A technique for compensation of temperature effects in fiber grating sensors is reported. For strain sensors and other sensors related to strain such as electromagnetic sensors, a novel structure is designed, which uses two fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) as strain differential sensor and has temperature effects cancelled. Using this technique, the stress sensitivity has been amplified and gets up to 0.226 nm/N, the total variation in wavelength difference within the range of 3-45 oC is 0.03 nm, 1/14 of the uncompensated FBG. The structure can be used in the temperature-insensitive static strain measurement and minor-vibration measurement.
Twist characteristics of the ultraviolet-written long period fiber gratings (UV-LPFGs) are investigated in this paper. It was found experimentally that the resonance wavelength of the UV-LPFG shifts to short side proportional to square of the torsion rate, when it is twisted in both directions of clockwise and counter-clockwise, which is different from that of LPFGs written by CO2 lasers, but similar with that of the corrugated LPFGs. The phenomena can be explained by mechanisms of static compression in twisting and index change caused by photo-elastic effect.
In wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems, an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) multiplexer is a key component. A polymeric AWG multiplexer has recently attracted much attention due to its low cost processing and a potential of integration with other devices. Fluorinated poly (ether ether ketone) (FPEEK) is excellent material for fabrication of optical waveguides due to its low absorption loss at 1.55-μm wavelength and high thermal stability. A 32-channel AWG multiplexer has been designed based on the grating diffraction theory and fabricated using newly synthesized FPEEK. During the fabrication process of the Polymer/Si AWG device, spin coating, vaporizing, photolithographic patterning and reactive ion etching (RIE) are used. The AWG multiplexer measurement system is based on a tunable semiconductor laser, infrared camera and a Peltier-type heater. The device exhibits a wavelength channel spacing of 0.8 nm and a center wavelength of 1548 nm in the room temperature.
Output power spectrum clamping over C+L band (84 channels) is demonstrated experimentally on a standard 100-km single mode backward-pumped distributed fiber Raman amplifier (B-DFRA). The clamping is realized by pump adjustment based on a simple linear relation of individual pump power versus on-off gain level and gain tilt in its spectrum. The average clamping error over all channels are less than 0.32 dB within the experimental range.
We present a global optimization method, called the genetic algorithms (GAs), for digital image/speckle correlation (DISC). The new algorithms do not involve reasonable initial guess of displacement and deformation gradient and the calculation of second-order spatial derivatives of the digital images, which are important challenges in practical implementation of DISC. The performance of a GA depends largely on the selection of the genetic operators. We test various operators and propose optimal operators. The algorithms are then verified using simulated images and experimental speckle images.
An algorithm is presented for multi-sensor image fusion using discrete wavelet frame transform (DWFT). The source images to be fused are firstly decomposed by DWFT. The fusion process is the combining of the source coefficients. Before the image fusion process, image segmentation is performed on each source image in order to obtain the region representation of each source image. For each source image, the salience of each region in its region representation is calculated. By overlapping all these region representations of all the source images, we produce a shared region representation to label all the input images. The fusion process is guided by these region representations. Region match measure of the source images is calculated for each region in the shared region representation. When fusing the similar regions, weighted averaging mode is performed; otherwise selection mode is performed. Experimental results using real data show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional pyramid transform based or discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based algorithms in multi-sensor image fusion.
This letter presents a novel application of iterated function system (IFS) based three-dimensional (3D) fractal interpolation to compression elevation data. The parameters of contractive transformations are simplified by a concise fractal iteration form with geometric meaning. A local iteration algorithm is proposed, which can solve the non-separation problem when Collage Theorem is applied to find the appropriate fractal parameters. The elevation data compression is proved experimentally to be effective in reconstruction quality and time-saving.
In this paper, we theoretically deduce the expressions of half-wave voltage and 3-dB modulation bandwidth in which conductor loss is taken into account. The results suggest that it will affect the theoretical values of half-wave voltage and bandwidth as well as the optimized electrode's dimension whether considering the conductor loss or not. As an example, we present a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) type polymer waveguide amplitude modulator. The half-wave voltage increases by 1 V and the 3-dB bandwidth decreases by 30% when the conductor loss is taken into account. Besides, the effects of impedance mismatching and velocity mismatching between microwave and light wave on the half-wave voltage, and 3-dB bandwidth are discussed.
In this paper, we report a high peak power passively Q-switched laser-diode-end-pumped Nd:YVO4/Cr^(4+):YAG laser polarized along the C axis, generating 4.23-W average power and 18-kW peak power (144-μJ pulse power) with 8.0-ns time duration (29.4-kHz repetition rate) at 1064 nm while the pump power is 21.2 W.
A novel all fiber cavity Yb^(3+)-doped double-clad fiber laser (DCFL) based on two double-clad fiber (DCF) Bragg grating is presented. The fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) as the input and output mirrors have been formed in Yb^(3+)-doped DCF with the phase-mask method, and their reflectivities are 99% and 22%, respectively. When the input pump power is 417 mW, the maximum output power is 144 mW with linewidth <0.1 nm at the wavelength of 1.057 μm, over 40-dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and 50.8% slope efficiency.
