By using the direct wavefront gradient control method, numerical simulation of all parts of an adaptive optics (AO) system is carried out. We present “phase cutting” of the calculated phase to solve the problem that variance of the calculated residual wavefront is not corresponding to the correction effect of AO system. The computational results in imaging of lenses by means of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) method agree excellently with those by means of integration method. It is found for the first time that for a constant delay time of an AO system, the compensation effect of the AO system is better than that of complete phase compensation when the velocity of lateral wind exceeds a threshold. It is shown that a better compensation capability of an AO system does not mean a better correction effect.
In this paper, Hansen vector wave function theory is used to study the diffraction efficiency for a perfectly conducting grating with semi circular grooves. The method suits for the diffraction of optical plane waves with arbitrary incident direction and polarization direction. The results for the special cases of p or s polarization are well consitent with that given by ref.
Optical IPA(Interpattern association) neural network model is implemented using CaS(Eu, Sm) electron trapping materials synthesized by the authors. The intensity of infrared stimulated luminescence from CaS(Eu, Sm) shows a linear relationship with the product of the trapped electrons' density and the infrared reading power. Therefore, these materials are capable of forming the optical interconnection weight matrix, which may have large dynamic range and can be quickly erased and re-writen by optical method.
Polarization mode dispersion in fibers seriously limites high capacity optical fiber communication system. We measured many kinds of fibers and analyzed their results. The measured results of longer non polarization maintaining fiber are fit to Maxwell distribution. And we find the quality of fibers made in China need to be modified. Some phenomena observed in experiments are interpreted and discussed.
A high accuracy method for measuring polarization mode distribution in single mode fiber is designed, which conquers the weakness of classic method measuring the fiber and fibe component. This system, using short coherent length such as SLD, is of the accuracy of couple intensity up to -80 dB and the resolution of survey distance is 10 mm. A result of measuring Lyot fiber depolarizer is given in this paper.
The phase modulation of digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) is discussed theoretically. The experiments for demonstrating its viability in actural measurements are performed. This method can be used for the measurement of out plane displacement field of tiny and complex deformation.
A novel real time system for etching depth measurement is demostrated. The system is not sensitive to instability, temperature variation and gaseous flow. The measurement error is small than 0.98%. We realized the real time test of etching depth in vavuum environment. This has practical significance to binary optics micro fabrication.
Some factors that influence the absolute and relative accuracy of 3ω energy measurement are analyzed from the laser theory. And through a brief simulation experiment, the effect of incident angle on sampling divided ratio is verified. Some special technical means to avoid stray lights affecting 3ω energy measurement.
Using ray matrix method, we analyse the output behavior of double-pass amplified soft X-ray laser by coupling multi-target or curved target with reflective mirror. A general formula for output divergence is derived, and the influence on output field profile resulting from electron density gradients and mirror misalignment is discussed. The theoretical calculation and the available experimentally divergence values are found being in agreement. A new scheme for generating near-diffraction-limited divergence is supposed.
A traveling wave acousto optic modulator has been used to induce unidirectional operation in a laser diode array (LDA) side pumped Nd:YLF ring laser. The laser can provide single frequency output owing to the elimination of the hole burning effect. Via the prelase Q switching, pulses with peak power of 24 kW (1.2 mJ, 50 ns) at 1.053 μm are obtained.
Pulsed titanium sapphire tunable laser operated at two wavelength is investigated in this paper. The total energy of the two wavelength laser is 41.8 mJ and the tunable range is over 100 nm. Competition effect, influence of gain and loss, temperal characteristics are discussed.
The mechanism of active passive mode locking soliton laser is analysed. Using the spilt step algorithm for numerical integrating NLSE(1-2) a 985 fs soliton train at 10 GHz is obtained. By solving the evolution equations the stability condition and analytic expressions for soliton width of the active passive mode locking fiber ring solution laser are deduced.
Using the ray tracing and Monte Carlo as well as the experimental fitting data, we present a numerical simulation model for pumping cavities of the multisegment Nd:glass amplifier. The simulation shows that the transfer efficiency, stored energy density distribution and uniformity of the pump radiation are dependent on the pumping cavity geometry. A novel pumping cavity is proposed, which demonstrates advantages of the high efficiency, good uniformity and tolerable cost. The results obtained are useful for the design of the large scale multisegment Nd:glass amplifier.
