Chinese Optics Letters
Zhizhan Xu

Experimental setup of underwater optical wireless power transfer.

Volume: 16 Issue 8
17 Article(s)
Atmospheric and oceanic optics
Sung-Man Kim, Jongmyeong Choi, and Hyunwoo Jung

We experimentally demonstrate an underwater optical wireless power transfer (OWPT) using a laser diode (LD) as a power transmitter. We investigate the characteristics of a solar cell and a photodiode (PD) as a power receiver. We optimize the LD, the PD, and the solar cell to achieve the maximum transfer efficiency. The maximum transfer efficiency of the back-to-back OWPT is measured as 4.3% with the PD receiver. Subsequently, we demonstrate the OWPT in tap and sea water. Our result shows an attenuation of 3 dB/m in sea water.

Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 080101 (2018)
  • Yalçın Ata, and Yahya Baykal

    Average transmittance of multi-Gaussian (flat-topped and annular) optical beams in an anisotropic turbulent ocean is examined analytically based on the extended Huygens–Fresnel principle. Transmittance variations depending on the link length, anisotropy factor, salinity and temperature contribution factor, source size, beam flatness order of flat-topped beam, Kolmogorov microscale length, rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, rate of dissipation of the mean squared temperature, and thickness of annular beam are examined. Results show that all these parameters have effects in various forms on the average transmittance in an anisotropic turbulent ocean. Hence, the performance of optical wireless communication systems can be improved by taking into account the variation of average transmittance versus the above parameters.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 080102 (2018)
  • Diffraction and Gratings
    Huaping Zang, Chenglong Zheng, Quanping Fan, Chuanke Wang, Lai Wei, Leifeng Cao, Xiangru Wang, and Erjun Liang

    We propose axial line-focused spiral zone plates (ALFSZPs) for generating tightly focused X-ray vortex beams with ultra-long depth of focus (DOF) along the propagation direction. In this typical design, compared with the conventional spiral zone plates (SZPs) under the same numerical aperture (NA), the DOF of ALFSZPs has been extended to an ultra-length by optimizing the corresponding parameters. Besides, it also exhibits lower side lobes and smaller dark cores in the whole focus volume. The diameters of dark cores increase as the topological charge value increases.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 080501 (2018)
  • Ci Yin, Shiyao Fu, Yahui Zhang, Yanwang Zhai, Heng Zhou, and Chunqing Gao

    A scheme for beam combination at any angles employing a specially designed multilayer grating is proposed. Such a grating is able to convert noncoaxial laser beams to coaxial ones, and the combined beams are able to output along the normal line of the grating. The intensity and the phase structure of combined beams can also be controlled. The experiments are carried out by loading an encoded grating on a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator. The results agree well with the simulations. This method of beam combination with a multilayer grating serves to simplify the complexity of beam combination.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 080502 (2018)
  • Fiber Optics and Optical Communications
    Meng Li, Longfei Wang, Shuai Han, Chunlei Yu, Danping Chen, Wei Chen, and Lili Hu

    A large-mode-area neodymium-doped silicate photonic bandgap fiber was theoretically designed and experimentally demonstrated. The relative index step between the high-index rods and the background glass was ~0.5%, which is the lowest cladding index difference reported on rare-earth-doped all-solid photonic bandgap fibers to our knowledge. An output power of 3.6 W with a slope efficiency of 31% was obtained for a 100-cm-long fiber.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 080601 (2018)
  • Holography
    Masato Fujiwara, Naoki Takada, Hiromitsu Araki, Shohei Ikawa, Yuki Maeda, Hiroaki Niwase, Minoru Oikawa, Takashi Kakue, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, and Tomoyoshi Ito

    We propose a method for color electroholography using a simple red–green–blue (RGB) gradation representation method without controlling the respective brightness of the reference RGB-colored lights. The proposed method uses RGB multiple bit planes comprising RGB binary-weighted computer-generated holograms with various light transmittances. The object points of a given three-dimensional (3D) object are assigned to RGB multiple bit planes according to their RGB gradation levels. The RGB multiple bit planes are sequentially displayed in a time-division-multiplexed manner. Consequently, the proposed method yields a color gradation representation of a reconstructed 3D object.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 080901 (2018)
  • Instrumentation, measurement, and metrology
    Muhammad Basharat, Ming Ding, Yang Li, Hongwei Cai, and Jiancheng Fang

