A statistical treatment of the frequency spectrum intensity distribution and its characteristics of a specklegram is presented in this paper. The specklegram is assum-ed to be taken by a generalized compound-shearing photographic system without any cross overlap between the apertures at recording the shearing images. Attentions are particularly paid to the action of each "basic correlation spectrum" component and to the peripheral distribution of each spectral region. Typical experimental verifications are given. Eesults shown in this paper may be beneficial to the improvement in the filter design, the filtering operation, and tho design of aperture in a componnd-sliear-ing photographic system.
By using a coherent optical information processing system with two orthogonal polarization channels we have measured the Fourier phases experimentally for one and two dimensional real objects. For a shifted slit and a shifted square, the Fourier phase values measured by experiment are in agreement with the calculated phase values quite well. Another object is a binary alphabet, the real and imaginary part of its Fourier spectrum has been investigated.
The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the imaging integral operator of finite domain in the Hilbert space are studied in detail in this paper. The authors focus attention on the case of asy asymmetrical kernels. The perturbation and finite rank methods are used to inverse the operator equations to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the defocusing systems.
In this article real-time holography with electro-optic BSO crystal (Bi12SiO20) as the holographic material and automatic hologram calculation of 3-interferogram-method in a computer-controlled holographic setup is theoretically and experimentally studied. This new holographic material and automatic hologram calculation method make it possible to use the real-time holography in industry. As a practical example, a layer thickness variation in the hardening process in 4 hours of a 2-component-adhesive was measured as a function of time.
A quasi-CW actively mode-locked and Q-switched (AMQ) Nd:YLF oscillator for a phosphate Nd: glass laser fusion system has been developed successfully. This paper des-cribes the stability, reliability and the high contrast of signal to noise of the AMQ laser pulses.
The UV light preionized, Blumlein transversely discharge pumped XeCl excimer laser with cavity lengths of 7.5 cm, 20 cm can produce short laser pulses output with FWHM 1.8ns,5ns.The laser oscillatios initial spiking given by the computer simulation of the rate equation is used to compare the experimental results.
This paper describes characteristics of frequency and space reflection spectra of multiplate resonant reflectors. We mainly analyse the effects of thicknesses of glass and air gap on reflection spectra and the space reflection spectra due to each optical plane not being parallel in the degenerate resonant reflectors. The requirements for designing the resonant reflectors are provided and some methods to solve the problems are shown. Non-degenerate resonant reflectors are also discussed.
The quasi-ste dy density profile determined by the ponderomotive force in a laser plasma is studied. The dependences of the local density scale length, the lengths of upper and lower density shelves and the average density scale length at lower shelf on the incident light intensity and time are derived. It is shown that after the quasi-steady state is reached, with the lapse of time the lengths of upper and lower density shelves and the average density scale length at lower shelf rise, and the density scale length, at lower shelf rise, and the density scale length in the critioal density region increases slightly.
By making use of the method of density matrix, we give an unified explanation of Q-modulation and four-wave mixing effects caused by resonant saturable absorption (RSA) materials in a laser cavity. The underlying physical mechanism of the effects is expressed clearly. The theoretical calculation results agree with the experimental data very well.
Stimulated Eaman scattering effect in hydrog en and methane mixture is investigated, using the frequency-doubled output (532nm) of a Nd3+: YAG lasers as the pumping source. For different ratios of the mixture, both SRS lines and combina-tions (V = VP + ) of H2 and CH4 are observed by an optical spectrum analyser (OSA WP-4); and shifts of SES lines are found. It shows suppression and coupling between hydrogen and methane in the mixture. A preliminary explanation about the experimental results is discussed in the paper.
Resear ch has been carried out on photodissociation process for laser dye rhodamine 6G by ESR. Experimental results show that there is the energy transfer between triplet of the dye and the free radicals in the solvent.
Analysis is made for the meridional imaging rays of a not-far-off-axis paraboloidal mirror, which indicates that there is an inclined optimum image plane of the off-axis mirror if certain approximation is satisfied and the aperture stop is properly located. The inclination and the blurred point image size on the image plane are derived. The analysis and the ray tracing result both show that the image quality is much improved on the inclined image plane.
In this paper we discuss the dynamic property of light scattering of unneutralized electrolyte solutions and the photon correlation spectra.The resultsshow that weak un-neutralization can largely increase the measured diffusion coefficient and, comparing with neutral electrolyte solution, the diffusion coefficient of unneutralized one is more sinsitive to the scattering angle. For a dilute electrolyte solution of 10-3 molar with unnentralization of 1%, an enhancement of 102-103 in the diffusion coefficient can be obtained. The physical mechanism of unneutralization effect is discussed.
We have studied the phenomenon of silver sol aggregation caused by tap water in detail. Silver particales do not simply collect, but form chins, i.e- fractal state. We have made experiments of mixing silver sol with tap water in several kinds of proportion and measured their transmission spectra and taken their electron micrographs with time. Further more, we have analyzed the results of the experiments and found some rules of silver sol aggregation.
This paper gives a theoretical study on the design method of the anti-reflection (AR) film for traveling wave semiconductor laser amplifiers (TWSLA). A two-dimensional digital integration is used to calculate the optimum film parameters and their allowable errors for TiO2/SiO2 AR film coated on the facets of the 1.3μ InGaAsP lasers. Such films are successfully fabricated by using the vacuum coating and two-wavelen th control technique. The reflectivity of the is lower than 3.9×10-4. By means of the AR film, we succeeded in achieving the direct amplifioatiaa for tbe optical signal and in increasing the sensitivities of PIN & APD detectors.