High Power Laser Science and Engineering
Colin Danson, Jianqiang Zhu
Volume: 4 Issue 1
11 Article(s)
B. King, and T. Heinzl

When exposed to intense electromagnetic fields, the quantum vacuum is expected to exhibit properties of a polarizable medium akin to a weakly nonlinear dielectric material. Various schemes have been proposed to measure such vacuum polarization effects using a combination of high- power lasers. Motivated by several planned experiments, we provide an overview of experimental signatures that have been suggested to confirm this prediction of quantum electrodynamics of real photon–photon scattering.

Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e5 (2016)
  • Xin Zhang, Wei Zhou, Wanjun Dai, Dongxia Hu, Xuewei Deng, Wanqing Huang, Lidan Zhou, Qiang Yuan, Xiaoxia Huang, De’en Wang, and Ying Yang

    Optics surface phase defects induced intensity modulation in high-power laser facility for inertial confinement fusion research is studied. Calculations and experiments reveal an exact mapping of the modulation patterns and the optics damage spot distributions from the surface phase defects. Origins are discussed during the processes of optics manufacturing and diagnostics, revealing potential improvements for future optics manufacturing techniques and diagnostic index, which is meaningful for fusion level laser facility construction and its operation safety.

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e6 (2016)
  • He Li, Suyu Li, Shuchang Li, Dunli Liu, Dan Tian, Anmin Chen, Ying Wang, Xiaowei Wang, Yunfeng Zhang, and Mingxing Jin

    Our experiments show that external focusing and initial laser energy strongly influences filament generated by the femtosecond Ti–sapphire laser in air. The experimental measurements show the filament length can be extended both by increasing the laser energy and focal length of focusing lens. On the other hand, the plasma fluorescence emission can be enhanced by increasing the laser energy with fixed focal length or decreasing the focal length. In addition, the collapse distance measured experimentally are larger than the calculated ones owing to the group-velocity-dispersion effect. In addition, we find that the line widths of the spectral lines from N2 is independent of filament positions, laser energies and external focusing.11504129), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No. 20130061110021), and the Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University (No. 2015091).

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e7 (2016)
  • Bingyan Wang, Junyong Zhang, Shuang Shi, Kewei You, and Jianqiang Zhu

    The processing method applied to the side surface is different from the method applied to the light pass surface in neodymium phosphate glass (Nd:glass), and thus subsurface defects remain after processing. The subsurface defects in the side surface influence the gain uniformity of Nd:glass, which is a key factor to evaluate the performance of amplifiers. The scattering characteristics of side subsurface defects were simulated by finite difference time domain (FDTD) Solutions software. The scattering powers of the glass fabricated by a computer numerical control (CNC) machine without cladding were tested at different incident angles. The trend of the curve was similar to the simulated result, while the smallest point was different with the complex true morphology. The simulation showed that the equivalent residual reflectivity of the cladding glass can be more than 0.1% when the number of defects in a single gridding is greater than 50.

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e9 (2016)
  • Sensen Li, Yulei Wang, Zhiwei Lu, Lei Ding, Yi Chen, Pengyuan Du, Dexin Ba, Zhenxing Zheng, Xin Wang, Hang Yuan, Chengyu Zhu, Weiming He, Dianyang Lin, Yongkang Dong, Dengwang Zhou, Zhenxu Bai, Zhaohong Liu, and Can Cui

    A 100-J-level Nd:glass laser system in nanosecond-scale pulse width has been constructed to perform as a standard source of high-fluence-laser science experiments. The laser system, operating with typical pulse durations of 3–5 ns and beam diameter 60 mm, employs a sequence of successive rod amplifiers to achieve 100-J-level energy at 1053 nm at 3 ns. The frequency conversion can provide energy of 50-J level at 351 nm. In addition to the high stability of the energy output, the most valuable of the laser system is the high spatiotemporal beam quality of the output, which contains the uniform square pulse waveform, the uniform flat-top spatial fluence distribution and the uniform flat-top wavefront.

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 01000e10 (2016)
  • Zhuoran Ma, Zhe Wang, Feichao Fu, Rui Wang, and Dao Xiang

    We propose a proof-of-principle experiment to test a new scheme to produce a single-cycle radiation pulse in freeelectron lasers (FELs). Here, a few -BBO crystals will be first used to produce an equally spaced laser pulse train. Then, the laser pulse train illuminates the cathode to produce a frequency-chirped electron bunch train in a photocathode rf gun. Finally, the frequency-chirped electron bunch train passes through a tapered undulator to produce a quasi-singlecycle THz pulse. This experiment should allow comparison and confirmation of predictive models and scaling laws, and the preliminary experimental results will also be discussed.(grants no. 11327902). One of the authors (DX) would like to thank for the support from the Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning (no. SHDP201507).