    The measurement of an extremely small magneto-optical polarization rotation angle with high sensitivity is integral to many scientific and technological applications. In this Letter, we have presented a technique based on Faraday modulation combined with the optical differential method to measure an extremely small polarization rotation angle with high sensitivity. The theoretical and experimental results show that common mode noise is reduced appreciably and signal to noise ratio is enhanced. The effectiveness of this technique has been demonstrated by measuring the Verdet constant of terbium gallium garnet glass and measuring the small polarization rotation angle. A sensitivity of enhancement of one order of magnitude has been achieved using differential detection based on Faraday modulation.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 081201 (2018)
  • Xin Chen, Jinsong Gao, and Bonan Kang

    We introduce a geometrically reconfigurable metasurface whose artificial “atoms” will reorient within unit cells in response to a thermal stimulus in the microwave spectrum. It can alternate between two contrasting behaviors under different temperatures and serve as a switchable filter that allows the incident energy to be selectively transmitted or reflected with an excess of 10 dB isolation at certain frequencies for both polarizations. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical simulations, verifying the availability of an innovative method for manipulating electromagnetic waves with the merits of higher controllability for dynamic behavior and greater flexibility in the design process.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 081202 (2018)
  • Lei Zhang, Sheng Zhou, Dong Li, Jingsong Li, and Benli Yu

    A model-based adaptive non-null interferometry (MANI) is proposed for steep optical freeform surfaces in situ testing. The deformable mirror (DM) affording the flexible compensation is monitored with the beam in the interferometer by a wavefront sensor. The residual wavefront aberration in the non-null interferogram is eliminated by the multi-configuration ray tracing algorithm based on the system model, especially the DM surface model. The final figure error can be extracted together with the surface misalignment aberration correction. Experiments proving the feasibility of the MANI are shown.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 081203 (2018)
  • Lasers and Laser Optics
    Wei Xu, Chunxiang Xu, Feifei Qin, Yaqi Shan, Zhu Zhu, and Ye Zhu

    Microlasers based on high quality (Q) whispering-gallery mode (WGM) resonance are promising low threshold laser sources for bio-sensing and imaging applications. In this Letter, dye-doped polymer microspheres were fabricated by a controlling emulsion solvent evaporation method. WGM lasing with low threshold and high Q factors was realized in an individual microsphere under femtosecond laser pumping. The slight change of environmental relative humidity (RH) can be monitored by measuring the shift of the lasing modes at the exposure of water molecules, which demonstrates the sensitivity is as high as 6 pm/RH%. The results would offer an insight into employing microlasers as sensors.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 081401 (2018)
  • Zikai Dong, Runqin Xu, Wenhai Zhang, Heyang Guoyu, Lingling Hua, Jinrong Tian, and Yanrong Song

    Few-layer graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) nanosheets were fabricated and utilized as a saturable absorber for mode-locking in an Er-doped fiber laser with net normal dispersion. The g-C3N4/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hybrid-film-based saturable absorber has a modulation depth of 4.01% and a saturation intensity of 7.5 MW/cm2. By integrating g-C3N4-PVA mode-locker into the laser cavity, a mode-locked operation could be obtained. The achieved mode-locking pulse centered at 1530.3 nm has a pulse width of 530 ps. Its repetition rate is 40.8 MHz, and the corresponding signal-to-noise ratio is about 55 dB.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 081402 (2018)
  • Materials
    Han Sun, Yaxin Zhang, Kailong Wang, Yuncheng Zhao, Wei Kou, Shixiong Liang, Jiaguang Han, and Ziqiang Yang

