromey, Ioannis Fitilis, Giancarlo Gatti, Anastasios Grigoriadis, Marine Huault, Jose Antonio Pérez Hernández, Evaggelos Kaselouris, Ondrej Klimo, Michel Koenig, George Koundourakis, Milan Kucharik, Jiri Limpouch, Richard Liska, Carlos Salgado Lopez, Sophia Malko, Susana Olmos-Miguelá?ez, Yannis Orphanos, Valeria Ospina, Nektarios A. Papadogiannis, Stelios Petrakis, Jan Psikal, Mauricio Rico, Maria Serena Rivetta, María-José Rodríguez-Conde, Jo?o Jorge Santos, Milan Sinor, Alexandros Skoulakis, Ioannis Tazes, Laura Tejada Pascual, Michael Touati, Calliope Tsitou, Pavel Vachal, Luca Volpe, Jiri Vyskocil, Steven White, Mark Yeung, Ghassan Zeraouli, and Michael Tatarakis

    The original publication omitted the following authors from the list of authors on the title page:

    Apr. 01, 2020
  • Vol. 8 Issue 1 010000e9 (2020)
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