High Power Laser Science and Engineering


The 21st International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP 2024) will take place in Ghent, Belgium from September 8 to 13, 2024.


The event is organized by the department of Applied Physics at the faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University (UGent).



The conference will address a wide range of topics in the field of plasma physics. Recent progress will be discussed concerning the following topics:


Fundamental plasma physics

Fusion plasmas

Laser-plasma interaction

Plasma accelerators

Astrophysical and space plasmas

Applications of plasmas and plasma technology

Complex plasmas

High energy density plasmas

Quantum plasmas


Important dates (2024)

Early registration opens: March 5

Abstract submission opens: March 11

Abstract submission closes: May 17 May 31

Notification of acceptance: May 31 June 19

Early registration closes: June 30 July 15

Final program online: July 15

Final registration deadline: August 25

Conference: September 8-13


News from: https://icpp2024.ugent.be/index.html