Using two infrared pulsed lasers systems, a picosecond solid-state Nd:YAG laser with tuneable repetition rate (400 kHz–1 MHz) working in the burst mode of a multi-pulse train and a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser amplifier with tuneable pulse duration in the range of tens of femtoseconds up to tens of picoseconds, working in single-shot mode (TEWALASS facility from CETAL-NILPRP), we have investigated the optimal laser parameters for kinetic energy transfer to a titanium target for laser-thrust applications. In the single-pulse regime, we controlled the power density by changing both the duration and pulse energy. In the multi-pulse regime, the train’s number of pulses (burst length) and the pulse energy variation were investigated. Heat propagation and photon reflection-based models were used to simulate the obtained experimental results. In the single-pulse regime, optimal kinetic energy transfer was obtained for power densities of about 500 times the ablation threshold corresponding to the specific laser pulse duration. In multi-pulse regimes, the optimal number of pulses per train increases with the train frequency and decreases with the pulse power density. An ideal energy transfer efficiency resulting from our experiments and simulations is close to about 0.0015%.
We demonstrate the simultaneous temporal contrast improvement and pulse compression of a Yb-doped femtosecond laser via nonlinear elliptical polarization rotation in a solid state multi-pass cell. The temporal contrast is improved to 109, while the pulse is shortened from 181 to 36 fs, corresponding to a compression factor of 5. The output beam features excellent beam quality with M2 values of 1.18 × 1.16. The total efficiency of the contrast enhancement system exceeds 50%. This technique will have wide applications in high temporal contrast ultra-intense femtosecond lasers.
Infrared femtosecond optical vortices open up many new research fields, such as optical micro–nano manipulation, time-resolved nonlocal spectroscopy in solids, vortex secondary radiation and particle generations. In this article, we demonstrate a femtosecond optical vortex laser system based on a two-stage optical parametric amplifier. In our experiment, 1.45 μm vortex signal pulses with energy of 190 μJ and 1.8 μm vortex idler pulses with energy of 158 μJ have been obtained, and the pulse durations are 51 and 48 fs, respectively. Both the energy fluctuations of the signal and idler pulses are less than 0.5% (root mean square), and the spectral fluctuations are less than 1.5% within 1 hour. This type of highly stable femtosecond optical vortex laser has a wide range of applications for vortex strong-field physics.
Various coatings in high-power laser facilities suffer from laser damage due to nodule defects. We propose a nodule dome removal (NDR) strategy to eliminate unwanted localized electric-field (E-field) enhancement caused by nodule defects, thereby improving the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of laser coatings. It is theoretically demonstrated that the proposed NDR strategy can reduce the localized E-field enhancement of nodules in mirror coatings, polarizer coatings and beam splitter coatings. An ultraviolet (UV) mirror coating is experimentally demonstrated using the NDR strategy. The LIDT is improved to about 1.9 and 2.2 times for the UV mirror coating without artificial nodules and the UV mirror coating with artificial nodule seeds with a diameter of 1000 nm, respectively. The NDR strategy, applicable to coatings prepared by different deposition methods, improves the LIDT of laser coating without affecting other properties, such as the spectrum, stress and surface roughness, indicating its broad applicability in high-LIDT laser coatings.
This research work emphasizes the capability of delivering optically shaped targets through the interaction of nanosecond laser pulses with high-density gas-jet profiles, and explores proton acceleration in the near-critical density regime via magnetic vortex acceleration (MVA). Multiple blast waves (BWs) are generated by laser pulses that compress the gas-jet into near-critical steep gradient slabs of a few micrometres thickness. Geometrical alternatives for delivering the laser pulses into the gas target are explored to efficiently control the characteristics of the density profile. The shock front collisions of the generated BWs are computationally studied by 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The efficiency of the proposed target shaping method for MVA is demonstrated for TW-class lasers by a particle-in-cell simulation.
We report on a vortex laser chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) system that delivers pulses with a peak power of 45 TW. A focused intensity exceeding 1019 W/cm2 has been demonstrated for the first time by the vortex amplification scheme. Compared with other schemes of strong-field vortex generation with high energy flux but narrowband vortex-converting elements at the end of the laser, an important advantage of our scheme is that we can use a broadband but size-limited q-plate to realize broadband mode-converting in the front end of the CPA system, and achieve high-power amplification with a series of amplifiers. This method is low cost and can be easily implemented in an existing laser system. The results have verified the feasibility to obtain terawatt and even petawatt vortex laser amplification by a CPA system, which has important potential applications in strong-field laser physics, for example, generation of vortex particle beams with orbital angular momentum, fast ignition for inertial confinement fusion and simulation of the extreme astrophysical environment.
A pulsed fast neutron source is critical for applications of fast neutron resonance radiography and fast neutron absorption spectroscopy. However, due to the large transversal source size (of the order of mm) and long pulse duration (of the order of ns) of traditional pulsed fast neutron sources, it is difficult to realize high-contrast neutron imaging with high spatial resolution and a fine absorption spectrum. Here, we experimentally present a micro-size ultra-short pulsed neutron source by a table-top laser–plasma wakefield electron accelerator driving a photofission reaction in a thin metal converter. A fast neutron source with source size of approximately 500 μm and duration of approximately 36 ps has been driven by a tens of MeV, collimated, micro-size electron beam via a hundred TW laser facility. This micro-size ultra-short pulsed neutron source has the potential to improve the energy resolution of a fast neutron absorption spectrum dozens of times to, for example, approximately 100 eV at 1.65 MeV, which could be of benefit for high-quality fast neutron imaging and deep understanding of the theoretical model of neutron physics.