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e1 (2016)
  • Ren′e Platz, Bernd Eppich, Juliane Rieprich, Wolfgang Pittroff, G¨otz Erbert, and Paul Crump

    Tailored diode laser single emitters with long (6 mm) resonators and wide (1.2 mm) emission apertures that operate with 940 nm emission wavelength were assembled in novel edge-cooled vertically stacked arrays, and used to construct a compact and highly efficient fiber coupled pump source for Yb:YAG pulsed high-energy class solid-state lasers. The novel configuration is shown to allow repetition rates of 200 Hz at 1 ms pulse duration, at an output power of 130 W per single emitter. The emission of two stacked arrays was then optically combined to realize pump modules that deliver 6 kW peak power (pulse energy 6 J) from a 1.9 mm core diameter fiber, with wall plug efficiency of 50%. This represents a significant improvement in terms of duty cycle and electro-optical efficiency over conventional sources. The pump module has been successfully tested at the Max Born Institute, Berlin during trials for pumping of disk lasers.This work was funded in part via the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under contract number 20072013 2/42.

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e3 (2016)
  • Vadim Samarkin, Alexander Alexandrov, Gilles Borsoni, Takahisa Jitsuno, Pavel Romanov, Aleksei Rukosuev, and Alexis Kudryashov

    The deformable mirror with the size of 410 mm468 mm controlled by the bimorph piezoceramic plates and multilayer piezoceramic stacks was developed. The results of the measurements of the response functions of all the actuators and of the surface shape of the deformable mirror are presented in this paper. The study of the mirror with a Fizeau interferometer and a Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor has shown that it was possible to improve the flatness of the surface down to a residual roughness of 0:033 mm (RMS). The possibility of correction of the aberrations in high-power lasers was numerically demonstrated.

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e4 (2016)
  • Jan Vanda, Jan ˇSevˇcík, Egidijus Pupka, Mindaugas ˇS ˇciuka, Andrius Melninkaitis, Martin Divok′y, Venkatesan Jambunathan, Stefano Bonora, V′aclav ˇSkoda, Antonio Lucianetti, Danijela Rostohar, Tomas Mocek, and Valdas Sirutkaitis

    Further advancement of high-energy pulsed lasers requires a parallel development of appropriate optical components. Several different optical components, such as mirrors and antireflection-coated windows, which are essential for the design of HiLASE high average power lasers were tested. The following paper summarizes results on the measurements of laser-induced damage threshold of such components, and clearly shows their capabilities and limitations for such a demanding application.This work is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic (project HiLASE: CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0027, project DPSSLasers: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0143, project Postdok: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0057). This research was partially supported by the grant RVO 68407700.

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 01000e11 (2016)
  • Ming-hai Yu, Guang-yue Hu, Ning An, Feng Qian, Yu-chi Wu, Xiao-ding Zhang, Yu-qiu Gu, Qiu-ping Wang, and Jian Zheng

    Two transmission curved crystal spectrometers are designed to measure the hard x-ray emission in the laser fusion experiment of Compton radiography of implosion target on ShenGuang-III laser facility in China. Cylindrically curved -quartz (10–11) crystals with curvature radii of 150 and 300 mm are used to cover spectral ranges of 10–56 and 17–100 keV, respectively. The distance between the crystal and the x-ray source can be changed over a broad distance from 200 to 1500 mm. The optical design, including the integral reflectivity of the curved crystal, the sensitivity, and the spectral resolution of the spectrometers, is discussed. We also provide mechanic design details and experimental results using a Mo anode x-ray source. High-quality spectra were obtained. We confirmed that the spectral resolution can be improved by increasing the working distance, which is the distance between the recording medium and the Rowland circle.Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11105147, 11375197 and 11175179.

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e2 (2016)
  • Yingxia Wei, Yaoxiang Liu, Tie-Jun Wang, Na Chen, Jingjing Ju, Yonghong Liu, Haiyi Sun, Cheng Wang, Jiansheng Liu, Haihe Lu, See Leang Chin, and Ruxin Li

    We report on a systematic experimental study on the fluorescence spectra produced from a femtosecond laser filament in air under a high electric field. The electric field alone was strong enough to create corona discharge (CD). Fluorescence spectra from neutral and ionic air molecules were measured and compared with pure high-voltage CD and pure laser filamentation (FIL). Among them, high electric field assisted laser FIL produced nitrogen fluorescence more efficiently than either pure CD or pure FIL processes. The nonlinear enhancement of fluorescence from the interaction of the laser filament and corona discharging electric field resulted in a more efficient ionization along the laser filament zone, which was confirmed by the spectroscopic measurement of both ionization-induced fluorescence and plasma-scattered 800 nm laser pulses. This is believed to be the key precursor process for filament-guided discharge.2011CB808103), the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, the 100 Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and theShanghai Pujiang Program.

    Oct. 25, 2016
  • Vol. 4 Issue 1 010000e8 (2016)
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