Based on the data of the scientific experiment in Urad Front Banner for UAV Remote Sensing Load Calibration Field project, with the help of 6 hyperspectral radiometric targets with good Lambertian property, the wide-view multispectral camera in UAV was calibrated adopting reflectance-based method. The result reveals that for green, red and infrared channel, whose images were successfully captured, the linear correlation coefficients between the DN and radiance are all larger than 99%. In final analysis, the comprehensive error is no more than 6%. The calibration results demonstrate that the hyperspectral targets equipped by the calibration field are well suitable for air-borne multispectral load in-flight calibration. The calibration result is reliable and could be used in the retrieval of geophysical parameters.
Quantum dot (QD) is widely used as fluorescent labeling dye for its strong anti-fluorescence quenching, high quantum yield, wide absorption spectra, and narrow emission spectra. In the present paper, QD 585-labeled DNA methyltransferases (Dnmts) and Hoechst 33342-labeled chromosomes were imaged simultaneously using two-photon imaging system. The authors’ results showed that aging mouse oocytes may be not suitable for in-vitro maturation: both the localizations and expression levels of Dnmts in in-vitro matured oocytes of aging mice were changed, and these changes may be related to the abnormal DNA methylation modification.
The classification of seven kinds of plastic(ABS, PET, PP, PS, PVC, HDPE and PMMA) with the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on artificial neural network model was investigated in the present paper. One hundred seventy LIBS spectra for each type of plastic were collected. Firstly, all 1 190 plastics LIBS spectra were studied with principal component analysis. The first five principal components (PC) totally explain 78.4% of the original spectrum information. Therefore, the scores of five PCs of 130 LIBS spectra for each kind of plastic were chosen as the training set to build a back-propagation artificial network model. And the other 40 LIBS spectra of each sample were used as the testing set for the trained model. The classification accuracy was 97.5%. Experimental results demonstrate that plastics can be classified by using principal component analysis and artificial neural network (BP) method.
The electronic to rovibrational energy transfer between the high-lying 61Σ+ state of NaK and H2 was investigated. The 61Σ+ state was excited using the optical-optical double resonance technique. Radiative processes were monitored by fluorescence from the 61Σ+ state to the ground 11Σ+ state. The CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering) spectral technique was used to probe the internal state distribution of collisionally-populated H2 molecules. The scanned CARS spectra reveal that during E-V, R energy transfer processes H2 molecules are produced at v=1, 2 and 3 levels. The semilog plot of the time-resolved H2 (3, 1) CARS intensity was obtained at a pressure of 4×104 Pa of H2. The slop yields an effective quenching rate of 8.09×105 s-1. Analogically, for (3, 2), (3, 3) and (3, 5) levels, the quenching rates are 6.11×105, 4.32×105 and 2.45×105 s-1, respectively. For (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3) and (3, 5) levels, the population ratios were obtained from scanned CARS spectral peaks. For (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2) and (2,3) levels, from scanned CARS spectral peaks two possible population ratios were yielded. Through shape simulations of time resolved CARS profiles under a kinetic model the actual population ratios were determined. The n2/n1, n3/n1, n4/n1, n5/n1, n6/n1, n7/n1 and n8/n1 are 0.51, 0.97, 0.45, 0.18, 0.10, 0.26 and 0.31, where n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 and n8 represent the number densities of H2 at (3, 1), (2, 1), (1, 1), (3, 3), (2, 3), (2, 2), (3, 2) and (3,5 ) levels, respectively. The H2 molecules produced by energy transfer process were populated by 26% at the v=1 level, 21% at v=2 and 53% at v=3. The major vibrational energy [(9.0±2.7)×103 cm-1] release and the minor rotational energy [(3.9±1.1)×102 cm-1] release are shown. Based on the Stern-Volmer equation, the radiative lifetime is (5.0±1.3) ns for the 61Σ+ state, the total rate coefficient for deactivation of 61Σ+ state by means of collisions with H2 is (2.1±0.4)×10-10 cm3·s-1. From actual population ratios the rate coefficients (in units of 10-11 cm3·s-1) for 61Σ+-(1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3) and (3, 5) are 5.4±1.6, 2.8±0.8, 0.6±0.2, 1.0±0.3, 5.6±1.7, 1.4±0.4, 2.5±0.8 and 1.7±0.5, respectively.
During the preparation of amino phosphoric chelating fiber, polypropylene grafted styrene, acetyl, amine series and amino phosphonic acid chelating fibers were certified by infrared spectrum, and the functionalization degree of raw fibers was studied. By the semi-qualitative method of infrared spectrum, the adsorption performance of indium and copper on amino phosphonic chelating fiber was also discussed. The results showed that (1) The peak at 1 116 cm-1 was assigned to —P(ONa)2 in amino phosphonic acid chelating fiber. So the success of phosphorylation was verified. (2) During preparation, the phosphorylation effect of amino phosphonic acid chelating fiber could be reflected by the change of the peaks at 1 056 and 1 110 cm-1. (3) After adsorption of In3+ on amino phosphonic acid chelating fiber, the new forming N-In coordination key was absorbed strongly at the bands of 1 000~1 200 cm-1 and at 1 107, 699 and 617 cm-1. After adsorption Cu2+ on amino phosphonic acid chelating fiber two new strong and wide peaks were found at 1 110 and 618 cm-1, respectively. (4) Through the area change of the bands at 1 200~900 and 600 cm-1 , the adsorption performance of indium and copper on amino phosphonic acid chelating fiber was compared.