A set of fiber-coupled continuous wave (CW) diode lasers has been used to pump Tm,Ho:GdVO4 and generate 2.048-μm laser radiation at liquid nitrogen temperature. The optical-optical efficiencies of 25%, output power of 3.5 W, and pumping threshold of 838 mW have been obtained and compared with those from Tm,Ho:YLF under identical experimental conditions.
The design and performance of radio frequency (RF) excited partial Z-fold waveguide CO2 laser with two channels are exposed. The length of the partial Z-fold channel is 3*460 mm and that of the single channel is 460 mm. The electrodes for the two channels are common and excited by a same RF source. According to our analysis, this kind of structure can greatly improve the laser offset frequency stability. In the experiments, we studied the variation of laser output power with gas pressure for two different channels. The maximum laser output power is about 23 W for the partial Z-fold channel and about 6 W for the single channel.
A series of highly Er^(3+)/Yb^(3+) co-doped fluoroaluminate glasses have been investigated in order to develop a microchip laser at 1.54 μm under 980 nm excitation. Measurements of absorption, emission and up-conversion spectra have been performed to examine the effect of Er^(3+)/Yb^(3+) concentration quenching on spectroscopic properties. In the glasses with Er^(3+) concentrations below 10 mol%, concentration quenching is very low and the Er^(3+)/Yb^(3+) co-doped fluoroaluminate glasses have stronger fluorescence of 1.54 μm due to the ^(4)I~~(13/2)-->^(4)I~~(15/2) transition than that of Er^(3+) singly-doped glasses. As Er^(3+) concentrations above 10 mol% in the Er^(3+)/Yb^(3+) co-doped samples, concentration quenching of 1.54 μm does obviously occur as a result of the back energy transfer from Er^(3+) to Yb^(3+). To obtain the highest emission efficiency at 1.54 μm, the optimum doping-concentration ratio of Er^(3+)/Yb^(3+) was found to be approximately 1:1 in mol fraction when the Er^(3+) concentration is less than 10 mol%.
A 10-GHz soliton source with pulse duration between 4-8 ps and wavelength continuously tunable from 1530 to 1563 nm is presented. Using regeneratively mode-locking technology, the harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser could work without pulse dropout at room temperature when no cavity length or polarization maintaining mechanism is available. Applying only one 980-nm laser diode pump, the average output power reaches more than 4 mW.
Expressing the perturbation optical field in terms of module and phase, using the linearized nonlinear Schrodinger equation governing the evolution of perturbations, we have deduced the analytical expressions of the modules, phases, and gain coefficients of the perturbations with zero or cut-off frequency, and studied the evolutions of the two perturbations travelling along lossless optical fibers in the negative dispersion regime. The results indicate that the phase of the perturbation with zero (or cut-off) frequency increases (or decreases) with the propagation distance monotonously and tends to its asymptotic value nπ+π/2 (or nπ) eventually. The evolution rates of the phases are closely related to the initial phase values. Although the asymptotic values of the field gain coefficients of the above mentioned two perturbations are equal to zero, and the increasing fashion of the modules is different from the familiar exponential type, it still suggests that the perturbations have a divergent nature when the propagation distance goes to infinity, indicating that the two kinds of perturbations can both lead to instability.
A large lateral shearing distance of parallel beam-splitting prism is often needed in laser modulation and polarization interference. In this letter, we present an optimized design of parallel beam-splitting prism and list some different cases in detail. The optimized design widens the use range of parallel beam-splitting prism. At the wavelength of 632.8 nm, the law that the enlargement ratio changes with the refractive index and the apex angle is verified.
We construct orthogonal Bell states with entangled squeezed vacuum states and show that these states can be discriminated with arbitrary precision when the amplitude of the squeezed states becomes sufficiently large. A scheme of teleporting a superposition state of the squeezed vacuum states based on the Bell state measurement is presented.
A novel super-resolution near-field optical structure (super-RENS) with bismuth (Bi) mask layer is proposed in this paper. Static optical recording tests with and without super-RENS are carried out using a 650-nm semiconductor laser at recording powers of 14 and 7 mW with pulse duration of 100 ns. The recording marks are observed by high-resolution optical microscopy with a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. The results show that the Bi mask layer can also concentrate energy into the center of a laser beam at low laser power similar to the traditional Sb mask layer. The results above are further confirmed by another Ar+ laser system. The third-order nonlinear response induced by the plasma oscillation at the Bi/SiN interface during laser irradiation can be used to explain the phenomenon. The calculation results are basically consistent with our experimental results.
A phase singularity of the light field created by interference of two Gaussian singular beams which propagate in a weak and near ground turbulent atmosphere is analyzed by the Rytov approximation and the short-term averaging method of the dislocation-position. We demonstrate that an edge or circular dislocation may be formed by both parallel and coaxial or noncoaxial collimated beams with different or equal beam-width interfere. The edge or circular short-term wavefront dislocations of super position field depend on the atmospheric turbulence strength, beam propagation distance, amplitude ratio, dislocation of nesting vortices, and beam-width or beam-width ratio of the individual beams.