The XV International Symposium "Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures" (RREPS-25) will be held in Shanghai,China, September 15-19, 2025, and is organized by Chinese Laser Press.
Symposium topics
1. General radiation properties from relativistic particles
2. Transition Radiation, Diffraction Radiation, Cherenkov radiation, and Smith-Purcell Effect
3. Parametric X-ray radiation (PXR)
4. Compton Scattering and its Applications
5. Coherent bremsstrahlung and channeling
6. Crystal-assisted processes
7. Laser-driven particle accelerators and radiation sources
8. Applications of monochromatic X/γ-ray and Terahertz beams produced by electron accelerators
Internatonal Organizing Committee
Honorary Chair: Ruxin Li
Executive Chair: Baifei Shen
CO-CHAIR: Pavel Karataev
CO-CHAIR: Alexander Potylitsyn
CO-CHAIR: Tongpu Yu
Members: A. Bogdanov, A. Gogolev, L. Hu, L. Ji, L. Puzyrevich, M. Shevelev, X. Zhang, D. Zou
International Programme Committee
X. Artru, A. Aryshev, S. Dabagov, H. Deng, P. Karataev, V. Kocharyan, G. Kube, M. Kuriki, S. Mazzoni, A. Potylitsyn, B. Shen, T. Yu
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