The authors measured IR transmission spectra of two different concentrations of bacillus subtilis spores by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) technology. The mass extinction cross section k of bacillus subtilis spores was calculated according to Lambert-Beer law and the imaginary part ni of the complex refractive index was also calculated through k. The real part nr of the complex refractive index was derived from the KK (Kramers-Kronig) relationship and the experimental results were also analyzed and discussed with the study of measurement and analysis method of the complex refractive index on bacillus subtilis spores, it is of great significance to further research the absorption and scattering characteristics, and to broaden the measurement and remote sensing technology method of the biological aerosols.
For visible and infrared color fusion images, objective sharpness assessment model is proposed to measure the clarity of detail and edge definition of the fusion image. Firstly, the contrast sensitivity functions (CSF) of the human visual system is used to reduce insensitive frequency components under certain viewing conditions. Secondly, perceptual contrast model, which takes human luminance masking effect into account, is proposed based on local band-limited contrast model. Finally, the perceptual contrast is calculated in the region of interest (contains image details and edges) in the fusion image to evaluate image perceptual sharpness. Experimental results show that the proposed perceptual sharpness metrics provides better predictions, which are more closely matched to human perceptual evaluations, than five existing sharpness (blur) metrics for color images. The proposed perceptual sharpness metrics can evaluate the perceptual sharpness for color fusion images effectively.
Near infrared spectroscopy technology was used for quantitative analysis of the simulation of complex oil spill source. Three light petroleum products, i.e. gasoline, diesel fuel and kerosene oil, were selected and configured as simulated mixture of oil spill samples in accordance with different concentrations proportion, and their near infrared spectroscopy in the range of 8 000~12 000 cm-1 was collected by Fourier transform near infrared spectrometer. After processing the NIR spectra with different pretreatment methods, partial least squares method was used to establish quantitative analysis model for the mixture of oil spill samples. For gasoline, diesel fuel and kerosene oil, the second derivative method is the optimal pretreatment method, and for these three oil components in the ranges of 8 501.3~7 999.8 and 6 102.1~4 597.8 cm-1; 6 549.5~4 597.8; 7 999.8~7 498.4 and 102.1~4 597.8 cm-1, the correlation coefficients R2 of the prediction model are 0.998 2, 0.990 2 and 0.993 6 respectively, while the forecast RMSEP indicators are 0.474 7, 0.936 1 and 1.013 1 respectively; The experimental results show that using near infrared spectroscopy can quantitatively determine the content of each component in the simulated mixed oil spill samples, thus this method can provide effective means for the quantitative detection and analysis of complex marine oil spill source.
Variables selection strategy combined with local linear embedding (LLE) was introduced for the analysis of complex samples by using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Three methods include monte carlo uninformation variable elimination (MCUVE), successive projections algorithm (SPA) and MCUVE connected with SPA were used for eliminating redundancy spectral variables. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and LLE-PLSR were used for modeling complex samples. The results shown that MCUVE can both extract effective informative variables and improve the precision of models. Compared with PLSR models, LLE-PLSR models can achieve more accurate analysis results. MCUVE combined with LLE-PLSR is an effective modeling method for NIRS quantitative analysis.
Silver/silicon dioxide (Ag/SiO2) film, which was used for surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy, was made by mixing ammonia solution and SiO2 solution. Surface morphology of thin films was depicted by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum. The present paper studies the spectroscopy of Ag/SiO2 film during the evaporation of water. Research results show that the anti-symmetric vibration absorption peak of nitrate is the function of solution concentration and the distances. Influence of surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy in nitrate absorption peak is via the electromagnetic mechanism and increasing the effective surface area.
In-situ attenuated total reflection FTIR (in situ ATR-FTIR) was used for the dynamic research on the residual of pesticide. The in-situ characterization of dichlorvos and orthene on the tomatoes’ surface shows that the dichlorvos has obvious volatility and its degradation amount is 80% 20 minutes after spraying. Meanwhile, the ATR-FTIR shows that the strong absorption peak of dichlorvos at 1 734 cm-1 turns to negative peaks and the absorption peaks at 3 073 cm-1 significantly abate. The absorption peaks at 1 277 cm-1 become weak and red shift (30 cm-1) shows that the dichlorvos may be hydrolyzed to some extent. While the absorption peaks of orthene show no change 120 minute after spraying. It shows that the orthene is relatively stable.
Heavy metal ions in plants can be determined by using the near-infrared spectral (NIRS) technique, because they combine with the organic molecular groups that have NIRS absorptions. The present article analyzed the fast detection of heavy metal Cu in Ludwigia prostrata leaves by near infrared diffuse spectral technology. Different preprocessing methods were compared, combined with partial least squares (PLS), and the fast detection models of heavy metal Cu in Ludwigia prostrata leaves were established. The results showed that the best model was obtained by PLS with the preprocessing method of average smoothing. The correlation coefficient (r) and root mean square error of calibration(RMSECV) was 0.950 and 5.99 respectively; External validation correlation coefficient (r) and root mean square error of prediction(RMSEP) was 0.923 and 7.38 respectively. The study shows that fast determination of heavy metal Cu in Ludwigia prostrata leaves using near infrared diffuse spectroscopy is feasible.
According to the macro-fingerprint characteristic of infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and second-derivative infrared spectroscopy were used to analyze the extracts of chrysanthemum indicum L. by different solvents. It was speculated preliminarily that the main component of petroleum ether extract was long chain fatty acids (esters) and terpenes of small molecules, ethyl acetate extract contains terpenes and flavonoids mainly, ethanol and 95% ethanol extract was mainly composed of flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides, and deionized water extract contains polysaccharides and tannins mainly. Besides, the content of flavonoids in ethanol extract is the highest by comparison of the infrared spectroscopy of different extracts with that of buddleoside. Thus, the infrared spectroscopy can analyze directly the extracts of traditional Chinese medicines, recognize the main ingredient preliminarily, and then supply directional reference for further planning the extract scheme and detection methods.
