Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 30 Issue s1
72 Article(s)

Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 1 (2003)
  • GAO Jian-xiang, and QI Xiang-dong

    The paper elaborates the configuration transforming and redesigning to the original degree-dividing system of gratings rilling machine as well as some new rilling technologies, during the process of research and fabricating of gratings for fingerprinter. The technologies include the ruling methods, the adjusting of the cutting angle,the selecting for the knife tip angle of the diamond cutter and the choosing of the materials being ruled.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 32 (2003)
  • CAO Zhao-liang, Lu Zhen-wu, LI Feng-you, and SUN Qiang

    The rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA) was used in the paper to investigate the relation between the theoretical results and fabrication for subwavelength periodic gratings. The investigation includes how to choose the best combination of theoretical results and fabrication technique for designing gratings and when fabricating the gratings for special application, how to select the parameter of the gratings so that the requirement of application, theory and fabrication were best combined.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 35 (2003)
  • XIE Yong-jun, LU Zhen-wu, LI Feng-you, WENG Zhi-cheng, and Zhao Jing-li

    In the single point laser direct writing (LDW) process, there are some difference between the exposure dose distribution and the light intensity distribution, and the difference will bring the line profile errors. In this paper, the equations to calculate the exposure dose distribution for the polar coordinate and rectangular Cartesian coordinate laser direct writing system are presented. The difference between the exposure dose distribution and the light intensity distribution are discussed. The line profile on the photoresist after development is predicted. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical forecast.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 39 (2003)
  • LI Xiao-wei, SUN Yu-chen, DONG Li-fang, Yu Wei, and Han Li

    On the basis of nucleation and growth model, random sample method was introduced to simulate the formation of silver clusters in silver halide imaging material. Through the analysis of the results, the formation process of silver clusters and their transformation relationship was reappearance. Also, some basic relationship between photoelectronics' behavior and photosensitive process is obtained.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 43 (2003)
  • YUN Mao-jin, LI Guo-hua, and WANG Ning

    According to the electro-optic effect of liquid crystal and the theory of Lyot filter, the tunable liquid crystal filter is designed. Its feasibility is tested by the theory and experiment. The character of this tunable filter under 1.6 V, 1.9 V, 2.3 V is analyzed.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 46 (2003)
  • ZHANG Yan-guang, HU Yu-feng, LI Hong-chao, WANG Li-xiang, and MA Dong-ge

    A double layer light emitting device is reported which based on a tripheiiylamme-containing PPV with sandwiched structure of ITO/polymer/Alq3/Mg:Ag/Ag. The device exhibits a maximum luminance of 1000 cd/m2 at 20 V of operation voltage.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 49 (2003)
  • LU Xiu-pin, SUN Xiu-ping, FENG Ke-cheng, and LIU Wei-qi

    A optical phased-array scanner with regular arrangement and near-field interference is designed. A good scanning spot contrast is demonstrated by computer simulation,and it is more practical than ever used.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 51 (2003)
  • MENG Hai-luo, and REN Zhong

    In this paper, the experimental studies have been made on the optic and electric design for fiber slip-rings and the data transmission of fibre Slip-rings detected slip-rings by CPU. The insertion and rotational loss have also been discussed. The problem of the signals transmissions between two relative rotative devices by fibre slip-rings can be resolved.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 53 (2003)
  • WANG Su-qin, RUAN Yu, WANG Yu-xiang, and CHEN Si-jie

    This paper provides two kinds of design of Polarization Beam Combiner, gives the theoretical calculation of its key component,PM dual fiber collimator, with the method of Gauss optics and matrix optics. The experimental result is also repored.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 56 (2003)
  • Wang Qi, WANG Chun-hui, and SHANG Tie-liang

    Hypothesis the beam signal model of laser heterodyne detection system is Gaussian local-oscillator beam and Airy spot signal beam in this context. With this physical model, analysis in detail a particular additional consumption gene in heterodyne detection heterodyne efficiency. Establishing their math model, discussion the surface curve including non-collimation influence of numerical value simulation, swing distributing of optic field, non-matching angle of dimensional and local-oscillator light, etc, affect the degree of heterodyne efficiency, and that the main factors can cause heterodyne efficiency to decline are non-collimation influence of numerical value simulation and non -matching angle of dimensional. So, controlling the beam parameter is put forward, and non-collimation difficulty of laser heterodyne optic system is declined. In ideal status, the upper limit of heterodyne efficiency of Gauss local-oscillator and Aiiy spot signal is 0.82.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 183 (2003)
  • WANG Shao-min, XU Jin-xin, ZHAO Dao-mu, and MAO Hai-dan

