The technique for generating color-coded speech spectrogram utilizing a white-light optical spectrum analyzer is described. First a conversion of the speech signal prerecorded on a magnetic tape to amplitude transmittance of photographic film is accomplished with a cathode ray tube (CRT) using density modulation method. The frequency pseudocolor-coded speech spectrogram is then obtained by means of a sampling narrow slit placed at Fourier plane in white-light optical spectrum analyzer. Operation of the system with theory of partially coherent ligkt is discussed briefly in this paper. And some color-coded Giiinese speech spectrograms are also provided.
In this paper, a new technique for white-light image processing which uses an orientated speckle screen as an encoding device is described. This technique has several obvious advantages over some other encoding methods. For experimental demonstration, the results of the archival storage of color image and the equidensity pseudocolor encoding by this technique are provided.
In this paper we describe a binary differential-filter, which is made by superposition of two Ronchi-Gratings (Crossed-Ronchi-Grating). The Crossed-Ronchi-Grating can be made easily and the experimental results are good.
The two-dimensional distribution of saturated gain coefficient, some related physical parameters and their variation rules with the radiation intensities in a cavity are investigated in this paper. They are analysed theoretically with physical microscopic mechanism. Under three conditions or stable oscillation, the optical intensity distributions in the cavity are calculated respectively and the results are compared with each other. A simple method for selecting the optimum design parameters of a transverse laser is suggested.
This paper presents some valuable results of frequency doubling, considering the transversal variation of the amplitude and the depletion of the fundamental wave power. By solving three dimension-coupling wave equation, the most common expressions of second harmonic wave power are driven. The influences of the fundamental wave power and the crystal length are discussed. As a special example the expressions of second harmonic wave power at low conversion efficiency are given. As a summary, eight expressions of the second harmonic wave power at different cases are listed, in which five cases come from this paper. Finally, a new way of dealing with the intracavity frequency doubled laser is given. In our model the power loss due to SHG is considered as a viriable loss for the fundamental waye power which is circulating in the cavity. By solving the rate equations numerically, the optimum parameters of the cavity and of the frequency doubling crystal are found.
Drawing and coating techniques of multi-mode graded-index silica optical fiber and their influences on the optical, mechanical properties are described. High-quality optical fibers with short wavelength loss (at 0.85μm)~2.5db/km, long wavelenth loss (at 1.8μ/m)~0.7db/km, strength ~100kpsi, fiber diameter 125±8μm and good coating concentricity may be fabricated by this technique for ternary system of GeO2-P2O5-SiO2. In addition, technological repeat was identified by some of the new data given in the end of this paper.
The key of the research on SHG cones is its phase-matching condition. By way of substituting the phase-matching of noncollinear SHG for the cross-over of its correspondent refractive-index surfaces, we have successfully given the characteristics of SHG cones in uniaxial crystals, the reason for its occurenoe, its change-rule, its relevant formulations, and its application such as determining crystals optics axis, monitoring crystal s main-plane, and realizing the optimization of crystal collinear SHG.
The degree of stability which describes intensity of feedback is introduced into the dynamic equations of optical bistability with delayed feedback. In addition to relative delay time, the degree of stability also affects the instability behaviors of the system, including threshold condition and oscillation modes of instability. The threshold condition of instability is (S≥2 for long delay and S≥1+π/2Q for short delay. The experiment by a hybrid OBD shows oscillation, bifurcation and chaos and verities theoretical analysis. The results show the close relation between Ikeda instability and stability in OBD. New basis to realize Ikeda instability in intrinsic OBD has been provided.
Polarization encoding of phase object may convert phase measurements to polarization measurements and realize polarization fringe scanning. Two kinds of linear polarization encoders are pointed out. Polarization fringe scanning point diffraction interferometer is proposed. With the technique the disadvantages of point diffraction interferometer may be avoided. The analyses of the scanning error and ita correction are also given. Preliminary experiments confirmed the technique.
In this paper the method of measuring the coherence of optical field with holog raphic shearing interferometer is described. Some experimental results are given about the spatial and temporal coherence of incoherent sources, and the example of Cu-vapor laser beam coherence measurement. Also given is a brief discussion about its applications.
Time-dependent Monte Carlo method of the electron transport is presented and has been applied to the calculation of the electron-beam energy deposition in Argon in the laser. Spatial distribution of the energy deposition, which is dependent on the time, has been obtained.
Fluorescence spectra of Ce3+, Tm3+, Tb3+ in phosphate glasses are quantitatively measures in the temperature range of 80~300K. Time evolution of fluorescence spectra of Ce3+, Tb3+, Tm3+ doped glasses are presented and discussed in detail.
In this paper we report an experiment of concentric coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (OARS) and coherent Stokes Raman scattering (CSRS) achieved in the dispersive medium calcite crystal under certain properly designed condition.
A method to analyse the whole-fringe patterns of laser speckle interference in the partially coherent and optical 1/2 processing system is proposed. With this method we can improve the quality of fringe patterns, and find the zero order fringe as well as more than two groups of colour encoding fringe patterns in different directions. Experimental results are also given in the article.
Time-resolved fluorescence and lifetime measurements of Cu+ ions in phosphate glass with different copper concentrations from 0.2wt% to 1.0wt% have been performed at room temperature and 77K. Under UV 220nm or 320nm excitations the luminescence has different behaviours at different temperatures. On one hand, the spectrum excited at 220nm and room temperature are broader than that at 320nm, and move to longer wavel engths with the increase of delay time, while the spectra excited at 320nm show little changes with time evolution. At 77 K, however the spectra vary more slowly. In addition, in the case of increased On+ ions concentration the spectra vary rapidly and greatly in the peak position, and band, width. On the other hand, the experimental results sliow that the decay rates of ions being in the excited stato are dependent upon the emission wavelengths. The shorter the emission wavelength, the faster the ions decay. And a more notable dependence of them appears at 77 K than that at room temperature. The experimental results are interpreted by the energy transfer mechnism, It can be considered as the excitation migration from the sites having higher energy gap to ones having lower energy gap by phonon assisted ion-ion interaction.
The surface plasma waves (SPW) resonance is a sensitive function of the optical constants of metallic films and their surface conditions. Thus, the optical constants of metallic films and contamination layers on its surface could be determined precisely by using the SPW technique. In this paper, analysis and theoretical calculation of the SPW with traditional thin film optics are discussed. The Kretschmann arrangement is used to measure the SPW resonance reflectance. And with aid of an optimization method the optioal constants are calculated. Some experimental results on Ag,Au, Cu, Al and surface layers, such as AgaS, CuO2 and Al2O3 are given.
An automatic photometric ellipsometer with a rotating analyser was constructed on a coating plant for in-situ inhomogeneity measurement of thin film during deposition. The information on inhomogeneity is obtained with the aid of the trace of the elliptical parameters Δ and Ψ versus film thickness. The experimental result suggested that transition layers of lower index may exist on either side of ZnS and ZnSe film while central parts between the transition layers are essentially homogeneous.