Soluble solids content (SSC) is one of important internal quality index for navel oranges. In the present study, visible/near infrared (Vis/NIR) diffuse transmission spectra of navel oranges were acquired using a QualitySpec spectrometer in the wavelength range of 350~1 000 nm, and CARS (competitive adaptive reweighted sampling) was used to select important variables related with SSC of navel oranges from spectra data, then was compared with other variable selection methods such as uninformative variables elimination (UVE) and successive projections algorithm (SPA). Finally, partial least squares (PLS) regression was used to develop calibration model for SSC of navel oranges using the 38 selected variables, and the calibration model was used to predict the SSC of 75 samples in the prediction set. The results indicate that CARS method is superior to other variable selection methods such as UVE and SPA, and can select the important variables for SSC efficiently. The calibration model of SSC developed by CARS-PLS is superior to that model developed by full-spectrum PLS, the correlation coefficient (r) and root mean square error (RMSE) in the calibration and prediction sets are 0.948, 0.347% and 0.917, 0.394%, respectively. So, Vis/NIR diffuse transmission spectra combined with CARS method is feasible to assess soluble solids content of navel oranges, and CARS method can simplify the prediction model and improve model prediction precision.
One strain bacterium was isolated from purple soil of Sichuan basin. It was subject to Bacillus according to analysis results of 16S rDNA. The effect of its biosorption to Sr2+ under γ-ray radiation was studied in this paper. As for the whole kinetic biosorption curves, the results show that bacterial growth rates of test groups have retardation phenomena compared to the control groups without radiation. Such as the appearance of biosorption equilibrium retarded 1.5 d while the max growth rate retarded 0.5 d after the radiation. SEM analysis showed that the bacterial cells had abnormity distortion after radiation. This proved that γ-ray radiation can bring obvious damage to experimental bacterial cells. FTIR analysis results indicated that bacteria cells were damaged by radiation and Sr2+ has cooperation damage effects with radiation in aqueous condition, and the bacterial cells of log phase are easier to be damaged by coming forth radiation than those of lag phase. This radiation damage under different radiation condition mainly leads to that the characteristic peaks of amylase, protein amide and lipids on bacterial cells are slightly shifted.
Pork storage time is closely related to its freshness. With the help of near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, pork sample data were collected. The orthogonal linear discriminant analysis (OLDA) algorithm was used to extract features. Furthermore, by introducing Adaboost algorithm to OLDA, a new algorithm, named Adaboost+OLDA, was proposed based on OLDA and Adaboost. To investigate the classification rate and the computational time of Adaboost+OLDA algorithm, the classical feature extraction methods (PCA+LDA and OLDA) were compared with Adaboost+OLDA in the experiments. Experimental results showed that Adaboost+OLDA could be computed efficiently and in improved the generalization ability of OLDA. The average classification rate of Adaboost+OLDA is more than 95%.
The prediction model of beef’s storage time was established based on multi indexes of fresh beef, such as TVB-N, colony total, pH value, and L* parameter. Visible and near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis/NIR) combined with interval PLS(iPLS)and genetic algorithm(GA) was investigated for establishing PLS calibration model of above 4 indexes, respectively, and rapid and nondestructive prediction of the storage time of fresh beef stored at 4 ℃ was realized. PLS models of 4 indexes were built with full spectrum and effective variables selected by iPLS and iPLS-GA method, respectively. The performance of each model was evaluated according to two correlations coefficients(R) and standard error (SE) of calibration and prediction sets. Experimental results showed that the performance of all models built with effective variable selected by iPLS-GA was better than full spectrum and iPLS. The storage time of calibration and prediction sets of beef samples was predicted by storage time model with predicted values of above 4 indexes, and was achieved as follows: Rc=0.903, Rp=0.897, SEC=1.88 and SEP=2.24. The study demonstrated that the beef’s storage time can be synthetically predicted with multi-index by using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy combined with the prediction model of beef’s storage time. This provides a new method for rapid and non-destructive detection of beef’s storage time or shelf life.
Infrared spectroscopy (IR) and normal Raman spectroscopy (NRS) of Sudan red(Ⅲ) and Sudan red(Ⅳ), and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy(SERS) of them on Cu—Ag nanocomposite material were reported in the present paper. The density functional theory (DFT) calculation was applied to calculate IR and NRS on a B3LYP/6-311+G (d,p) level, and the theoretically calculated spectra were carefully compared with the obtained experimental spectra. The vibrational peaks were assigned by the software of Gauss view 5.0. Rapid identification of Sudan red was realized, which provided profitable basis for characteristics and quick test of Sudan dyes, and reliable detection method of food security.
The microstructure and fracture morphology of carbon coatings were investigated by means of Raman spectrometer and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which were prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on the surface of SiC fiber with C2H2+H2 and C2H2+C3H8+Ar as the reactants. The results show that the spectra of the carbon coating contain characteristic D, D” and G peaks around 1 350, 1 400~1 500 and 1 600 cm-1 respectively, indicating a disordered-graphite structure with a small amount of amorphous carbon. The size of microcrystallite increased with the increase in temperature, and the degree of order, together with the uniformity in the carbon coating was improved simultaneously. It was observed on the fracture surface that coatings prepared by C2H2+H2 are flat and dense, whereas those prepared by C2H2+C3H8+Ar exhibit a flexural lamellar structure, which should be attributed to the relatively low degree of order and the non-uniformity in the microstructure.