    The phase and group velocities of high-order Gaussian beams in vacuum are deduced from the phase shift, and the relations between the two velocities and the additional phase shift is discussed. It is confirmed that the beam waist radius is proportional to the square root of wavelength by comparing the group velocities on three different premises. The phase velocity can be larger than c in vacuum, and the hyperbolic surface of the beam radius is just the boundary of the superluminality and subluminality. While the group velocity is equal to c along the beam axis and smaller than c off the axis on the rational premise.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 187 (2003)
  • LIN Xiu, and LI Hong-cai

    Considering three two-level atoms initially in the entangled state, two atoms of them are put into two initial empty cavities respectively and make them resonant interaction. Then it is found that the emission properties of the two atoms respectively inside the cavities are much affected by the manipulation of the atom outside the cavities.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 190 (2003)
  • LI Xiang-ning, WANG Cheng-liang, and HE Li-qing

    Power allocation for a zoom lens is most important for a successful lens design. In this paper, six relations are derived to show that power allocation within the two groups of inverted telephoto vari-focal system will greatly depend on the system performances such as numerical aperture, field of view (FOV), back focal length (BFL), as well as the size of the lens volume. In addition, aberration correction also calls for a reasonable power allocation practical example is given to show the results.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 193 (2003)
  • LI Hong-cai, and LIN Xiu

    A scheme is presented for realization of quantum CNOT gate and teleportation of an unknown atomic state through the Raman interaction of V-type three-level atom with a coherent state cavity -field of large amplitude.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 196 (2003)
  • ZHU Dan, and LUO Qing-ming

    A full dynamic theoretical model was developed to simulate the dynamic evolution of coagulation in tissue, which accounted for the dynamics of the temperature and damage dependence of optical properties, thermal properties and blood perfusion rate. The simulations of the temperature distribution, coagulation depth during laser thermotherapy for full dynamic model are compared with the calculations from other models. The results showed that there are differences in temperature and thermal damage among these models. Therefore, mathematical modeling techniques that simulate laser coagulation may not provide reliable information unless they take into account these dynamic parameters.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 199 (2003)
  • LIU Cheng-yi, JAO Jian-lin3, XU Xiao-yang1, CUI Li-ping1, and LIU Song-hao1

    Photon traditional Chinese medicine (PTCM), an inter-discipline of photonics and TCM, studies TCM, such as the diagnostics, therapeutics, indistinct disease theory, rehabilitation, health care and so forth, by using photonics. This report gives a brief review of some progress in the fields of basic theories, clinic basic research, diagnostics and clinic applications.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 202 (2003)
  • LI Ye, WU Kui, JIANG De-long, WANG Guo-zheng, DUANMU Qing-duo, FXJ Li-chen, and TIAN Jing-quan

    In this paper, it is introduced the proximity focusing X-ray intensifier and Lixiscope system at home and abroad. Their quantification and feature are pointed out. The technological way and application prospect of improved Lixiscope were given.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 205 (2003)
  • LU Dong, and LIU Guang-li

    This paper describes the principle about the imaging system of the stereo endoscope. The system adopts two optica] channels stereo imaging technique to replicate human binocular vision. It employs time multiplexing art accomplished by images processor. By an active matrix liquid crystal screen and a circular polarized eyewear the synchronous separation of the left and right images will be shown. So this system can present strong stereo-inspection. This paper analyses and compares three methods of optical system. This paper also briefly introduces the application of this system in mini-invasive surgery (MIS) and measuring field.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 208 (2003)
  • LU Qiang, LUO Qing-ming, and ZENG Shao-qun

    Monte Carlo method is enhanced to simulate single-, two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopic imaging through turbid media Furthermore, a rapid modeling method, which is based on point spread function, is developed to study lateral resolution. Since simulation of scanning process in imaging is avoided, high efficiency is obtained. With this model, effects of numerical aperture (NA) on single- and two-photon microscopic imaging through turbid media are researched. Results show that higher NA brings lower lateral resolution but higher axial sectioning ability.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 211 (2003)
  • ZHANG Da-wei, and LI Guo-hua

