High Power Laser Science and Engineering

At the Swiss Light Source SLS of the Paul Scherrer Institute, another important step has been taken towards the completion of the SLS 2.0 upgrade project.


© Paul Scherrer Institute/Claude Pradervand, Peter Wiegand


The installation of the arcs (girders with several magnets, a vacuum chamber, and numerous beam diagnostic elements) is progressing at a high pace. The first arcs are already competently aligned, cabled and connected to the cooling water system by the various expert groups.


The Photonics Instrumentation group is pleased to announce that with the help of SLS technicians under the coordination of David Just, the first two front ends for the beamlines X10SA and X10DA have now been installed.



© Paul Scherrer Institute/Claude Pradervand, Peter Wiegand


News from: https://www.psi.ch/en/photonicsinstr/scientific-highlights/fast-progress-installation-of-the-first-two-front-ends-for