High Power Laser Science and Engineering
Publishes research that seeks to uncover the underlying science and engineering in the fields of high energy density physics, high power lasers, advanced laser technology and applications and laser components.
Laser and Particle Beams
An international journal which deals with basic physics issues of intense laser and particle beams, and the interaction of these beams with matter. Research on pulse power technology associated with beam generation is also of strong interest. Subjects covered include the physics of high energy densities; non-LTE phenomena; hot dense matter and related atomic, plasma and hydrodynamic physics and astrophysics; intense sources of coherent radiation; high current particle accelerators; beam-wave interaction; and pulsed power technology.
Chinese Journal of Lasers
Published in Chinese, concentrates on publishing the latest research progress in the field of laser technology. Researching provides a full-text PDF in Chinese and English summary of some papers.
Collection Of theses on high power laser and plasma physics
A Collection of research papers of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Joint Laboratory of High Power Laser and Physics, China Academy of Engineering Physics.
Physics of Plasmas
Physics of Plasmas, published by AIP Publishing in cooperation with the APS Division of Plasma Physics, is committed to the publication of original research in all areas of experimental, computational, and theoretical plasma physics. Physics of Plasmas publishes comprehensive and in-depth review manuscripts and forward-looking perspectives covering important areas of study and Special Topics highlighting new and cutting-edge developments in plasma physics. Every year a special issue publishes the invited and review papers from the most recent meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics.
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fusion is the acknowledged world-leading journal specializing in fusion. The journal covers all aspects of research, theoretical and practical, relevant to controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion is a monthly publication dedicated to the dissemination of original results on all aspects, experimental and theoretical, of the physics of hot, highly ionized plasmas.
Journal of Plasma Physics
JPP aspires to be the intellectual home of those who think of plasma physics as a fundamental discipline. The journal focuses on publishing research on laboratory plasmas (including magnetically confined and inertial fusion plasmas), space physics and plasma astrophysics that takes advantage of the rapid ongoing progress in instrumentation and computing to advance fundamental understanding of multiscale plasma physics.
High Energy Density Physics
High Energy Density Physics is an international journal covering original experimental and related theoretical work studying the physics of matter and radiation under extreme conditions. 'High energy density' is understood to be an energy density exceeding about 1011 J/m3. The editors and the publisher are committed to provide this fast-growing community with a dedicated high quality channel to distribute their original findings.
Journal of High Energy Physics
The Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is an open-access journal, APCs completely covered SCOAP3 ( and licensed under CC BY 4.0. JHEP is owned by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA - Trieste, Italy) and published by Springer. The objective in running the journal is to capitalise on the innovative advantages of the new media: rapidity of communication, broad diffusion and the ability to run and distribute a journal solely by electronic means.