In this paper the relation of Talbot image of a srating and the focal plane of a lens is discussed. The theory of Talbot images symmetry about Fourier spectrum plane is described. The focal length of lens was measuried with this theory, this method is simple and the accuracy is high.
An optical heterodyne profiler has been developed for measuring surface roughness. The height measurement accuracy and lateral resolution are 0. 11 nm and 4 μm, respectively, when a 40× objective is used. A Zeeman-split He-Ne laser is used as the light source. The optical system is designed as a completely common-path interferometer. Optical and electronic common-mode rejection techniques are employed to minimize the effects of environmental conditions. Sample measurements by this heterodyne profiler and other commercial profilers are displayed. The system noise effect is analyzed in detail, the effect of varying the number of samples at each sampling point is shown. The accuracy comparisons of the profiler with different objectives 5×, 10×, 20× and 40× are presented.
We describe a focusing bent crystal spectrometer (BCS) and a pinhole crystal spectrometer (PCS) for X-ray laser experimental study at the high power laser facility LF12# of SIOFM. As the improvement of flat crystal spectrometer, the PCS and BCS can be used as a high spectral resolution device, and to get a high quality monochromatic X-ray imaging of an extend laser-produced plasma. Numerical calculations of the BCS's configuration are presented, with focus on obtaining broader spectrum range and higher spectral resolution. And the possible applications of the crystal spectrometers are demonstrated.
The in-situ calibration has been completed for the Shanghai 5 FW X-ray film by using the astigmatic mode flat-field spectrometer as dispersion element, spot-focused magnesium laser-produced plasma as X-ray source and multi-channel attenuative foil as a ruler of relative exposure intensity.
In this paper, a new speckle shearing camera is designed for simultaneous recording 2-D curvature, twist and slope on a double exposed specklegram. The specklegram yieldsthirteen distinct diffraction halos when subjected to filtering. The curvature, twist and slope fringes can be obtained by filtering via the appropriate halos.
In this paper, a set of rate equations, which describes nearly all the significant effects in dye laser amplifier transversely pumped by CVL, is given. Effect of longitudinal distribution of pumping beam on the conversion efficiency is calculated and analyzed on the condition of different input signal. The meaning of the obtained results in improving and designing the dye laser amplifier is discussed.
The self- mode- locking in Nd:YLF laser has been obtained by using GaAs photoconductive switch to control Q-factor of the cavity via negstive feedback. The Stable self-mode-locking pulse train of 50 μs has been generated with pulse duration of 10 ps andenergy of 0.1 μJ.
Stable pulse train with duration as short as 180 fsec has directly generated from a self-mode locked Ti:sapphire with low pump power. Schematic construction and characterizatics of the laser have been analysed in derail.
In this paper, the whole process of the nonlinear polarization of fused silica and tis optical measurement are reported. The influence of external electric field on thenonlinearity of polarized fused silica is studied. Some analyses are made by ferroelectrictheory.
A detailed procedure for evaluation of second harmonic coefficient d33 in Poled polymer films was given and temporal stability investigstion in such system was discussed. The apparent energy of activation for relaxation from oriented to random state in DANS doped polymer was estimated. A concept of optimum incidence angle θm was introduced and the possible connection between the magnitude variation in θm during the relaxation process and the temporal stability is also dicussed.
The governing equation and boundary condition for reflection and transmission of sub-picosecond soliton at the interface of two nonlinear media are set up in this paper.The properties of soltion reflection and transimssion process is numerically simulated. The condition for non-distortion propagating after passing the interface is discussed.
The nonlinear optical properties of Langmuir-Blodgett films of four hemicyanine dyederivatives, which are similar in molecular structure, have been studied by optical secondharmonic generation (SHG)、 UV-Vis absorption spectrum and isotherms. The relation ofthe β to the molecular structure was investigated and the main reason resulting in the βdifferences was discussed as well. The sequence of polar chemical groups was proved. Thedifference of the degree of aggregation in LB films was analyzed. The quality of LB films was compared through the relation of optical SH signal intensity to the layer number of dye multialayers.
In this peper, we propose theoretically that, if the transvers relaxation time of molecule's vibration is much shorter than the correlation time of pumping light, the correlation time and frequency width of the light can be estimated by CARS technique.The experiments of CARS of benzene and methylbenzene were Performed and the correlation time and frequency width of laser were estimated.
The reverse saturable absorption effect of fullerene C60 studied with incompletelyself-mode-locked laser (1064 nm) is reported for the first time to our knowledge. The real-time experimental result is the same as that observed in an average Process. The reverse saturable absorption mechanism of fullerene C60 is discussed.
A proximity-focused microchannel spatial light modulator that consists of a photocathode, a microchannel plate, a mesh electrode, and an oblique-out LiNbO3 plate [(ZX1) 55°)] is investigated. This paper describes the design consideration and the fabrication techniques. A prototype device optically addressed with ultraviolet light from a mercury lamp has been built and the two- dimensional He- Ne laser light-intensity modulation experiments were performed.
We have demostrated the optical limiter using reverse saturable absorption and selffoucsing in copper phthalocyanine. The experimental results and theoretical analysis show that the threshold power of the optical limiter depends on reverse saturable absorption,and self-foucsing effect reduce the limitins output power and thus enhance the limiting characteristic effectively.
In this paper we discuss the imaging principle of enlarge/reduction selfoc lens array (E/R SLA ). The principal parameters of arrays are determined according to the designing equations. The samples of arrays has been produced and them parameters have been measured.
The light propagation in a slab tissue with a collimated beam normally incident upon is simulated by Monte Carlo method. The characters of absorbed dose distribution in tissues are presented. The compunction model is bssed on the assumption that the refraction indexes of tissue and air are mismatch and both surfaces of the slab have the reflection effect for photons. The computation results are in good agreement with the experimental results.
This paper reports for the first time the experiment of superbroadening continuous spectrum (100 nm) generated by pumping two kinds of fibers successively with intensive laser. The experimental phenomena are explained in details.
This paper discusses the output property of a Fabry-Perot interferometer filled with a nonlinear medium. Because of the optical field induced refractive index, the transmissivity across the monochromatic beam through the interferometer depends on distribution of the beam intensity. The output beam is different from the input. As the reflectvity of two planes increases, the distinction changes clear, and there is a change close to discontinue.
The population of high-lying state F'(Te=51706.7 cm-1) has been achievedby multiphoton sequential absorption for molecule iodine, and ten time-resolved spectraof fluorescent radiation (310 nm band) were measured using pules excitation method.The nonlinear excitation model of two-step three-photon was applied to process the timeresolved spectra and the radiation lifetimes of F' state have been obtained.
We studied the multiphoton ionization (MPI) spectra and the time of flight (TOF) mass spectra of tetramethylsilane with a parallel plate vacuum cell and ultrasonicmolecular beam system radiated by violet laser of 402~392 nm. In our experiments,three strong peaks of MPI spectra were obtained but only one could be assigned to (2+1) ionization of Si atoms. It is concluded that the MPI machanism of tetramethylsilanecould be the class B photochemical process.
This peper discusses the transformation between different color system, and give out all mathmatical model for these transformotion. This will make all color system transformatioms very easy to implement in computer program.