High Power Laser Science and Engineering
Colin Danson, Jianqiang Zhu

2D MHD radiative Flash simulation performed 75 ns after the beginning of the interaction.

Volume: 6 Issue 3
15 Article(s)
Fibres for High Power Lasers
Yibo Wang, Gui Chen, and Jinyan Li

Ytterbium-doped fibers have become the optimum gain media of high-power fiber lasers thanks to a simple energy structure, which strongly reduces the excited state absorption, and a low quantum defect and a high optic–optic conversion efficiency, which means the low thermal load. In this paper, we take a review of the current state of the art in terms of doped fibers for high-power fiber lasers, including the development of the fabrication techniques. The research work to overcome the challenges for doped fibers, which affect the stability of output power and beam quality, will be demonstrated. Direction of further research is presented and the goal is to look for a fiber design, to boost single fiber output power, stabilize the laser power and support robust single-mode operation.

High Power Laser Science and Engineering
Jul. 11, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e40 (2018)
  • Fibres for High Power Lasers
    Long Huang, Pengfei Ma, Daren Meng, Lei Li, Rumao Tao, Rongtao Su, Yanxing Ma, and Pu Zhou

    An all-fiberized high-average-power narrow linewidth ns pulsed laser with linear polarization is demonstrated. The laser system utilizes a typical master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) configuration. The stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is effectively suppressed due to the short fiber length and large mode area in the main amplifier, combined with the narrow pulse duration smaller than the phonon lifetime of SBS effect. A maximal output power of 466 W is obtained with a narrow linewidth of 203.6 MHz, and the corresponding slope efficiency is 80.3%. The pulse duration is condensed to be 4 ns after the amplification, corresponding to the peak power of 8.8 kW and the pulse energy of . Near-diffraction-limited beam quality with an factor of 1.32 is obtained at the output power of 442 W and the mode instability (MI) is observed at the maximal output power. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest average output power of the all-fiberized narrow linewidth ns pulsed fiber laser with linear polarization and high beam quality, which is a promising source for the nonlinear frequency conversion, laser lidar, and so on.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Jul. 16, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e42 (2018)
  • Fibres for High Power Lasers
    Hanwei Zhang, Pu Zhou, Hu Xiao, Jinyong Leng, Rumao Tao, Xiaolin Wang, Jiangming Xu, Xiaojun Xu, and Zejin Liu

    Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) effect is considered to be one of the main obstacles for power scaling in general-type fiber lasers. Different from previous techniques that aim at suppressing SRS, nonlinear fiber amplifier (NFA), which manipulates and employs the SRS for power scaling in rare-earth-doped fiber, is under intensive research in recent years. In this paper, the authors will present an all-round study on this new kind of high-power fiber amplifier. A theoretical model is proposed based on the rate equation and amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), with random noise taken into account. By numerical solving of the theoretical model, the power scaling potential, heat analysis and advantages in suppressing the undesired backscattering light are quantificationally analyzed for the first time. Then two different types of high-power NFAs are demonstrated individually. Firstly, a laser diode pumped NFA has reached kilowatt output power, and the results agree well with theoretical predictions. Secondly, a tandem-pumped NFA is proposed for the first time and validated experimentally, in which 1.5 kW output power has been achieved. The authors also briefly discuss several new issues relating to the complex nonlinear dynamics that occur in high-power NFAs, which might be interesting topics for future endeavors.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Sep. 13, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e51 (2018)
    High Energy Density Physics and High Power Lasers
    Stefan Parker, Colin Danson, David Egan, Stephen Elsmere, Mark Girling, Ewan Harvey, David Hillier, Dianne Hussey, Stephen Masoero, James McLoughlin, Rory Penman, Paul Treadwell, David Winter, and Nicholas Hopps

    The Orion facility at the Atomic Weapons Establishment in the United Kingdom has the capability to operate one of its two 500 J, 500 fs short-pulse petawatt beams at the second harmonic, the principal reason being to increase the temporal contrast of the pulse on target. This is achieved post-compression, using 3 mm thick type-1 potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals. Since the beam diameter of the compressed pulse is mm, it is impractical to achieve this over the full aperture due to the unavailability of the large aperture crystals. Frequency doubling was originally achieved on Orion using a circular sub-aperture of 300 mm diameter. The reduction in aperture limited the output energy to 100 J. The second-harmonic capability has been upgraded by taking two square 300 mm 300 mm sub-apertures from the beam and combining them at focus using a single paraboloidal mirror, thus creating a 200 J, 500 fs, i.e., 400 TW facility at the second harmonic.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Aug. 15, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e47 (2018)
  • High Energy Density Physics and High Power Lasers
    D. Wu, X. T. He, W. Yu, and S. Fritzsche