The authors previous work on free electron maser with modified axisymmetrical quasioptical cavity of oblique rotation (MAQCOR) is supplemented. The present result shows that the electron cyclotron maser with MAQCOR has an additional advantage, that is the deleterious effect of electron beam thermal spread on beam wave interaction can be minimized by choosing the rotating angle appropriately.
In a new organic polymer photorefractive material, the two beam coupling experiment demenstrates that the gain coefficients of two beam coupling exceed the absorption coefficient. The measured maxium diffraction efficiency is high to 86% in a 105 μm thick polymer film. The grating growth response time is in the order of 100 ms. The material also exhibits a net gain of two beam coupling over 200 cm -1. A new way to analysis the photorefractive mechanism is suggested.
Oxygen vacancy defects and Fe 2+ impurity defects were produced in PbWO 4 crystal growth process due to oxygen deficient, which lead to the coloration of the crystal and the optical properties lower. Doped Sb 2O 3 into the crystal, the oxygen vacancy had been dispeled, and Fe 2+ had been oxidized to Fe 3+ which is colourless. The optical properties and the scintillation characteristics has been enhanced.
The unfavorable influeuces of nonuniformity and very little limits of pumping light intensity distribution in time and space are analysed for optical parametric generator of Gaussian wave. A scheme for solving the unfavorable influences and obtaining parametric light with high quality and high efficiency is proposed.
Using 1.064 μm wavelength laser pulses, the photopolymerization of C 60 films on a polycrystalline Ag surface under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) environment is investigated by optical second harmonic generation (SHG) method. It is found that the intensity of the SHG signals from C 60 films increases with the extension of exposure time under ultraviolet light, and finally reaches to a saturation value. We suggested that the enhanced second harmonic generation from photochemically modified C 60 films is induced by the reinforce of bulk electric quadrupole polarization and magnetic dipole.
A mixing configuration defined as double two wave mixing is studied theorectically, which consists of two sets of two mutually beams interacting with the same photorefractive volume. Analytical solutions of the 2 order (2K 1 and 2K2) and the main combination components (K1+K2 and K1-K2) of the two primary space charge field are given. Under certain relations between K1 and K2, the 2 order and the main cross components are so large that can′t be neglected.
We theoretically investigate a mixing configuration defined as double two wave mixing, which consists of two sets of two mutually beams interacting with the same photorefractive volume. Coupled wave analysis shows that in certain relationships between the two primary gratings′ wavevectors, the coupling behavior of the two pairs beams will be seriously influenced by the 2 order (2K1 and 2K2) and the cross gratings.
The linear and nonlinear charecteristics of verious optical fiber ring resonators have been processed uniformly using transmission matrix. It is found that in nonlinear operation each of those optical fiber ring resonators can be used to make an all optical fiber bistability device. The configuration, characterictics and threshold of versious Er doped fiber ring bislable devices have been calculated, analysised, and compared. The design principle of the devices has been given.
The analytic expressions for the first three higher order harmonics of the space charge field versus time and the applied field are presented by using perturbative expanding to “the hopping model” of Feinberg. The results are valid for arbitrary strengths of characteristics′ fields in the photorefractive materials with arbitrary values of the modulation depths. We aslo study the effect of the applied field on recording of the first three higher order harmonics of the space charge field. It shows that the effect on the space-charge field is very small at case of large diffusion field. The applied field for the maximum saturation values becomes small with the order increasing. With an applied field, higher-order harmonics of the space-charge field show oscillating attenuation versus time until to reach saturation state. The oscillating is strong as the applied field increases with shorter oscillating period. The oscillating amplitude of the space-charge field increases while the contribution of the higher-order harmonics are considered.
The experiments on the GaAs/GaAlAs traveling wave directional coupler optical modulator are done. With aid of a system for measuring the microwave chararcteristics of the traveling wave electrode. Then the paramenter of the modified structure of the device are determined and the traveling wave optical modulator is fabricated and measured. The coplanar traveling wave electrode is used in this device and the measured breakdown voltage is 28 V. Under the measure system with 1.06 μm YAG laser, the switch voltage of 8.5 V is obtained. The velocity mismatching between the microwave, measured by the network analyzer, and the lightwave in the waveguide of the device is less than 3% and the microwave transmission loss is less than 10 dB/cm at 30 GHz which indicates the 3 dB optical modulation bandwidth of the traveling——wave modulator is greater than 32 GHz.
