Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 12 Issue 6
19 Article(s)

Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 1 (1985)
  • Wang Runwen

    The phenomena of self-induced transparancy obtained from the Bloch equation of a two-level atomic system can not be present under the condition of self-phase modulation. Only by some rigid limitation can the phenomena appear approximately.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 321 (1985)
  • Chen Guicong, and Shan Qizhe

    Extending the synthetic slit method in rainbow holography of diffuse 3-D objects 1,2, a quasi-monochromatic reconstructed image is obtained by means of multiple exposure under white light illumination. A theory of multiple exposure synthetic slit is described and the effects of exposure times and object displacement for synthetic slit are discussed. Experimental results are also included.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 324 (1985)
  • Chu Cheng, and Hu Yu

    The design method of a low emittance diode, the key component of a Raman-scattering FEL, is presented. The space-charge-limited diode is immersed in a strong guiding magnetic field; the profile of its cathode can be evaluated numerically from the required c-beam parameters and anode profile.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 330 (1985)
  • Xie Kuangji, Mu Guorong, and Li Changlin

    A selective multiphoton dissociation process of CF3I has been used to enrich C-13 with 9.6m B(14) line of TEA CO2 laser. At-8, an enrichment factor of 89 has been achieved for 0.2 Torr CFeI and 4 Torr O2 reaction system. The dependence of enrichment factor upon scavenger, temperature, fluenee and dissociation yield have been investigated.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 335 (1985)
  • Han Quansheng, and Rang Jin

    Operating a device combining distributed feedback and extra-cavity, weobtained an independently tunable two-wavelength laser. The mode competition as a function of the relative build-up time of two wavelenths is investigated.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 339 (1985)
  • Han Quamgyao, Zhang Yuchang, .Yi Ming, Huang Zonghua, and Yang Xuanming

    Frequency shift of the double grating is considered and confirmed by our experiment. Using this effect we determine the value of velocity or small displacement. It is simpler than the method of Michelson’s instrument or the intensity modulating method and has been suceessully tested on Mossbauer spectrometer to determine the velocity of vibration. Satisfactory result has been obtained.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 343 (1985)
  • Li Xishan, and Jiang Anmin

    This paper analyses the cause for refractive index gradient in Nd3+ glasses. The statical and dynamical refractive index gradient, average divergent angle and equivalent curvature radius have been measured. Finally the effect of refractive index gradient on the wave surface quality of laser beam is discussed.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 346 (1985)
  • Feng Xiqi, Tang Yuanfen, Wu Huifa, Bian Huian, and Tan Haoren

    We have achieved the acoustic-optic modulation and the second harmonic generation for Nd:YAG lasers simultaneously in the same barium sodium niobate crystal. In this paper, the structure and fabrication of this complex functional device are described. Its central frequency is 129 MHz and total diffraction efficiency higher than 50% (632.8 nm) at a driving voltage of 3 volts.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 350 (1985)
  • Ma Xiaoshan, Pan Shoukui, Wang Siting, Jin Zongru, and Shen Yafang

    It has been observed that most of the inclusions in alexandrite crystals lie along the axis, the direction of the fastest growth rate and preliminary explanation on these phenomena are made.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 353 (1985)
  • Guo Chu, Zhang Xingkang, Shao Ziwen, and Yue Chuanhua

    Based on our study of photophysics of DCM in different solvents, it has been suggested that propylene carbonate can. be used as a more attractive solvent for DGM lasing medium. This prediction has been demonstrated by the experimental results reported in this paper.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 358 (1985)
  • Lou Qihong, Liu Bo, Cao Hongmmg, Ding Aizheng, Wei Yunrong, and Zheng Ghengen

    The multichannel rail gap for transverse discharge gas laser has been developed. The effects of trigger voltage and trigger electrode configuration on the characteristics of the rail gap were studied, and 29 channels per meter in a rail gap of 38cm long was obtained.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 363 (1985)
  • Zhang Guoxuan, Liu Yupu, Zhang Yinghua, and Liu Jinjun

    The design of the folded threemirror cavity and four-mirror ring cavity is described. The effects of the cavity adjustment on the properties of laser resonators have been emphasized. The analyses are important for the correct design and alignment of the cavity.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 366 (1985)
  • Tian Tongxin

    The application of laser technique to flight tests on domestic transportation aeroplane Y10 is described in this paper. The descision is focused on airborne laser measurement system, airborne data acquisition and processing laser system and several new flight test methods based on them.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 370 (1985)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The deposition of W film by means of photolysis of vapor W(CO)6 with a 257.3 nm UV laser is presented. The dependence of the deposition rate on the light intensity, cell temperature and buffer gas pressure are investigated and the relationship between the photolysis deposition rate of W(CO)6 and the intensity of deposition light has been observed.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 374 (1985)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The saturation characteristics of infrared OGE of discharged positive column in Ne, Ar and Xe gases are measured. It is found that the spectral lines are homogeneously broadened, and the saturation intensity of transitions is independent on the sample concentration and the total pressure or the discharge current. The line width of the transition NeI 4S4-5P1 has been estimated.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 375 (1985)
  • [in Chinese]

    It is verified that the mean value and the standard deviation of normal distribution function could be regarded as the characterization parameters for full length optical fiber diameter. The control of the diameter is carried out by a microcomputer and the good results are introduced. At present, diameter variation for a 1500 m long optical fiber can be controlled within 1-2% reliably.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 378 (1985)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The structure and principle of an X-ray microchannel plate (MCP) image intensifier and its application to laser-plasma diagnostics are described. X-ray photographs from the MCP image intensificr and the curves of their radial density distribution are obtained.

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 380 (1985)
  • [in Chinese]

    Nov. 06, 2012
  • Vol. 12 Issue 6 382 (1985)
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