Chinese Optics Letters
Zhizhan Xu
Volume: 10 Issue 2
23 Article(s)
Xingyao Gu, Hongwei Chen, Minghua Chen, and Shizhong Xie

An experimental demonstration of an all-optical sampling orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (AOS-OFDM) transmission system with inline chromatic dispersion (CD) compensation is carried out to test the nonlinear influence. With five subcarriers non-return-to-zero (NRZ) modulated, the total bit rate is 50 Gb/s without polarization multiplexing. The receiver end is highly simplified with direct detection using optical Fourier transform filter. After transmission in 160-km standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) link with 130-ps/nm residual CD, an optimum input optical power for the system performance is achieved.

Aug. 30, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 020601 (2012)
  • Kangping Zhong, Tangjun Li, Nan Jia, Jian Sun, and Muguang Wang

    A temperature independent 80-Gb/s 100-km transmission system is demonstrated with the use of spectral phase modulation-based tunable dispersion compensator (TDC). The principle of dispersion compensation based on spectral phase modulation as well as the relationship between spectral phase modulation function and group velocity dispersion (GVD) are theoretically studied. TDC based on spectral phase modulation is implemented. The performance of 80-Gb/s transmission system is experimentally evaluated. The non-linear relationship between temperature and temperature-induced dispersion fluctuations is demonstrated through the asymmetric temperature-induced power penalty without dispersion compensation. With respect to the low temperature area, the temperature-induced dispersion fluctuations are smaller than those in the high temperature area. By using the proposed TDC, temperature independent 80-Gb/s transmission is successfully demonstrated under a temperature range of –20 – 60 C with a power penalty of less than 0.8 dB.

    Sep. 27, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 020602 (2012)
  • Wei Chen, and Zhou Meng

    The characteristic of intensity noise is degraded when stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) occurs in the fiber transmission systems. We use the localized fluctuating model to study SBS and obtain the curves of intensity fluctuations versus the single-pass gain. Corresponding experiments are also conducted. For the forward light, the relative intensity noise (RIN) dramatically increases at first and gradually stabilizes when the input power is above the SBS threshold. For the backward light, the RIN increases dramatically with the input power near the threshold. As the input power continues to increase, the RIN decreases quickly at first and subsequently decreases slowly. This observation is attributed to the lower frequencies.

    Sep. 27, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 020603 (2012)
  • Zongpeng Du, Yueming Lu, and Yuefeng Ji

    Transport network paths are typically bidirectional and symmetrical. In multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) and generalized MPLS (GMPLS) mechanisms, independent labels are distributed for bidirectional paths. Thus, the requirement of the MPLS transport profile (MPLS-TP), which is a new transport technology, could not be satisfied efficiently. A novel label distribution mechanism for bidirectional paths in MPLS-TP networks is proposed. Labels distributed by the mechanism are symmetrical and can reflect the pairing relationship of the forward and backward directions of the transport path.

    Sep. 30, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 020604 (2012)
  • Chien-Yu Lin, Rameez Asif, Michael Holtmannspoetter, and Bernhard Schmauss

    Non-uniform step-size distribution is implemented for split-step based nonlinear compensation in single-channel 112-Gb/s 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) transmission. Numerical simulations of the system including a 20 \times 80 km uncompensated link are performed using logarithmic step size distribution to compensate signal distortions. 50% of reduction in number of steps with respect to using constant step sizes is observed. The performance is further improved by optimizing nonlinear calculating position (NLCP) in case of using constant step sizes while NLCP optimization becomes unnecessary when using logarithmic step sizes, which reduces the computational effort due to uniformly distributed nonlinear phase for all successive steps.

    Jan. 12, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 020605 (2012)
  • Rongli Liu, and Zhongliang Jing

    The mean-shift algorithm has achieved considerable success in object tracking due to its simplicity and efficiency. Color histogram is a common feature in the description of an object. However, the kernel-based color histogram may not have the ability to discriminate the object from clutter background. To boost the discriminating ability of the feature, based on background contrasting, this letter presents an improved Bhattacharyya similarity metric for mean-shift tracking. Experiments show that the proposed tracker is more robust in relation to background clutter.

    Aug. 24, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021001 (2012)
  • Bin Liu, Xia Wang, Weiqi Jin, Yan Chen, Chongliang Liu, and Xiu Liu

    An infrared image detail enhancement method based on local adaptive gamma correction (LAGC) is proposed. The local adaptive gamma values are designed based on the Weber curve to enhance effectively the image details. Subsequently, the active grayscale range of the image processed by LAGC is further extended by using our proposed histogram statistical stretching. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm could considerably increase the image details and improve the contrast of the entire image. Thus, it has significant potential for practical applications.

    Sep. 02, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021002 (2012)
  • Fuqiang Zhou, Yexin Wang, Yi Cui, and Haishu Tan

    Calibrating a small field camera is a challenging task because the traditional target with visible feature points that fit the limited space is difficult and costly to manufacture. We demonstrate a novel combined target used in camera calibration. The tangent points supplied by one circle located at the center of a square are used as invisible features, and the perspective projection invariance is proved. Both visible and invisible features extracted by the proposed feature extraction algorithm are used to solve the calibration. The target supplies a sufficient number of feature points to satisfy the requirements of calibration within a limited space. Experiments show that the approach can achieve high robustness and considerable accuracy. This approach has potential for computer vision applications particularly in small fields of view.