    According the "black-box" theory, the study system of Turbid Media 180° Back Scattering Characteristic was designed. In this paper, two important Mueller matrixes-the back scattering of turbid media and reflection of beam splitter were deduced. So it was possible to study turbid media 1800 back scattered characteristic using matrix optics way.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 215 (2003)
  • LI Xiang-ning, ZOU Lin-er, CHEN Jia-bi, and XU Long-yun

    Digital photorefractor is an objective measuring system to measure the refractive error of eyes automatically by taking a photo of the pupil. The working principle of the system is described. The formation of pupil crescent image based on the light intensity is analyzed, which can give an outline of the intensity distribution of the pupil. The crescent image is then processed by computer according to the light distribution, which can increase the precision of the measuring system.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 218 (2003)
  • CHENG Hai-ying, LUO Qing-ming, WANG Zheng, CEN Jian, ZENG Shao-qun, Sergey S. Ul'yanov, and Ekateryna I. Zakharova

    A study of using the laser speckle interference technique and spectroscope method to monitor the dynamic lymph flow. In present paper, laser speckle interference technique and spectroscope method were utilized to measure the lymph flow in the rat mesentery. The combination results obtained by these two methods demonstrated that the spectroscope method had promising to be used as a new approach in monitoring the lymph flow.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 221 (2003)
  • LIU Song-hao, and LIAO Chang-jun

    Quantum cryptography has been in practical interests that can ensure an unconditional security for the communication system. The quantum key distribution system has been analyzed to show the factors that are important to a successful quantum cryptography. After introducing two of the quantum key distribution systems including two Mach-Zehnder interferometers with phase modulation and the Faraday mirrors to compensates automatically any birefringence effects and polarization dependent loss, a new system is proposed that the rotating photons are used to transmit the quantum bits.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 59 (2003)
  • LI Qi, FU Jun-cheng, LI Zi-qin, LI Lin, and WANG Qi

    This paper compares and analyzes the parametric test operator and the classic operators (Prewitt, Sobel and Kirsch operators). Experiment shows that the parametric test operator is suitable to the lidar images.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 64 (2003)
  • ZHAO Hong-ying, SUN Hui, and XIONG Jing-wu

    The method of horizon stabilizing image is high speed and accurate to stabilize the image of the ship's camera by the special position of the horizon. The method could remain the motion of the object when stabilizes the unstable image caused by the carrier. This paper presents the characters of the horizon, detecting horizon and how to stabilize the image by the horizon.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 67 (2003)
  • SUN Ping, XIE Jing-hui, JIANG Yu-rong, ZHOU Yuan-lin, and ZHANG Ying

    In the far-field, the further object scanned by FZP with fewer fringes has flatter and lower amplitude of twin-image noise for reconstructed image. In the near-field, the twin-image noise has serious effects on the reconstruction.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 71 (2003)
  • DONG Huang, HE Qing-sheng, WANG Jin-nan, WU Min-xian, and JIN Guo-fan

    Recently, volume holography technology is widely studied because of its high storage density, fast data transfer rate and the correlate character. The newly proposed speckle multiplexing scheme could provide smaller multiplexing selectivity and higher storage density compared with other conventional schemes. In this paper, two noteworthy merits of speckle multiplexing scheme are analyzed both theoretically and experimentally. This work gives a theoretical fundament for the high density volume holographic storage.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 74 (2003)
  • LIU Guo-dong, HE Qing-sheng, HUANG Xiong-bing, WU Min-xian, and JIN Guo-fan

    Increasing the data size of one page, storing more holograms, reducing the used space are the main methods to increase the data density to 5 Gbit/cm3.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 77 (2003)
  • HUANG Xiong-bin, HE Qing-sheng, SHANG Wei-xiong, and JIN Guo-fan

    The general 4-focal-length architecture of volume holographic storage is a bandwidth-limited system, which will cause inter-symbol interference and lead to the increase of the bit error rate. A method that doesn't reduce storage capacity —— intra-page equalization to compensate the effect of the ISI is presented. Bit error rate results used by this equalization are also given.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 79 (2003)
  • YAN Chang-xiang, and WANG Jia-qi