A simple kind of field effect transistor self electrooptic effect device (FET SEED) smart pixels has been fabricated by interconnecting SEEDs and GaAs FETs on a printed circuit board. The smart pixel consists of an input SEED, an output SEED and a GaAs FET amplifier. An optical system has been designed and constructed to demonstrate and test the smart pixels. The operational principle of the smart pixels is described.
Thermo controlled thin film optical modulator opreating on reflecting mode is studied based on dual interference effect. The relationship between the modulation depth and the device′s parameters has been analysed theoretically based on dual interference effect and tested experimentally. The modulation depth high as 92% is measured.
A new theoretical analysis is given for the feedback control principle of the interferometric fiber optic sensor′s input polarization control. The suitable feedback signal is obtained, the requirement of the orginal control voltage and the possible steady point of the control system is analysed, and the feedback control model is set up. The theoretical conclusions consist with the experimental phenomena in the reference.
The expermental results of optical limitor for broadband tunable laser in visible region are reported.
The frequency chirping produced by the nonlinear Kerr effect in the fiber is approximated with the linear frequency chirping. The action of the Kerr effect on red shift and blue shift chirping pulse is analyzed. Based on this, the “chirping management method” is proposed to improve the characteristics of long distance optical fiber transmission.
The P-R scheme is used to solve three dimension parabolic wave equation, a modeling example for Ti diffused channel-waveguide coupler is presented.
The paper analyzes the dynamic behavior of 3 level energy V type atom in a quantum cavity. The interaction of a 3 level dark atom and stationary wave field in the cavity is discussed. The adiabatic condition and effect of non adiabatic factor on dynamic evolution are analysed. The effect on the translation of partial number and the condition of adiabatic evolution are indicated.
Based on an exact solution of nonlinear coupled wave differential equations for photorefractive media, a conservative quantity which plays an important role in the process of deriving the exact solution is discussed. By elementary transformantions, several approximate expressions for intensity of the phase conjugate wave under different special conditions are obtained. As compared with other approximation methods reported, this approximation method is no need of establishing and finding solutions of reduced differential equations, therefore it is characterized by general suitability and simplicity.
An experimental method for the high resolution investigation of external field effects of Rydberg atoms is proposed. From the preliminary results of Rydberg Cs atoms in various external fields obtained by this method, the potential of the method for the external field effect studies of Rydberg atoms has been demonstrated.
New CCD refracting objective of a short tube length with a long working distance on microscope is suggested and analyzed in detail. Data and results of optical design on this objective are given.
For recording the far field of 1.06 μm wavelength laser beam with an array camera, and using film to record the array spot diameter, it is difficult to read the spots diameter exactly and also affected by the developing condition. However, there are no such problems if the ultraviolet oscilloscope (UO) paper is used instead of the film. Using the UO paper to record the array spot diameter, the measured beam divergence (at 70% energy) fluctuation is less than 10%, and the energy (at mean divergence) fluctuation is within 5%.
The potentials for molecular cesium (Cs2) XΣ1+g and AΣ1+u states have been calculated by RKR method. A set of Franck Condon factors for X state (v"=0~30)→A state (v′=0~30) have been obtained by solving radial Schrodinger equation of nuclei. The absorption spectra is demonstrated in the wavelength near 1.06 μm. The calculated absorption spectra are in good agreement with experimental ones.
Time resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy has been used to study the dynamics of the free and donor bound exciton transitions in GaN epitaxial layers grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Luminescence spectra, recombination lifetimes of these transitions as well as their temperature dependencies have been measured, from which the radiative recombination lifetimes of about 0.12 ns for the neutral donor bound excitons and of about 0.4 ns for the free excitons have been obtained. The observed high radiative recombination rates of these transitions imply superior optical properties of the GaN, which promise many important optical device applications including efficient and fast UV-bule lasers based on GaN.
The characteristics of the high Z ions are very important to the study of X-ray lasing and other field. The energy and spectrum transition of the Ni-like Ir ion are calculated by using the cofiguration 3d 94s, 3d 94d, 3d 94p, 3d 94f.
This paper introduces an approximate theory and a numerical method used for designing 1 D focusing Bragg Fresnel multilayer lens (LBFML). The results obtained by using a set of computer program worked out by the author are given, and the error of the approximate theory is analysed.
The incident angle, refractive indices of the glass and the film, and thickness of the film can influence the polarization preserving characters of polarization preserving totally reflecting prisms with a single medium layer. The effects of small variances of these factors are analysed, and a method of choosing film materials is proposed.