In this paper, a new experimental technique-rotating aperture method of speckle photography for dynamic problem is proposed. The displacement field of any moment of a specimen can be obtained, while simple equipment is needed. Using a rotation device, the whole dynamic process can be recorded on a single specklegram, and then information of every moment can be separated from each other easily by whole-field filtering. This method is applicable not only to vibration problems, but also to non-periodic dynamic problems. Three experiments have been, carried out for demonstration. Speckle fringes are olear and reliable. Quantitative analysis of experiments agree well with the results obtained from other methods.
According to the equations of three interacting plane waves (without absorptions and losses) and small-signal approximation, the calculations of spectral and angular acceptance half-widths are done with KDP, ADP, BBO, LiIO3, LiNbO3 for frequency doubling, tripling and quadrupling (λ1=1.064μm), so that we can select crystals used for frequency-conversion in a wide-band Nd: glass laser. The doubling equations for wide-band mode-locked lasers are given. The calculated enhancement factor 2N3+N/3 of SH shows that processes of side-band sum-frequency for mode-locked laser pulse are of important roles.
The paper reports the schlieren technique apply in investigating combustion processes in a DI diesel engine. The design of the schlieren system and the high speed photo-graph control system are described. The paper analyses effects of the air swirl intensity on the injection fuel and the flame propagation in the cylinder with the aid of photo-graphs. The conclusion is that the schlieren technique is an important method for investigating the combustion processes in I.C engines.
In this paper, a magneto-optical bistable device with a special designed magneto-optioal modulator made of a new type magnetic glass is presented. With this device, the optical bistable experiment has been performed, and the bistable characteristics and relevant parameters have been measured. The results are in good agreement with the theoretical analyses.
This paper analyses the formation mechanism in NH3 multiphoton ionization mass spectra induced by an XeCl excimer laser. Established model includes that NH3+ are mainly yielded in (2+1) multiphoton. ionization via the Eydberg states B(6) and C (1), and NE4+ formed from ion-molecule reaction, NH3+(NH3, NH2)NH4+ and very low-yield NH2+ most probably produced from (2 + 2) multiphoton ionization via resonant intermediate state B(6). The rate equation solution for this model is in good greement with our experimental results. It predicts that the information oil direct or Indirect ionization mechanisms are involed in the dependences of ion intensity on laser pulse duration.
In this paper we take a general OSARP inspection as an example to explain the method of inspection of an OSARP. We relate the adjustable quantities of each adjustable assembly of the OSARP (Optical Systhetic Aperture Radar Processor) with each characteristic number of a SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data film. The applicable range of the OSARP is obtained by testing the adjustable quantities. The imaging quality of the OSARP is inspected with the general testing targets and a shift lens. The advanced inspection of the OSABP is done wilii the simulated SAR daia films. It is a different way, but "the results are tiie same as tiie former, Finally, the ture SAR data film is processed to whow the oomprehensive imaging quality of the SAR and the OSAEP. Tite expearimentel pictures.and data presented in this paper are for reference only. The experimental results show that the method is applicable.
In this paper, we deduce the equations of motion for both cw and long-pulse light in active fibers. We then solve the equations under zero-order and first-order perturbations by using the quantum theory about the polarization of an active material. We give a quantitative description of the evolutions of amplitudes and phases of the cw and long-pulse light, and discuss the influence of the active material on the group velocity of the long pulse light.
The main errors of a ring-laser weak magnetic field sensor are analysed and the methods to eliminate these errors are discussed. The error introduced by temperature coeffient of verdet constant of magneto-optical materials is derived theoretically. This is the main source of error due to temperature coefficient of a ring-laser weak magnetic field sensor after low expansion cavity materials and frequency stabitization technique have been used. The error introduced by Zeeman effect is given. The Zeeman effect error results from ihe magnetio field sensitivity of the gain, medium, and it is mixed with the magnetio field sensitivity of the Faraday magnetio-optical material. Bj locating a gain tube in each longer arm of the rectangular cavity, the Zeeman effect can be avoided. The two gain tubes haye the same parameters (such as core length, diameter, total and partial presure, discharge current and diamension of catitod). The infiuenoe of Langmuir gas flow effect can be eidmination by beating positive and negative rotations and then adding the beats of right and ligt rotations.
The diffuse reflection, excitation and fluorescence spectra of Ce3+ ions in Y3Ga5O12 garnet phosphor have been studied and discussed at room temperature for the first time. It has been found that the YGG:Ce3+ shows the optical properties of the allowed 5d-4f transition of Ce3+ ions whether under UV radiation or visible blue light or oathoderay excitation. The broad emission band extending from 430 to near 670 nm results from the transition of the lowest 5d level to 2FJ (J=5/2, 7/2) terminal state. In YGG, the optical behaviour of Ce3+ Is very similar to that of Ce3+ In YAG, but the positions of absorption and emission bands of Ce3+ shift toward shorter wavelengths.
On the bases of experimental and theoretical analysis, the author points out the feasibility of realizing optical differentiation by using simple sinusoidal gratings.
This paper tries to analyze the economic beneiits of an optical system, and to make a proposal in the estimating and calculating formulae for making optical tolerance with probability-statistical method. In the equations which are usec to find the solution of tolerance, the target function is minimum cost, while the restraint conditions are the permitted variation of MTF value and manufacturing ability. Its feasibility is proved by a practical example.
Based on the ray equation, imaging matric formula of the selfoc lens is derived is detail in this paper. Approximate property and applicable range of this formula can be seen from the derivation process, and the view of considering the formula applicable to the imaging of non-Gaussian optics should be corrected.
A real time optical logic processor is presented, that can perform binary logic operations in parallel. Experimental result is given of the system as a half adder.
In this paper, the measurement of the laser induced fluorescence (LIF) of SnO A II- has been made. The rotational structures of the spectra were fully assigned both for Sn118O and for Sn120O. We report the effect of isotope shift on the perturbation center for the first time. The characteristic of perturbation is also analysed by Kovacs method.