In the present paper, four kinds of cluster analysis methods were used in rapid, non-destructive discrimination of hypoglycemic tablets by the Raman spectroscopy technology. Nine kinds of hypoglycemic tablets, including 48 samples, were determined using a Raman spectrometer. The sample data were pretreated with the methods of frequency range cutting, baseline correction, smoothing and vector normalization, then were analyzed by K-means, hierachical cluster, self-organizing maps(SOM) and PCA-SOM respectively. The results demonstrated that SOM was better than K-means and hierachical cluster, and it provided the best discrimination when combined with PCA. The research offers a new approach to the rapid discrimination of different kinds of hypoglycemic tablets.
Fourier-transform (FT) Raman spectra were measured for 7 kinds of different polypropylene copolymers and the assignments of all Raman bands were made through a detailed analysis. Ultimately, by choosing 2 700~3 100 cm-1 as the characteristic spectral, partial least squares (PLS) regression models were set up for xylene solubles content, ethylene content and ethylene content of xylene solubles in polypropylene copolymers. The values of correlation coefficient (r) between predicted results and actual values were all greater than 0.94, and the values of average relative error (ARE) were all less than 5%. The second PLS factor was also analyzed in this paper, and it was concluded that the original information of the sample was accurately extracted by using PLS regression. This paper offered a kind of possibility for on-line measurement of xylene solubles content, ethylene content and ethylene content of xylene solubles in polypropylene copolymers.
A higher selective and sensitive probe for the detection of Fe(Ⅲ) in aqueous media was made using 2,4-Diisocyanatotoluene (TDI) as a bridge to couple Fe3O4 nanoparticles(NPs) and Rhodamine-6G hydrazide. The characterization of composite materials with Infrared spectra(IR), Thermal Gravimetric analysis(TGA) and Transmission Emission Microscopy(TEM) points to the graft of Rhodamine-6G hydrazide onto the surface of the Fe3O4. The obvious color change of the probe solution from light grey to pink upon the addition of Fe3+ demonstrated the probe could be used for “naked-eye” detection of Fe3+ in water at pH 7. The presence of 1 equivalent (10μmol·L-1 μm) of each of these metal ions, including Mn2+, Ni2+, Y2+, Eu3+, Ce3+, La3+, Pr3+, Cd2+, Cr3+, Sm3+, Fe2+, Cu2+and Zn2+ ions, did not demonstrate any obvious fluorescence change of the probe water solution, which confirmed the probe was a probe with remarkable selectivity for Fe3+. And the fluorescence images of HeLa cells in physiological solutions after incubation with Fe3+ and then further incubated with the probe leading to a strong intracellular fluorescence, which suggested the probe could penetrate the HeLa cell membrane and could respond to Fe3+ in intracellular within living cells.
The interaction of L-homocysteine (Cys) modified gold nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied by fluorescence quenching spectroscopy and synchronous fluorescence spectra. The binding constant and binding sites of L-homocysteine modified gold nanoparticles to BSA were calculated, respectively, according to the double logarithm regression curve. Fluorescence quenching of BSA by L-homocysteine modified gold nanoparticles was observed, indicating that the quenching mechanism is static quenching. In addition, the thermodynamic data show that the key interaction force is hydrophobic interaction. Finally, the synchronous fluorescence spectra show that the conformation of BSA and the microenvironment of the tryptophan have not obviously changed.
Polarized three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of different kinds of milk were measured, including pure milk, milk with high calcium, and milk with high calcium but low fat produced by YiLi and MengNiu. It was found that the fluorescence intensity is stronger when excitation and emission polarizer orientation is parallel. The angle between excitation dipole and emission dipole of all kinds of milk equivalent chromophore was estimated by a simple model, indicating that they all less than 40°. The angle for milk with high calcium but low fat is less than that of pure milk and milk with high calcium. And in the experiment, the polarized fluorescence intensity of milk with high calcium but low fat is significantly greater than the others, which fitted with the model estimation.
The fluorescence detection method is based on the linear relationship between fluorescence intensity emitted by the material and the concentration of material to make a quantitative analysis. When using the fluorescence detection of atmospheric sulfur dioxide and other harmful gases, photodetectors and other optoelectronic components without fluorescence will continue to produce the dark current noise, and the background signal has a direct impact on the measurement results. On the base of analysis Boxcar filtering algorithm, the research used three algorithms of wavelet filtering, EMD filter and Boxcar filter to extract and recover the fluorescence signal drowned in the noise floor. In comparison with the previous two filtering methods, Boxcar filter had a better effect on the suppression of the background noise. It also verified that the number of sampling affects the fluorescence signal to noise ratio improvement.
Because the factor scores of the parallel factor analysis can represent the concentration of the various factors of every mixed sample, the method of parallel factor analysis can be used for source apportionment. But the factors were not the same as the source samples sometimes. In order to achieve source apportionment, a relationship between the mixed samples and the source samples of the three-dimensional fluorescence matrix was designed. The coefficients of the relationship came from the factor scores and represented the contribution ratio of the sources. The relationship can be used for source apportionment of pollutions in water environment. And the coefficients of the relationship represented the contribution ratio of pollutant sources.
A method for indirectly determining the molybdenum in Chinese herbal medicine by butanol extraction and dilute hydrochloric acid dissolution was established for atomic fluorescence spectrometry. The molybdoarsenate heteropoly acid, formed in the presence of As(Ⅴ) and ammonium molybdate in 0.3 mol·L-1 sulphuric acid medium, was separated and enriched in the organic solvent, then the evaporation of organic reagent was implemented and the left residue was dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid in which the arsenic content was determined on behalf of molybdenum. In the optimum experimental conditions, molybdenum content in 0~15 μg·L-1 range depicts a good linear relationship, the detection limit and relative standard deviation of 0.44 μg·L-1 and 1.1% were obtained, respectively. Spiked Chinese herbal medicine samples were determined with the proposed method, and recoveries of 95.6%~101.3% were achieved.
