We propose and experimentally demonstrate mutual optical format conversion between signals characterized as 10-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero on-off-keying (NRZ-OOK) and NRZ binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) types. The conversion is based on stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in a single-mode optical fiber. An OOK signal is converted into a BPSK signal through optical carrier absorption, for which a SBS loss of 30 MHz is used in long-haul transmission. The converted BPSK signal is reverted to an OOK signal with a corresponding SBS gain of 30 MHz for direct detection. The proposed OOK-to-BPSK and BPSK-to-OOK format conversions can be implemented in transmitter and receiver nodes by using a laser source as the Brillouin pump.
Multilevel photon combined with binary pulse position modulation (BPPM) (Manchester pulsed signals), is introduced in this letter. Initially, error probability derivation and explanation for four-level photon communications with that BPPM is presented. Next, the 2-level photon communications matching with BPPM is proposed. For performance comparison, it is done with that the conventional scheme by fixing the background noise and also increasing number of photon per slot. Successfully with applying convolutional coding for system improving, the proposed multilevel photon on BPPM with this coding scheme achieves higher gain. Finally, this work also benefits to improving for further performance when considering with multilevel error control coding as well.
A novel method of measuring non-uniform strain along a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) using optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. This method can overcome the problems of traditional non-uniform strain measurement methods for FBGs, i.e., the likelihood of chirping and multiple peaking in the spectrum when FBG is subjected to inhomogeneous strain fields. Wavelength interrogation is realized by OFDR with a narrow-line-width tunable laser as the optical source. When non-uniform strain distributions along areas adjacent to structural damage are measured by this method, good agreement is obtained between measurements and theoretical simulation results.
An optimal power distribution analysis for an all-optical sampling orthagonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme with multiple modulation formats including differential phase shift keyed (DPSK), differential quadrature phase shift keyed (DQPSK), and non-return-to-zero (NRZ) is proposed. The noise tolerances of different modulation formats are analyzed, and the optimal input power ratio between phase and intensity modulation formats for the best overall receiving performance is investigated under unchanged total input power. Moreover, this scheme can seamlessly coexist with the traditional WDM channel.
Real-time video streaming using ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is experimentally demonstrated along long-reach passive optical networks (LR-PONs) with different wired and wireless reaches. Experimental tests using external and direct modulation with UWB wireless radiation in the 10- and 60-GHz bands are performed. An ultra-bendable fiber is also considered for a last-mile distribution. The video quality at the output of the optical fiber infrastructure of the LR-PON is assessed using the error vector magnitude (EVM), and the link quality indicator (LQI) is used as a figure of merit after wireless radiation. An EVM below –17 dB is achieved for both externally and directly modulated LR-PONs comprising up to 125 km of optical fiber. EVM improvement is observed for longer LR-PONs when directly modulated lasers (DMLs) are used because of the amplitude gain provided by the combined effect of dispersion and DML's chirp. Compared with optical back-to-back operation, the LQI level degrades to the maximum around 20% for LR-PONs ranging between 75 and 125 km of fiber reach and with a wireless coverage of 2 m in the 10-GHz UWB band. The same level of LQI degradation is observed using the 60-GHz UWB band with a LR-PON integrating 101 km of access network, a last-mile distribution using ultra-bendable fiber, and a 5.2-m wireless link.
A two-dimensional (2D) optical true-time delay (TTD) beam-forming system using a compact fiber grating prism (FGP) for a planar phased array antenna (PAA) is proposed. The optical beam-forming system mainly consists of a TTD unit based on the same compact FGP, one tunable laser for elevation beam steering, and a controlled wavelength converter for azimuth beam steering. A planar PAA using such 2D optical TTD unit has advantages such as compactness, low bandwidth requirement for tunable laser sources, and potential for large-scale system implementations. The proof-of-concept experiment results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme.
Noise reduction is one of the most important concerns in electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI). According to partial differential equation (PDE) filtering theory, we present an anisotropic PDE noise-reduction model based on fringe structure information for interferometric fringe patterns. This model is based on coherence diffusion and Perona-Malik (P-M) diffusion. The former can protect the structure information offringe pattern, while the latter can effectively filter off the noise inside the fringes. The proposed model generated by the two diffusion methods helps to obtain good effects of denoising and fidelity. ESPI fringes and the phase pattern are tested. Experimental results validate the performance of the proposed filtering model.
