We report a method and resultS for measuring lattice constant changes, profile of refractive index and proton concentration and infrared aborption spectrum in proton-exchanged LiTaO3 optical waveguides. Experimental results show that the increasing of surface extraordinary index is independent of the proton concentration for annealed proton-exchanged LiTaO3 waveguides.
The structure characteristics of SIMOX/SOI (Separation by implanted oxygen/silicon on insulator) and DWB (direct wafer bonding)/SOI are discussed. Some planar optical waveguides samples with different thickness of layer were fabricated in DWB/SOI structure. The propagstion losses were measured for both TE and TM modes at wavelenths of 1.15 μm and 1.523 μm. The lowest loss is close to the intrinsic aborption of pure crystal silicon. It indicated that the DWB/SOI structure is a Potential material for optical waveguides.
A kind of circular viewing rainbow holography on plane holographic plate is proposed, in which a ring object wave front above it is firStly divided and recorded onto n strip Fresnel holograms, then synthesized. Dividing the wave front to record and Synthesizing a rainbow hologram are realized by roasting the object and holographic plate respectively. The technique will need no special or large aperture optical element, and can obtain a no-aberration reconstructing image with large viewing radius. It can be applied to fabrication of embossed master holograms.
By using optics transfer matrix, the equivalent resonators of multielement resonators are analyses. Some concepts and methods about equivalent resonators are developed. The analytic relations between general multielement resonators and their equivalent resonators are derived, and a gtoup of unvariables are obtained. Furthermore, we put forward corredion and accurate points of view about the equivalent resonators.
Intracavity titling etalons were used to reduce the bandwidth of KrF laser output. The laser device used in our experimentS is a discharge pumped long pulse duration KrF excimer laser. its optical cavity consisted of a flat toeal reflector and a flat output coupler. Two apertures were placed inside the optical cavity to control the transverse modes, and three F-P etulons provided spectral dispersion. These etulons were 0.1 mm air-sacced, 0.5 mm solid, and 3 mm solid. In the experiments, the influence of the apertures and the reflectivity of output coupler were studied. By selecting suitable fparameters, output linewidth no more than 3 GHz can be obtained, this value is 1000 times smaller than the linewirth from free running.
The operation of a high efficient, TEM00 mode, CW-Nd:YAG laser end-pumped by a laser diode is reported in this paper. The maximum output of 0.65 W withslope efficiency of 51% and optical efficiency of 40.6% is obtained, coupling optics andconfiguration of diode end-pumped laser are described.
In this paper, passive mode-locking of a Nd:YAP laser at 1.08 μm using a nonlinear mirror formed by a KTP crystal and a dichroic mirror is described. Experiments demonstrate the superiority and potentials of this mode-locking technique over the mode-locking with saturable adobers. The mode-locked output energy of 2.4 mJ at 1.08 μm and 0.5 mJ at 0.54 μm are measured (In free state, it is 2.5 mJ at 1.08 μm). Its average pulse-duration is 40 ps at 1.08 μm.
Stable passive mode-locked Nd:YLF was demosttated for the first time by using GaAs photoconduct switch. 4 Picosecond Pulses with high sndlity of energy and duration has been generated.
This poper describes the study on 3 dB wide hand coupler in two-type waveguide model. Two fibers of stepping refraction index were used. ho coupling zone of one fiber become thin by etch method, to make a combination waveguide of two quasi cone shaped. The variational and coupled wave theory, are adoped to analyse the waistzone and trapezvidal zone. Toeal POwer was equal to the sum of two pet coupled power at any POint of the coupler. Using parameter of fiber and she of combination waveguide transverse sect
The thickness and composition of multialkali photocathodes are studied with the aid of predication and difinition of reflectance and control of spectral resPOnse and the reflectance on Na2KSb in this paper. If the reflectance and the spectral resPOnse are measured by means of lamp source of 520 urn wavelength, the thickness of photocathodes of the "Super Second Generation" image intensifier must be 120 urn or so, namely after RM3 on reflectance and about 60% S/Smax value. On the basis of (RM1, RM) and (RM, RM2) predicating n and k value and photocurrent before peak (Smax) of spectral response goes steadily up and that after Smax goes linearly down, the photocathode composition is controlled by adjusting evaporation rate of Sb, K and Na evaporator source.
The stress-optic effect in YAP crystal optical fiber is analysed theoretically by means of the theory of disturbed optical fibers and the elasto-optic effect theory of optical fiber, and is studied experimentally. It is indicated that this kind of crystal optical fiber Can be used in elasto- optic modulation, pressure and acceleration sensing etc and theoretical foundation is provided for the design of this kind of sensors.
H+-implantution in Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO) crystals causes radiation damage, optical absorption and decomposition of the near-surface region of the crystals. The colour of the BGO samples after H+-implantation changed to brown, but if is failed to prove that this change was caused by the producing of colour centers. In addition, no ion beam-induced optiCal activity was experimentally observed in H+-implanted BGO. It implied that there was no structure phase transition from Bi4Ge3O12 to Bi12Ge O20 version during H+-implantation. It can be assumed that ion beam-induced decomposition may happen during ion implantation. Optical waveguide has been formed in BGO substrate by H+-implantation. There was a refractive index enhancement in the implanted BGO sample, specially for blue light (0.488 μm). It might be resulted from the ion beam-induced decomposition.