Collagen is one of the main structural proteins in human dermis. The lack and atrophy of collagen induces the appearance of wrinkles and beginning of aging. L-ascorbic acid has significant effects on skin-whitening and anti-oxidation, which helps keep skin beautiful and healthy, respectively. With auto-fluorescence, the amount of collagen is in proportion to the strength of its fluorescence spectrum. Therefore, a new method is proposed to determine the content of collagen and the health of skin through the analysis of fluorescence and reflection spectra. Compared with conventional chemical analysis, this method needs less time, and is much more noninvasive. Solutions of different concentration of external collagen and L-ascorbic acid were applied on healthy, spotted and wrinkled skin in this study. By the time dependence of fluorescence and reflection spectra, the effects of skin absorption and restoration of collagen and L-ascorbic acid were derived, respectively. The experiment shows that the collagen or L-ascorbic acid solution of adequate concentration is best for skin absorption. Admixed with suitable concentration of L-ascorbic acid, the collagen solution was well absorbed and results in effect of smoothing wrinkles; the effect of L-ascorbic acid to clear up the spots was also demonstrated. By scientific explorations shown above, the restoration effects of cosmetic materials were validated, and people’s confusion and myth about skincare products were avoided. Consequently, this study helps advance cosmetic industry.
Aerosols interfere with differential absorption lidar ozone concentration measurement and can introduce significant errors. A new retrieval method was introduced, and ozone concentration and aerosol extinction coefficient were gained simultaneously based on the retrieval method. The variables were analyzed by experiment including aerosol lidar ratio, aerosol wavelength exponent, and aerosol-molecular ratio at the reference point. The results show that these parameters introduce error less than 8% below 1 km. The measurement error derives chiefly from signal noise and the parameters introduce error less than 3% above 1 km. Finally the vertical profile of tropospheric ozone concentration and aerosol extinction coefficient were derived by using this algorithm. The retrieval results of the algorithm and traditional dual-wavelength difference algorithm are compared and analyzed. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm is feasible, and the algorithm can reduce differential absorption lidar measurement error introduced by aerosol.
tVisual density is an important index for the estimation of photographic film and visual photo. The development of biomedical image and macromolecule image needs high measurement uncertainty of visual density in spectrum characteristic. The ISO standard of visual density measurement conditions was modified in 2001. A series of equipments designed for densitometer enhance the spectral matching between the national standard densitometer and the ISO standard function. And a new measurement formula is given based on theory analysis. According to the measurement data and uncertainty analysis, the combined uncertainties are 0.001 1 (0<D<4.0) and 0.003 1 (4.0≤D<6.0).
The leaf area index (LAI) is a very important parameter affecting land-atmosphere exchanges in land-surface processes; LAI is one of the basic feature parameters of canopy structure, and one of the most important biophysical parameters for modeling ecosystem processes such as carbon and water fluxes. Remote sensing provides the only feasible option for mapping LAI continuously over landscapes, but existing methodologies have significant limitations. To detect LAI accurately and quickly is one of tasks in the ecological and agricultural crop yield estimation study, etc. Emerging hyperspectral remote sensing sensor and techniques can complement existing ground-based measurement of LAI. Spatially explicit measurements of LAI extracted from hyperspectral remotely sensed data are component necessary for simulation of ecological variables and processes. This paper firstly summarized LAI retrieval method based on different level hyperspectral remote sensing platform (i.e., airborne, satellite-borne and ground-based); and secondly different kinds of retrieval model were summed up both at home and abroad in recent years by using hyperspectral remote sensing data; and finally the direction of future development of LAI remote sensing inversion was analyzed.
Hyperspectral imaging feature of chlorophyll content (SPAD) in tomato leaves stressed by grey mold was studied in the present paper. Hyperspectral imagings of healthy and infected tomato leaves were obtained by hyperspectral imaging system from 380 to 1 030 nm and diffuse spectral response of region of interest (ROI) from hyperspectral imaging was extracted by ENVI software, then different preprocessing methods were used including smoothing and normalization etc. The partial least squares regress (PLSR) and principal component regress (PCR) models were developed for the prediction of SPAD value in tomato leaves based on normalization preprocessing method, then the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) and least squares-support vector machine(LS-SVM)models were built based on the four variables suggested by PLSR model. Among the four models, LS-SVM model was the best to predict SPAD value and the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.901 8 with the root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 2.599 2. It was demonstrated that chlorophyll content (SPAD) in healthy and infected tomato leaves can be effectively detected by the hyperspectral imaging technique.
Using La2O3, Dy2O3, NH4VO3, HNO3 as materials, solvothermal synthesis method was adopted to prepare LaVO4∶Dy3+ nanorods through adjusting the pH values of ethanol-water mixing solution.The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope, infrared spectrum, UV-Vis absorption spectra and fluorescence spectra. The results show that the phase transition from m- to t -LaVO4 :Dy3+ can be found when the pH value changes from 2 to 4. With the increase of the pH value of the mixing solution, the grain size of the sample becomes smaller and the shape of LaVO4∶Dy3+ crystal changes from irregular nanoparticle to one dimension nanorod. Besides, the band gap of the sample decrease from 3.68 (pH 2) to 3.43 eV(pH 10). It is found from FL that the excitation spectra of LaVO4∶Dy3+ nanorods have a little red shift in comparison with irregular nanoparticle. Furthermore, the LaVO4∶Dy3+ nanorod exhibits the strongest yellow emission (4F9/2—6H13/2)and blue emission(4F9/2—6H15/2), and it possesses the largest Y/B value (1.039).
