In the paper we have studied a Jaynes Cummings Model (JCM) of interaction of a cascade three level atom with two model radiation field which the coupling coefficient is time dependent. By means of the method of density matrix, the properties of the average values of the atomic level operator, the average photon number of fields are discussed. More interesting results are analyzed.
The influences of transverse wind on the light propagation path in the horizontal atmosphere and on the performances of an ideal compensation system and an adaptive optics system with finite time bandwidth are analyzed theoretically. The analytical expression of Strehl ratio of adaptive optics system vs. the transverse wind speed has been obtained. The calculated results show that transverse wind has strong influence on the performance of an adaptive optics system. As the transverse wind speed increases, Strehl ratio of the system decreases quickly. for the adaptive optics system with certain aperture size, the image of the compensated light is worse than that of the uncompensated light while transverse wind speed exceeds a threshold value. Considering the physical structure of the atmospheric turbulence, the phenomenon has been analyzed and explained.
A simple system for studing low speed phenomena by using holographic interferometry has been developed in our lab. It can be used to analyze the real time interference fringes with the combination of a real time holographic interferometry and a camera with continue shooting function and a He Ne laser. A series holographic interferograms of combustion process of an solid rocket propellant sample and a series holographic interferograms of lighting an incandescent lamp by increasing the voltage of the lamp step were recorded successivelly by using this system. The higher rate of the success for the holographic recording and the higher contrast for the interference fringes have been obtained by this system. It can be used as a powerful approach for studing low-speed phnomena function.
A quantitative layer by layer analysis method of 3D field is described. Electronic holography techniques are adopted in the method. It includes 1) digital recording of hologram, 2) numerical reconstruction of the complex amplitude at hologram plane, 3) calculating of the intensity at other plane parallel to hologram surface by diffraction formula in the spatial frequency domain. The whole 3D filed is reconstructed by the above three steps. Spatial resolution of this numerical reconstruction is given theoretically. An example shows the reconstruction of ideal 3D field formaed by computer simulation.
A complex shooting method, which is the development of the real shooting method for one dimensional waveguides, is proposed to solve the eigenvalues of waveguides with complex refractive index profile. By using this method, the dependence of TE and TM modes on the gain and losses can be analysed. Some numerical examples are presented.
The principle of interferomter for measuring the electron density of plasma is described. HCN laser, its output modes and the propagation of EH 11 mode in free space are studied. Improvement of 7-channel FIR HCN laser interferometer and its new measured results are presented. We solved some important problems in previous optical system and make the signal increase about one order.
The Bi 3+ substituted composite rare earth iron garnet (TbYbBi) 3Fe 5O 12 (TbYbBiIG) bulk single crystals have been successfully grown by using Bi 2O 3/B 2O 3 as a flux. The wavelength and temperature dependence of Faraday rotation of TbYbBiIG have been measured together with the optical absorption spectra in the wavelength range of 1.0~1.7 μm. The Faraday rotation temperature coefficient of a new type TbYbBiIG bulk crystal is -2.3×10 -2 (deg/mm·K) in temperature range of 10 ℃ to 80 ℃ and it is expected to be used as a more practical Faraday rotator for optical isolator with temperature-stable isolation.
The studies of optical nonlinearities of 2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole(HBO), based on excited state intramolecular proton transfer in cyclohexane solution using Z-scan technique are reported. The results show that: (1) At 1.06 μm, HBO has no nonlinear absorption. And its real part of third order nonlinear susceptibility, χ(3)R is not dependent on the pumping intensity I0; (2) with the irradiation at 0.53 μm, HBO exhibits evident two photon absorption (TPA). Its TPA coefficient decreases with increasing I0, while its χ(3)R increases with increasing pumping intensity I0. By establishing the ESIPT kinetic model of HBO based on TPA, we can explain the experiment satisfactorily.
The in plane molecular alignment in Y type Langmuir Blodgett multilayers of a hemicyanine dye (DAEP) interleaved with inert material arachidic acid (AA) due to dipping induction and interlayer interactions was demonstrated by polarized UV visible absorption and rotation angle second harmonic generation techniques. We gave the first direct evidence for a super quadratic enancement of the second harmonic intensities with increasing film thickness due to the additional in plane polarization.
Energy barriers were formed in PIC Ⅰ dye doped with azaPIC Ⅰ changing the physical sizes of PIC Ⅰ J aggregates. Dephasing processes of coherent Frenkel excitons were studied using accumulated photon echo with double modulation and heterodyne detection technique. The lengthening of dephasing time T 2, from 60 ps to 224 ps, were observed with increasing the molar fractions of azaPIC Ⅰ. It is contrary to the shortening of T 2 in the mixed aggregates with traps. The coherence lengths of excitons in the mixed aggregates were investigated theoretically and experimentally.
A new solution of the four wave coupling equations in photorefractive media is given on the basis of a new conserved quantity proposed by the author. And its application for analysing dynamical behavior of the phase conjugate beam is discussed.