A generalized equivalent-particle theory for the the solitons governed by the nonlinear Schrodinger equatinon, with an operator- perturbation term included, is proposed, which can make understanding of the particle properties of solitons. As a parturbation method, it is able to deal with a wide kinds of problems, such as loss and gain in optical fiber, the effect of Raman induced scattering and higher order diapersions. The soliton interaction in optical fiber is analyzed by this method and the conclusions which are strictly in keeping with the results obtained by the inverse scattering technique and the variational perturbation theory are achieved. By using this method, the interaction of multi-soliton can be analytically analyized, and gives a visual picture of the physical process.
A mathematic model is obtained for the description of soliton-effect compression of picosecond pulse in optical fibers with slowly decreasing dispersion. Numerical simulations show that, as compared with the case of conventional soliton-effect comptessor, the compressed pulse from this kind of compressor is much shorter with a much higher ark power when the decrement velocity of the fiber dispersion is appropriately controlled. Furthermore, the compressed pulse is pedestal free. Given input pulse, we found that the highest compression ratio correspond to an optimal decrement velocity of the fiber dispersion which relates not only to the initial peak power but also to the initial pulse width of the input pulse.
A precise opto-electronic system is used to collect the flame radiation spectra from visible to ultraviolet range during a gasoline engine combustion process. The characteristic spectra of intermediate combustion products such as CH. CN. C2. H2O are detected and their variation during the combustion are analyzed. The effects of excess air coefficient and cylinder pressure on these spectra are also studied. The experimental resultS show that the three different combustion phases in a gasoline engine have different combustion characteristic spectra: a large number of atoms, molecules, ions and radicals which are in their excited states are existing during the ignition process, with the development of the combustion, the spectra intensities of CH, C2 radicals increase rapidly. When the excess air coefficient is diminished, the spectra intensities decrease and the ignition delay which can be seen from the change of the spectra pattern becomes longer; The variation of the radical light intensity indicates the change of its concentration during the combustion. As the result, the flame emission spectroscopy is a powerful method to analyze and monitor the formation of poisonous exhausts, especially as CH, C2 and it can provide useful data for theoretical analysis, computor simulation of the combustion process and the controlling of the poisonous exhausts.
This paper deals with the natural convection temperature field of unlimited heated Plate with schlieren shearing interferometry of double frequency gratings. The effect of system astigmatism and coma to the interferometry diagram caused by the outaxis irradiation of light source can be reduced to a certain degree by reduction of incidentangle,. increase of radius of reflective mirror, and the adjustment of the position of double frequency grating.
The expraseion of radiation pressures Produced by monochromatic red shifted diffuse light is of agained by solving the two-level atom model. The effect of the radiation pressures on atomic vefLocity distribution is calculated and their characters of monochrornatic velocity atoms are discussed The result shows that not only nearly all atoms are cooled by means of this radiation pressure, but also can be obtained monochromatic velocity atomic beam with Δv equal to 8 m/s can be obtained.
In this peper the analog optical solutions of Poisson equation have been obtained by acing coherent optical feedback system. The solution can be displayed by realthoe haging at a high speed. This is the important advantage of obtaining the solution by coherent optical analog methods over the digital methods, and the wide applications of coherent optical feedback system are indicated.
GaAs/GaAlAs heterostruture rib waveguide coupler with "stepped Δβ" Schottky electrodes has been investigated by using ion-etching and liftoff mask techniques, and optimization design of device structure and lowering epitaxy layer carrier concentration. Total losses of 10 dB and extinction ratio of 26.8 dB are obtained for single-mode operation at 1.3 μm.
In the paper,The Kerr effect in single mode birefringence fiber is studied in detail. The related advantsge is discussed when it is used as fiber optic logic gate. In addition, itS theoretical analysis and calculated data as well as experimantul setup are given The " 1/0" state of intensity model fiber logic gate is defined and the pulse width of output light is measured. The experimantal resultS coincide well with theoretically calculated data.
The laser oscillation on six spectrum bands of S2 molecules in near-ultraviolet (330.9~390.0 nm) was obtained. The pumping XeCl excimer laser (308.1 nm) acted on sulfur vapor cell transversely. The absorption coefficients and small signal gain coefficients of S2 molecules were calculated and measured. The optimum wavelength for pumping S2 was discussed.
We studied the TOF mass spectra of multiphoton ionhation oftortramethylsilane with ultrasonic molecular beam system at violet laser rebation in thewavelength range of 396~387 urn. In our experimentS, TOF mass spectra showed thatSt (CH3) (n=1, 2, 3), Si+ and C constantly appeated at higher energy laser rebationbut only Si+ and C appeared at lower energy laser radiation. These results indicated thattetramethylsilane had different MPI process under the different laser rebation.
New color centers in Eu2+:Sr9Ca(PO4)6Cl2 are reported in this paper, their absorption bands are Peaking at 708, 785, 845 and 990 nm respectively. The photootimulated luminescence by stimulation into those bands are the same as that by stimulation into F bands. Through comparison with the centers in other crystals, we may assign those new bands to F aggregates, i. e. FA centers. The shift between the stimulation bands of FA centers and emission band of Eu2+ is greater than that between F bands and emission band of Eu2+, so the FA centers are more efficient for the application of this PSL phosphor.
By using stable conditions and misalignement sensitivity D of optical resonators, optimization of low-loss cavity parameters in the exponential decay reflectivity measurement method is investigated. The expressions of stable conditions and D are derived, which characterizes the misalignment sensitivity of any folded resonator cavity. For some resonator configurations numerical resultS are presented.