Estimating minerals abundance from reflectance spectra is one of the fundamental goals of remote sensing lunar exploration, and the main difficulties are the complicated mixing law of minerals spectrum and spectral features being sensitive to several kinds of factors such as topography, particle size and roughness etc. A method based on spectral unmixing was put forward and tested in the present paper. Before spectra are unmixed the spectral continuum is removed for clarifying and strengthening spectral features. The absorption features and reflectance features (the upward curving parts of spectra between absorption features) are integrated for unmixing to improve the unmixing performance. The Hapke model was used to correct unmixing error due to nonlinear mixing of minerals spectra. Forty three mixed spectra of olivine, clinopyroxene, hypersthene and plagioclase were used to validate the above method. The four minerals abundance was estimated under the conditions of being unaware of endmember spectra used to mix, granularity and chemical composition of minerals. Residual error, abundance error and correlation coefficient between retrieved and true abundance were 5.0 Vol%, 14.4 Vol% and 0.92 respectively. The method and result of this paper could be referred in the lunar minerals mapping of imaging spectrometer data such as M3.
Large-area flowering of the giant pandas’ staple food is an important factor which can influence their survival. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the bamboo flowering. Foping Nature Reserve was taken as the study area. The research selected the giant pandas’ staple-food bamboos Bashania fargesii, Fargesia qinlingensis and Fargesia dracocephala with different flowering situations (i.e., flowering, potential flowering, non-flowering with far distance) to measure the spectral reflectance of bamboo leaves. We studied the influence of bamboo flowering on the spectral features of three bamboo species through analyzing the original spectral reflectance and their red edge parameters. The results showed that (1) the flowering changed the spectra features of bamboo species. The spectral reflectance of B. fargesii shows a pattern: flowering bamboonon-flowering bamboo with far distance. Among three bamboo species, F. dracocephala showed the greatest change, and then F. qinlingensis. (2) After bamboo flowering, the red edge of B. fargesii has no obvious shifting, while the other two bamboos have distinctive shifting towards the shorter waves. The study found that the original spectral feature and the red edge all changed under various flowering states, which can be used to provide the experimental basis and theoretic support for the future prediction of bamboo flowering through remote sensing.
The spectral absorption and attenuation coefficients of 16 phytoplankton species were measured in the laboratory using acs instrument. Ancillary measurements included particle size distribution and chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a). The results indicated that both algal cell size and Chl a were the two major factors dominating the magnitudes of the spectral absorption and attenuation coefficients. The spectral behaviors of attenuation spectra were dominated by algal cell size, the relationship of them didn’t follow the monotonic function. Both the ratio of absorption in blue and red waveband and the spectral slope of absorption coefficient were influenced by the product of algal cell density and squares of cell size rather than algal cell size alone. The relationship between algal cell size and both absorption and attenuation spectra would be interpreted by Mie theory for homogenous sphere, which imply that the heterogeneity and non-spherical shape in algal cell morphology and internal structure have little effect on the inherent association among them.
Researching on vegetation biomass using the traditional measurement method is time-consuming and hard sledding, and prediction precision of biomass is always not good because of uncertain influencing factors. The present article aims at the current situation of Hebei-Beijing reach along Yongding River, using the Thematic Mapper data in this place on 20th July 2009 as source data, with the 30 meters Digital Elevation Model data in Beijing and other auxiliary information, meanwhile through field observation data, to find out the possible functional relationship along vegetation biomass and remote sensing image factor. The authros sorted out the vegetation biomass and remote sensing image factor on the sample plot, then set up an inverse model through multiple linear regression analysis, and analyzed the precision of inverse model. After calculating the measured value and predicted value, the authors got the global relative error is -0.025%, the average relative error is -0.016%, and the general predictive precision is 84.56%. The establishment of this model is able to investigate eco-environmental factors on large range timely, quickly and accurately, also can provide the experimental base for the eco-environmental survey on river basin, and make the foundation for the problem diagnosis of ecological environment and the research on ecosystem degradation mechanism of Yongding River.
Impact polypropylene copolymers (IPC) are in-situ blends of polypropylene homopolymer and ethylene-α-olefin copolymers formed in the reactor, which is a multiphasic complex material with isotactic polypropylene (iPP) as a matrix in which poly(ethylene-α-olefin) elastomeric copolymer is finely dispersed, and ethylene-α-olefin random copolymer (EPR) acts as an elastomer to improve the impact resistance properties of iPP at room temperature and low temperature. In the present, the content of xylene soluble is used to evaluate the content of EPR rubber phase in IPC. The content, the chain structure, and glass transition temperature (Tg) of EPR rubber are critical to the toughness of IPC. In the present report, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) were utilized to study the comonomer content, chain structure and thermal property of xylene soluble of two IPC prepared by different catalysts. The results indicated that there are small amount of ethylene-propylene segmented copolymers containing short methylene sequence that is crystallizable in the xylene soluble in addition to the ethylene-propylene random copolymers. And the sequence length of crystallizable methylene group of ethylene-propylene segmented copolymers in these two kinds of xylene soluble is different. The random distribution degree of ethylene and propylene monomer in the ethylene-propylene copolymers in these two kinds of xylene soluble is similar. The xylene soluble with lower content of PPP sequence and higher content of ethylene monomer has lower Tg, which will benefit the improvement of impact resistance property of polypropylene.