    Direct numerical simulation of intense laser–solid interactions is still of great challenges, because of the many coupled atomic and plasma processes, such as ionization dynamics, collision among charged particles and collective electromagnetic fields, to name just a few. Here, we develop a new particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation code, which enables us to calculate laser–solid interactions in a more realistic way. This code is able to cover almost ‘all’ the coupled physical processes. As an application of the new code, the generation and transport of energetic electrons in front of and within the solid target when irradiated by intense laser beams are studied. For the considered case, in which laser intensity is and pre-plasma scale length in front of the solid is , several quantitative conclusions are drawn: (i) the collisional damping (although it is very weak) can significantly affect the energetic electrons generation in front of the target, (ii) the Bremsstrahlung radiation will be enhanced by 2–3 times when the solid is dramatically heated and ionized, (iii) the ‘cut-off’ electron energy is lowered by an amount of 25% when both collision damping and Bremsstrahlung radiations are included, and (iv) the resistive electromagnetic fields due to Ohmic heating play nonignorable roles and must be taken into account in such interactions.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Aug. 23, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e50 (2018)
    Laboratory Astrophysics
    Zhe Zhang, Baojun Zhu, Yutong Li, Weiman Jiang, Dawei Yuan, Huigang Wei, Guiyun Liang, Feilu Wang, Gang Zhao, Jiayong Zhong, Bo Han, Neng Hua, Baoqiang Zhu, Jianqiang Zhu, Chen Wang, Zhiheng Fang, and Jie Zhang

    As a promising new way to generate a controllable strong magnetic field, laser-driven magnetic coils have attracted interest in many research fields. In 2013, a kilotesla level magnetic field was achieved at the Gekko XII laser facility with a capacitor–coil target. A similar approach has been adopted in a number of laboratories, with a variety of targets of different shapes. The peak strength of the magnetic field varies from a few tesla to kilotesla, with different spatio-temporal ranges. The differences are determined by the target geometry and the parameters of the incident laser. Here we present a review of the results of recent experimental studies of laser-driven magnetic field generation, as well as a discussion of the diagnostic techniques required for such rapidly changing magnetic fields. As an extension of the magnetic field generation, some applications are discussed.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Jul. 04, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e38 (2018)
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
    M. J.-E. Manuel, T. Temim, E. Dwek, A. M. Angulo, P. X. Belancourt, R. P. Drake, C. C. Kuranz, M. J. MacDonald, and B. A. Remington

    A novel laboratory experimental design is described that will investigate the processing of dust grains in astrophysical shocks. Dust is a ubiquitous ingredient in the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies; however, its evolutionary cycle is still poorly understood. Especially shrouded in mystery is the efficiency of grain destruction by astrophysical shocks generated by expanding supernova remnants. While the evolution of these remnants is fairly well understood, the grain destruction efficiency in these shocks is largely unknown. The experiments described herein will fill this knowledge gap by studying the dust destruction efficiencies for shock velocities in the range (), at which most of the grain destruction and processing in the ISM takes place. The experiments focus on the study of grain–grain collisions by accelerating small () dust particles into a large ( diameter) population; this simulates the astrophysical system well in that the more numerous, small grains impact and collide with the large population. Facilities that combine the versatility of high-power optical lasers with the diagnostic capabilities of X-ray free-electron lasers, e.g., the Matter in Extreme Conditions instrument at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, provide an ideal laboratory environment to create and diagnose dust destruction by astrophysically relevant shocks at the micron scale.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Jul. 05, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e39 (2018)
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
    B. Albertazzi, E. Falize, A. Pelka, F. Brack, F. Kroll, R. Yurchak, E. Brambrink, P. Mabey, N. Ozaki, S. Pikuz, L. Van Box Som, J. M. Bonnet-Bidaud, J. E. Cross, E. Filippov, G. Gregori, R. Kodama, M. Mouchet, T. Morita, Y. Sakawa, R. P. Drake, C. C. Kuranz, M. J.-E. Manuel, C. Li, P. Tzeferacos, D. Lamb, U. Schramm, and M. Koenig