    Sep. 22, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021003 (2012)
  • Yun Shen, Guoping Yu, Jiwu Fu, and Liner Zou

    A plasmonic cavity filled with active material is proposed to explain optical switching. Optical properties, including transmission, response time, and field distribution of on/off state, are numerically investigated. We demonstrate that such a gain-assisted plasmonic structure can achieve optical switching in the nanodomain and shorten the switching time to the subpicosecond level. Our results indicate the potential application of the proposed structure in optical communication and photonic integrated circuits.

    Sep. 22, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021301 (2012)
  • Dengke Zhang, Xue Feng, and Yidong Huang

    The microwave photonic filters (MPFs) based on serially coupled silicon microring resonators (MRRs) are theoretically analyzed for the application of 60-GHz millimeter wave wireless personal area networks. This is achieved by calculating the improvement of bit error ratio (BER). According to the simulation results, the requirement of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the received data can be reduced by 14 dB for the same BER with and without MPFs. The performance of the MPF with five serially coupled microring structures is better than that of the MPF with a single microring, owing to the improvement of the shape factor.

    Sep. 22, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021302 (2012)
  • Xiang Lei, Bing Xu, Ping Yang, Lizhi Dong, Wenjin Liu, and Hu Yan

    A successful beam cleanup of a 5-mJ/200-1s pulsed solid-state laser system operating at 532-nm wavelength is demonstrated. In this beam cleanup system, a wave-front sensor-less adaptive optics (AO) system is set up with a 20-element bimorph mirror (BM), a high-voltage amplifier, a charge-coupled device camera, and a control software implementing the stochastic parallel gradient descent (SPGD) algorithm. The brightness of the laser focal spot is improved because the wave-front distortions have been compensated. The performance of this system is presented and the experimental results are analyzed.

    Aug. 30, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021401 (2012)
  • Zhengqi Zhao, Shulian Zhang, Yidong Tan, and Yan Li

    The cavity tuning characteristics of orthogonally polarized dual-frequency He-Ne laser at 1.15 \mu m are presented. Vectorial-extension model based on semi-classical laser theory reveals that cavity tuning characteristics are related to beat frequency, relative excitation, and type of Ne isotope. Distortions of cavity tuning curves become moderate with the increase of beat frequency because of the weakening of the crosssaturation effect. Distortions are enhanced with the increase of relative excitation because of the combined action of the self-saturation and cross-saturation effects. By adopting dual-isotope Ne instead of monoisotoplic Ne, distortions are reduced because of the misalignment between peaks of the self-saturation and net gain coefficients. The theoretical calculations are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental results.

    Aug. 30, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021402 (2012)
  • Yujin Chen, Yanfu Lin, Haiyong Zhu, Ge Zhang, and Yidong Huang

    Diode-pumped acousto-optic Q-switched pulse laser at 1.5–1.6 \mu m is obtained in an Er3+:Yb3+:LuAl3(BO3)4 crystal. Single-pulse laser operation with slope efficiency of 14% and threshold of approximately 100 mW is realized at an average absorbed pump power of 314 mW and repetition frequency of 20 kHz. Output pulse energy is 67 \mu J. The effects of pulse repetition frequency, absorbed pump power, and duty cycle on the wavelength and pulse profile of the Q-switched Er3+:Yb3+:LuAl3(BO3)4 laser are also investigated.

    Sep. 22, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021403 (2012)
  • Hu Xiao, Yanxing Ma, Pu Zhou, Lei Si, and Jinbao Chen

    A high-power fiber laser in an all-fiber format is reported. The system consists of 36 pump ports, which use both counter and forward pump configuration. In the experiment, 1 008-W output power is obtained when 24 pump ports are used with a total pump power of 1 477 W. The optical-to-optical conversion efficiency is 68% and the 3-dB bandwidth of laser output increases with output power. Presently, the output power is only limited by the pump source. It can be predicted that the laser power can be further scaled if more pump sources are utilized.

    Sep. 02, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021404 (2012)
  • Q. Nadeem, W. J., and S. J.

    Laser forming is a new type of flexible manufacturing process that has become viable for the shaping of metallic components. Process designing of laser forming involves finding a set of process parameters, including laser power, laser scanning paths, and scanning speed, given a prescribed shape. To date, research has focused on process designing for rectangular plates, and only a few studies are presented for axis-symmetric geometries like circular plates. In the present study, process designing for axis-symmetric geometries—with focus on class of shapes—is handled using a formerly proposed distance-based approach. A prescribed shape is achieved for geometries such as quarter-circular and half-circular ring plates. Experimental results verify the applicability of the proposed method for a class of shapes.