    TDI-CCD is a special photo sensor that is widely applied in aerospace remote sensing. Analyzing the MTF of TDI-CCD will be helpful to study and apply it. This paper aimed at the conclusion about the MTF of TDI-CCD push-sweeping imaging, doing the niuiieric simulation. The analysis corrected the conclusion in the literatures. Two concepts, Max-MTF and Mcaii-MTF, arc proposed with that the calculation of MTF in TDI-CCD push-sweeping imaging will be more nicety.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 82 (2003)
  • Zhang Hong-tao, Yin Fu-chang, and Wang Qiu-gui

    From operation distance equation, some general parameters of semi-conductor laser, transmitting optical system, receiving optical system and photo-electric detector are derived detailed. After development, the system can search and guide the target with laser, it can also alarm for 0.9?1.06 μηι bands of laser beam with all-round photo-electric receiver.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 85 (2003)
  • ZHAO Dong-e, and ZHANG Ji-long

    By adopting time-domain function and convolutions method, the time-domain and frequency-domain wavefomi of a small steel-bead when it flying through a laser screen are analyzed in wound ballistic field. And based on the maximal error rule, effective bandwidth is obtained. It provides a theoretical basis for photoelectric detection system.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 88 (2003)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    An interaction device that enables an operator to interact with different gestures in a VR (Virtual Reality) system is presented. The joint angles of the individual fingers are measured with fiber optic sensors and the relative position and orientation of the palm are tracked with alternating current pulsed magnetic tracker. The algorithm to calculate the spherical coordinates from the output of the accelerometers and magnetoresistive sensors is deducted. The relationship between the output of the fiber optic sensor and the actual flexure angle is studied. Experiment result shows the effectiveness of the proposed device.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 91 (2003)
  • WANG Jia-sheng, CHEN Chang-shui, FANG Xiao-jun, ZHANG Hong-bo, LIN Xue-chun, ZHANG Dong-xiang, ZHANG Xiu-lan, FENG Bao-hua, HANG Yin, and XU Zu-yan

    The chirped pulse amplification technique was used to amplify femtosecond light pulses in the laser material Cr:LiSAF. The amplifier produces approximately 200 mJ chirped ps pulses at a repetition rate of 0.5 Hz. And after recompression, femtosecond light pulses with a pulse duration of roughly 350fs and a maximum peak power approaching to 0.04 TW are put out.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 1 (2003)
  • NING Guo-bin, FAN Wei, JIN Guang-yong, YAN Xiao-yuan, and LIANG Zhu

    Electrooptical Q switching technology is applied to the Nd:YAG laser pumped by a MS Xe lamp. To generate stable and single-mode output, a pair of λ/4 plates are arranged in the oscillator. Electrooptical Q-switching at repetition of 1-5 kHz and narrow-pulse-duration laser output is experimentally obtained.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 4 (2003)
  • MA Hai-tao, XIN De-sheng, and ZHANG Jian-jia

    A high power LD aging instrument is discussed in this article. Two hundred LDs can be put on the instrument at the same time. The aging current is programmable between 0~2 A. Its current stability is better than 0.1%. A PID controller is used to make the LD's temperature steadily. The undulation of LD's temperature is within ±1 ℃.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 7 (2003)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper discussed beam parameters of the laser diode array and its beam quality. By using a high resolution CCD array the intensity profiles of the laser diode array were measured and the beam width, far field divergence, beam parameter product and Μ :-factor were obtained. By calculating the intensity moments the relation between beam parameters of the laser diode linear array and its structure was found, and the method for improving beam properties of laser diode arrays was discussed.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 9 (2003)
  • WANG Qi, and LIU Li-ping

    For meeting the requirement of miniaturization,low cost, and high image performance,a hybrid optical system composed of refractive optical elements and diffractive optical element is designed as the mode of the CO2 laser image radar antenna system. An experiment antenna system is accomplished to verify the design scheme. The experiment result shows that tlie performance of the antenna system conforms to the design result.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 13 (2003)
  • SUN Li-qun, TIAN Qian, ZHANG En-yao, QUO Hong, and WAN Shun-ping

    With the development of laser diode (LD)technology, LD pumped solid state laser gyroscope (LDPSSLG) will be promised to become a main kind of optical gyroscope in the 21 century. Principle of lD pumped solid state laser gyroscope is introduced, the response property of LDPSSLG is analyzed. Experimental apparatus of the LDPSSLG is set up and the experiment result is discussed.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 17 (2003)
  • MA Hui-zhong, Zhang Lan, Yao Ning, and Zhang Bing-lin

