The 2nd Intensive School in Laser, Plasma & Fusion will be held in Budva, Montenegro from September 22 to 25, 2025, and is co-organized by the Faculty of Science and Mathematics ( of the University of Montenegro and the COST Action CA21128 PROBONO "PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns" (
The school offers the exceptional scientific training to students of MSc and PhD level in Physics and related disciplines, who interested in pursuing a career in the field of high power laser plasmas and particularly focusing on laser fusion. The school features plenary lectures and specialized talks presented by renowned scientists in the field, along with training sessions comprising seminars, case studies, and hands-on activities.
The school covers the following topics:
Laser-matter interaction
High-intense lasers
Fundamentals of Plasma Physics
Laser-driven particles acceleration
Detectors and diagnostics for fusion research
Introduction to fusion concepts
Pathways to energy from fusion
Proton-Boron (pB) fusion concept
pB fusion experiments & applications
School Organizing Committee
Gordana MEDIN (Chair)
Ioannis FITILIS (Co-Chair)
Katarzyna BATANI
Mateusz REBARZ
Dimitri BATANI
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