    Sep. 27, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021405 (2012)
  • Jianhua Wang1, Lei Zhang, Jun Zhou, Lei Si, Jinbao Chen, and Yan Feng

    An all-fiber linearly polarized Raman fiber laser at 1 120 nm is demonstrated. With a 1 070-nm linearly polarized Yb-doped fiber laser as pump source, an output of up to 7.7 W at 1 120 nm is obtained with an optical efficiency of 55%. The polarization extinction ratio of the linearly polarized Raman fiber is higher than 18 dB. A numerical simulation model is developed to determine the Raman coefficient of the gain fiber and to evaluate the laser performance. The spectral isolation between the Raman fiber laser and the pump fiber laser is determined to be necessary for further improvements of performance.

    Sep. 30, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021406 (2012)
  • Peng Xu, Changtai Xia, Feng Wu, Xing Li, Qinglin Sai, Guoqing Zhou, and Xiaodong Xu

    V-doped MgAl6O10 is grown by the conventional Czochralski method. The crystal structure and the cell parameters are analyzed through X-ray diffraction experiments. The absorption and emission spectra are investigated. Under pumping at 324 nm, the emission spectra of V-doped MgAl6O10 obtain two emission peaks at the wavelengths of 471 and 570 nm. Two emission bands of the spectra combine to produce a spectrum that is perceived as white by the naked eye. Therefore, V-doped MgAl6O10 single crystal can be applied as substrate for phosphor-free ultraviolet (UV)-white light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

    Aug. 20, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021601 (2012)
  • Ting Fan, Qinyuan Zhang, and Zhonghong Jiang

    A simple and efficient method for the synthesis of water-soluble NdF3 and NdF3:Ba2+ nanocrystals under hydrothermal conditions is established. The method involves the coating of the nanocrystals with a layer of hydrophilic polymer polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). The as-prepared products are characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electronic microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The PVP coating transforms the nanocrystals into a biocompatible material and improves the fluorescence intensity of NdF3 in the near infrared (NIR) region. The morphology of the nanoparticles changes, whereas the fluorescence intensity of NdF3 in the NIR region increases when a small amount of Ba2+ is doped into the NdF3/PVP nanoparticles.

    Sep. 22, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021602 (2012)
  • Wei Li, Heng Zhao, Xiaochao Qu, Yanbin Hou, Xueli Chen, Duofang Chen, Xiaowei He, Qitan Zhang, and Jimin Liang

    Adaptive finite element method (AFEM) is broadly adopted to recover the internal source in biological tissues. In this letter, a novel dual-mesh alternation strategy (dual-mesh AFEM) is developed for bioluminescence tomography. By comprehensively considering the error estimation of the finite element method solution on each mesh, two different adaptive strategies based on the error indicator of the reconstructed source and the photon flux density are used alternately in the process. Combined with the constantly adjusted permissible region in the adaptive process, the new algorithm can achieve a more accurate source location compared with the AFEM in the previous experiments.

    Sep. 30, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021701 (2012)
  • Feng Zhou, Qionghua Wang, Di Wu, and Jianpeng Cui

    A polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal display (BPLCD) with slanted wall-shaped electrodes is proposed. Compared with the traditional BPLCD with wall-shaped electrodes, the electrodes of the proposed BPLCD are slightly angled to obtain phase retardation in the entire cell even at the position of electrodes. The proposed BPLCD demonstrates a relatively higher average transmittance and overall brightness than the traditional BPLCD.

    Sep. 22, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 022301 (2012)
  • Yundong Zhang, Jinfang Wang, Xuenan Zhang, Hao Wu, Yuanxue Cai, Jing Zhang, and Ping Yuan

    A slow light structure Mach-Zehnder fiber interferometer is theoretically demonstrated. The sensitivity of the interferometer is significantly enhanced by the dispersion of the slow light structure. The numerical results show that the sensitivity enhancement factor varies with the coupling coefficient and reaches its maximum under critical coupling conditions.

    Sep. 30, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 021201 (2012)
  • Dezhao Yang, Ningfang Song, Zhili Lin, Pan Ou, Yudong Jia, and Mingjie Sun

    A 1.55-\mu m all-solid frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) coherent lidar based on the sinusoidal frequency demodulation technique for range and velocity measurement is presented. Both the nonlinearity of linear modulation waveform and the difficulty in measuring the frequency of sinusoidal modulation system are circumvented by utilizing segmental-processing-average (SPA) techniques. The results demonstrate that the resolutions of range and velocity measurement are better than 2 mm and 0.1 mm/s, respectively. The system has numerous practical and potential applications in space missions.

    Sep. 22, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 022801 (2012)
  • Ruizhong Rao

    The equivalence of the modulation transfer function (MTF) of a turbid medium and the transmitted radiance from the medium under isotropic diffuse illumination is demonstrated. MTF of a turbid medium can be fully evaluated by numerically solving a radiative transfer problem in a plane parallel medium. MTF for a homogenous single layer turbid medium is investigated as illustration. General features of the MTF in the low and high spatial frequency domains are provided through their dependence on optical thickness, single scattering albedo, asymmetrical factor, and phase function type.

    Aug. 24, 2011
  • Vol. 10 Issue 2 020101 (2012)
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