Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 42, Issue 11, 1134003(2022)

Thin Film Optical Elements in Extreme Ultraviolet and Vacuum Ultraviolet

Runze Qi, Jinlong Zhang, Jiali Wu, Shuangying Li, Qiushi Huang, Zhong Zhang, and Zhanshan Wang*
Author Affiliations
  • Key Laboratory of Advanced Micro-Structured Materials, Ministry of Education, Institute of Precision Optical Engineering, School of Physics Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
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    Runze Qi, Jinlong Zhang, Jiali Wu, Shuangying Li, Qiushi Huang, Zhong Zhang, Zhanshan Wang. Thin Film Optical Elements in Extreme Ultraviolet and Vacuum Ultraviolet[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2022, 42(11): 1134003

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    Paper Information

    Category: X-Ray Optics

    Received: Mar. 1, 2022

    Accepted: Apr. 7, 2022

    Published Online: Jun. 3, 2022

    The Author Email: Wang Zhanshan (