In the present paper, the theoretical expressions for the axial strain sensitivity of high-birefringence fiber loop mirror(Hi-Bi FLM) was developed. The key influence factors on the axial strain sensitivity are discussed for the same input light source as the high-birefringence fiber material is certain, including the high-birefringence fiber length and the sensing length. The relationship between the high-birefringence fiber material and the axial strain sensitivity is discussed for the same input light source. The results show that the wavelength shift of high-birefringence fiber loop mirror is linear with the axial strain, and the linear sensitivity is constant decided by the high-birefringence fiber material and the center wavelength of input light source, having nothing to do with the high-birefringence fiber length and the sensing length.
The authors made a theoretical analysis and experiment research on the relation of time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (T-CARS) intensity and the sample concentrations in this paper. It was proved experimentally that the T-CARS intensity is quadratic at the concentrationhigher than 35%, but is linear with the sample concentration at the concentration lower than 20%,which fits with theoretical analysis. And the research results correct inaccurate previous perceptions, which is conducive to better interpretation and application of the CARS process. The linear relation between the intensity of the CARS with the sample concentration at low concentrations indicates that the CARS is allowed for direct and precise concentration measurements, therefore it will be of great importance in biology and biochemistry.
The hyperspectral effective information of Gannan navel orange was extracted by genetic algorithm (GA) and successive projections algorithm (SPA) for partial least squares (PLS) model. Average spectral was extracted from region of interest(ROI) of hyperspectral images after preprocessing.GA and SPA were used to select 27 and 8 characteristic wavelengths for chlorophyll model with PLS. The correlation coefficients and rms error of GA-PLS were 0.80 and 2.45, and the correlation coefficients and rms error of SPA-PLS were 0.83 and 2.30, respectively.Overall results sufficiently demonstrate that SPA-PLS model has a greater advantage which can be combined with hyperspectral technique to be a nondestructive and rapid analytical method.
Using photodiode array (PDA) detector and spectrometer, a method on the basis of algorithm of nondispersive ultraviolet (NDUV) is described to measure and analyze nitric oxide (NO) gas. With the introduction of light source impact factor and absorption spectrum impact factor, fitting equation and correlation coefficient between absorbance and concentration was acquired through comparative analysis on the total intensity of nitric oxide absorption and non-absorption spectrum, which are collected in different integration times and within different wavelength width. The results show that second order fitting correlation coefficient related to absorbance and concentration is above 0.999 9 and the error of concentrations between the concentration calculated by fitting equation and the standard concentration is less than 3% through using suitable fitting order, fitting wavelength width and analysis method.
APAM was prepared under the action of composite initiator and UV irradiation, using acryl amide (AM), 2-acrylamido-2- methyl propane sulfonic acid (AMPS) and acrylic acid(AA) as raw materials. The paper studied the effect of proportion between monomers, monomer ratio, initiator concentration and other factors on intrinsic viscosity of the polymer, and optimized preparation conditions. The chemical structure and thermal stability of APAM were characterized by UV, FTIR, SEM and DTA-TGA respectively. The results showed that the APAM with the intrinsic viscosity 1.6×103 mL·g-1 can prepared when the proportion between monomers was 70∶10∶10, the monomer ratio was 40%, initiator concentration was 0.20%, pH was 9 and the illu mination time was 60 min.
The deterioration and shell thickness of walnut were studied using the terahertz time domain spectroscopy. Firstly, the THz spectra of moth-eaten, moldy and normal walnuts were compared, and the bad walnuts were properly rejected due to the differences of absorption peaks. Secondly, the transmission-type and reflection-type terahertz time domain spectroscopy system was used simultaneously, and a new formula to calculate shell thickness of walnut was built in the THz system. Then the authors measured the shell thickness based on the detectable refractive index of walnut, and the relative error was 3.7%. Consequently, the quality of walnut was evaluated nondestructively according to physical and chemical indicators from walnut THz spectra respectively.
Using accurate and nondestructive technology to analyze pigments is an important part in the field of conservation of cultural relics. Because of the development of conservation of cultural relics and synthetical application of different disciplines, a lot of spectral methods have been used to analyze colored relics. This paper presented the application, feature, limitation and prospect of commonly used spectral technologies, such as X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, fiber optics reflectance spectroscopy and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in order to get the information about element analysis, component analysis and micromorphology analysis.
A new microwave digestion/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for simultaneous determination of 8 heavy metals including Zn, Cu, As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Hg and Ni in wastes of scale hoggery from livestock parks in Chongqing and its biogas slurry after anaerobic digestion, with which an all round, fast analysis of multiple heavy metals in biogas slurry was realized. From the experiment, Zn, Cu, As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Hg, and Ni were the dominating heavy metals in biogas slurry. The linear correlation coefficients for the heavy metals were between 0.999 89 and 0.999 98, indicating a good linear correlation. The determination limits were between 0.79 and 25.0 ng·L-1, recovery adding standard between 96.5% and 107.6%, RSD between 1.06% and 4.35%. These parameters revealed that the method has good precision and accuracy, which could be applied to the heavy metals detection in biogas slurry, and provide reference for its post-use.
In stellar spectral processing, template matching method can be used to obtain comparably ideal results of stellar spectrum parameters by using pattern recognition algorithms, without computing the spectral line-index. The present paper proposed a similarity based method to measure stellar spectrum parameters automatically. First, the continuum normalization was made, and then the similarities between the stellar spectrum and the template spectrum were compared to get more accurate stellar spectrum parameters. Experiments on ELODIE spectrum showed that this method is ideal in efficiently obtaining stellar spectrum parameters.
