We present a perfect graphene absorber with a compound waveguide grating at the near-infrared. The analytical approach is mainly based on the coupled leaky mode theory, which turns the design of the absorber to finding out the required leaky modes supported by the grating structure. Perfect absorption occurs only when the radiative loss of the leaky mode matches the intrinsic absorption loss, which is also named the critical coupling condition. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the critical coupling of the system can be robustly controlled, and the perfect absorption wavelength can be easily tuned by adjusting the parameters of the compound waveguide grating.
We present a high-sensitivity fiber Bragg grating (FBG)-based microphone with a flat response and static pressure equalization. A very high dynamic sensitivity of the microphone is achieved by a pressure sensing structure based on a carbon fiber diaphragm. Static pressure equalization is realized by a balance structure with a capillary glass tube. The resonances of the sensor are suppressed by air damping structures, and a broadened flat response is achieved. An acoustic-solid interaction model was used to analyze the response characteristics of the microphone. An experimental prototype was produced and tested, and the results are well consistent with the design. The tested sensitivity was 10 dB re 1 pm/Pa from 10 Hz to 2.5 kHz with a fluctuation of less than ±1.5 dB. Combined with the phase-generated-carrier-based coherent detection scheme, the microphone can achieve a sound resolution of the milli-pascal level. The static pressure sensitivity is measured to be 0.27 pm/atm, which is 100 dB lower than the dynamic sensitivity.
In an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), erbium ions act as a three-level system. Therefore, much higher pump energy is required to achieve the population inversion in an erbium-doped fiber (EDF). This higher pump energy requirement complicates the efficient design of an EDFA. However, efficient use of the pump power can improve the EDFA performance. The improved performance of an EDFA can be obtained by reducing the doping radius of the EDF. A smaller doping radius increases pump–dopant interactions and subsequently increases the pump–photon conversion efficiency. Decreasing the doping radius allows a larger proportion of dopant ions, which are concentrated near the core, to interact with the highest pump intensity. However, decreasing the doping radius beyond a certain limit will bring the dopant ions much closer and introduce detrimental ion–ion interaction effects. In this Letter, we show that an optimal doping radius in an EDF can provide the best gain performance. Moreover, we have simulated the well-known numerical aperture effects on EDFA gain performance to support our claim.
For Brillouin optical time-domain analysis (BOTDA) based on distributed Brillouin amplification (DBA), constant Brillouin response achieved by the exponentially variable bandwidth/intensity pump modulation suffers from the much lower pumping efficiency for long-range sensing, which counterbalances the merit of DBA. In this Letter, pump modulation by multiple constant bandwidths was proposed and demonstrated. The ~98.9 km sensing with ~5 m spatial resolution and no use of optical pulse coding (OPC) was achieved by ~8 dBm Brillouin pump, which is lower by ~9 dB in theory by comparison with exponentially increased bandwidth modulation. Compared with traditional DBA-BOTDA, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) enhancement with >4.6 dB was obtained. The flattened standard deviation (STD) of Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) (less than ~2 MHz) along the whole fiber was demonstrated.
We propose a switchable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on a four-mode fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The four-mode FBG is fabricated in a hydrogen pre-loaded fiber by the phase mask method, which can support four linearly polarized modes around 1550 nm. The five operation wavelengths are at 1547.5, 1546.8, 1546.0, 1545.1, and 1544.2 nm, respectively. Through adjusting the polarization state and the lateral offset coupling in cavity, the laser can be switched into the operation state of single, dual, or triple wavelengths. The proposed laser has the advantages of simple configuration, stable operation, and easy adjustment.
We propose and investigate the use of a Kramers–Kronig (KK) receiver in a single sideband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing radio over fiber (SSB-OFDM-RoF) link based on an optical remote heterodyne solution. This scheme is effective in eliminating the signal-to-signal beating interference introduced by square-law detection of a photo-detector in an SSB-OFDM-RoF link. We extensively study the influences of different carrier-to-signal power ratios (CSPRs), laser linewidths, and transmission distances on our proposed scheme. It is proved that the KK-based receiver can reduce optimal CSPR by more than 5 dB and provide about 1.1 dB gain over the conventional mixer-based receiver scheme with CSPR of 11 dB after 75 km fiber transmission.
This Letter proposes a snapshot imaging spectrometer, which obtains the spectral information and spatial information in one “shot”. The device proposed can achieve the data cube size of 21×29×40 in the waveband of 400–800 nm. The core element of this system is the microlens array, which contains 60×60 microlenses in a square arrangement, each microlens has an aperture of 125 μm×125 μm, and the F number is 15. The microlens array is mounted in a rotation mount, which provides 360° of rotation around the optical axis to maximize the spectral resolution. The final resolution of the system is about 10 nm.
Single layer lattice graphene deposited on the metal substrate can hardly be imaged by the optical microscope. In this Letter, a large field-of-view imaging ellipsometer is introduced to image single layer graphene which is deposited on a metal substrate. By adjusting the polarizer and the analyzer of imaging ellipsometer, the light reflected from surfaces of either single layer graphene or a Au film substrate can be extinguished, respectively. Thus, single layer graphene can be imaged correspondingly under brightfield or darkfield imaging modes. The method can be applied to imaging large-area graphene on a metal substrate.
A double-pass grating imaging spectrometer is proposed and demonstrated. The traditional entrance slit is replaced by a middle reflective slit, which is used as a spectral filter rather than a spatial filter. The light from the scene passes through the same dispersive grating twice. The full image of the scene can be obtained with a snapshot. Therefore, the stripe noise and image distortion caused by image mosaicking can be eliminated. Besides, the target is easier to be captured and focused, just like using a camera. This method can be used to obtain clearer spectral images of the scene conveniently and quickly.
