Dispersion relations for TE and TM modes of a multiple quantum well (MQW) waveguide with an arbitrary refractive index profile are derived in the approximation of non-equivalent refractive index with the help of the trandfer matrix technique. The accuracy of the theory is examined by comparison with an exact analysis for a step-index MQW waveguide.
A imaging system named synthetic aperture grating interferemeter is discribed. This system is a spatial frequency imaging with high resolution or super high resolution. The result of the experiment matches the theory so exactly that we can come to the conclusion that the space positional resolution for a point target of this system is very high, nearly accesses the diffrative limitation.
The new concept of local interconnection neural network (LINN) is extended to two-dimensional case. Theoretical analysis and large number of computer simulations on 2-D LINN associative memory are presented. It is concluded that under the limitation of storage capacity LINN has the same associative memory ability as global interconnection neural network (GINN). Moreover, the LINN has a much smaller interconnection weight matrix compared with GINN. Therefore, 2-D LINN makes it possible to realize a large scale neural network by using presently available spatial light modulators.
This paper pointed some errors in physical concepts and formula deduction in the reference [1]. Correcting those errors and considering the real experimental geometry and the scales of laser plasma sources, we have performed a systematic simulation for the characteristics of the grazing incidence grating spectrograph with toroidal mirror X-ray relay optics which has been used in X-ray laser experiments for gain measurements. It is shown that the nonlinear effects of the spectrograph in optical energy transportation caused by defocusing is negligible, and so is the related defect in spatial resolution of the spectrograph.
The performance of double reflecting mirrors as a reflection filter used with a grazing incidence flat-field grating spectrometer has been experimentally investigated. We have achieved "pure" first-order spectrum of Mg laser-produced plasma in some spectral regions. The result shows that the double mirrors reflection filter is very simple and useful to eliminate order overlapping in grazing incidence flat-field grating spectrometer.
The emission spectrum of the transition from deflagration to detonation for the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen are successfully measured with polaroid high speed film. The evolution of OH radical (0.3064 μm, 0.3428 μm) for this transition is also observed by photoelectrical technique. The results show that the OH radical emission for the transition from the deflagration to the detonation gradually increases, when the detonation is formed, OH radical emission obviousely increase. OH (0,0) radical emission is earlier than O2(0,14). These data indicate that the energy of O2 in the chain reaction is lower, and O2 are excited via O2 interaction with free-atoms or redicals acquired more energy.
The use of a diffusing integrating cavity as a new type short-pulse laser amplifier pumped by laser is proposed in this paper. Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation on its characteristic and comparison with other pumping modes such as Bethuune or axicone-cell are given in detail.
Through the calculation of plasma with electron density of 1×1019 cm-3, and cooled only by electron thermal conduction, we got the plasma parameters varied with time and space. Under this contition, we calculated the gains of 5f-3d and 4f-3d of Li-like Al ions using C-R model. It is shown that once there are suitable initial plasma conditions, the soft-X-ray gains can be produced in plasma cooled only by thermal conduction.
The passive mode-locking of a Nd:YAP laser at 1.34 μm has been demostrated. By using BDN-3e dissolved in Dimethyl Sulfo-xide good mode-locked pulse-train has been obtained. The total energy of the pulse-train reached 2.2 mJ and 15.3 mJ for free state. The average pulse-duration was 120 ps.
The effect of temperature on the response time and the coefficient of signal amplification of two- beam coupling in Ce:Fe:LiNbO3 crystal was investigated experimentally and analyzed theoretically by using the band-transport model and beam coupling equations. The experimental phenomena can be explained semiquantitatively by using the theory.
The electro- optic responses of the stilbazium salt LB films were studied with differential surface plasmon spectrascopy in attenuation total reflection (ATR) geometry at three wavelengths (488 nm, 633 nm and 832 nm). It shows that the electro-optic differential ATR technique should provide for a widely applicable screening method for second-order nonlinearities in very thin films without recourse to a high power laser.
The double grating diffraction interference illuminated by white light source is investigated. For the first time the achromatic effect of shearing interference under white light is reported. The mathematical derivation and the explanation are given by using Fresnel scale linear diffraction principle and geometrical optics.
In this paper, a concept of the higher-order Bessel beams is first presented, and their propagation characteristics through optical systems having transfer matrix of the from (A B C D) are studied in detail.
Three possible ways for the perfect squeezing of quantum noise of electro-magneti field in the detuned degenerate four-wave mixing are discussed in this paper.
In this paper, the evolution properties of the field entropy, the measure of light field fluctuations and validity of the multiphoton Jaynes-Commings model are studiesd.
The Scene depth of rainbow hologarm is analysed and discussed in detail based on the line-element hologram theory. It is theoretically demonstrated that the rainbow hologram can be used for displaying objects with large scene depth under certain viewing conditions. The rainbow holograms with scene depth of 450 mm are obtained in experiment.
Careful study in the prism coupling method on refractive index measurement of optical waveguide substrates is given. The refractive indices of quartz, CaF2, LiF substrates and "C-813-8" gum plate were measured in two kinds of incident conditions and valuable measurement results are got.
In this peper, the seventeen real motion equation of atoms were shown for the first time inconsiderlng the polarization choices of laser lights. The importance of polarization spectrcoscopy in thedetermination of ionization yields of multi-step excitation and ionization of atoms (MSEIA) wasshown.
We have firstly demonstrated the transient all-optical switching for C60 in toluene pumped by a control light and probed by a signal light. The lifetime of C60 (3T1) can be deduced from the switching time.
Using pump-and-probe methods of laser spectroscopy, we observed several fluorescence and excitation bands with rotational structure of radiative transition between the A2∏ and X2∑+ states of the CdH molecule. Based on the study of time-resolution of the fluorescence, the radiative lifetime of τ0=59.5±2.3 ns for the A2∏ state, and the cross-section of (1.31±0.03)×10-15 cm2 for quenching the A2∏(v=0) state by Cd collisions; τ0=61.0±4.6 μs for the X2∑+ state and the cross-section of (1.1±0.1)×10-18 cm2 for CdH molecule dissociation by Cd collisions are estimated.