    The influence of a strong external magnetic field on the collimation of a high Mach number plasma flow and its collision with a solid obstacle is investigated experimentally and numerically. The laser irradiation () of a multilayer target generates a shock wave that produces a rear side plasma expanding flow. Immersed in a homogeneous 10 T external magnetic field, this plasma flow propagates in vacuum and impacts an obstacle located a few mm from the main target. A reverse shock is then formed with typical velocities of the order of 15–20 5 km/s. The experimental results are compared with 2D radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations using the FLASH code. This platform allows investigating the dynamics of reverse shock, mimicking the processes occurring in a cataclysmic variable of polar type.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Jul. 16, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e43 (2018)
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
    A. Casner, G. Rigon, B. Albertazzi, Th. Michel, T. Pikuz, A. Faenov, P. Mabey, N. Ozaki, Y. Sakawa, T. Sano, J. Ballet, P. Tzeferacos, D. Lamb, E. Falize, G. Gregori, and M. Koenig

    The physics of compressible turbulence in high energy density (HED) plasmas is an unchartered experimental area. Simulations of compressible and radiative flows relevant for astrophysics rely mainly on subscale parameters. Therefore, we plan to perform turbulent hydrodynamics experiments in HED plasmas (TurboHEDP) in order to improve our understanding of such important phenomena for interest in both communities: laser plasma physics and astrophysics. We will focus on the physics of supernovae remnants which are complex structures subject to fluid instabilities such as the Rayleigh–Taylor and Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. The advent of megajoule laser facilities, like the National Ignition Facility and the Laser Megajoule, creates novel opportunities in laboratory astrophysics, as it provides unique platforms to study turbulent mixing flows in HED plasmas. Indeed, the physics requires accelerating targets over larger distances and longer time periods than previously achieved. In a preparatory phase, scaling from experiments at lower laser energies is used to guarantee the performance of future MJ experiments. This subscale experiments allow us to develop experimental skills and numerical tools in this new field of research, and are stepping stones to achieve our objectives on larger laser facilities. We review first in this paper recent advances in high energy density experiments devoted to laboratory astrophysics. Then we describe the necessary steps forward to commission an experimental platform devoted to turbulent hydrodynamics on a megajoule laser facility. Recent novel experimental results acquired on LULI2000, as well as supporting radiative hydrodynamics simulations, are presented. Together with the development of LiF detectors as transformative X-ray diagnostics, these preliminary results are promising on the way to achieve micrometric spatial resolution in turbulent HED physics experiments in the near future.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Jul. 19, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e44 (2018)
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
    Dawei Yuan, Huigang Wei, Guiyun Liang, Feilu Wang, Yutong Li, Zhe Zhang, Baojun Zhu, Jiarui Zhao, Weiman Jiang, Bo Han, Xiaoxia Yuan, Jiayong Zhong, Xiaohui Yuan, Changbo Fu, Xiaopeng Zhang, Chen Wang, Guo Jia, Jun Xiong, Zhiheng Fang, Shaoen Jiang, Kai Du, Yongkun Ding, Neng Hua, Zhanfeng Qiao, Shenlei Zhou, Baoqiang Zhu, Jianqiang Zhu, Gang Zhao, and Jie Zhang

    Astrophysical collisionless shocks are amazing phenomena in space and astrophysical plasmas, where supersonic flows generate electromagnetic fields through instabilities and particles can be accelerated to high energy cosmic rays. Until now, understanding these micro-processes is still a challenge despite rich astrophysical observation data have been obtained. Laboratory astrophysics, a new route to study the astrophysics, allows us to investigate them at similar extreme physical conditions in laboratory. Here we will review the recent progress of the collisionless shock experiments performed at SG-II laser facility in China. The evolution of the electrostatic shocks and Weibel-type/filamentation instabilities are observed. Inspired by the configurations of the counter-streaming plasma flows, we also carry out a novel plasma collider to generate energetic neutrons relevant to the astrophysical nuclear reactions.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Sep. 04, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e45 (2018)
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
    Jiayong Zhong, Xiaoxia Yuan, Bo Han, Wei Sun, and Yongli Ping

