The experimental method and principle for measuring the dynamic oil spray field of a diesel engine using off-axis holography are discribed, and the problems with regard to properties of semitransparent oil droplets, judgment for focusing and the limitation of particle density are discussed.
Based on the theory of optical information, the expression of the amount of information for high-speed photography system is obtained. It shows that the amount of information depends on the object, parameters of the system and its working condition.
Based on the partial coherence theory, the Lau effect with square wave modulated phase grating is studied. The theoretically predicted high contrast Lau effect fringes are observed in the experiment.
The ultrafine structure of XeCl excimer laser spectrum was explained by the calculation of the vibration-rotational spectrum. The calculated results are in good agreement with that of the experiments.
The gain and saturation energy density of the 5106 line of Copper Vapor Laser measured with an oscillator and a single-pass amplifier are 0.2cm-1 and 22.3μJ·cm-2 respectively. The experimental results are also discussed.
A scheme characterized by the destructive interference of two light beams after two-photon absorption is proposed to enhance the photon antibnnching effect by 1012 times. In this way, the photon antibnnching phenomena in a two-photon absorption process can be detected experimentaly.
The equations of SRS in optical fiber are given. The equations are discussed and a conclusion that the solitary waves can exist in the process of steady state SRS is obtained. This theory gives a new way to produce ps pulses.
This paper presents a new model of optical bistability (OB). In view of the ideas of the mean field approximation, the slow envelope approximation and the adiabatic approximation, the OB system can be regarded as a "box". Comparing with the theory of nonlinear oscillation, we find that the courses in different OBS s-includingdifferent substances and different cavities (E-P. C. or E. C. )-can be describedconsistently, in both steady state and temporal respect, with an appropriate nonlinear forced oscillation theory, we develop the equation iniio a coupling and autonomous dynamic equation set of phase and amplitude. The general solutions of the equation set for OB eteady state and transienii beliavior are obtained conveniently from this form. Several concrete results in literaiiure are compared as the examples for the veriiication of the widely applicability of this model.
The computer simulation for spectrum diffraction interferometer (S-D-I) is proposed. The S-D-I with spectrum of geometric pattern is discussed, and the intensity is directly relative to the line-integral along the track of the pattern. Acording to the experiment, we proposed a parabola model of an alcohol-lamp flame, thus the distribution of interference fringe of the flame can be calculated with a computer, and the result is identical with the experiment. We also discuss the nature of S-D-I with some special spectra, and a few valuable conclusions are obtained.
Two effects which exist normally in rotating analyzer ellipsometer and decrease the measurement accuracy are analyzed in this paper. The improved measuring method and corrective formula for the measured results are given. By means-of these procedures, the improvement of its accuracy is obvious and has been confirmed by the experiment.
The analytic solution of the multiple scattering m - nth moment equation with different wave numbers and different posiiions is given in the small angle scattering approximation for optical wave propagated through such a random medium, that the material parameter fluctuates inhomogeneoursly in the dirction of propagation and homogeneously in the direction transverse to the propagation path. The applications of the solution to the problems related with the optical beam propagation are discussed.
The paper describes a simple experimental process, including the optical system and calculation method for measuring the beat length and extinction ratio of bow-tie fiber.
In investigating the polarization property and magnetooptic effect of single-mode fiber, we need to consider not only its Faraday effect but also its birefringence. In this paper, the theory of the magnetooptic effect of the single-mode fiber is described with the Jones matrix. The Jones matrix expressing the birefring ence and magnetooptic effect of the single-mode fiber is derived. And the relation between the output light intensity and Faraday rotation angle of current sensor system is presented using Mueller matrix.
Rotating aperture methods of white-light speckle photography used for measuring the dynamic problems is proposed in this paper. In addition to the advantages of rotating aperture mothods of laser speckle photography, in particular it can be used for dynamic measurement in the field.
The digital phase contrast method is described, and it is used to process the data acquired from Scanning Laser Acoustical Microscope. Images obtained are quite clear.
In this paper, a scanning tunneling microscope constructed in this laboratory using a single tube scanner was described. Line scan (amplitude modulation), top view (brightness modulation) and shaded topographical images of the surface of highly oricented, pyrolytic graphitc (HOPG) were shown.
We report the experimental results of the Stark effect in the vicinity of n = 12, 13, 14 of Na in the field from 0-8kV/cm. It is observed that the low-angular-momentum terms merge into the linear manifolds and the |m| degeneracy is removed when the field increases. The experimental results are discussed in this paper.
On the basis of the Irreducible tensor method, we use second quantization to calculate the two-photon excitation cross section. In the calculation, we suppose that two-photon process obeys parentage scheme approximation. On this condition, an approximation formula is developed to calculate two-photon excitation cross section of any atom. The theoretical formula can simplify the calculation process.As an illustrative example, we have calculated some two-photon excitation cross sections of Hg atom. The theoretioal results are in good agreement with experimental data on the order of magnitnde.
Two thin-film materials are evaporated simultaneously from reepective sources in vacuum where vapor-phase mixed thin films will be formed. Experimental methods are described for the vapor-phase mixed deposition, and three programs for controlling deposition are presented. The experimental results of two broad-band antireflection coatings are given as practical examples. Experiments show that vapor-phase mixed deposition is a promising technique for application.