The results of the preparation and measurements of KTiOPO4 crystal planar wave guides are reported in this paper. Its effective refractive indices have been measured by using m -line method. The distribution curves of refractive indices in Z+ and Z- faces, as well as diffusion coefficients have been calculated with WKB approximation. Anomalous point of refrcative idices during ion exchange process was discovered.
Based on the globally interconnected Hopfield model, a new concept of locally interconnected associative memory is proposed in this paper. Compared with the globally interconnected, locally interconnected neural network has a smaller interconnection weight matrix (IWM), therefore, it can be easily implemented with commercially available spatial light modulators. Moreover, computer simulations indicate that it still possesses the global association ability.
Multi - aperture overlap - scanning technique (MAOST) is a effective meansof measuring large aperture wavefront of high precision. Having giventhe accuracy definition of MAOST, this paper discusses, withexperimental tests, two main influential factors, i. e. , the apertureconnection mode and overlap coefficient.
This paper starts with analysing the two special recording methods of X- ray holography, and considers the effect of the impulse response of recording material and the size of hologram on the resolution of X-ray hologram. The conclusion is that the smallest resolving distance of X-ray lensless Fourier transform hologram can not be smaller than radius of the focus spot of the X-ray condenser or the filter aperture used in recording, and the resolution of X-ray in-line hologram can not be higher than the cutoff frequency of recording material, when X-ray source is coherent.
The effect of conjugate image in reconstruction of annular aperture rainbow hologram is analysed theoretically and experimentally. The dependence of conjugate image intensity upon the medium depth and the object-reference beam angle is derived. The condition of eliminating conjugate image for conventional 6 μm plates is thus indicated. Based on this principle, the large viewing angle (47°) annular aperture one-step rainbow hologram without interference of conjugate image is realized for the first time.
Holography with a blue sensitive photopolymer system and novel repolymerizing fixing methods have been developed. The experimental result is shown in Fig 2. The photosensitive medium is" composed of photosensitizing dye, chain transfer agent, initiator, monomer and polymeric film-forming binder. Coatings are cast from solution onto a washed glass plate.
A pointwise analysis method, which is used for obtaining Young's fringe patterns and measuring the magnitudes and directions of displacements by directly processing double exposure specklegrams with digital image technique, has been presented. In this procesure. If a proper speckle recording arrangement and a suitable magnifying power of the microscopic objective are selected, a high measuring sensitivity and accuracy can be obtained.
The bistabilities of the pumping laser and the emitting laser in an optically pumped sub-millimeter laser are studied by using a three-level homogeneously broadened two-field semiclassical model. The bistable behaviour varies drastically with the damping rates of the variables of the media. The emergence of bisability is governed by properly choosing the absorptive and gain coefficients of the media and the cavity damping coefficients.
The Stark bistability and optical limiting utilizing the interaction between the R(18) line of an isotopic C13O216 laser and the asQ(6,6) transition in NH gas, are observed. The stead-state theory with Doppler broadening is analyzed. The experimental results are approximately consistent with the theoritical analyses.
Propagation of optical solitons in fiber amplifiers is discussed by considering a model that includes gain dispersion, intrapulse stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) and two-photon absorption. The numerical results show that the amplification of optical solitons is unstable in the anomalous dispersion regime. The soliton pulses split into several subpulses symmetrically because of gain dispersion while ISRS results in soliton pulses split asymmetrically. An interplay between the effects of gain dispersion and ISRS can lead to novel temporal and spectral features. Bandwidth limited amplification of soliton pulses can suppress the self-frequency shift induced by ISRS. Propagation of chirped soliton pulses are also analyzed.
In this paper, we report the coupling amplification of the Stokes seed beam in Raman medium H2, which is excited by a single laser reflected many times in a light guide without focusing. The amplifying coefficient over 2 is observed and the quality of the amplified beam is the same as or more better than the seed beam.
A Stray radiation analysis program suitable for use on PC computer is described. The program is ideally suited for quick estimates of stray light performance in well-baffled optical systems, to calculate the single scatter of main mirror, double scatter of baffle-mirror, and diffraction-scatter of baffle edge in a similar form of some large program of stray radiation analysis. The prediction made by the program for a typical system is comparable with the result of the APART large analysis program.
A tensor method is developed in this paper to deal with the propagation of non-Gaussian and non-symmetric optical beams. Three tensors are defined to describe any profile beams. Their transformation rules through non-symmetric systems are derived by using two-dimension Huygens integral. The beam quality factor of arbitrary beam is discussed. As an example, the transformation of high-order Hermite-Gaussian beam through a cylindrical lens system is given.
The influence of the adiabatic-magnetic-field distribution at the entrance of wiggler on the output power, gain, and efficiency in a free-electron laser is investigated in terms of nonlinear simulation. Results show that the distribution f(kwz) = (kwz/2πNw)3 is better and closer to the measured data than both f=sin2(kwz/4Nw) and f=(kwz/2πNw)2.
The overlapping rate of selfoc lens arrays is discussed and its influence on resolution and illuminance distrbution is analyzed in this paper. An important criterion is obtained for the manufacture of selfoc lens arrays after a series of measurement of single selfoc lens and lens arrays. The empirical formula concerning the unevenness of illuminance is derived from experimental data.
We have observed for the first time the phenomena of optical bistability-switching for the film of C60/C70 with all-optical method of the nonlinear F-P cavity. The on-off time of optical switching is about 10 ns.
Solid plates of C60 α-methylstyrene/styrene copolymer have been obtained. The light transmissive properties of the plates were studied with a 10 ns, 530 nm laser beam. The reverse saturable absorption process, corresponding to optical limiting performance was observed.
With a Tm-Kr hollow cathode discharge (HCD) lamp, we measured 21 transition lines of 169TmI by optogalvanic spectroscopy and determined the hyperfine structure constants of the upper levels, among them, seven are firstly reported to our knowledge. With the same HCD, the hyperfine structure constants of four excited levels are measured. by two-color resonance.
According to the coupling model of 4f6(7FJ) and 5d, a calculating method for 4f65d energy levels of Eu2+ ion in KX(X=Cl,Br,I) crystals was proposed. The parameter expressions of energy levels were obtained and the numerical calculations were carried out. The calculated results agree with the exprimental values.