    The graphite-like films were prepared on silicon substrate by using the pulsed KrF laser ablation of a polyimide target, and the field electron emission from the film was observed. After arc forming between the graphite-like film cathode and the indium-tin-oxide (?ΤΟ) glass anode, the turn-on field of the graphite-like film decreases from 16.9 to 10.8 V/μm. The current density is 0.4 mA/cm2, and the emission sites density is in order of 106 /cm2 at the applied field of 20 V/μm. The morphology and the structure of the graphite-like film were measured by using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It indicates that there exist graphite-like clusters in the deposition film, which we named as the graphite-like film. The surface structures of the film before and after the field emission measurements were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 21 (2003)
  • ZHAO Zhen-ming, GAO Xun, YAO Zhi-hai, and LIU Chun-yu

    This study particularly introduses the basic structure, operational principle,theoretical derivation and design principle of laser homing analogue transmitting system controled by single-channel. This transmitting system can analogue the change of spot viewing angle recepted by seeker what guidance apparatus recept,realize the imitation of laser homing guidance.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 23 (2003)
  • FU Guang-sheng, YU Wei, LIANG Bao-lai, and HAN Li

    The optical emission spectroscopy is used to study the time -space behavior of the plasma plume induced by pulsed XeCl laser ablation of carbon target The optical emission spectrum of the plasma is mainly continuous emitting near the target in its early formation stage. The discrete spectra can be detected 20 ns later and reach the maximum at about 60~100 ns. The temporal and spatial evolution of such characteristic peaks as C, C+, C2+ and C2 emission lines exhibit their different features. Based on these results, the creation and evolution mechanism of the plasma and reaction characteristics of the active species in the plasma arc discussed.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 25 (2003)
  • LIU Qiang, Gong Ma-li, YAN Ping, SHI Bin, and WANG Dong-sheng

    The phase-matching angle, effective nonlinear coefficients, walk-off angel and angular bandwidth are calculated. High pulse energies of nanosecond level fourth-harmonic generation of a Ncì:Yalt laser have been obtained with CsLáB(1Oio nonlinear crystal. 50 mJ of 266 nm output with a conversion efficiency 40% from the second-harmonic input was generated. The properties of effective frequency conversion in a new nonlinear crystal-CsLiBdOш are discussed.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 29 (2003)
  • CHENG Hao-bo, ZHENG Li-gong, ZHANG Xue-jun, FAN Di, ZHANG Feng, and CHAO Xiao-jun

    In this paper, on the basis of Preston hypothesis, kinematic principles are applied to deduce the motion relationship between tool and workpiece upon the tool's motion in planar model. From that the effect on CCOS (Computer Controlled Optical Surfacing) caused by controllable variable except dwelling time is analyzed by computer simulation. Thus, provide some reference on theory to optimize the former NC model, add a controllable variant, and realize the large departure aspherics fast manufacture, so planar motion can be applied in CCOS to converge the figure error.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 152 (2003)
  • FAN Bin, YANG Li, YUAN Jia-hu, ZENG Zhi-ge, and LI Xiao-jin

    The characteristics of stressed-lap structure and control system are analysised.The structure and principle of CMAC neural networks model are introduced. The idea and implementing method of inverse deformation intelligent control for stressed-lap by CMAC neural networks are put forward. The training of the CMAC neural networks according to the parameters of stressed-lap surface deformation and the corresponding voltage of actuators is obtained. The trained CMAC neural networks have been completed,so that it will be able to apply the trained CMAC neural networks as a controller for stressed-lap deformation controlling. The computer simulation of 5% error is achieved.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 155 (2003)
  • WAN Yong-jian, YUAN Jia-hu, YANG Li, and FAN Bin

    Computer controlled optical surfacing (CCOS) is one of the most important methods in fabrication of aspheric surface. In this paper, considering manufacture of aspheric lens, an improved adaptive fuzzy algorithm based on semantic and numerical inference is developed and a prediction system is built up. The simulation demonstrates the validity of the method.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 158 (2003)
  • ZHANG Tao, ZOU Lin-er, CHEN Jia-bi, LI Xiang-ning, and XU Long-yun

    The principle of a new kind of digital optometer is described. The optical design and image processing of the digital optometer are introduced in the paper.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 161 (2003)
  • CAI Rong, XU Quan-yi, YANG Li, and WU Fan

