A new memory model of associative memory called the reflexive associative memory in optical computing is presented in this paper. In this model the vectors are stored in a memory matrix in the form of vector pairs. Not only a full vector prestored in associative memory can be recalled from a partial information of the vector, but the other vector of the prestored vector pair can also be recalled. Optical implementation of the reflexive associative memory is also presented in this paper.
This paper discusses an optical heterodyne technique for the measurement of phase retardation of a wave plate. The accuracy of the measurement of the optical pathe difference of the wave plate is roughly equal to the wavelength devided by 6000, better than other methods.
We have improved the correlator developed by J. -C. Diels. In the new type it is consisted of only four prsims; and henoe three pairs of glued optical surfaces become unnecessary. The angle tolerance of prisms is less than 5 second. Auto-ajustment method with prisms is presented in this papers We have designed a reasonable system fyr transmission in which the intensity and phase correlation curves are obtained by onlp changing the voltage applied on the motor. It is worth pointing out that the phase correlation curve carries information of pulsewidth, which can be measured more accurately from the phase correlation ourve.
The problem of coupling an external radiation field into a nonlinear waveguide cavity has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. The transmission factor of this cavity was found to vary with the incident light power. Optical pulse shaping and bistable operation were observed experimetlly in this cavity.
Taking a non-ideal waveguide as an ideal waveguide in the presence of polarization currents giving rise to electric and magnetic fields, we can directly solve the problems of mode coupling and radiation loss of an optical waveguide. By using this method, we have calculated the radiation loss of single mode fibers caused by periodical and random non-uniformities of the core index. It is an alternative method of coupled mode theory, but is mathematically impler and physically more intuitive than the coupled mode theory. At last, taking bending and microbending loss for single mode fibers as an example,wo see that this method also applied to problems which can be solved by generalized coupled mode theory.
It is reported that the multistability behavior can be observed in a He-Ne laser, into which a anisotropic polarized loss is introduced. This phenomenon is explaned as a competition between the saturation-induced polarization perference and the anisotropism of the laser, as well as the effect of fluctuation on the modes with equal resonance frequency and different polarization directions.
In this paper the properties of phase operators in single-mode squeezed state of light are discussed. Mean values and fluctuations of the usual phase operators are calculated and analyzed. Detailed discussions are made for the special squeezed vacuum state. Finally, the asymptotic properties of the results are derived in the classica| limit.
The additive with low ionization potential at extremely low concentration can. be used to improve the level of preionization of XeCl excimer laser. The additives of C6H5Cl and CCl4 have been used in our experiment, the enhancement of laser output energy up to 16% is observed. This is of specially important for the developmentof large cross-section rare gas halide discharge.
A new simplified method-compound lens method- for analysing the thermostable telescopic resonator is reported. Using this method, we suoessfully obtained the stable output with a large volume of TEM00 mode for a high repetition rate Nd: YAG laser. The output energy of the resonator at 1.06μm is 250 mJ per. pulse over the range of 1-10pps, and the output energy fluctuation is less than ±2%.
In this paper, the model which consists of homogeneous broadened three atomic level is proposed, when both the pump classical field and laser field exist we discuss the gain, frequency pulling and threshold condition of the weak pumping. We also discuss the effect of the coherent pumping on the laser line width. The results are compared with what derived for non-coherent pumping and no-pumping.
Hemoglobin and other samples were irradiated by the 1064 nm light of a nanosecond pulse Nd:YAG laser. At room temperature, we first observed two red fluorescence bands which result from absorbing two 1064 nm photons in hemoglobin (Hb), and we measured the fluorescence emission spectra at red region for Hb and hemotoporphyrin derivative (HpD). Both Hb and HpD have two fluorescence emission maxima. A red shift in wavelength and a mirror image in the intensity of fluorscence emissions by two-photon excitation relative to that by one-photon (532-nm) excitation were observed. The experimental analysis showed that the fluorescence of Hb originates from the porphyrin ring of the heme group, just as that of HpD from the porphyrin ring. Besides, we also observed the fluorescence emission at UY 392-nm for Hb, which may come from the tryptophans in Hb.
Using the cathodoluminescence (CL) mode of operation of the scanning electron microscope (SEM), OL images of various defects in YAG:Nd3+ crystals have been obtained. Prther investigation of the formation mechanism of the defects and effects of performances in YAG:Nd3+ crystals has been made according to the OL images.
In order to predict many important physical phenomena in a large-size glass during annealing the application of the finite element solution of heat transfer problems to the determination of the tempe ature distibution within axisymmetric glass being annaeled (the temperature change is slow) has been suggested for the first time in this paper. According to above result, this paper also suggests the calculation method of the nonuniformity of refractive index due to the nonhomogeneous structure of annealed glass, thus overcoming previous difficulty in the oaloulation.
A new method for measuring multi-layer optical film parameters is proposed, which is based on observation of quasi-waveguide leaky modes. As an example, two liquid layers separated by a glass slide and sandwiched between a prism and another slide, were studied. Leaky mode mlines of the two layers were measured, and used for calculation of the parameters of the two layers. The errors of refractive index of the measured film and the thickness are about ±0.001 and ±0.1μm, respectively.
Configuration and performances of a high repetition rate XeCl exoimer laser are reported. A ceramio-metal grounded grid thyratron used as pulse switch, a transverse flow system, and a structure of fast transverse discharge of UV preionization are adopted in the laser system. The maximun output pulse energy is 200 mJ, maximum average power is 18 W at a repetition rate of 107 Hz.
In this paper, the calculation method of 4fN-15d-fN radiative transition probability is discussed, the parentage selectrive rule is proposed, and the f-d radiative transition probabilities of Pr3+ in PrP5O14 crystals are calculated. The results show that the f-d transition probability of rare earth is much larger than f-f transition.