We report a method for simultaneously and directly measuring all six-degrees-of-freedom (six-DOF) motion errors of a rotary axis. Such a method combines the principles of laser interferometry and laser collimation measurement. One reference rotary axis and two retro-reflectors are used to achieve simultaneous sensitivity to all six errors in a full-circle measuring range. As no separation models are required, our method is capable of dynamically measuring these errors in real time and conveniently determining the origin of the errors. An automatic measuring device is built. The effectiveness of our method is experimentally demonstrated.
The first Asia-Pacific Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (APMP.M.G-K1) was organized by the National Institute of Metrology (NIM) of China from December 21, 2015 to March 25, 2016 in Changping, Beijing. Our compact cold atom gravimeter (CCAG) was transported from Hangzhou to Beijing with a long distance of about 1200 km to participate in this comparison. The CCAG is the only one, to the best of our knowledge, that is based on the principle of atom interferometry among all the instruments. Absolute gravity in the indicated three test sites has been measured as requested by the organizer. The sensitivity of our CCAG is estimated to be 90 μGal/Hz, even when the measurements are carried out without any vibration isolation. Besides, the accuracy of this gravimeter has been evaluated to be about 19 μGal by considering the significant system errors. Our results show a good agreement with the given reference value.
A modified spectral beam combining (SBC) approach based on double asymmetrical filters was proposed. By using this scheme, the high-order lateral modes at the edge of the far-field pattern can be suppressed in the external cavity, and the beam quality in the slow-axis direction was improved from 16.1 to 13.4 compared to the conventional SBC. In the meanwhile, the electrical-to-optical efficiency from the modified SBC was more than 40% with an output power of 34.1 W, which is similar to that of the conventional SBC.
This study investigates the applicability of a few-layer structure ReSe2 as a saturable absorber (SA) for demonstrating a passively Q-switched pulse laser. The ReSe2 SA had a modulation depth of 6.86%. The Q-switched experiment was successful in delivering a maximum average output power of 180 mW at the wavelength of 1906.5 nm. The optimal pulse train had a pulse width of 1.61 μs and a repetition rate of 28.78 kHz. The experiment results verify that the few-layer structure ReSe2 could behave as an excellent SA at all-solid-state lasers, increasing the selection of SAs at near 2 μm lasers.
We propose a fast and accurate automated algorithm to segment retinal pigment epithelium and internal limiting membrane layers from spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) B-scan images. A hybrid algorithm, which combines intensity thresholding and graph-based algorithms, was used to process and analyze SDOCT radial scans (120 B scans) images obtained from twenty patients. The relative difference in position of the layers segmented by the proposed hybrid algorithm and by the clinical expert was 1.49% ± 0.01%. The processing time of the hybrid algorithm was 9.3 s for six B scans. Dice’s coefficient of the hybrid algorithm was 96.7% ± 1.6%. The proposed hybrid algorithm for the segmentation of SDOCT images had good agreement with manual segmentation and reduced processing time.
In this Letter, we present an electrically tunable holographic waveguide display (HWD) based on two slanted holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal (HPDLC) gratings. Experimental results show that a see-through effect is obtained in the HWD that both the display light from HWD and the ambient light can be clearly seen simultaneously. By applying an external electric field, the output intensity of the display light can be modulated, which is attributed to the field-induced rotation of the liquid crystal molecules in the two HPDLC gratings. We also show that this electrically tunable performance enables the HWD to adapt to different ambient light conditions. This study provides some ideas towards the development of HWD and its application in augmented reality.
A method for calculating the atmospheric parameters measurement accuracy requirement based on polarized reflectance retrieval is proposed. The at-sensor polarization states with different atmospheric parameters content are simulated based on the atmospheric radiative transfer model in order to select the key parameter affecting the polarization observation. The accuracy requirement of atmospheric parameters is derived through the polarized reflectance retrieval method. Experiment results show that retrieval accuracy of polarized reflectance of typical ground objects can be up to 90%. The atmospheric parameters measurement accuracy requirement when the retrieval accuracy is more than 75% is derived.
Over the last years, there has been tremendous progress with compact pulsed lasers based on various solid-state gain media, such as crystals and glasses doped with laser-active ions. With the integration of increasingly diverse saturable absorber materials, these small sources are capable of delivering stable pulses with durations as short as femtoseconds and repetition rates exceeding 10 GHz. These promising sources are known as solid-state waveguide lasers, which have become synonymous with miniaturization, integration, and functionality. This article overviews the progress in the development of passively Q-switched and mode-locked solid-state waveguide lasers employing diverse saturable absorbers. The most commonly used laser configurations, state-of-the-art waveguide fabrication techniques, and experimental demonstrations of pulsed waveguide lasers are summarized and reviewed. Selected well-noted topics, which may shape the future directions in this field, are also presented.
Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), a typical quantum interference effect, has been extensively investigated in coherent atomic gases. In recent years, it has been recognized that the plasmonic analog of atomic EIT, called plasmon-induced transparency (PIT), is a fruitful platform for the study of EIT-like propagation and interaction of plasmonic polaritons. Many proposals have been presented for realizing PIT in various metamaterials, which possess many unique characters, including the suppression of absorption of electromagnetic radiation, the reduction of propagation velocity, etc. Especially, nonlinear PIT metamaterials, obtained usually by embedding nonlinear elements into meta-atoms, can be used to acquire an enhanced Kerr effect resulted from the resonant coupling between radiation and the meta-atoms and to actively manipulate structural and dynamical properties of plasmonic metamaterials. In this article, we review recent research progress in nonlinear PIT metamaterials, and elucidate their interesting properties and promising applications. In particular, we give a detailed description on the propagation and interaction of nonlinear plasmonic polaritons in metamaterials via PIT, which are promising for chip-scale applications in information processing and transmission.