    The process of a high-accuracy co-center component, a multi-beam laser switch ball, was introduced. It consists of two hemispheres cemented together. As the ratio of diameter to thickness is 25.2:1, it's obviously a ultra-thin element. Therefore, by analysis of the problems emerging during manufacturing, corresponding solutions were given.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 164 (2003)
  • ZHANG Qiu-e, LI Yun-qing, LI Yong-zheng, and LI Yong-da

    Directed the scribing of precision compass dial, a bit map CAD system improves the usability of the scriber. By increasing resolving power of the bit map (pixels/mm), the precesion of pattern is improved. The pattern design is displayed on the screen and it is converted into scribing information and then converted into scribing control data by NC. The scribing process can be simulated by the computer and the scaling precision of the workpiece can be judged.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 167 (2003)
  • YANG Li, YUAN Jia-hu, JIANG Wen-han, WU Fan, ZHEN Zhi-ge, Zhen Yao, and LING Nin

    The developments of aspheric surface manufacturing technology are reported. The design principle of couple of new computer numeric control machine model of ССОМ1600 and CCAL1600 are discussed. Some basic research works are investigated ,including: CNC soft ware; some calculation on the deformation of the mirror being manufactured in the statue of statistic as well the suffered under the manufacturing force by the means of finite element analysis.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 170 (2003)
  • WANG Jia-qi, and HAN Chang-yuan

    This paper reviewed our space optical remote sensor (SORS) technologies including optical materials, optics fabrication and coating, optical testing, system astern assembly final testing, and space environment simulation experiment conducted in our institute. The primary part of the fabrication and testing facilities and results are described in detail.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 173 (2003)
  • LI Yi-gang, LIU Li-ying, HOU Zhan-jia, XU Lei, and WANG Wen-cheng

    Er-doped silica glasses (5 xlO :t Er/Si mol) were prepared by sol -gel method. Gel samples underwent dehydration in carbon tetrachloride environment. It shows that carbon tetrachloride can remove hydroxyl group effectively, as a result, IV,V1 -IW1 fluorescence lifetime rises quickly. It is also found that fluorescence lifetime is strongly dependent on OH concentration. For samples annealed in carbon tetrachloridt' at 900 fluorescence lifetime as long as 6ms was reached.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 94 (2003)
  • YANG Kui-sheng, LIANG Hai-lian, and ZHANG Xi-yan

    In this paper, the preparation of glass ceramic based on PbF2+GeO2+SiO2+WO3 system co-doped Yb3+/Ho3+ rare-earth ions is reported. The upconversion luminescence glass ceramic sample is prepared by investigating preparation process parameter of this system and selecting doping concentration. The optimum proportion of Yb^/Ho^ rare-earth ion concentration is 6:1. It is found a strong emission peak at 545 nm. By analysing rare-earth ion energy level and spectral character, an upconversion luminous mechanical model of this system is proposed. This sample has many advantages such as simple preparation process, big dimension, good chemical stability, high mechanical robustness and broad excitation band.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 97 (2003)
  • YANG Kui-sheng, ZHANG Xi-yan, and LIANG Hai-lian

    In this paper, Yb3+/Er3+ doped glass ceramics was prepared in composition of PbF2+GeO2+WO3+SiO2+NaF by melting method at 950 ℃ for 20 min following annealing at 380 ℃ for 4 h. The emission spectrum of the sample was measured by a Hatachi F4500 Flwore-spectrometer using a 980 nm laser excitation source. The emission spectrum shows a strong emission peak at 550 nm and weak peaks at 528 nm and 680 nm. The experimental results were discussed and the upconversion mechanism was established. The sample shows good chemical durability, mechamical strength and broad excitation spectrum. Therefore this glass ceramics can be developed for application.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 100 (2003)
  • HU Yu-feng, ZHANG Yan-guang, LI Hong-chao, WANG Li-xiang, and MA Dong-ge

    The electxonluminesence characteristic of single-layer light emitting device with a novel bipolar transport material is reported. Oxadiazole-containing triphenylamine polyme was used as the emitting layer. ITO and Mg/Ag were used as electrodes.The device emitted a bright green light ,with 5 V of turn-on voltage ,and it exhibited a maximum luminance of 2015 cd/m2 and a maximum electroluminenscent efficiency of 0.93 cd/A.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 103 (2003)
  • ZHANG Lan, MA Hui-zhong, LI Hui-jun, YANG Shi-e, YAO Ning, HU Huan-ling, and ZHANG Bing-lin

