High Power Laser Science and Engineering

Original manuscripts are sought to the special issue on "Relativistic Laser Plasma Interaction (RLPI) Diagnostics and Instrumentation" of High Power Laser Science and Engineering (HPL).


As Relativistic Laser Plasma Interaction (RLPI) studies have made significant progress over the last two decades, a large number of groups are investigating different methods to address the challenges of improving existing diagnostics, or developing new instrumentation tools to study ever more extreme laser plasma environments and resulting emission of energetic photons and particles.


The special issue is to highlight the cutting-edge developments of experimental diagnostics supporting RLPI studies in high power laser facilities around the world, enabling new degrees of freedom in our understanding of the processes, while adding precision and accuracy in the measurement of various relevant physical parameters.


The topics invited for inclusion are, but not limited to:


• Optical diagnostics (pump-probe, plasma, E/B field measurements, target positioning diagnostics etc.)

• Beam diagnostics (non-optical) electron/proton, positron, muons, heavy ions

• X-ray/XUV diagnostics

• Beam based diagnostics (electron, proton, etc.)

• Proposed diagnostics for extremely relativistic intensities (10^23 W/cm^2 and beyond)

• High repetition rate diagnostics development (10 Hz or higher, every previous category).


We also intend to host the next BLIN-workshop with special emphasis on instrumentation and diagnostics in 2022 (https://www.alpa.physik.uni-muenchen.de/), where your contribution could be covered in an oral presentation.


Guest Editors:


Joerg Schreiber, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany

Rodrigo Lopez-Martens, Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée (LOA), France

Lieselotte Obst-Huebl, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), USA

Jianhui Bin, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), China

Co-ordinating Editor: Enam Chowdhury, Ohio State University, USA


Submission deadline: December 31, 2022. Manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system at: http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/clp-hpl. Please select "Relativistic Laser Plasma Interaction (RLPI) Diagnostics" from the drop-down menu under "Manuscript Type" when submitting manuscript.