This paper analyzes the components of the spatial frenquences in a speckle shearing photography. The result has shown that the speckle construction in dark fringe areas is equivalent to the incoherent superposition of two speckle image field produced by each semi circular lens. It is somewhat different from that obtained by Y. Y. Hung. Using two concepts, which are the directional aperture of recording pupil and the boundary of diffraction halo of spatial spectrum by Fourier transformation from specklegram, two equations corresponding to the areas of light. and dark fringes have been deduced. Experimental results for demonstration, are provided, and the optimum figure of bandpass spatial filter is proposed. The results not only can be used to improve the quality of fringe pattern by image-seaving camera, but also may be useful for the study of electronic speckle searing interferometer.
This paper proposes and discusses a new set-up for realtime measurement of surface roughness by correlation of laser speckle patterns. The rough surface is illuminated simultaneously by two plane waves which are obtained from a laser after angular spliting by a biprism. Selecting a small angle of biprism and small angle of incidence, the measurement of roughness covers a dynamic range of 1μm. Finally, the experimental results thus obtained are compared with metrologioal measurement by TALYSURF-5, the agreement of the data is well.
Transmissivity anomaly and polarization response of grating spectrometers have been discussed. It is shown that these characteristics of the spectrometers will have great influences on spectroscopic measurements. In order to diminish the influence, a 90° optical rotator was used to measure Raman polarization spectrum. For some polarization directions, signal intensity obtained could be increased by several times, and it might be one time stronger than that measured with a depolarizer. Depolarization ratio of Raman spectrum peaks of CCl4 was measured with the result being the same as that measured by other methods.
Mode-locked dye laser with a pulse duration of 10-13s combining with nonlinear correlation technique which has the same time resolution proves to be a new thechnique for accurate optical measurement.
The absorption spectra of light ions in the vacuum ultraviolet have been recorded using two lasers producing plasmas, one acting as the background continuum radiation source and the other as the absorbing medium. The photoionization cross section of Be+ at 18.2eV has been measured. The result is in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The absorption spectrum of B+ corresponding to transitions of the type 2s2p 3P0-2snd 3D and 2s2 1S-2snp 1P0 have been observed too.
In this paper the transport equations of iaser and ASE normalized fluxes are set up taking into consideration the influence of ASE on threshold condition and the output characteristics of XeCl laser oscillator. The analytic expressions of laser and ASE fluxes distribution and output power are obtained. The results show that: (1) The threshold gain increases in consideration of ASE. (2) The ASE output decreases with cavity Q increases. (3) ASE flux can be syppressed effectively by choosing reflectivity of cavity mirror adequately. This has been proved by the measurement on the space coherence of XeOl excimer laser.
The influence of H2 on the small-signal gain and output power of CO2 sequence band laser was investigated. The results show that both the gain and output power of sequence band are greatly enhanced by adding a small amount of H2 or H2O in tho gas mixture and the influence of H2 or H2O on CO2 sequence band laser is the same as on the regular band.
The paper reports the pregress in our six beam subnanosecond Nd-glass high power laser facility. Now the improved laser system is able to generate pulses with the following parameters: Pulse width can be selected from four ranges: 100 ps, 250 ps, 400 ps and 1ns; Pulse shape is controllable basically either in smooth mode or in modulated mode; Spectrum width is tunable in the ranges of ≤1A and 20~30A; Output energy can be also chosen in the way that for single beam it is 5~10 joules with pulse width of 250 ps and is 10~15 joules with pulse width about 1 ns. The experimental data of long period operaiion stability are given in the end part of the paper.
A new optical system of the waiting type high speed camera with rotating mirror is presented in this paper. A new beam splitter system and a special framing lenses bank are employed in the camera. The camera can be used to combine with shadow and interferometric devices by means of simple optical attachments as well as to do frame and streak photography directly.
Barium borate (β-BaB2O4) is a new type of nonlinear optical crystal which wag made by China for the first time. Its transparent range of 190~3000 nm and SHG coefficient of macroscopic crystal x111(2w) = 4.6×10-9 e. a. u. have been shown by experiments. CNDO/S calculated value of x111(2w), which was in good agreement with the experiments was obtained, however, the calculated ultraviolet absorption edge 90 nm was far from the result of experiments. In this paper we report one-electron energy spectra of some inorganic and organic aromatic rings based on EHMO theory. Both calculated values of SHG coefficients and ultraviolet absorption edge for Barium borate crystal are in good agreement with the experiments. Since there has been dispute oil the position of ultraviolet absorption edgo we also calculate it by using more accurate SOF-Xa-SW method and the calonlated result gupports the EHMO oaloulation mentioned above. The factors which determine tho position of ultraviolet absorption edge and the values of the SHG coefficients are discussed briefly
In this paper degenerate four-wave mixing have been demonstrated using an artificial nonlinear medium a liquid suspension. Using laser pulses from SH of a Q-switched Nd: YAG laser system as pumping beam, the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility x(3) of the aerosols was measured which is greater than that of CS2 by a factor of 3. The decay time of the density grating was measured by using a continuous reading beam.
Regarding the electrostatic field in Mollenstedt biprism as the fieid of the cylindrical capacitor and considering the phase shift of free-electron caused by the cylindrical field, the difference of optical path length and the spacings of the interference fringes on the plane for observation were calculated. The angle of deviation for free-electrons in the electrostatic biprism and the width of the interference region formulars were obtained. And the coherent condition was discussed.
The glass-forming region in the ThCl4-PbCl2-NaCl system and some properties of the glass are reported, and the structure of the glass is briefly discussed.
A BASIC program of Coulomb approximation for the calculation of atomic transition probability based on Trefftz s FORTRAN program is given. It is used to calculate the oscillator strength of Helium-like and Lithium-like isoelectronio sequences for the first ten elements. Oscillator strength and transition probability for heavier elements Cu Ⅰ and Cd Ⅱ, which are important in laser application, are tabulated. Branching ratio of some transitions for CdⅡ is calculated to obtain the charge transfer cross section for Cd-He II collision.
Lamb s quantum theory of the laser is extended to treat the two-mode laser operation in the homogeneously broadened medium consisting of three-lasing level atoms. Subsequently the mean photon number in steady state, the frequency-determining equation, and the linewidths are respectively obtained in the case of two-mode operation with equal detunings. The effects of detuning are discussed.
A simple method for measuring the time and space distribution of the light pulse intensity is reported. The steric sensing profiles for Cu/CuBr and Pb lasers, which include some detailed struture of the light pulses, and the transient divergences of the light pulses have been obtained by using this method.
A novel holographic optical element (HOE)-speckle phase-shift holographic lens for information storage has been proposed. It combines the Fourier transforming property with the property of the spatial spectrum intensity equalizing, thus simplifies the optical configuration for holographic storage. The fabrication processes of the planar HOE and the experimental results of a high quality information storage are given in the paper.
A simple method for determining the polrization degree and vibration direction in a infra-red laser has been proposed based on the principle of which partially polarized light can be regarded as the sum of a polarized light and a unpolarized light. The experimental result has been given.