    A Raman spectrum of carbon nitride thin film is reported in this paper. There are two Raman peaks of 1400 cm-1 and 1370 cm-1 existed in the Raman spectrum, which is different structure comparing with Raman spectra of all known carbon based materials and carbon nitride. According to X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and surface morphology of the film taken by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the nitrogen containing carbon thin film could be considered to have nano-scale graphite structure with buckling of the basal planes. The Raman peak of 1400 cm1 corresponds to C-C vibration in the basal planes. The other peak of 1370 cm 1 is attributed to disordered structure in long range. The sample of carbon nitride thin film was prepared by using macro wave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) system.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 105 (2003)
  • HUANG Zhi-gao, CHEN Zhi-gao, LI Hong-cai, LIN Xiu, and DU You-wei

    SHG and MSHG of bcc Fe, hep Co and fee Ni magnetic films with different surface, direction of magnetization and input-output polarization combinations are derived. The image of nonlinear magneto-optical response of a modeling domain structure is obtained, which can explain some recent experimental facts.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 107 (2003)
  • OUYANG Zheng-biao, AN He-nan, ZHU Jun, LI Jing-zhen, and RUAN Shuang-chen

    Three kinds of photonic crystals with slowly varying lattices are investigated using optical transmission matrix method. It is found that the photonic bandgaps region are enlarged by 3 times as compared with that of ordinary photonic crystals with uniform lattices. The key to obtain large photonic bandgaps in such structures is to vary the lattices very slowly and to have large number of lattices in the structure.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 110 (2003)
  • LI Yan-hong, LIU Jing-he, LI Jian-li, HONG Yuan-jia, and ZHONG Liang

    Nd:KGd(WO4)2 is a kind of multi-wavelength laser crystal that has an excellent laser properties. In this paper Nd:KGW has been grown by means of the top seeded solution method. The defects with cracking and inclusions have been discussed. The structure of crystal was analyzed using X-ray diffraction. Absorption spectra was measured, in the mean time absorption spectra of Nd:KGW was compared with absorption spectrum of Nd:YAG.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 113 (2003)
  • YU Feng-xia, ZHOU Yan-yan, TANG Ji-long, ZHANG Wen-tao, WANG Xin-wei, and LIU Yu

    The paper expounds the working principles of optical fiber image transmitting bundle by acid-leaching technology according to research on the quality of glass and its making technology,.It also analyzes some factors that lead to dark fibers due to the quality of glass and geometric defects of glass tube, and raises some relevant improving measures, which takes great effects in reducing the rate of dark fibers. Besides, the paper renders some useful parameters of optical fiber image transmitting bundle by acid-leaching technology.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 116 (2003)
  • WANG Qing, CHEN Lei, and WU Zheng

    An evaluation system for wavefront of laser is introduced by shearing technology. The triangle shearing interferometer and one step differentiation method are selected considering the characters (quality of wavefront, power and scale of light spot etc.) of dye laser. Automatic analysis and intelligence technologies for shearing figures are discussed. Which include calibration of system, auto-correcting of shading, threshold selecting aided by histogram analysis, etc., so that human intervention is displaced in normal testing process. The repeatability of system is 0.02λ, and accuracy is 0.05λ (RMS).

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 119 (2003)
  • YANG Chun-ping, WU Jian, HE Yi, and CHEN Chang-gen

    A new method of measuring vibration is proposed based on Doppler effect with coherent detection when the objects to be measured are incidented on by laser beams. By the means of this method, it is possible to obtain information about displacement, velocity and vibrated frequency of the objects. This approach allows a non-contact measurement of small vibrations in a far distance. A series of experiments have been done. Vibration signatures from the object were obtained using a coherent CO2 laser radar.. Experimental results show that it is a possible method to distinguish a object by means of vibration measurements in the distant range.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 122 (2003)
  • SHI Gui-zhen, DU Hai, TIAN Yu, GE Liao-hai, HUANG Mao-cheng, and WANG Wen-yun