We report the fabrication and optical characterization of spherical whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonators made from ultraviolet (UV)-curable adhesive. The fabricated microspheres have good sphericity and surface smoothness, and can directly adhere to the tip of half-tapered fibers for easy manipulation. WGMs are efficiently excited in the microsphere using an evanescent field of the tapered silica optical fibers. Resonances with quality factors of 1.3 \times 105 are observed. The dependence of wavelength shifts of WGM resonances on the input light powers shows that the resonant wavelength of the proposed microsphere resonators can be tuned thermo-optically.
Using a well-developed transient photocurrent model, we combine theoretical and numerical studies on the production of terahertz (THz) radiation in laser-induced air plasma. Air molecules are excited and then ionized by the laser-pulses mixing the fundamental and second harmonic fields. As a result, a non-vanishing directional photoelectron current emerges, radiating the THz pulse wave. We mainly discuss the influences of optical wavelength on THz radiation in five different cases. Results show that the fundamental-pulse width (50 fs), energy, and relative phase between two pulses are invariant. When the laser wavelength (from 400 nm to 1.25 \mu m) becomes longer, the emitted THz fields are significantly enhanced, with a linear dependence on the optical wavelength.
The transmission and negative refractive index (NRI) of metal–dielectric–metal sandwiched metamaterials perforated with different filling media of holes are numerically studied. Results indicate that filling the appropriate medium in rectangular holes can enhance transmission. The NRI and frequency bandwidth of NRI decrease with increased relative permittivity of the filling medium. A stronger magnetic response that contributes to the dual NRI metamaterials is found.
A nonlinear hybrid plasmonic slot waveguide composed of periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) and two separated silver films is investigated. The effective refractive index, propagation length, and energy confinement of the hybrid anti-symmetric mode in this waveguide are calculated using the structure parameters at the fundamental wavelength of \lambda=1550 nm and its second harmonic (SH) \lambda= 775 nm. Through the above indices, coupling efficiency (maximum SH conversion efficiency during propagation) and peak position (propagation location of the conversion efficiency) of SH generation are analyzed. Finally, higher conversion efficiency can be achieved at a shorter propagation distance by changing the waveguide into a tapered structure.
A method is presented for in situ resolution calibration of multiple feedback interferometers (MFIs) using two lasers with different feedback levels simultaneously. The laser with weak optical feedback level generates half-wavelength optical fringes, whereas the laser with strong multiple feedback level generates optical nano-fringes. By using this method, the number of displaced optical nano-fringes can be easily counted, and the resolution of the MFIs can be accurately determined. The integrated MFIs can be used to measure displacements and calibrate other displacement sensors.
A slanted columnar TiO2 sculptured anisotropic thin film is prepared using the glancing angle deposition (GLAD) technique. We extend the inference regarding the optical properties of a uniaxial birefringent film based on theoretical analysis to include the more general case of a multilayer biaxial birefringent thin film, the optic axis of which is in the incident plane. We also investigate in detail the symmetrical angularselective transmittance performances of TiO2 biaxial anisotropic thin films for light incident at the same angle but coming from opposite sides of the surface normal. The tilted nanocolumn microstructures of the birefringent thin films induce optical anisotropy. The transmisson spectra for the p-polarized wave of TiO2 biaxial anisotropic thin film measured in the experiment almost overlap at the symmetrical oblique incidence at the ±0 angles, which validates our theoretical derivation.
We experimentally demonstrate a simple modulation-free scheme for offset locking the frequency of a laser using buffer gas-induced resonance. Our scheme excludes the limitation of low diffraction efficiency and laser input intensity when an acousto-optic modulator is applied to shift the laser frequency from the resonance. We show the stabilization of a strong 795-nm laser detuned up to 550 MHz from the 87Rb 5S1/2F=2->5P1/2 F'=2 transition. The locking range can be modified by controlling the buffer gas pressure. A laser line width of 2 MHz is achieved over 10 min.