    Laser-driven magnetic reconnection (LDMR) occurring with self-generated B fields has been experimentally and theoretically studied extensively, where strong B fields of more than megagauss are spontaneously generated in high-power laser–plasma interactions, which are located on the target surface and produced by non-parallel temperature and density gradients of expanding plasmas. For properties of the short-lived and strong B fields in laser plasmas, LDMR opened up a new territory in a parameter regime that has never been exploited before. Here we review the recent results of LDMR taking place in both high and low plasma beta environments. We aim to understand the basic physics processes of magnetic reconnection, such as particle accelerations, scale of the diffusion region, and guide field effects. Some applications of experimental results are also given especially for space and solar plasmas.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Aug. 31, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e48 (2018)
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
    A. Rigby, J. Katz, A. F. A. Bott, T. G. White, P. Tzeferacos, D. Q. Lamb, D. H. Froula, and G. Gregori

    Magnetic field measurements in turbulent plasmas are often difficult to perform. Here we show that for kG magnetic fields, a time-resolved Faraday rotation measurement can be made at the OMEGA laser facility. This diagnostic has been implemented using the Thomson scattering probe beam and the resultant path-integrated magnetic field has been compared with that of proton radiography. Accurate measurement of magnetic fields is essential for satisfying the scientific goals of many current laser–plasma experiments.

    High Power Laser Science and Engineering
    Aug. 20, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e49 (2018)
  • Research Articles
    Xiaocong Peng, Yuanan Zhao, Yueliang Wang, Zhen Cao, Guohang Hu, and Jianda Shao

    The nonlinear absorption (NLA) properties of potassium dideuterium phosphate crystals at 515 nm under different excitation laser intensities are investigated with the Z-scan technique. Two critical intensities are highlighted: the critical intensity for exciting the NLA and the critical intensity of the multiphoton absorption mechanism transition. Experimental results indicate the existence of defect states located in the band gap, which can be manipulated by varying laser intensity. A model based on the change of multiphoton absorption mechanism induced by the transformation of defect species is proposed to interpret the experiments. Modeling results are in good agreement with the experiment data.

    Jul. 09, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e41 (2018)
  • Jiangming Xu, Jun Ye, Hu Xiao, Jinyong Leng, Wei Liu, and Pu Zhou

    High power superfluorescent fiber sources (SFSs), which could find wide applications in many fields such as middle infrared laser generation, Raman fiber laser pumping and spectral beam combination, have experienced a flourishing time in recent years for its unique properties, such as short coherence length and high temporal stability. The challenge for performance scalability of powerful SFS mainly lies on the physical issues including parasitic laser oscillation and modal instability (MI). In this contribution, by employing in-band pumping avenue and high-order transverse-mode management, we explore a high power SFS with record power, near-diffraction-limited beam quality and spectral manipulation flexibility. An ultimate output power of 3.14 kW can be obtained with high temporal stability and a beam quality of for the amplified light. Furthermore, the dynamics of spectral evolutions, including red-shifting of central wavelength and unsymmetrical broadening in spectral wings, of the main amplifier with different seed linewidths are investigated contrastively. Benefiting from the unique high pump brightness and high MI threshold of in-band pumping scheme, the demonstrated system also manifests promising performance scaling potential.

    Aug. 15, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e46 (2018)
  • Aihua Yang, Zhan Li, Dean Liu, Jie Miao, and Jianqiang Zhu

    A direct prejudgement strategy that takes the diffraction ring as the analysis target is put forward to predict hot images induced by defects of tens of microns in the main amplifier section of high power laser systems. Analysis of hot-image formation process shows that the hot image can be precisely calculated with the extracted intensity oscillation of the diffraction ring on the front surface of the nonlinear plate. The gradient direction matching (GDM) method is adopted to detect diffraction rings. Recognition of simulated diffraction rings shows that it is feasible to directly prejudge hot images induced by those closely spaced defects and the defects that are far apart from each other. Image compression and cluster analysis are utilized to optimize the performance of the GDM method in recognizing actually collected diffraction images. Results show that hot images induced by defects of tens of microns can be directly prejudged without redundant information.

    Sep. 12, 2018
  • Vol. 6 Issue 3 03000e52 (2018)
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