The GaAs/GaAlAs traveling wave directional coupler optical modulator on S.I. GaAs substrates with a n + epilayer and the coplanar microstrip electrode are designed based on theoretical analysis and especially the analysis and study of the microwave characteristics of the traveling wave electrodes in the device. Then, the problem of high transmission loss of the microwave in traveling wave electrode, which was found during the experiments, is analyzed and the related modified structure of the traveling-wave directional coupler modulator with a 35 GHz bandiwdth is designed.
In this paper, a technique of fabricating spherical surface microlenses by laser chemical vapor deposition (LCVD) was introduced. The theoretical analysis and the experimental system of spherical microlenses deposited by LCVD are giren. Under certain conditions of deposition the thickness profile and the optical focusing characteristic of microlenses were simulated with computer. Plano convex silicon nitride microlenses with spherical surface on flat quartz substrate was successfully fabricated and their parameters were measured. The experimental results indicated that through controlling the chemical mixture ratio and concentration of source gases properly adjusting the laser power and spot size on substrate, and selecting appropriatelly the deposition time the transparent plano-convex silicon-nitrid microlenses with smooth spherical surface and different diameters could be obtained.
A novel connecting method for multiplying optical pulse repetition rate based on TDM(time division multiplexing) has been proposed and analyzed in detail. How to design the coupler′s coupling ratio as a function of its insertion loss, to select the length of loop fiber used as time delay line, to predict the effect of fiber length deviation from designed value and how to adjust precisely the loop fiber length have been indicated. Theoretical formulae, computer simulation to analyzed results and brief description of the experiment are given. The comparisons of the present connecting with the classical Mach-Zehnder interferometer connecting and the Sagnac connecting exhibit that the present one has several advantages and superior behaviors, with which the high repetition rate of optical pulses from some giga Hertz to hundreds of giga Hertz can be better achieved by using the present method in series.
A mathematical model was introduced to determine the optical density of film 5F as a function of low energy X ray exposure and its wavelength. Parameters in the model were determined by experimental response curves for film 5F at energy of 183 eV and 933 eV. Validity of the model and its parameters were checked by experimental response curve at energy of 288 eV.
The exact expressions for the electric field and capacitance of double sided electrode structure are derived by using the conformal mapping method. A compact analytical model for determining the parameters of the quadratic electrooptic effect in the PLZT transverse modulator is given. The uniformity in intensity modulation of double sided electrode structure caused by the excess birefringence in the region near the edge of the electrodes is improved in comparison of the calculation with the single-sided electrodes.
The effect of the coherence and spectrum distribution of input light on the effective fineness (linewidth) of a fiber optic ring resonator is discussed in this paper. For two typical spectrum distribution, Gauss and Lorentz, the quantitative relation between input light linewidth and the effective linewidth of the ring resonator is given. The analytic results show that the effect of input light with Lorentian spectrum distribution on the effective fineness is greater than that of Gaussian . For Lorentian light source, the effective linewidth is always greater than that of the input light.
The more accurate model whose effective range is much larger than the guiding center model is got from fundamental equation of the system with poriodically lumped amplifer. The time jitter of soliton was studied by the means of perturbative method. And it was compared with the result of the guiding center model.
In an optical fiber transmission line, wich employs optical fiber amplifiers to compensate the transmission loss and is composed of alternatively allocated negative dispersion fibers and positive dispersion fibers or dispersion compensators, making the efficient dispersion of the transmission line properly higher than the theoretical value corresponding to the average soliton and using phase conjugstors periodically along the line, the interaction among the solitons can be reducted effectively under the amplifier spacing is increased as same as in the ordinary linear optical fiber communication. The soliton transmission with pulse-duty-ratio of 1/2, amplifier spacing of 100 km and transmission distance of 6000 km or more is demonstrated numerically.
The emission spectrum for a pair of dipole dipole coupled identical two level atoms interacting with three mode cavity fields resonantly through 6 photon process has been studied. The structure features and physical properties of the spectrum were discussed in detail when the three mode cavity fields are initially in various number states (such as the three mode are all initially in the vaccum field, or in the intensive field, one mode in the vaccum field the other two in the intensive field, and two mode in the vaccum-field the other one in the intensive-field). Then a series of new important properties of the spectra were revaled.
The total electric-dipole transition intensity originated from the same J-manifold in the small signal high resolution laser spectroscopy between different isotopes of atoms is proportional to their abundance providing that J-mixing from different J states into a hyperfine structure F state is negligible. The intensity distribution of single F-F′ transition can be calculated from group theory. Experiments of uranium using intermodulated laser spectroscopy confirmed the theoretical prediction.
We have obtained the population of n=17, m=0 Stark states of sodium atom in the static electric fields ranged from 1250 to 2000 V/cm by two step excitation with tunable lasers. The lifetimes of the Stark manifold states are measured by using delayed electric field ionization. The influences of applied fields and blackbody radiation on the determination of the lifetimes are discussed.
A novel lithiation of electrochromic films is proposed. The increasing of ionization and lithiation can be obtained by e gun evaporating Li on the electrochromic films. The all solid state electrochromic devices can get better electrochromism using this lithiation method, and the transmittance and reflectance of the devices are variable from 50% to 5% and 70% to 20%.