The 5th International Workshop on Proton-Boron Fusion will take place in Belgrade, from September 8th to 11th, 2025.
The conventional route to nuclear fusion for power generation is based on the reaction between deuterium and tritium nuclei, which yields one alpha particle and one neutron. Formidable technology and sustainability challenges, however, stem from the availability and handling of tritium as well as from the radiation damage and radioactivity induced by the high-energy neutron in reactor materials. These neutrons pose classical challenges in handling and managing activated materials in the vacuum vessel.
The fusion reaction between a proton and a 11B nucleus produces instead three alpha particles and no neutron, and can thus be a solution to this problem. Moreover, the reactants are very abundant in nature and are stable, unlike T in DT reaction. Unfortunately, the ignition temperature of p-11B is much higher than DT, and this poses severe limits on the exploitation of this reaction in thermonuclear schemes for energy production.
Nevertheless, during the last two decades a great progress has been achieved in the experimental alpha-particle yield in laser-triggered p-11B experiments. The fast improvement of performances for the new high-power and high-energy lasers requires today thorough theoretical and experimental studies on effective high-yield schemes of laser-driven proton-boron fusion. This, on one side, to investigate potential advanced ignition schemes and, on the other side, for the creation of localized sources of alpha particles for applications, such as for medical treatments.
This Workshop is meant as a moment of information on the new findings about laser-triggered p-11B fusion reactions and of discussions on today technological challenges and future steps in this field, also for the identification of potential paths for funding.
Abstract submission deadline: 2025/06/15
Early registration fee: 200 € until 2025/08/15
Late registration fee: 350 €
Student fee: 150 €
Abstract submission opening: 2025/04/15
Abstract submission deadline: 2025/06/15
Abstract acceptance notification: 2025/06/30
Opening registration: 2025/06/23
Closing early registration: 2025/08/15
S. Blagojević (Chair), Institute of General and Physical Chemistry (IGPC), Serbia
D. Milovanović (Co-Chair), IGPC, Serbia
B. Gaković, INN Vinča, Serbia
M. Marčeta, IGPC, Serbia
S. Petronić, IGPC, Serbia
A. Radulović, IGPC, Serbia
V. Nikolić, IGPC, Serbia
B. Rajčić, IGPC, Serbia
S. Petrović, INN Vinča, Serbia
L. Giuffrida (Chair), ELI BL, Czech Republic
K. Batani (Co-Chair), IPPLM, Poland
D. Batani, Univ. Bordeaux, CELIA, France
F. Belloni, UNSW Sydney, Australia
F. Consoli, ENEA, Italy
G.A. Pablo Cirrone, INFN-LNS, Italy
D. Hoffman, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
D. Margarone, ELI Beamlines, Czech Republic
A. Picciotto, FBK, Italy
M. Tatarakis, HMU, Greece
I.C. Edmond Turcu, UKRI/STFC CLF, RAL, UK
- New experimental results
- Advanced fusion approaches
- Diagnostics
- Materials for targetry and nuclear reactors
- Theory аnd simulations
- Applications
Organizer: Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia
Co-organizer & Financial support: CA21128 (PROBONO)
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