The Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility proudly hosts the world's first dual-arm 10 PW laser system, HPLS, setting new standards in ultrashort and ultra-intense laser science.
In 2024, ELI-NP achieved 67 weeks of beam delivery for users:
√ 7 weeks at 100 TW output,
√ 30 weeks at 1 PW output,
√ 30 weeks at the 10 PW output, as illustrated in the picture.
In the last 8 weeks alone, ELI-NP achieved an exceptional operational milestone, delivering 127 shots per day on average at the 10 PW output, in E6 experimental area, where a gaseous target was used for experiments related to electron acceleration, Compton backscattering and muons production.
In one single day, 1st of November 2024, a total of 274 shots were sent towards E6 experimental area. With pulses duration close to 23 fs , the cumulated total peak power of 2.3 ExaWatt (~2300 PW) from Multi-PW Pulses was delivered for experiment.
This unparalleled operational record underscores ELI-NP's capacity to enable groundbreaking research in high-power laser physics and beyond.
Join us at ELI-NP and explore new frontiers in science and technology with the most advanced laser facility on the planet.
Shot delivery on 1.11.2024 to E6 experimental area.
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