High Power Laser Science and Engineering


UFO XIV Announcement


We are pleased to announce the 14th edition of the Ultrafast Optics conference (UFO XIV), scheduled to take place from October 5-10, 2025. UFO is the premier international conference focused on the science and technology of generating, manipulating, and measuring ultrafast laser sources. It is independently organized by scientists in the field, with strong support from industrial partners.


Continuing its tradition of being hosted in unique and captivating locations, the next UFO conference will be held in Furnas on São Miguel Island, part of the Azores Archipelago in Portugal. The Azores, known for its dramatic landscapes, charming fishing villages, and vibrant blue hydrangeas, offers the ideal setting for a networking retreat with the ultrafast optics community. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the mid-Atlantic, it provides a perfect backdrop for meaningful exchanges and collaboration.


We hope to see you in the Azores in October 2025. Please feel free to contact us at info@ultrafastoptics2025.org for any inquiries. For more information, please visit the webpage:



Conference co-chairs: Rosa Romero, Sphere Ultrafast Photonics (Portugal); Helder Crespo, Sphere Ultrafast Photonics and Central Laser Facility, STFC (UK)


Program chairs: Jeffrey Moses (Cornell University, US); Xinkui He (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China); Cord Arnold (Lund University, Sweden)


Topical areas and topical leads


1. Novel methods for generating and manipulating ultrashort pulses, Federico Furch, Max-Born Institute, Berlin, Germany.


2. Ultrahigh peak-power laser systems and related technologies, Yuxin Leng, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China.


3. High average power ultrafast lasers, Coherent beam combining, Thomas Metzger, Trumpf Scientific, Germany.


4. Attosecond science and pulse generation, Michael Chini, Ohio State University, USA.


5. Methods for shaping and measuring ultrashort pulses, Íñigo Sola, Salamanca, Spain.


6. High repetition rate few cycle sources, envelope phase control and frequency combs, Derryck T. Reid, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland.


7. Ultrafast optics with x-rays and electrons, Liang Jie Wong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


8. Ultrafast Mid-infrared and Terahertz sources, Clara Saraceno, Ruhr-Universitet Bochum, Germany.


9. Spectral broadening and pulse compression, Anne-Lise Viotti, Lund University, Sweden.


10. Ultrafast applications: novel methods and technology, Michelle Sander, Boston University, USA.


11. Thin film and integrated Ultrafast technologies and quantum photonics, Marc Jankowsky, Stanford University, USA.


12. Machine learning and artificial intelligence for ultrafast optics, Geory Genty, Tampere University, Finland.


Submission timeline


Submission site opens: February 6th 2025


Submission deadline: March 31th 2025, 23:59:59 CET


Notifications to authors: June 2025 (tentative)


Program online: August 2025 (tentative)


News from: https://ufo2025.fc.up.pt/