    This paper described saturation method for determining absorption cross sections by using a setup composed of the pulsed dye lasers system synchronously pumped by a frequency doubled Nd:YAG-Laser, e-type electron gun, apparatus for atomic beam of U, and by using the technique measuring resonant photoionization spectrum and time-of-flight mass spectrum at the same time. This method has very strong selectivity, extremely high sensitivity and resolving power, which is developed on the base of single-atom detection technology.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 125 (2003)
  • WANG Hao, LI Ying, ZENG Li-jiang, and FENG Zhi-jing

    It is important to find an efficient method for aspherical parameters on line measuring. Radius of curvature is an important parameter in machining and measuring aspherical mirrors and in optical alignment. A new method on measuring radius of curvature based on the principle of ray tracing is proposed, and some experiment results are discussed.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 128 (2003)
  • GAO Liang, and ZENG Li-jiang

    It is important to find an efficient, costless method for wine online measuring. Fiber drop analysis is a multi-analysis technology for measuring the physical and chemical properties of liquid, and can be used in wine online measuring. The principle of the fiber drop technology, and the experiment results are introduced in this paper.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 131 (2003)
  • QI Chao, YANG Mao-hua, and DAI Jing-min

    The concept and the measuring theory of BRDF (bi-directional reflectance distribution function) were discussed. A set of system based on personal computer for BRDF measurement was developed, whose laser wavelengths cover 0.6328 μm, 1.34 μm, 3.39 μm and 10.6 μm from visible to infrared. The experimental results of the hemispherical reflectance measurements on silicon carbide paper at normal incidence show better Lambertian diffusion.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 134 (2003)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In this system, a holographic lens was used as splitter. As the focus spot of the ±1 degree diffracted convergent (divergent) beams did not move with the linear movement of the incident beam under the Fresnel approximate conditions, the measurements of linear displacement and angle displacement were separated. Two PSD (Position Sensitive Detector) were used as detectors, and He-Ne laser beam was used as datum. Then four degree-of-freedom measurement of the target could be finished. The configuration design is reasonable. The volume of testing head is small. The weight is light, and it's convenient to be fixed. The measuring precision is high. The experiments prove that the stabilization of linear shift can reach 1 μm, and angle shift can reach 1″. The system can be used to collimate other devices with multi degree-of- freedom and measure the minute shifts, such as the guide rail of machine tool and the assembling of large parts and so on.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 137 (2003)
  • ZHANG Guo-yu, XU Xi-ping, SONG Jia-wu, YANG Lin, LI Cheng-zhi, and AN Zhi-yong

    Based on the principle of laser triangulation and the technology of modern photoelectric sensor, a laser scanning optical triangulation measuring system which is used to measure 3-D curved surface profile is presented. The system uses a semiconductor laser probe, and combines with 2-D grating displacement measuring systems and servo-control systems to realize scaiming several points of measured curved surface. Through the data processing in real time by using the computer, the profile of measured curved surface is given. The measuring principle of system, and design of overall structure are introduced in this paper. And the semiconductor laser probe, grating displacement-measuring system, real-time control and data processing system by the computer are discussed in detail. The measuring accuracy of the system is analyzed.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 140 (2003)
  • TAO Wei, PU Zhao-bang, ZHUANG Zhi-tao, and ZHANG Zhuo

    An unchanged zero-point is a main problem in the measurement process of dynamic angle measurement. For the designed dynamic angle measurement system with grating wedge-plate interferometer, a new method of determination of the zero-point of dynamic measurement is proposed. Special points of maximal and minimal optical path differences determined by interference using 360° natural angle standard are used as fixed zero-point of dynamic measurement. No additional optical path is needed by this method which makes the structure simple and operation easy. Experiments show that the positioning accuracy is better than 0.5".

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 143 (2003)
  • QI Chao, YANG Mao-hua, SUN Xiao-gang, and DAI Jing-min

    The spatial reflected characteristic and spectral characteristic from optical material surfaces were effectively described by the BRDF (Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function). The several measuring methods of the BRDF were analysed. A experimental table for the BRDF measuring was developed. With He-Ne laser and YVO4 solid laser, the measurements on 1500 CCR/RC.S.G silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper were made within the -15°-65° of reflectance zenith angle. Finally, some difficulties in measuring BRDF precisely were mentioned.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 146 (2003)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A new optical-electronic measuring method of rotating angles of object is represented, and a tetxahedral transducer, which is used for angle measurement, has been researched. Measuring apparatus of rotating of object is made by use of a tetxahedral transducer.

    Jan. 29, 2013
  • Vol. 30 Issue s1 149 (2003)
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