    In this Letter, we demonstrate a linear polarization conversion of transmitted terahertz wave with double-layer meta-grating surfaces, which integrated the frequency selectivity of a split ring resonator metasurface and the polarization selectivity of a metallic grating surface. Since the double-layer can reduce the loss, and the Fabry–Perot like resonant effect between the two layers can improve the conversion efficiency, this converter can rotate the incident y-polarized terahertz wave into an x-polarized transmitted wave with relatively low loss and high efficiency. Experimental results show that an average conversion efficiency exceeding 75% from 0.25 to 0.65 THz with the highest efficiency of 90% at 0.43 THz with only 2 dB loss has been achieved.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 081601 (2018)
  • Medical optics and biotechnology
    Zhongwen Cheng, Haigang Ma, Zhiyang Wang, and Sihua Yang

    Photoacoustic (PA) microscopy comes with high potential for human skin imaging, since it allows noninvasively high-resolution imaging of the natural hemoglobin at depths of several millimeters. Here, we developed a PA microscopy to achieve high-resolution, high-contrast, and large field of view imaging of skin. A three-dimensional (3D) depth-coding technology was used to encode the depth information in PA images, which is very intuitive for identifying the depth of blood vessels in a two-dimensional image, and the vascular structure can be analyzed at different depths. Imaging results demonstrate that the 3D depth-coded PA microscopy should be translated from the bench to the bedside.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 081701 (2018)
  • Nonlinear Optics
    Jian Ma, Tingting Lu, Xiaolei Zhu, Xiuhua Ma, Shiguang Li, Tianhua Zhou, and Weibiao Chen

    A highly efficient laser system output at the H-β Fraunhofer line of 486.1 nm has been demonstrated. A high pulse energy single-frequency hybrid 1064 nm master oscillator power amplifier was frequency-tripled to achieve 355 nm laser pulses, which acted as the pump source of the beta barium borate nanosecond pulse optical parametric oscillator. With pump energy of 190 mJ, the laser system generated a maximum output of 62 mJ blue laser pulses at 486.1 nm, corresponding to conversion efficiency of 32.6%. The laser spectrum width was measured to be around 0.1 nm, being in conformity with the spectrum width of the solar Fraunhofer line.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 081901 (2018)
  • Physical Optics
    Hui Yin, Jiaqi Li, Huawei Liang, Min Zhang, Hong Su, and Ireng Ling Li

    A full-transparent zone plate (FTZP), which can reuse the wave blocked in the focusing of the Fresnel zone plate (FZP), is proposed to improve the efficiency of terahertz (THz) focusing without aberration. We find that the substrate thickness of the FTZP has a great influence on the focusing intensity, which results from the Fabry–Perot effect. The focusing efficiency of FTZPs could be about twice as high as that of FZPs, but the widths of both focus spots are comparable with the wavelength. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 082601 (2018)
  • Quantum optics
    Chengyuan Wang, Yan Gu, Ya Yu, Dong Wei, Pei Zhang, Hong Gao, and Fuli Li

    We demonstrate the generation of non-classical photon pairs in a warm Rb87 atomic vapor cell with no buffer gas or polarization preserving coatings via spontaneous four-wave mixing. We obtain the photon pairs with a 1/e correlation time of 40 ns and the violation of Cauchy–Schwartz inequality by a factor of 23±3. This provides a convenient and efficient method to generate photon pair sources based on an atomic ensemble.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 082701 (2018)
  • Zhaohui Peng, Chunxia Jia, Yuqing Zhang, Zhonghua Zhu, and Xiaojuan Liu

    We propose a feasible scheme of generating multipartite entanglement with the dipole induced transparency (DIT) effect in indirectly coupled dipole-microcavity systems. It is shown that the transmission spectrum is closely related with the interference of dipole-microcavity systems, and we can generate different classes of multipartite entanglement, e.g., the Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state, the W state, and the Dicke state, of the dipole emitters just by choosing an appropriate frequency of the incident photon. Benefiting from the DIT effect, the schemes may work in the bad or low-Q cavity regime only if the large Purcell factor of the dipole-microcavity system is fulfilled, and they are also insensitive to experimental noise, which may be feasible with present accessible technology.

    Aug. 10, 2018
  • Vol. 16 Issue 8 082702 (2018)
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