Population ratios between excited states are measured to build the excited state Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter (ESFADOF). We calculate these values between the excited states according to the spontaneous transition probabilities using rate equations and the measured intensities of fluorescence spectral lines of He atoms in an electrodeless discharge lamp in the visible spectral region from 350 to 730 nm. The electrodeless discharge lamp with populations in excited states can be used to realize the frequency stabilization reference of the laser frequency standard. This lamp can also build ESFADOFs for submarine communication application in the blue-green wavelength to simplify the system without the use of a pump laser.
A high-precision automatic state monitoring and abnormity alarm technique is proposed to solve the process improvement issues of fiber-optic coil winding and splicing. Industrial cameras are used to capture optical and hot images during the assembly of optical components of a fiber-optic gyroscope. A line and contour analysis technique is used to detect abnormal winding. By analyzing the intensity distribution of transmitted light, the graph cut model and multivariate Gaussian mixture model are used to detect and segment the splicing defects. The practical applications indicate the correctness and accuracy of our vision-based technique.
We successfully synthesize four kinds of ZnO nano/microcrystals including dumbbell microrods, nanoflakes, nanoplates, and microrods by a simple wet chemical method. Growth duration is found to play a crucial role in the morphologies of these ZnO nano/microcrystallites. In addition, growth conditions are system-atically studied as a function of precursor concentration and temperature. The structural and optical characteristics of the ZnO samples are further investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and photoluminescence spectroscopy.
Visible light communication between light emitting diode (LED) traffic lights and vehicles with a receiving photodiode front-end is developed for intelligent transportation systems. In this letter, the communication data rates for different ranges are evaluated. The data rates are based on real scenarios of the background noise and path losses and are experimentally obtained with a testing system built upon commercial off-the-shelf components. Comparisons of range-rate performance for different average noise levels are also conducted with the use of red/yellow/green LED lights. Results show that achieving the data rates of kilobits per second at a communication range of hundred meters is possible under the ordinary noise scenario, a finding that is highly significant for practical applications.
An approach for determining cirrus height with multiple scattering effect using data from a Mie scattering lidar is proposed. We compute the exact extinction coefficients of cirrus via altitude. The regulated height of cirrus is obtained through multiple scattering factors. Experimental result demonstrates that the proposed approach can be used to determine effectively cirrus height with multiple scattering.
We fabricate a buried channel waveguide in neodymium-doped phosphate glass using a double line approach by femtosecond laser writing. Raman spectra reveal an expansion of the glass network in the laser irradiated region. Given the stress-induced positive refractive index change, waveguiding between two separated tracks is demonstrated. The refractive index difference profile of the waveguide is reconstructed from the measured near-field mode. Propagation loss is measured by scattering technique. Microluminescence spectra reveal that the Nd3+ fluorescence property is not significantly affected by waveguide formation process, which indicates that the inscribed waveguide is a good candidate for active device.
The fabricated gratings used for an 800-nm compressed laser pulse have more than 90% diffraction efficiency in the –1st order for TE polarization within 760–860 nm, and the maximum value is 94.3%. The laserinduced damage threshold (LIDT) of the gratings increases from 0.53 to 0.75 J/cm2 in the normal beam in a pulse width \tau of 40–100 fs. The LIDT of the gratings is observed a \tau^{0.25} scaling in the pulse width region. The damage morphologies of the gratings indicate that the initial damage of the gratings locates at the grating lines, a position that coincides with that of the electric field maximum.
We theoretically demonstrate the imaging properties of a complex two-dimensional (2D) face-centered square lattice photonic crystal (PC) made from germanium cylinders in air background. The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is employed to calculate the band structure and simulate image construction. The band diagram of the complex structure is significantly compressed. Negative refraction occurs in the second energy band with negative phase velocity at a frequency of 0.228 (2\pi c/a), which is lower than results from previous studies. Lower negative refraction frequency leads to higher image resolution. Numerical results show that the spatial resolution of the system reaches 0.7296 \lambda, which is lower than the incident wavelength.
Unintentionally doped AlGaN thin films are grown on c-plane (0001) sapphire substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, and low-temperature AlN is deposited onto sapphire substrate used as a buffer layer. AlGaN metal-semiconductor-metal ultraviolet photodetectors with Ni/Au interdigitated contact electrodes are then fabricated by lift-off technology. The dark current of the AlGaN photodetectors is 5.61 \times 10-9 A at 2-V applied bias and the peak response occurrs at 294 nm.