Based on the analysis of the radiation properties of a coherently excited multimode fiber-optic boundle, a theory and practical techniques are developed to record the speckle-fields holograms by both the object illuminated wave and reference wave which are laser speckle-fields emitted from the above boundle. The experimental results that agree with the theory are given. Also proposed are some applications to holographic interferometry of the speckle-field holograms.
The reflective holographic filters can be made of the dichromated gelatin film. The theoretical bandwidth formula for the filters was derived. Based on the modification of the coupled wave theory, the formula of the peak diffractive efficiency was derived, which is related to the index of absorption during the recording of holograms. The suggestions were made for the construction and the application of the filters.
This paper studies the opticl-time-delay effect of stimulated emission generated by two-step hybrid pumping theoretically and experimentally. Using three-level model, we calculate the population density of exciting level as a function of time and Investigate the relation between stimulated emission intensity and delay-time of the two pumping beam. The best delay-time calculated agrees well with that from the experiment.
Based on the measured current and voltage oscillograms in laser discharge, laser output signals and the analysis of the pumping circuit, we have analysed in detail the energy deposition process of a XeCl excimer laser pumped by C-C transfered discharge. Some results have been presented, which are useful in designing similar lasers.
It has been found that the optical bistability and multi-stability of CO2 laser can be realized when an electro-optical modulator is inserted into thecavity of the laser to change the Q-value of the laser by opto-electric signal proportional to output intensity of the laser. The mathematic model for the laser has been set up which is described by three nonlinear first-order differential equations. Its steady state model shows the characteristics of bistability and multi-stability which is confirmed by theoretical analysis and numerical calculation.
The condition for thermal stability of phase-conjugate resonator (PCR) is derived by means of transfer matrix method. It is pointed out that the PCR is not certainly thermo-stable if only the condition G1G2 -1/2 is satisfied. Therefore, optimal design of PCR is necessary in order to obtain highquality output beams. The localization phenomenon of compensating distortions by using phase-conjugate techniques can be explained with the results obtained in this paper.
A theory of polaritons in disordered materials is proposed with the help of Green functions and diagrammatic methods. Rayleigh scatterings in SiO2 and GeO2 glasses are calculated and the magnitudes of contributions to Rayleigh scattering from different disorder mechanisms are analysed based on the theory, which verifies the assumption in the fictive temperature approximation that Eayleigh scatterings in glasses come mainly from the density fluctuations in the glass solutions. The Rayleigh scatterings as well as the effecie of polariton dispersions on the losses are calculated for SiO2 and GeO2 glasses. The results show that at the minimum loss wavelengths, the relative deyiations of the Rayleigh scattering losses caused by ihe dis persion effects from the λ-4 law are 20% and 11% for SiO2 and GeO2 glasses respectively.
Fundamental formulas of magneto-optical effects are deduced according to classical theories concerning electro-magnetic fields. Obvious expressions of Faraday rotation θ that are applicable to various magneto-optic media are obtained by using the concepts of effective fields. It is proved that θ is proportional to the effective field H6 and has a strong dispersion nature. θ is obviously affected by the external stress in the weak magnetic media. The verdet constant V of diamagnetic media is independent of temperature T.
The phase fluctuation in squeezed states of light are calculated and formulas of (Δcosφ)2 and (Δsin φ) 2 are obtained. It has been found that the reduced fluctuation in squeezed quandrature of field are accompanied by the reduced fluctuation in phase.
A new coding method for a CGH with pure phase is proposed and demonstrated in which only two cells are needed for each sampling point.The phase-only CGH produced by the proposed method can record any complex wavefront with advantages of on-axis reconstruction, high SBW and high diffraction efficiency.
Based on plane wave theory, the propagation characteristics of TEo modes have been studied in a symmetric slab leaky waveguide of a nonlinear djelectric film. Our results show that steady TEo modes can not exist if the film thickness is above a critical value, two TEo modes with different peak field intensities may exist at most if the film thickness is below the critical value. With the decreasing of the film thickness, the peak field intensity difference between the two modes becomes large.
The different defocused electron micrographs with the unsymmetrical rotational aberrations are synthesized. It makes possible to get a relatively broad distribation of phase contrast transfer function(PCTF). The PCTF in the spatial frequency area has the similar phase and the regions near the zero point of transfer function, which do not transfer information, are filled by other transfer function. The resolution of electron micrograph is improved.
In this paper, a reverse Galilean telescope is used as a wide conversion lens and design of the 1.67× lens system is given as a Living example. Being manufactured and practised, the 1.67× wide conversion lens confirms its good quality and utility.
In this paper, a dual-illumination-beam and dual-reference-beam holographic system is designed with which interferograms of flame temperature field over a 90° angle of view are obtained instantaneously. A simple reconstruction metod is discussed. The effects of projection number and the measurement error on the reconstruction precision are determined by computer simulation. The temperature distribution in a plane are reconstructed from the experimental data. The results are compaed with thermocouple measurement.
In this paper, we make a point-wise analysis of a specklegram made by rotating aperture method for speckle photography. The Young s pattern is generally not equal spaced straight fringes, but curved fringes according to the dynamic process of displacements. In this paper, the meaning of the pattern is explained, theoretical analysis and experimental demonstration are presented.
For a weak absorbing film, if the refractive indices of the film and the substrate are set among certain ranges the formula (1-R)/T=exp(4πkd/λ) can be used for determination of the extinction coefficient of the film. The formula, however, is not statable for the thick strong absorbing film, in which the interference effect has vanished.