The present paper analyzed the influence of the pinhole diameter, grating parameters, CCD pixel size, prism parameters, system aberrations and found that the first three are the main factors, and then deduced the mutual restraint relationship among them. On this basis, a portable high-resolution echelle spectrograph was designed. Applying this design, aberration was fully corrected and spectral resolution achieved the demand. With the Hg lamp calibrated and restored, the actual resolution gets up to 0.038 nm which is significantly better than target (0.05@200 nm), while the ordinary grating spectrometers need 500 mm focal length to achieve this resolution. From this result, the advantages of the portable echelle spectrograph are fully demonstrated.
The present paper proposes an optical chemistry sensor used for real-time detection of trace Cu2+, including the optical perception module and the signal processing module. The optical perception module gives the output of the laser light and excitation of fluorescence. The signal processing module completes optoelectronic conversion and amplification of the weak fluorescence signal as well as data processing and display. A self-developed optical acquisition, conversion and processing system was used to complete rapid detection of trace Cu2+, miniaturizing and reducing the cost of the testing instruments. The experimental results show the proposed sensor responds linearly in a concentration range of 30~1 000 nmol·L-1, with the linear equation y=0.109 77x+11.872 32, the linearity 0.994 82, the standard deviation 3.994 24, the detection limit 30 nmol·L-1, and the response time of the sensor 40 seconds. The experiment determines the interference of other ions with the Cu2+ test results. It shows that this sensor meets the demand of field detection for trace Cu2+ site testing.
The present research describes the development of an improved cross-calibration method of on-orbit satellite sensor. The EO-1/Hyperion was taken as the referenced sensor and HJ-1A/HSI was taken as the uncalibrated sensor. The differences between the bands configurations were removed by the precise spectral response matching using the deconvolution method, which significantly reduced the radiometric calibration uncertainty of HSI sensor. The calibration coefficients of HSI for all 115 bands were acquired. The uncertainties of calibration coefficient from band 1 to band 60 stably lie in 5%~8%, and for all the other bands excerpt for the oxygen absorption which lies in at 760 nm and the water vapor absorption which lies in at 940 nm, the uncertainties of calibration coefficients are changed from 7% to 18%, which increased as the wavelength increased. Contrasted Compared with the traditional spectral matching method, the method proposed can improve the calibration accuracy by about 50%, which can meet the demand of the quantitive application for hyperspectral remote sensing data. It demonstrated the good precision and reliability of the method. It solved the spectral matching problem when the band configuration is big enough so that the cross calibration accuracy is too low and is difficult to apply in hyperspectral sensor cross-calibration, and provides a new method to frequently update the calibration coefficients for hyperspectral imager.
Imaging spectrometer based on acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) is a novel hyperspectral imaging system. In order to rectify the non-uniformity of radiation sensitivity on different waveband, especially the low signal-to-noise (SNR) in low-light conditions, the electron-multiplying CCD (EMCCD) sensor was proposed. The noise of AOTF imaging spectrometer was analyzed in both normal and EM modes of the CCD sensor with derived SNR calculating model which has been experimentally validated. On that basis, a new evaluation method of the dynamic range in EM mode and a novel method of calculating spectral radiance at the entrance aperture were adopted. The experimental result shows that the theoretic SNR models are fit, and better selection of EM mode is effective to improve the SNR and non-uniformity of radiation sensitivity in low light level conditions.
The template selection is essential in the application of digital micromirror spectrometer. The best theoretical coding H-matrix is not widely used due to acyclic, complex coding and difficult achievement. The noise ratio of best practical S-matrix for improvement is slightly inferior to matrix H. So we designed a new type complementary S-matrix. Through studying its noise improvement theory, the algorithm is proved to have the advantages of both H-matrix and S-matrix. The experiments proved that the SNR can be increased 2.05 times than S-template.
Two novel rare earth tungstosilicic polyoxometalate containing 5-fluorouracil, K26(C4H4FN2O2)8Pr(SiW11O39)4·10H2O (FPSW) and K26(C4H4FN2O2)8Sm(SiW11O39)4·9H2O (FSSW), were synthesized and their structure were characterized by using elemental analysis, FTIR spectra, X-ray powder diffraction and TG. The antitumor activity tests of the compounds FPSW and FSSW were carried out by the methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium method in hepatocellular carcinoma cell HepG-2. The results showed that FPSW and FSSW could inhibit the HepG-2 cells in vitro significantly. The EC50 of FPSW and FSSW is 1.94×10-5 and 1.32×10-5 mol·L-1 respectively. The therapeutic index of FPSW and FSSW is 0.76 and 1.58 respectively.
By monitoring hyperspectral characteristics of spring maize from jointing to silking stage under different drought stress in Jinzhou of Liaoning, China, its spectral characteristics of visible light, red edge region and near infrared were researched, and the correlation of spectral reflectivity of different wavelength with soil moisture was analyzed. The results show that during the jointing to siking stage, the spectral reflectivity of 350~710 nm has significant negative correlation to soil moisture of 0 and 20 cm depth, but the spectral reflectivity of 710~1 300 nm has positive correlation to soil moisture of 0, 20, 40 and 60 cm, and the significant correlation is at 40 cm depth. The spectral reflectivity of red edge region (680~760 nm) which is relatively sensitive and stable, can better reflect the growth status of the plant, and the reflectivity variation per unit wavelength in this region increased at first and then decreased. The trend of polynomial regression curve of red edge parameters and soil moisture of different depth (0~60 cm) is similar, which shows that soil moisture of 0 and 20 cm increased at first and then decreased, but that of 40 cm and 60cm was opposite.